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水母灾害的形成机理、监测预测及防控技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张芳  李超伦  孙松  魏皓  王彦涛 《海洋与湖沼》2017,48(6):1187-1195
受人类活动和全球变化双重压力的影响,近年来我国近海水母呈现增多的趋势,局部海域水母灾害连年发生,对近海核电站等重大设施安全运行、海洋经济可持续发展和海洋生态环境安全造成严重威胁。我们不仅亟需在科学上阐明我国近海水母灾害发生的重要过程和机制,而且在技术上亟需研发水母灾害监测预警系统和防灾减灾技术体系,以提升我国海洋水母灾害应对能力和海洋环境安全保障能力。本文在查阅文献资料、国际交流与合作、课题组的研究成果的基础上,综述国内外水母灾害的形成机理、水母灾害监测及防控技术的研究进展,分析各种水母监测技术,防控技术的局限性以及在特定海域成功应用的原因,展望今后我国水母灾害的监测技术及防控策略。  相似文献   
2021年1月下旬深圳大鹏湾沿岸海域发生球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)藻华。为了探究球形棕囊藻藻华发生动态特征及其影响因素, 于1月20日至2月1日系统调查分析了藻华发生过程中浮游植物优势种演替、球形棕囊藻囊体数量、营养盐水平以及其他环境因素的变化。结果表明: 1月20日, 中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)为绝对优势种, 1月21日球形棕囊藻囊体开始出现, 1月25日囊体数量达到最高, 达69colonies·L-1; 1月27日红色赤潮藻(Akashiwo sanguinea)藻华出现, 随后球形棕囊藻藻华逐渐消退。灰关联分析显示, 铵盐和硝酸盐是影响球形棕囊藻囊体丰度的最主要因素。水体扰动和球形棕囊藻在磷限制条件下的竞争优势也可能有利于球形棕囊藻藻华的发生。红色赤潮藻藻华可能是球形棕囊藻藻华消退的主要原因。球形棕囊藻藻华的发生和消亡是各种理化因素和生物因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
自1997年球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)赤潮首次在我国南海海域暴发以来,该赤潮在我国南海和渤海的多个海域频繁暴发,表明球形棕囊藻在我国海域的分布比较广泛。尽管如此,在此之前开展的分类和生态调查研究均未发现我国海域球形棕囊藻的存在。近年来基于分子标记扩增和高通量测序的宏条形码分析检测到了球形棕囊藻,显示出宏条形码分析对球形棕囊藻鉴定的优势。然而,由于包括球形棕囊藻在内的定鞭藻的18S rDNA序列具有较高的G(Guanine,鸟嘌呤)C(Cytosine,胞嘧啶)含量等特点,导致针对球形棕囊藻的宏条形码分析结果在很大程度上依赖分子标记的选择或PCR扩增引物的选择。以青岛栈桥海域样本为研究对象,评估了扩增通用分子标记18S rDNA V4的两套常用PCR引物(即Stoeck引物和Song引物)对球形棕囊藻的宏条形码分析结果的影响,并利用Song引物对青岛近海2021年冬季突发性球形棕囊藻赤潮样本开展了宏条形码分析。分析发现不同引物对定鞭藻门物种的分析结果具有显著影响。利用Stoeck引物的宏条形码分析没有获得任何对应的定鞭藻的ASV(ampliconsequence...  相似文献   
Here we present observations of the hydrography of the Patagonian Shelf, shelf break and offshore waters, with reference to the environmental conditions present during the period of peak coccolithophore abundance. Analysis of a hydrographic dataset collected in December 2008 (austral spring/summer), as part of the Coccolithophores of the Patagonian Shelf (COPAS) research cruise, identified 5 distinct surface water masses in the region between 37°S and 55°S. These water masses, identified through salinity gradients, displayed varying mixed layer depths, macronutrient inventories and chlorophyll-a fluorescence. Subantarctic Shelf Water (SSW), located to the north of the Falkland Islands and extending north along the shelf break, was also host to a large coccolithophore bloom. The similarities between the distribution of calcite, as seen in remote sensing data, and SSW indicate that the coccolithophore bloom encountered conditions conducive to bloom development within this water mass. Analysis of chemical and environmental data also collected during the COPAS cruise revealed that many of the commonly cited conditions for coccolithophore bloom development were present within SSW (e.g. low N:P ratio, high N:Si ratio, shallow mixed layer depth). In the other water masses present on the Patagonian Shelf greater variability in these same parameters may explain the more diffuse concentration of calcite, and the smaller size of possible coccolithophore blooms. The distribution of SSW is strongly influenced by the latitudinal variation in shelf break frontal width, which varies from 20 to 200 km, and consequently strong hydrographic controls underlie the position of the coccolithophore bloom during austral summer.  相似文献   
