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赵玉新  常帅  李旺 《地球科学》2014,39(11):1617-1624
针对采用矩谐分析方法构建地磁基准图的边界震荡问题, 提出一种基于二维经验模态分解的区域地磁异常数据边界补偿方法.采用二维经验模态分解方法对区域地磁异常数据进行多尺度分解, 对分解所得小尺度本征模态函数分量, 利用总体Hilbert变换法进行瞬时频率和瞬时幅值特征提取, 通过自采样和特征匹配进行边界补偿; 将大尺度分量之和作为趋势项, 利用三角函数方法建立模型并计算边界之外的大尺度磁异常值.实验证明, 相比当前已有方法, 可以更加有效地抑制对区域地磁异常数据进行矩谐分析的边界震荡问题, 稳定提高构建地磁基准图的准确性.   相似文献   
边界层参数化方案对暴雨数值模拟的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
选取2003年7月4-5日南京暴雨个例,采用非静力中尺度模式MM5进行模拟,着重研究了不同边界层参数化方案对雨量中心强度、雨区分布的影响。结果表明:对于不同的边界层参数化方案,垂直速度场、水汽通量散度场、涡度场、水平风场的散度以及θse场都表现出不同的特征;合理边界层方案的引入对预报效果有明显的改进;结合边界层和自由大气的动力、热力结构进行了综合分析,给出了边界层作用与自由大气动力、热力结构的配置情况。说明这种配置对暴雨的形成是至关重要的。  相似文献   
The NE-trending Xinyi-Lianjiang fault zone is a tectonic belt, located in the interior of the Yunkai uplift in the west of Guangdong Province, clamping the Lianjiang synclinorium and consisting of the eastern branch and the western branch. The southwestern segment of the eastern branch of Xinyi-Lianjiang fault zone, about 34km long, extends from the north of Guanqiao, through Lianjiang, to the north of Hengshan. However, it is still unclear about whether the segment extends to Jiuzhoujiang alluvial plain or not, which is in the southwest of Hengshan. If it does, what is about its fault activity? According to ‘Catalogue of the Modern Earthquakes of China’, two moderately strong earthquakes with magnitude 6.0 and 6.5 struck the Lianjiang region in 1605 AD. So it is necessary to acquire the knowledge about the activity of the segment fault, which is probably the corresponding seismogenic structure of the two destructive earthquakes. And the study on the fault activity of the segment can boost the research on seismotectonics of moderately strong earthquakes in Southeast China. In order to obtain the understanding of the existence of the buried fault of the southwestern segment, shallow seismic exploration profiles and composite borehole sections have been conducted. The results indicate its existence. Two shallow seismic exploration profiles show that buried depth of the upper breakpoints and vertical throw of the buried fault are 60m and 4~7m(L5-1 and L5-2 segment, the Hengshan section), 85m and 5~8m(L5-3 segment), 73m and 3~5m(Tiantouzai section), respectively and all of them suggest the buried fault has offset the base of the Quaternary strata. Two composite borehole sections reveal that the depth of the upper breakpoints and vertical throws of the buried segment are about 66m and 7.5m(Hengshan section) and 75m and 5m(Tiantouzai section), respectively. The drilling geological section in Hengshan reveals that the width of the fault could be up to 27m. Chronology data of Quaternary strata in the two drilling sections, obtained by means of electron spin resonance(ESR), suggest that the latest activity age of the buried fault of the southwestern segment is from late of early Pleistocene(Tiantouzai section) to early stage of middle Pleistocene(Hengshan section). Slip rates, obtained by Hengshan section and Tiantouzai section, are 0.1mm/a and 0.013mm/a, respectively. As shown by the fault profile located in a bedrock exposed region in Shajing, there are at least two stages of fault gouge and near-horizontal striation on the fault surface, indicating that the latest activity of the southwestern segment is characterized by strike-slip movement. Chronology data suggest that the age of the gouge formed in the later stage is(348±49) ka.  相似文献   
太古宙/元古宙界线代表地球演化历史上的重大事件,如何准确标定和划分这一界线对认识早期演化历史具有重要意义。区域构造及同位素地质年代学研究表明,华北克拉通新太古代构造演化明显滞后于欧美澳等克拉通,成为有利于建立太古宙/元古宙界线的关键地区。山西五台山区保留了较完整的新太古代-古元古代地层记录。先前研究主要依据该区地层、区域构造、叠层石记录进行界线划分,并对界线争议较多。本文在五台山区长期野外研究的基础上,通过对磨拉石沉积、同构造花岗岩、裂解环境相关玄武岩的综合探讨,建议这一界线划分在东冶亚群与豆村亚群之间。初步的同位素年龄制约表明,这一界线的时代介于2549±22Ma到2450±10Ma之间,与早期大陆克拉通伸展裂解、隆升剥蚀相关,并涉及岩石圈、水圈、大气圈性质的重大变化。  相似文献   
从理论与模型算例两方面对一种以Parker公式为基础的频率域位场反演方法做了进一步深入研究。表明它是一种能够更有效地引入低通滤波因子的迭代方法。与改进的正则化稳定因子相结合,提出新的快速正则化反演方法。除了将其用于反演求解均质界面以外,它也被推广至变物性的界面反演以及物性反演  相似文献   
随着经济的发展,不动产权变更的工作也日益增多。因地区发展差异,赤峰地区在2006年以前地籍数据并未纳入国家坐标系,为此,加重了日常地籍测绘工作。城区的观测条件,如高层楼房与电力设施等不利因素给测量带来巨大不便,而无人机测绘技术在实际应用中体现了巨大的优势与可能性,其精度也保证了测绘质量需求。  相似文献   
