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The term “working landscape” (WL) is increasingly used by American planners and policy makers to describe the rural places and livelihoods they aim to shape. This paper draws from a mixed-methods study of WL language as a collective action frame in the state of Vermont, where WL has been formalized into policy. Natural resource leaders and professionals share a common definition of WL that is supported by four key beliefs. However, interviews conducted in two representative farming communities suggest that landuse practitioners have not adopted WL language, and in some cases are skeptical of its meaning. The analysis explores potential explanations for the failure of the WL collective action frame to resonate across scales. The paper argues for a bottom-up planning approach that produces working landscapes policies that allow for diverse forms of work and accommodate the specificities of place.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional numerical model based on the potential theory was developed to study the oblique wave action on vertical walls. A source term inside the domain was used to generate incident waves and outgoing waves were dissipated by sponge layers and transmitted by radiation boundaries. The finite difference method was used to solve the governing equations and boundary conditions in the regular transformed domain in σ-coordinate. Satisfactory agreements between the numerical predictions and experimental results of wave force were obtained. It is concluded that the maximum wave force acting on the vertical walls is induced by the obliquely incident waves rather than the normally incident waves.  相似文献   
江毓武  吴培木 《台湾海峡》1999,18(4):432-436
在台风风暴增水过程中,风应力占主要作用,气压项的作用要上对较小,许多风暴潮预报模式中气压项被忽略。本文在建立台湾海峡风暴潮预报模型的基础上峄台风气压项作用进行了模拟,结果发现在台湾海峡狭长的海域内,台风气压项的作用表现得较为特殊,在台风风暴潮模拟过程中,应考虑其贡献及大小。  相似文献   
本文对我国环境工程地质的发展简况、研究现状和末来所面临的问题等进行了回顾、概括和展望,指出我国环境工程地质问题日趋复杂。从防御和保护环境出发,我国未来的环境地质问题将以沿海地区、长江中下游沿江地带和内陆大中城市地区为重点。建立经济、社会和环境协调发展的环境工程地质的科学体系已成为当务之急。  相似文献   
受大量射频干扰信号影响, 快速从海量观测数据中准确识别出单脉冲信号已成为天文数据处理的一项重要任务, 而设计和提取有效数据特征, 是利用机器学习进行单脉冲信号高效识别的决定因素. 针对如何选择最优特征, 进而提升单脉冲信号的分类精度这一关键问题, 设计了面向单脉冲信号分类的集成特征选择方法. 方法首先混合单脉冲信号的参数特征、统计特征和抽象特征, 然后分别利用5种单一特征选择方法选出各自的最优特征集, 最后利用贪心策略对5种单一方法获取的最优特征集进行集成筛选, 获取最优集成特征集. 实验表明, 最优特征集合既包含统计特征也包含抽象特征. 在相同特征数量下, 利用集成特征选择比单一特征选择能获得更高的模型精度, 可使F1值最高提升1.8%. 在海量数据背景下, 集成特征选择对减少特征数量、提升分类性能和加快数据处理速度具有重要作用.  相似文献   
陈勇  苏剑  谈云志  CHAN Dave 《岩土力学》2019,(8):2907-2913
土体所经历的干湿循环和应力历史,对其孔隙结构和持水性能影响明显。为进一步深入研究二者耦合作用的影响,开展了先竖向固结再循环脱吸湿以及先气压脱湿再反复竖向加卸载两种不同加载路径的水分变化测量试验,探索土样持水性能和变形能力的演化规律。研究结果表明:(1)脱湿与吸湿路径对比,土体的持水能力具有明显的差异性,且土体越密实,这种差异性越强烈;(2)随着脱吸湿循环次数的增加,土样的进气值略有增大,减湿段和吸湿段的斜率都会减小,但影响趋势随循环次数增多而减弱;(3)对于气压减湿后的非饱和土样,其前期固结压力随气压值增加而增大,而加卸载形成的滞回圈的面积却随之减小,土体的持水性能和变形能力也降低;(4)重塑土样从不同加载路径首次达到同一应力状态时,先固结再脱湿路径下土样的体积收缩更多,而先施加气压再加载路径下土样持水性能减弱的更多。  相似文献   
地震作用对琼州海峡海缆路由区海底稳定性影向的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以琼州海峡的北海—临高段海缆路由为例,利用计算对比的方法,分析了地震作用下,路由区3m以浅海底土液化或滑移的可能性,评价了路由区海底的稳定性。结果发现,在地震烈度为Ⅶ度的地震作用下,砂性土海底的地震剪应力平均值(0.86kPa,1.72kPa和2.57kPa)小于砂性土的液化剪应力(1.60kPa,3.20kPa和4.81kPa);粘性土海底的地震剪应力平均值(1.25kPa,2.49kPa和3.74kPa)小于粘性土的抗滑剪应力平均值(4.07kPa,4.61kPa和4.49kPa),路由区海底稳定性良好;在地震烈度为Ⅷ度的地震作用下,砂性土海底的地震剪应力平均值(1.73kPa,3.45kPa和5.12kPa)大于砂性土的液化剪应力;粘性土海底的地震剪应力平均值(2.49kPa,4.98kPa和7.47kPa)除表层外,大于粘性土的抗滑剪应力,路由区海底会发生失稳破坏。  相似文献   
水下沙丘形态演化的数值模拟实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水下沙丘在海洋、湖泊、河流等浅水砂质沉积区广泛分布。基于过程的数值实验方法探讨了沙丘形态演化问题,试图解释在沙丘形成过程中各因素的作用及它们之间的关系。模拟中考虑了以下的变量:水深、沉积物粒度、沉积层厚度以及台风作用。模拟结果显示,沙丘的空间分布控制了空间流场的参数k2,沙丘波高受水深、沉积物粒度以及沉积层厚度等因素的影响,沉积层厚度决定了沙丘的形态是否饱满。在台风作用中,沙丘波峰的沉积物被侵蚀,高程降低,波高渐小;台风作用后,沉积物被重新输运至波峰,沙丘高度逐渐恢复。因此,沙丘的高度取决于台风作用的时间以及2次台风作用之间的间隔。沙丘形态和尺度在台风作用前后变化较小,但沙丘演化的速度却有所提高。根据台湾浅滩和北海南部地貌系统数据的验证,模拟具有较好的效果。  相似文献   
徐孜军  谭青  夏毅敏  易念恩  朱逸  刘川 《岩土力学》2013,34(12):3625-3632