We describe the impact of an open-ocean convection event on nutrient budgets, carbon budget, elemental stoichiometry, phytoplankton biomass and activity in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea (NWM). In the convective episode examined here we estimated an input of nutrients to the surface layer of 7.0, 8.0 and 0.4×108 mol of silicate, nitrate and phosphate, respectively. These quantities correspond to the annual nutrient input by river discharges and atmospheric depositions in the Gulf of Lion. Such nutrient input is sufficient to sustain new primary production from 46 to 63 g C m−2 y−1, which is the same order of magnitude found in the NWM open waters. Our results together with satellite data analysis, propose new scenarios that explain the origin of the spring phytoplankton bloom occurring in NWM.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition and dynamics in temperate shallow coastal bays are not well described although these bays may be important as local sources of organic carbon to ocean waters and are often sites of economically-important fisheries and aquaculture. In this study surface water samples were collected on a monthly to bi-monthly basis over two years from a mid-Atlantic coastal bay (Chincoteague Bay, Virginia and Maryland, USA). Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and light absorbance characteristics were measured on sterile-filtered water, and high-molecular weight (> 1 kDa) dissolved OM (DOM) was isolated to determine stable isotope composition and molecular-level characteristics. Our time series encompassed both a drought year (2002) and a year of above-average rainfall (2003). During the dry year, one of our sites developed a very intense bloom of the brown tide organism Aureococcus anophagefferens while during the wet year there were brown tide bloom events at both of our sampling sites. During early spring of the wet year, there were higher concentrations of > 1 kDa DOC; this fraction represented a larger proportion of overall DOC and appeared considerably more allochthonous. Based upon colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and high-molecular weight DOM analyses, the development of extensive phytoplankton blooms during our sampling period significantly altered the quality of the DOM. Throughout both years Chincoteague Bay had high DOC concentrations relative to values reported for the coastal ocean. This observation, in conjunction with the observed effects of phytoplankton blooms on DOM composition, indicates that Chincoteague Bay may be a significant local source of “recently-fixed” organic carbon to shelf waters. Estimating inputs of DOC from Chincoteague Bay to the Mid-Atlantic Bight suggests that shallow productive bays should be considered in studies of organic carbon on continental shelves.  相似文献   
为揭示大型浅水湖泊水体磷浓度对湖泊外源负荷削减和生态系统变化的响应规律,指导富营养化湖泊水生态修复和管理实践,利用太湖湖泊生态系统研究站2005-2018年连续14年的太湖水体各形态磷浓度的月、季度调查数据,估算了太湖湖体各形态磷赋存量的季度变化,分析了太湖水体磷浓度受湖泊水位、水量、蓝藻水华态势(蓝藻总生物量及水华出现面积)等环境条件变化的影响特征.结果表明,在连续10年的全流域高投入污染治理背景下,太湖水体总磷浓度仍未发生显著下降,水体各形态磷浓度在年际、月际及空间上的变幅大,不同季节和不同湖区总磷浓度的时空差异性大于14年来总磷浓度年均值的差异性;全湖32个监测点上、中、下3层混合样水体总磷平均值为0.113mg/L(n=1788),其中颗粒态磷浓度平均值为0.077mg/L,是水体总磷的主要赋存形式,溶解性总磷浓度平均值为0.036mg/L,其中反应性活性磷浓度平均值为0.015mg/L,占总磷浓度的13%;太湖水体总磷的赋存量介于410~1098t之间,56个季度的平均值为688t,其中冬季(12-2月)、春季(3-5月)、夏季(6-8月)、秋季(9-11月)平均值分别为68...  相似文献   
有害藻华对海水养殖、人类健康和生态安全构成威胁,已成为全球性的生态灾害.近20年来,米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)、东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)等甲藻形成的有害藻华在东海海域连年暴发,其频率高、危害大,形成及演变机理复杂,对藻华原因种进行监测是开展有害藻华预警和防控的...  相似文献   
冯炼 《湖泊科学》2021,33(3):647-652
蓝藻水华是全球性的水环境健康问题,对水华暴发过程信息的快速准确获取是制定有效防治措施的关键.卫星遥感因具有大范围、周期性观测的特点,被广泛地用于湖泊蓝藻水华的时空动态监测.本文指出在利用遥感对湖泊蓝藻水华进行研究时,需要注意的4个问题:(1)湖泊水体中泥沙等信号对藻华存在干扰;(2)大气程辐射及水陆边界影响藻华特征提取...  相似文献   
分析湖泊中磷浓度的变化特征,揭示其变化的驱动机制,是有效实施湖泊水体磷浓度控制的前提.本文整理分析了太湖70年来(1949-2020年)水体磷浓度监测历史资料,对比了太湖不同湖区、不同时间尺度水体磷浓度的差异性及波动性,发现影响太湖磷浓度变化的原因既有人为的因素,也有自然的因素.无论是污染较轻的1950年,还是污染负荷...  相似文献   
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