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A limitation of existing models of water and solute movement in fen peats is that they fail to represent processes in the unsaturated zone. This limitation is largely due to a lack of data on the hydraulic properties of unsaturated peat, in particular the relationship between hydraulic conductivity (K) and pressure head (ψ). A tension infiltrometer was used to measure K(ψ) of a fen peat in Somerset, England. It was found that macropores could be important in water and solute movement in this soil type. It was also found that (i) variability of K in this peat was less than that reported for other peats and mineral soils, and (ii) the K data were better described by a log-normal distribution than a normal distribution in accord with findings from other peat and mineral soils. Recommendations on improving the understanding of water and solute movement in the unsaturated zone of this soil type are made. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
重点从应用网络GPS—RTK测量布设控制以及应用拟合方法求取最低弧垂点两方面探讨高压走廊的竣工测量方法。  相似文献   
J. L. M. van Mechelen   《Tectonophysics》2004,384(1-4):275-284
A technique has been developed to control the strength of moistened sand in a quantifiable, accurate and reproducible way, while other mechanical properties were maintained. Strength of dry sand was increased through adding a small amount of liquid. In order to control the additional cohesion of moist sand, the influence of the surface tension of the liquid was investigated. Direct shear experiments were performed on four granular materials at confining stress levels below 1 kPa. It has been found that the surface tension of the added liquid controlled the additional apparent cohesion of sand with high accuracy. The mechanical properties of moist sand show dynamic similarity towards natural brittle rock, which enables analogue modelling of fault formation, fault reactivation and tension fracture formation in the brittle regime with a controlled strength profile. Furthermore, experimental results fit well to shear strength models. From this followed the direct proportionality of the unsaturated shear strength parameter φb relative to the matrix suction, measured at low stress levels. Moreover, shear strength turned out to be also a function of grain size and the grain shape.  相似文献   
十三陵抽水蓄能电站上池位于蟒山山顶,不仅蓄水发电,而且作为天池为十三陵游览区增加了又一新的景色供游人观赏。本文以十三陵抽水蓄能电站上池西北坡塌滑体锚索锚固为例,系统论述了预应力锚索在地质灾害防治中的应用。   相似文献   
根据勘察路由区旁侧声纳、浅地层剖面仪和多波束测深等物理探测手段所获取的资料 ,结合其它自然环境资料 ,对路由区海底工程地质条件进行了详尽的分析 ,通过对地质灾害、海洋开发活动等影响的分析 ,对该段路由区环境进行了综合评价。研究结果表明 ,该段路由工程环境适合于光缆的铺设  相似文献   
贺建清  肖兰  张文勇  高文华 《岩土力学》2016,37(9):2484-2488
岩石锚杆基础作为风电机组基础的一种特殊基础型式,可以充分发挥原状岩体的力学性能,具有良好的抗拔性能。已有研究表明,小而非零拉伸截断改进的Mohr-Coulomb(简称M-C)强度准则更适用于描述岩体的破坏特性。基于小而非零拉伸截断改进的M-C强度准则,建立破坏面上单位面积的能量耗损率表达式。从塑性力学极限分析上限定理出发,构建岩楔体平移破坏机构。根据外部作用荷载和岩楔体自重所做的外功率与沿岩楔体圆破坏锥面的能量耗损率相等的条件,建立虚功率方程,并由此得到了岩石锚杆极限抗拔承载力的计算公式。经原型试验验证,推导公式所得计算值与实测值一致性较好,具有一定的可靠性,且能满足工程实际应用要求。  相似文献   
赵明  黄侃  林佳  张鹏  赵健  陈磊  葛勇勇 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):589-596
为解决谢桥煤矿1232(3)工作面回风巷道围岩控制的技术难题与经济合理性问题,运用正交实验方法,以巷道两帮与顶底板收敛量为指标,对不同因素不同水平的正交实验数据进行极差分析,得出锚杆直径与间排距为影响回风巷道围岩控制效果的主要敏感因素。同时,选定技术与经济指标,通过分析各关键因素对围岩控制效果的影响情况得出2组局部优化方案,并借助灰色关联分析方法对不同方案进行综合分析和决策,得出最终优化方案。现场实际应用表明,支护参数优化后巷道围岩变形得到有效控制,技术经济效益显著。  相似文献   
风化岩体中压力型锚索锚固段的剪应力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏元友  叶红  刘笑合  陈杰 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3861-3866
岩体在风化过程中,其物理力学性质会随着风化程度的不同有所差异。结合均质岩体中压力型锚索受力特点,以及内部对称荷载作用下横观各向同性弹性体内的剪应力分布特点,推导出了压力型锚索在横观各向同性弹性岩体内的剪应力分布方程。假定风化岩体为横观各向同性弹性体,其弹性模量及剪切模量均按指数函数变化,分析结果表明:①由于风化岩体的弹性模量随着深度的变化,锚索锚固段的剪应力也随着岩体的弹性模量的增加(减小)而增加(减小);②在承压板附近,锚索锚固段的剪应力随锚索孔半径的增加而减小,由于风化岩体剪切模量的变化,因而导致剪应力的变化量很大;③在承压板附近,锚索锚固段接触面上的剪应力随着垂直于岩体横向等向面的剪切模量的改变而相应的改变。研究成果可为实际工程中压力型锚索设计提供参考。  相似文献   
