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After experiencing 8-day combined tidal current, circulation and wave actions, scour depth surrounding cylinder object freely resting on sandy seabed in the East China Sea (ECS) in January is numerically predicted using the DRAMBUIE model designed for scour burial, which has been widely used and verified by in-situ experiments. During the period of numerical integration, the value of time t is generally variable at every time step via the special time-stepped approach developed by this paper to eliminate the time error. The tidal current velocity, wave orbital velocity and the depth-averaged circulation in the ECS have been obtained by numerical simulations with Estuarine Coastal and Ocean Model (ECOM), Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) model and Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) model respectively. The control experiment and several idealized test cases on influential factors in scour depth reveal that the dominant hydrodynamic factor is tidal current in the ECS under normal weather conditions, and the impacts of shelf circulation and wave motion on local scour almost can be ignored with an exception of the Kuroshio area where the high-speed mainstream of Kuroshio flows. It is also indicated that in sandy sediments, the distribution of scour depth nearly follows the pattern of tidal currents, while the secondary influencing factor on scour depth appears to be grain size of sandy sediment in the ECS. Numerical tests on sediment grain size further testify that much finer sand is more easily scoured, and an increasing trend for scour depth with reduction of grain size is displayed due to imposed resistance of larger sized particles. Three aspects explored by this paper, including the empirical equations in the Defense Research Agency Mine Burial Environment (DRAMBUIE) model, the accuracy of inputs and infill process can severely affect the prediction of scour depth surrounding cylinder objects freely resting on sandy seabed in the ECS.  相似文献   
有机碳和无机碳的流域输出是湖泊碳埋藏的重要驱动因子,而喀斯特地区无机碳循环具有反应迅速且对人类活动影响敏感的特点.在流域开发持续增强的背景下,喀斯特地区湖泊有机碳和无机碳的来源、含量与埋藏通量可能会出现同步变化的协同模式.本文以云南省石林喀斯特地区流域土地利用类型不同的两个中型湖泊(长湖、月湖)开展对比分析,通过对沉积物钻孔的土壤侵蚀强度(磁化率)、流域外源输入(C:N比值)、水动力(粒度)、营养盐(总氮、总磷)、藻类生产力(叶绿素色素)等代用指标的分析,结合监测数据和历史资料重建了两个湖泊环境变化的近百年历史,并定量识别了有机碳和无机碳埋藏响应流域开发的变化特征与协同模式.沉积物磁化率和C:N比值结果揭示了流域地表侵蚀和外源输入的阶段性特征,同时总氮和总磷含量记录了长湖和月湖营养水平上升的长期模式.在流域森林覆被较高(33.43%)的长湖中,全岩和有机质C:N比值分别与磁化率信号呈显著正相关(r=0.95和0.89,P<0.001),且与无机碳和有机碳含量呈显著负相关(r=-0.94,P<0.001和r=-0.52,P=0.01),反映了森林植被退化时流域碳输出的减少对沉...  相似文献   
ABSTRACT All the Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Central Andes (from southern Ecuador to central Chile), except Recent ones, have been affected by episodes of regional metamorphism, without change in texture and structure. The metamorphism, which ranges from low zeolite to greenschist facies, can be classified as burial metamorphism because there is an overall increase in metamorphic grade with stratigraphic depth in the individual volcanic sequences separated by regional unconformities. Some sequences display metamorphic patterns transitional to ocean-floor and to geothermal field types, reflecting variations along and across the Andes in tectonic setting and thermal gradients. Volcanism was closely followed by metamorphism during each cycle characterizing the geological history of the Central Andes. The episodic nature of the metamorphism has led to breaks in metamorphic grade at regional unconformities and repetition of facies series, where strata of higher grade may even overlie those of lower grade. The existence of permeability-controlled distribution patterns of secondary minerals within individual flows shows that gradients of chemical activity, rate of reaction and Pfluid were acting, in addition to temperature and P,tot overall gradients, during the regional metamorphism. The alteration is accompanied by chemical changes and disturbances of the K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotope systems. Similarities between Mesozoic facies series in the western and eastern flanks of the Andes are consistent with a mechanism of ensialic spreading-subsidence.  相似文献   