2001年1月26日高纬磁层顶通量管事件的观测研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2001年1月26日11:10~11:40UT, ClusterⅡ卫星簇位于午后高纬磁鞘边界层和磁鞘区,此 时行星际磁场Bz为南向. 本文对在此期间观测到的多次磁通量管事件作了详细的研究 ,获得一系列的新发现:(1)高纬磁鞘边界层磁通量管的出现具有准周期性,周期约为78s ,比目前已知的磁层顶向阳面FTE的平均周期(8~11min)小得多. (2)这些通量管都具有 强的核心磁场;其主轴多数在磁场最小变化方向,少数在中间变化方向,有些无法用PAA判 定其方向(需要用电流管PAA确定),这与卫星穿越通量管的相对路径有关. (3)每个事件 都存在很好的HT参考系,在HT参考系中这些通量管是准定常态结构;所有通量管都沿磁层顶 表面运动,速度方向大体相同,都来自晨侧下方. 通量管的径向尺度为1~2RE, 与通 常的FTE通量管相当. (4)起源于磁层的强能离子大体上沿着管轴方向由磁层向磁鞘运动; 起源于太阳风的热等离子体沿管轴向磁层传输. 通量管为太阳风等离子体向磁层输运和磁层 粒子向行星际空间逃逸提供了通道. (5)每个通量管事件都伴随有晨昏电场的反转,该电 场为对流电场.  相似文献   
Based on the studies in Part Ⅰ (see Mao et al.2003),this paper further examines the relationship between the Asian summer monsoon onset and variation in meridional position of the warm temperature ridge with a zonal orientation in mid-upper troposphere.During the Asian monsoon bursting consequentially over the Bay of Bengal,South China Sea,and South Asia,in addition to the reversal of winds in the lower and upper troposphere and deep convection before and after the onset,the atmospheric meridional temperature gradient (MTG) in the vicinity of the ridge-surface of subtropical high (WEB defined in Part Ⅰ) exhibits a significant reversal.Since the establishment of temperature structure with higher over north than over south of the WEB in the mid-upper troposphere (200-500 hPa) characterizes the collective essential that the Asian summer monsoon bursts over different areas,the MTG in mid-upper troposphere,based on the thermodynamics associated with the seasonal transition,should be a reasonable index to measure the Asian monsoon onset.The definition for onset date is proposed,and the time series of onset date for different sections are determined.As compared with the onset dates determined by other indices such as 850-hPa zonal wind and OLR.correlation analyses indicate that the 850-hPa zonal wind is only regional index,but the MTG index is applicable universally to the Asian monsoon regime.  相似文献   
To investigate the stability of the bottom boundary layer induced by tidal flow (oscillating flow) in a rotating frame, numerical experiments have been carried out with a two-dimensional non-hydrostatic model. Under homogeneous conditions three types of instability are found depending on the temporal Rossby number Rot, the ratio of the inertial and tidal periods. When Rot < 0.9 (subinertial range), the Ekman type I instability occurs because the effect of rotation is dominant though the flow becomes more stable than the steady Ekman flow with increasing Rot. When Rot > 1.1 (superinertial range), the Stokes layer instability is excited as in the absence of rotation. When 0.9 < Rot < 1.1 (near-inertial range), the Ekman type I or type II instability appears as in the steady Ekman layer. Being much thickened (100 m), the boundary layer becomes unstable even if tidal flow is weak (5 cm/s). The large vertical scale enhances the contribution of the Coriolis effect to destabilization, so that the type II instability tends to appear when Rot > 1.0. However, when Rot < 1.0, the type I instability rather than the type II instability appears because the downward phase change of tidal flow acts to suppress the latter. To evaluate the mixing effect of these instabilities, some experiments have been executed under a weak stratification peculiar to polar oceans (the buoyancy frequency N2  10−6 s−2). Strong mixing occurs in the subinertial and near-inertial ranges such that tracer is well mixed in the boundary layer and an apparent diffusivity there is evaluated at 150–300 cm2/s. This suggests that effective mixing due to these instabilities may play an important role in determining the properties of dense shelf water in the polar regions.  相似文献   
杨庆光  柳雄  刘杰  何杰  梁凌川  陈斌 《岩土力学》2020,41(10):3317-3325
为了解决无法采用已注浆锚索进行抗拔试验问题,基于界面脱黏剪切模型,利用荷载传递和弹性变形理论,考虑锚索锚固段与自由段长度比Lb/La的影响,建立了采用自由段已注浆锚索抗拔试验结果评价锚索抗拔性能的方法。结果表明:自由段注浆对锚索抗拔力有较大幅度的提高,尤其是当界面剪切阶段由弹性向脱黏过渡时,提高比例快速增加,并在脱黏后逐渐趋于稳定。其次,锚索自由段与锚固段交界面处剪切位移和轴力最大,并向两端逐渐降低。随着拉拔力的提高,界面剪切位移和轴力都不断增大,同时向锚索两端的衰减速度也加快。此外,弹性阶段时剪应力曲线为山峰型,而脱黏阶段为马鞍型,并随抗拔力的提高,马鞍开口逐渐扩大。最后,锚固段与自由段长度比Lb/La对锚索极限抗拔力的影响较小,其极限抗拔力折减系数γQ取值介于0.81~0.83之间,且Lb/La=2.5时,γQ计算值仅比实测结果小6.02%,验证了本文方法的可行性。  相似文献   
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