Macropores are important preferential pathways for the migration of water and contaminants through the vadose zone. The objective of this study was to examine small‐scale preferential flow processes during infiltration in macroporous, low permeability soils. A series of tension infiltration tests were conducted using Brilliant Blue dye tracer at two field sites in southwestern Ontario, Canada. The maximum applied pressure head was varied for each test and the resulting dye stain patterns and macropore networks were characterized by excavation, mapping, photography, and image analysis. Worm burrows were the dominant macropore type, with average macropore densities exceeding 400 m?2 and peak densities of more than 750 m?2 at 30 cm depth at both sites. Flow in macropores became significant at infiltration pressures > ? 3 cm, with corresponding increases in infiltration rate, soil water content variability (spatially and temporally), and depth of dye staining. The results demonstrated clear evidence for partially saturated macropore flow under porewater tension conditions and the associated importance of macropore–matrix interaction in controlling this flow. Field observations of transient infiltration showed that film and rivulet flow along macropores yielded vertical flow velocities exceeding 40 m d?1. Simple calculations showed that film flow along the walls and corners of irregularly shaped macropores could explain the observed results. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Post‐tensioned (PT) self‐centering moment‐resisting frames (MRFs) have recently been developed as an alternative to welded moment frames. The first generation of these systems incorporated yielding energy dissipation mechanisms, whereas more recently, PT self‐centering friction damped (SCFR) moment‐resistant connections have been proposed and experimentally validated. Although all of these systems exhibited good stiffness, strength and ductility properties and stable dissipation of energy under cyclic loading, questions concerning their ultimate response still remained and a complete design methodology to allow engineers to conceive structures using these systems was also needed. In this paper, the mechanics of SCFR frames are first described and a comprehensive design procedure that accounts for the frame behavior and the nonlinear dynamics of self‐centering frames is then elaborated. A strategy for the response of these systems at ultimate deformation stages is then proposed and detailing requirements on the beams in order to achieve this response are outlined. The proposed procedure aims to achieve designs where the interstory drifts for SCFR frames are similar to those of special steel welded moment‐resisting frames (WMRFs). Furthermore, this procedure is adapted from current seismic design practices and can be extended to any other PT self‐centering steel frame system. A six‐story building incorporating WMRFs was designed and a similar building incorporating SCFR frames were re‐designed by the proposed seismic design procedure. Time‐history analyses showed that the maximum interstory drifts and maximum floor accelerations of the SCFR frame were similar to those of the WMRF but that almost zero residual drifts were observed for the SCFR frame. The results obtained from the analyses confirmed the validity of the proposed seismic design procedure, since the peak drift values were similar to those prescribed by the seismic design codes and the SCFR frames achieved the intended performance level under both design and maximum considerable levels of seismic loading. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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