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柴达木盆地天然气的碳同位素地球化学特征及成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据天然气碳同位素中δ13C1、δ13C2、δ13C3的组成与划分标准,将柴达木盆地天然气划分为煤型气、裂解气、油型气与生物气四种类型,通过对天然气同位素中的δ13C1、δ13C2-δ13C1、δ13C3-δ13C2值的差异分析以及与对应的烃源岩干酪根碳同位素进行对比分析,探讨了柴达木盆地不同地区天然气的成因以及影响因素,这对于探索柴达木盆地的成气规律以及在不同地区天然气勘探的目标选择都有着现实意义。  相似文献   
部瑞梅 《陕西地质》2009,27(2):89-96
青藏铁路西宁至格尔木段增建第二线工程作为青藏铁路的一部分,线路全长约763.2km,沿线地质构造复杂和地层岩性岩相变化大,线路穿越多个构造单元,地质灾害发育;本文对沿线区域内地质环境条件进行了详细论述,对地质灾害的类型、分布进行了阐述,对工程建设可能引发或加剧和工程建设本身可能遭受地质灾害的危险性进行了预测评估和综合评估,提出了防治地质灾害的措施及建议。  相似文献   
基于多元回归分析的铬污染地下水风险评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土-水分配系数(Kd)是表征重金属污染物在土壤包气带中迁移能力的重要参数,受污染物质量浓度、pH值、有机质质量分数、铁铝氧化物质量分数等多种因素影响。本文通过实验研究了分配系数与各种影响因素之间的关系,基于多元回归分析方法得到了分配系数与影响因素的关系方程;并以分配系数、泄漏量、土壤孔隙度、初始含水率为风险因子建立了地下水污染风险评价方法。以某工厂铬废液的泄露为案例,采用构建的方法进行地下水污染风险评价。结果表明:该处地下水被污染的风险等级为中等。地下水污染风险评价方法的建立为重金属污染地下水的监测管理提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   
以宿南矿区不同时期形成的采煤塌陷塘(芦岭塘、朱仙庄#1塘和#2塘)为研究对象,于2017年先后采集夏季和冬季水样,运用piper三线图、相关性分析、改进模糊综合评价法等,对其水环境质量进行分析评价与比较,得到以下结论:①芦岭塘、朱仙庄#1塘夏、冬两季水化学类型均为HCO_3―Na·Mg型,朱仙庄#2塘为SO_4―Na·Mg·Ca型。②三个塌陷塘水的TDS、pH、EC变化趋势为朱仙庄#1塘>朱仙庄#2塘>芦岭塘,其季节变化趋势均为夏季>冬季; ORP变化趋势为朱仙庄#2塘>芦岭塘>朱仙庄#1塘,其季节性变化趋势为冬季>夏季。③改进的模糊综合评价结果表明,三个塌陷塘夏季水质较差,主要受人为污染影响;冬季芦岭塘、朱仙庄#1塘水质良好,受污染小;朱仙庄#2塘冬季水质与夏季相近,均较差,主要受投加鱼食料的影响。  相似文献   
霍超  刘天绩  樊斌  赵岳  王丹凤  张吉路  郑翠 《地质论评》2021,67(6):67120005-67120005
随着双碳背景下国家能源结构调整和生态文明建设的要求,本文从保障国家主体能源安全和优化煤炭资源勘查开发布局的角度考虑,阐述了中国煤炭资源分布特点及勘查开发现状;从坚持集约与协调发展、改革与创新发展、绿色与清洁发展的基本原则出发,分析了新时期煤炭资源勘查目标:加强大型煤炭基地资源勘查、推进新增煤层气资源储量、加快煤系矿产资源勘查;从资源禀赋、开发强度、市场区位、环境容量、输送通道等方面出发,阐述了14个大型煤炭基地开发布局方向及建设规模,同时要加快煤层气的开发利用。研究成果对未来一段时期煤炭资源勘查开发及煤炭工业高质量发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
基于GIS的黄河三角洲地下水开发适宜性评价模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文运用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,建立了黄河三角洲地区浅层地下水开发适宜性综合评价模型.评价模型考虑了浅层地下水补给、含水层导水性和储水性、地下水水质、土地利用以及地下水开采对环境影响等多方面因素,模型评价结果为地下水开发适宜性等级分区图.模型评价成果为黄河三角洲地区浅层地下水资源规划和开发利用提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
A bottom longline fishery operated in the EEZ of New Caledonia from 1988 to 1991. Fishing focused on five seamounts with summits at depths ranging from 500 to 750 m. The target species was alfonsino, Beryx splendens. As the soundings available from marine charts were not detailed enough, the fishing masters had to make their own charts in order to set the gear in the right location. A series of 11 scientific cruises devoted to a research program on alfonsino was launched in late 1991. During the first scientific cruises, several days were spent mapping the seabed to improve the existing knowledge of the topography of three seamounts by coupling the EDO echosounder depth measurements to the GPS positions. As this procedure is slow, it is applicable to limited areas or, if a wider grid is used, to large zones to locate major structures such as ridges and seamounts. The emergence of the multibeam echosounder has greatly improved seabed mapping performance. This tool seems to fit the requirement of exploratory deep-bottom fishing particularly well, as it covers large areas while providing details of the bottom. The EM 12 was used to obtain bathymetry and imagery of the SE portion of the EEZ of New Caledonia, covering an approximate area of 70,000 km2 in two weeks. For depths ranging from 500 to 4,500 m, the results were impressive. They confirmed the known major features and provided greater topographical detail, revealing fine unknown structures. They also provided information on the type of substratum, information which might influence the fishing strategy. Finally, they made it possible to obtain an accurate estimate of the exploitable area which in turn led to new stock estimates.  相似文献   