在对盾构切刀顺次破岩实际工况提出合理简化的基础上,从岩土细观角度出发,采用颗粒离散元法建立了切刀破岩的二维数值模型,研究了两把盾构切刀顺次作用下的破岩机制和影响因素,并通过试验对切刀破岩过程中切屑堆积现象及破岩力学特性进行了验证。研究表明,刀具尖端的破坏作用最为明显;切削岩石时切削力随着切削行程不断波动,水平切削力大于垂直切削力;不同于单刀切削,切刀顺次作用时前刀刮过的岩面留下了大量残余裂纹,使得后刀所受的切削力减小;从切削性能来看,随着切削深度的增加,岩石破碎块度不断增大,切削力和裂纹数迅速增加,说明切深与切削力密切相关;切削试验观测到了切屑在前刀面堆积和切削力的波动现象,与数值模拟具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
Natural and synthetic chemicals are essential to our daily lives, food supplies, health care, industries and safe sanitation. At the same time protecting marine ecosystems and seafood resources from the adverse effects of chemical contaminants remains an important issue. Since the 1970s, monitoring of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals using analytical chemistry has provided important spatial and temporal trend data in three important contexts; relating to human health protection from seafood contamination, addressing threats to marine top predators and finally providing essential evidence to better protect the biodiversity of commercial and non-commercial marine species. A number of regional conventions have led to controls on certain PBT chemicals over several years (termed ‘legacy contaminants’; e.g. cadmium, lindane, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs] and polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs]). Analytical chemistry plays a key role in evaluating to what extent such regulatory steps have been effective in leading to reduced emissions of these legacy contaminants into marine environments. In parallel, the application of biomarkers (e.g. DNA adducts, CYP1A-EROD, vitellogenin) and bioassays integrated with analytical chemistry has strengthened the evidence base to support an ecosystem approach to manage marine pollution problems. In recent years, however, the increased sensitivity of analytical chemistry, toxicity alerts and wider environmental awareness has led to a focus on emerging chemical contaminants (defined as chemicals that have been detected in the environment, but which are currently not included in regulatory monitoring programmes and whose fate and biological impacts are poorly understood). It is also known that natural chemicals (e.g. algal biotoxins) may also pose a threat to marine species and seafood quality. Hence complex mixtures of legacy contaminants, emerging chemicals and natural biotoxins in marine ecosystems represent important scientific, economic and health challenges. In order to meet these challenges and pursue cost-effective scientific approaches that can provide evidence necessary to support policy needs (e.g. the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive), it is widely recognised that there is a need to (i) provide marine exposure assessments for priority contaminants using a range of validated models, passive samplers and biomarkers; (ii) integrate chemical monitoring data with biological effects data across spatial and temporal scales (including quality controls); and (iii) strengthen the evidence base to understand the relationship between exposure to complex chemical mixtures, biological and ecological impacts through integrated approaches and molecular data (e.g. genomics, proteomics and metabolomics). Additionally, we support the widely held view that (iv) that rather than increasing the analytical chemistry monitoring of large number of emerging contaminants, it will be important to target analytical chemistry towards key groups of chemicals of concern using effects-directed analysis. It is also important to evaluate to what extent existing biomarkers and bioassays can address various classes of emerging chemicals using the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) approach now being developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with respect to human toxicology and ecotoxicology.  相似文献   
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