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地下水稳定同位素组成的时空变化特征可以反映不同时期、不同区域地下水补给来源的差异。通过青海湖沙柳河流域浅层地下水氢氧稳定同位素组成的时空变化特征以及地下水、河水与降雨之间的补给关系的分析,结果显示:季风时期,地下水主要受降雨入渗和河流侧向补给为主,在补给过程中蒸发作用是影响地下水稳定同位素值的主要因素;非季风期,冰雪融水对低值区的地下水影响显著,同时降水的快速入渗则是该时期高值区地下水的主要补给方式之一。地下水同位素高值区,地下水与河水间补给作用较弱,补给时间超过5个月;地下水同位素低值区,地下水与河水补给关系较为密切,补给时间在1~4个月间。本文所得结论可初步反映干旱半干旱内陆流域地下水稳定同位素特征以及补给方式的基本规律,在一定程度上可为流域地下水及其他水体间的转换研究提供科学依据,并为地下水资源管理和水环境治理提供一定理论指导。  相似文献   
海南岛海岸环境特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
海南岛虱热带季风岛屿型气候,为南海大陆架岛屿,中央为山地,临海为多种类型海岸,以处于动态平衡的海蚀-海积型海岸为主。海南岛主要是基岩岬湾海岸,潮汐属日潮型,东部与南部为不规则日潮混合潮。海岸构造运动与气候变化的双重影响,更新世初期,海岸属基岩港湾型,晚更新世构造运动频敏,使不少海湾底部抬升为阶地。构造抬升运动持续到全新世,使一些珊瑚抬升为高出海面数米的阶地。海岸类型按其成因与形态可分为两大类:基岩港湾海岸与砂砾质平原海岸。基岩港湾海岸分布于山地与丘陵临海处,砂砾质平原海岸(或为三解洲平原海岸)其表现形式多为沙坝与泻湖海岸,沙坝上叠置发育着海滩、沙堤或沙丘,随着海岸加积展宽或地壳上升,老的沙坝可抬高成为海积阶地。潮流作用对洪湾众多的海南岛的发育演变以及开发利用亦有重要作用。潮汐汊道港湾规模较大,水域面积达数十平方公理。  相似文献   
Through the study of mutual process between groundwater systems and eco-environmental water demand, the eco-environmental water demand is brought into groundwater systems model as the important water consumption item and unification of groundwater’s economic, environmental and ecological functions were taken into account. Based on eco-environmental water demand at Da’an in Jilin province, a three-dimensional simulation and optimized management model of groundwater systems was established. All water balance components of groundwater systems in 1998 and 1999 were simulated with this model and the best optimal exploitation scheme of groundwater systems in 2000 was determined, so that groundwater resource was efficiently utilized and good economic, ecologic and social benefits were obtained.  相似文献   
Drinking water supplies in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, are completely dependent on groundwater sourced from pumping wells located in an alluvial plain of the Tuul River which flows through Ulaanbaatar. The interaction between groundwater in the alluvial plain and river surface water was investigated using a hydrological and multi-tracers approach. The observed groundwater contour map clearly shows that the Tuul River recharges the floodplain groundwater and groundwater flows from east to west. The similarity of chemical and stable isotopic compositions suggests that groundwater is mainly recharged by Tuul River water in the vicinity of the river. In addition, considering groundwater contours and chemical composition, groundwater in the northern and southern mountain sides contribute to floodplain groundwater. Stable isotopic information suggests that winter season precipitation also contributes to the groundwater, because groundwater in a specific region has a considerably lower isotopic ratio. Using the End Member Mixing Analysis applying oxygen-18, SiO2 and HCO3 - as tracers, the contribution ratios of the Tuul River, groundwater in the northern and southern mountain regions, and winter season precipitation to floodplain groundwater are estimated to be 58% to 85%, 1% to 54%, 0% to 16%, and 0% to 12%, respectively.  相似文献   
腾格里沙漠西南缘地下水水化学形成特征及演化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
以邓马营湖区为核心,对腾格里沙漠西南缘地下水数据进行水文地球化学特征分析,并运用PHREEQC2.0软件反向模拟沿运移路径地下水的补给机理及演化过程。结果显示:受水文地质条件制约,从山前洪积扇地下水的补给区深入腾格里沙漠过渡带再到邓马营湖区中深层地下水,水化学类型从HCO3-—Ca2+—Mg2+型过渡为Cl-—SO24-—Na+—Mg2+型再过渡到HCO3-—SO42-—Na+型。其影响因素基本包括:溶滤与蒸发浓缩作用、阳离子交换吸附作用、以及微弱的混合作用和地下水补给水源水化学成分控制。矿物饱和指数以及反向水文化学地球化学模拟的结果显示,由西南向东北沿水流方向各物质溶解沉淀情况复杂,除斜长石与方解石外,岩盐、石膏、白云石等浓缩沉淀显著,表明蒸发浓缩作用控制强烈。  相似文献   