黄河口凹陷流体包裹体成藏年代和充注期次研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流体包裹体技术已被证实在含油气盆地的成藏年代和运移期次的研究中是一个有效的手段。关于包裹体在成藏期次方面的研究已有许多,但系统介绍包裹体技术在油气勘探中的应用研究则少见。为推动该方法在油气勘探中的应用,本文从样品制备、分析仪器、流体包裹体镜下特征、均一温度等方面系统介绍了利用流体包裹体确定油气成藏年代与充注期次的方法,以及该方法在黄河口凹陷油气勘查中的应用研究成果:确定了该凹陷普遍发育较低成熟液态烃包裹体、成熟气液态烃包裹体、较高成熟气液态烃包裹体和气烃包裹体3类包裹体,确定了黄河口地区沙河街组油气充注至少有3期:第1期、第2期油气于明化镇组沉积时期开始注入储层(10~5Ma),第3期较高成熟油及伴生气于第四纪开始注入储层(小于3Ma);利用包裹体均一温度还确定了位于黄河口凹陷与渤中凹陷交界的BZ25构造第1期油气来源于渤中凹陷。  相似文献   
哲杜斯贝是一种以高丰度和低物种分异度为显著特征、在全球广泛独立分布的小嘴贝类。笔者对华南台地相和台间盆地相5个含哲杜斯贝类上泥盆统剖面进行沉积环境和埋藏特征研究,确定华南哲杜斯贝类的原生沉积环境为台地的正常浅水,这与美国和摩洛哥生长在冷泉环境中的哲杜斯贝不同,表明其既可在浅海环境中生长,也可以在冷泉环境中生长,具有较强的生态可塑性。台地相(原地埋藏)的3个哲杜斯贝种群具有以下特征:(1)均呈现出壳体呈层状紧密堆积、集群生长特点,丰度极高,并且有相当数量的个体呈现出由于拥挤生长而导致的壳体生长畸形现象;(2)缺乏其他底栖后生生物,显示了极低的生物多样性;(3)壳体大小—频率分布和生存曲线揭示了3个哲杜斯贝种群都具有非常低的幼年期死亡率特点,同时同一介壳层内哲杜斯贝个体大小均一,表明绝大多数的个体能够达到或接近自然寿命后死亡。上述证据表明,哲杜斯贝具有密集群居生活的习性,其生活在一个独特的、不适合其他后生底栖生物生存的环境。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A massive, voluntary shift to cremation has taken place in Hong Kong over the past forty years. The provision of facilities by the colonial government and private organizations began with niche walls in existing cemeteries. These were soon supplemented by sizable buildings known as columbaria. The largest and most recent columbarium, completed in 1996, provides 49,884 niches, each of which can hold at least two sets of ashes. Designing columbaria that are functional, sensitive, and culturally specific provides a fascinating challenge to architects. This article contrasts the conservative response of the public sector with the more expressive solutions of private providers.  相似文献   
探槽选址直接决定了古地震研究的质量,且理想探槽位置具有稀缺性。在收集82篇国内外走滑断裂古地震研究论文的基础上,分析了长序列古地震探槽选址和同震位移探槽选址的构造地貌共性特征。长序列古地震探槽一般布设在断塞塘、拉分盆地、小型湖盆、闸门脊汇水一侧及比较平缓的冲洪积扇或大型冲洪积扇末端等地貌位置。这些地貌位置的共同特征是位于连续的、较高沉积速率的沉积环境,且通常富集14C测年物质。在探槽选址的过程中,不仅要对现今沉积环境,也要对其古地理环境进行评价。然而以发掘古地震同震位移为目的的探槽选址则不同,成功的研究点往往较频繁发生侵蚀和下切事件,其中冲沟是最常见的地貌标志。探槽布设以垂直和平行探槽为主,采取逐次掘进或相间平行排列的方式开挖。由于理想探槽位置的稀缺性,所以在这些优质的探槽点一定要开展长期详细地深入研究,最大限度获得古地震事件的长序列,同时也要注意新技术和新方法的应用。  相似文献   
介绍了26Al/10Be等时线埋藏测年法的基本原理及其主要应用范围。将应被同时埋藏的一组石英矿物样的26Al-10Be浓度拟合成等时线,从其斜率解得样品的埋藏年代。在如下情况下该法可克服未知参数多于制约方程的困难:1)冰碛物-古土壤序列中古土壤形成年代的研究,以规避继承核素(inherited nu-clide)的干扰;2)因样品埋藏不够深引起的后期生成核素的干扰。此外,依据等时线拟合结果可判断样品是否符合简单恒态侵蚀模式。等时线法的引入,拓宽了埋藏测年的应用范围,并为埋藏测年数据可信度提供了一种有效的验证手段。  相似文献   
北极快速变化的生态环境响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北冰洋由于其特殊的地理位置,成为全球变化响应最为敏感的地区。本文聚焦北极海冰变化幅度最大的西北冰洋,从营养盐、叶绿素、浮游植物群落和沉积碳埋藏等变化来讨论海洋生态环境对北极快速变化的响应。尽管太平洋北向流和北极周边河流输入加强可以增加西北冰洋上层营养盐储库,但由于夏季硅藻旺发向沉积物迁出大量生源元素,使得上层营养盐相对亏损,部分海域存在显著的氮限制和硅限制。随海冰减退,尽管夏末海盆区浮游植物呈现小型化趋势,但西北冰洋总体上浮游植物现存量和初级生产力呈现增高的趋势;伴随叶绿素极大层下移、北扩,以硅藻为代表的生物泵过程得以更高效的运转。在沉积物埋藏的有机碳中,除原先北冰洋生态系统占据重要比份的冰藻外,硅藻等藻类的有机碳埋藏也逐渐增加。西北冰洋海洋初级生产力的增加不仅促进了生物泵的运转和碳的埋藏,而且给海洋生态系统提供了更多的食物来源。北极海域目前已成为全球碳源汇格局变化最大、海洋生态系统改变最显著的地区之一。  相似文献   
Differential Diagenesis of Limestone-Marl Alternations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灰岩-泥灰岩韵律层包括结核状灰岩到灰岩和泥灰岩互层,广泛分布在陆棚及深海环境中,出现于各地质时期,是研究高分辨率地层学和环境恢复的理想工具.但是成岩作用在灰岩-泥灰岩韵律层形成过程中的作用一直存在分歧,有的学者认为差异化学压实成岩作用加强了原始沉积的差异,有的学者认为成岩作用不仅能够强烈歪曲原始环境特征,还可以通过自身成岩作用形成与原始沉积特征类似的现象.灰岩-泥灰岩韵律层中的差异成岩作用是指泥灰岩中的不稳定碳酸盐矿物在海底成岩环境中经过溶解、迁移和在灰岩中再沉淀,导致灰岩层没有明显被压实,而泥灰岩层受到明显压实.本文重点评述了差异成岩作用发生的环境和过程,并对与之相关的胶结物来源问题和有机质在早期成岩过程中的作用进行了讨论.并以华南中二叠统栖霞组韵律层为例,探讨了差异成岩作用在其形成过程中的作用,最后对以后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   
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