Stable carbon isotope ratios have been used to study the sources of particulate organic carbon (POC) and total dissolved inorganic carbon in the Orinoco Basin. The isotopic composition of total dissolved inorganic carbon shows a range of from -8·1 to -23·0 ppt, an indication of dominance of biological processes. The isotopic composition of POC exhibits a range of from -24·1 to -34·6 ppt with little seasonal variation. The isotopic evidence indicates that the POC is predominantly of terrestrial origin rather than a result of in situ planktonic production. The similarity of isotopic composition of POC and coastal sediments suggests that riverine organic detritus has been transported 30-50 km offshore in a direction parallel to the Orinoco river channel.  相似文献   
A large amount of deep oil has been discovered in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin whereas the oil source is still controversial. An integrated geochemical approach was utilized to unravel the characteristics, origin and alteration of the deep oils. This study showed that the Lower Cambrian oil from well ZS1C (
1x) was featured by small or trace amounts of biomarkers, unusually high concentration of dibenzothiophenes (DBTs), high δ34S of DBTs and high δ13C value of n-alkanes. These suggest a close genetic relationship with the Cambrian source rocks and TSR alteration. On the contrary, the Middle Cambrian oils from well ZS1 (
2a) were characterized by low δ13C of n-alkanes and relatively high δ34S of individual sulfur compounds and a general “V” shape of steranes, indicating a good genetic affinity with the Middle–Upper Ordovician source rocks. The middle Cambrian salt rock separating the oils was suggested to be one of the factors responsible for the differentiation. It was suggested that most of the deep oils in the Tazhong Uplift were mixed source based on biomarkers and carbon isotope, which contain TSR altered oil in varied degree. The percentage of the oils contributed by the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician was in the range of 19–100% (average 57%) controlled by several geological and geochemical events. Significant variations in the δ34S values for individual compounds in the oils were observed suggesting a combination of different extent of TSR and thermal maturation alterations. The unusually high DBTs concentrations in the Tazhong-4 oilfield suggested as a result of mixing with the ZS1C oil (
1x) and Lower Ordovician oils based on δ34S values of DBT. This study will enhance our understanding of both deep and shallow oil sources in the Tazhong Uplift and clarify the formation mechanisms of the unusually high DBTs oils in the region.  相似文献   
脆弱生态环境定量评价方法的研究   总被引:128,自引:4,他引:128  
赵跃龙 《地理科学》1998,18(1):73-79
建立了一套系统、完整、客观、灵活且具较强可操作性的脆弱生态环境定量评价指标体系及方法,并通过用此法评价全国26个省、区生态环境脆弱度的方式,对其可操作性和准确性进行了验证。  相似文献   
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