为了解塔里木河下游生态输水量与地下水埋深多年响应变化过程,得出地下水埋深对生态输水的响应变化规律,以塔里木河下游英苏断面为研究区,运用定性与定量分析方法,综合考虑不同输水差异(包括零输水年即2008年、输水极少年即2009年、输水较多年2011年等),对2000-2015年英苏断面1 050 m范围内地下水埋深数据进行了分析。结果表明:研究断面内地下水埋深在各年份总体呈现比较平稳的递减趋势,年内个别月具有较大的增幅,另外由于冻土消融等因素影响,地下水埋深在2~3月有一定的增幅;离河较近区域的地下水埋深变化对生态输水的响应具有时间同步性,而离河道较远地区的地下水埋深在响应时间上存在滞后性,本研究断面1 050 m范围内地下水埋深响应时间维持在1 a内;经过多年生态输水过程,英苏监测断面距离河道约750 m范围内地下水平均埋深维持在2~6 m范围内,基本达到植物生长所需地下水埋深水平;另外,综合分析研究断面多年输水引起的地下水位响应过程,为获得生态输水过程所带来的最大生态效益,生态输水不仅要保持一定的输水量,还要保持输水年周期的连续性。  相似文献   
基于GIS技术的石羊河流域地下水资源时空格局分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
胡建勋 《中国沙漠》2008,28(4):781-786
以地下水取水许可数据为主,结合社会-经济等相关要素,在石羊河流域建立地下水取水许可GIS空间数据库,并对其进行分析、统计、查询和图表输出,辅助流域的取水许可管理程序,服务于流域的水资源综合管理。通过这一过程,对石羊河流域在水资源管理中存在的问题进行分析、研究,并提出了相应的管理对策,目的在于使水资源管理政策更为科学合理,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
The groundwater level of 39 observation wells including 35 unconfined wells and 4 confined wells from 2004 to 2006 in North China Plain (NCP) was monitored using automatic groundwater monitoring data loggers KADEC-MIZU II of Japan. The automatic groundwater sensors were installed for the corporation project between China and Japan. Combined with the monitoring results from 2004 to 2006 with the major factors affecting the dynamic patterns of groundwater, such as topography and landform, depth of groundwater level, exploitation or discharge extent, rivers and lakes, the dynamic regions of NCP groundwater were gotten. According to the dynamic features of groundwater in NCP, six dynamic patterns of groundwater level were identified, including discharge pattern in the piedmont plain, lateral recharge– runoff–discharge pattern in the piedmont plain, recharge–discharge pattern in the central channel zone, precipitation infiltration–evaporation pattern in the shallow groundwater region of the central plain, lateral recharge–evaporation pattern in the recharge-affected area along the Yellow River and infiltration–discharge–evaporation pattern in the littoral plain. Based on this, the groundwater fluctuation features of various dynamic patterns were interpreted and the influencing factors of different dynamic patterns were compared.  相似文献   
In irrigated agricultural landscapes, land-use conversion may have landscape-level social, hydrological, and ecological effects. We used geographic information systems (GIS) and interviews to analyze development effects on irrigation in the Henry's Fork Watershed, Idaho. Farmers developed irrigation there in the 19th century, and incidental recharge from canal seepage and flood irrigation raised groundwater levels and expanded wetlands. Cohesive culture in agricultural communities sustained irrigation systems until amenity-driven demographic shifts beginning in the 1970s led to development approved by local governments with land-use planning but no water-management authority. Although only 5% of irrigated land has been converted, development has fragmented irrigated landscapes and made canal-system operation more difficult, potentially reducing groundwater levels, wetland extent, and return flows critical to downstream irrigators and fish and wildlife. We discuss future scenarios, highlighting the need for increased communication among local and state governments regarding land use and water management in irrigated landscapes across the West.  相似文献   
海底地下水排放(SGD)是近海海域的一个重要的营养盐来源。本研究借助多种天然镭同位素对春季苏北浅滩海域的SGD及其携带入海的营养盐通量进行量化评估。研究发现:苏北浅滩海域的~(224)Ra、~(223)Ra和~(226)Ra等镭同位素的浓度水平较高,呈现近岸高、远岸低的分布趋势;根据~(224)Ra/~(226)Ra的"表观年龄模型"估算的水龄的分布情况推断,春季该海域表层水体主体流向为东北向,流速约为0.1m/s,这与前人物理海洋数值模拟结果一致;最终利用226Ra质量平衡模型发现海域的SGD通量为(46±29)cm/d,由其携带入海的溶解态无机氮、磷、硅营养盐(DIN、 DIP、 DSi)等的通量分别为(2.6±3.1)×1~09、(3.0±2.5)×10~6和(5.5±4.2)×10~8mol/d。  相似文献   
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