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陆海分界和河海分界探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国相关部门在实施<海域使用管理法>时,存在对管辖权认识不一致的情况,对焦点所在的海岸线确定、滩涂归属问题以及河海划界进行讨论.通过对国外沿海各国确定的海岸线现状的考察以及对国内涉海管理工作实践经验的分析,认为海岸线应为平均大潮高潮线.对于滩涂归属问题,由于国内现有法律对潮间带滩涂性质的确定存在矛盾,从两方面对潮间带滩涂性质进行分析.从滩涂本身特点来说,潮间带滩涂受海洋动力影响较大且与海洋联系密切,将其从海域管理工作中割裂出来,易造成海洋生态系统的严重损害.而从滩涂归属权国际实践来看,以平均高潮线为海岸线的国家大多将潮间带滩涂归属于海域.因此认为高潮线以下滩涂应属海域,并提出3点建议:(1) 基于国内滩涂使用与支配事实的历史成因,建议监督和管理功能分由两个部门负责,海洋部门起监督作用,仍由原来沿海各省主管滩涂开发的部门开发滩涂,这样也有利于滩涂开发管理的持续性和滩涂资源的保护;(2) 对于海域使用许可权,建议采用多项许可证制度,既避免主管部门滥用行政权力,损害其他部门的利益,同时也使开发利用项目得到周密的审查,避免其对海洋生态、海洋环境产生不利影响;(3) 在审批权限方面,考虑各省滩涂自然条件不一、经济发展重点不一的情况并借鉴国际实践,建议适当扩大地方政府和地方海洋管理部门对海域管理的权限.河海分界是海岸线确定的难点.对于河海分界问题,认为河海划界是社会行为,是对在河海交汇区域里的管理行为及其职责、义务的分类和界定,应满足遵守自然客观规律、有利于社会稳定团结和资源可持续发展以及综合考虑多方面因素这3项原则.从3方面讨论了河口的归属问题.并建议主要江河的河海界线以河口口门和口外海滨段的内端为界,即河口的近口段和河口段应属河,河口的口外海滨段属海.在一些小的入海河流可以明显的标志物(如挡潮闸、桥等)作为河海分界线.  相似文献   
Peracarids (Crustacea: Peracarida) are an important component of soft-sediment faunas and are considered good indicators of quality of water and sediments. Nevertheless, little is known about diversity of peracarid crustaceans on the shallow subtidal sediments of Playa América, a sandy beach in the Ensenada de Baiona (Galicia, NW Spain). Therefore, the peracarid fauna of its shallow subtidal zone was studied in a fine-sand site at 4-m depth from February 1996 to February 1997. Monthly sampling yielded a total of 4753 individuals belonging to 60 species. Amphipods were dominant in number of individuals and species followed by cumaceans. The assemblage showed a stable composition in species through the year and was numerically dominated by a few species, namely the amphipods Siphonoecetes kroyeranus and Microprotopus maculatus and the cumacean Pseudocuma longicorne . These species showed large monthly fluctuations in abundance, with maximal values between summer and autumn.  相似文献   
海滩体积时空变化和波浪场的奇异谱分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
海滩响应波浪动力作用的变化是海岸带陆海相互作用研究的重要内容.利用奇异谱分解方法对南湾海滩连续实测剖面的体积变化值与南湾逐日波高变化值的相关关系进行了探讨,以诊断分析波浪在海滩变化过程中的内在作用机制,结果表明:(1)海滩体积的时空变化与波浪作用力有明显的相关关系;(2)海滩响应波浪动力作用变化最明显的地方是在中间岸段,在直线岸段次之,在遮蔽岸段最弱;(3)对海滩变化有较强作用的波浪场分别位于近岸及其与上下岬角连线的邻近区域.  相似文献   
A new medium–long term beach evolution model is proposed. This model is based on an analytically integrated sediment conservation equation and on a beach profile evolution model. The sediment conservation equation provides the sediment supplies or losses. The beach profile evolution model redistributes the sediment supplies or losses along the beach profile. In the beach profile evolution model, the definition of the complete profile is incorporated (breaking zone, transition zone, exterior zone and geological zone). The proposed model has been applied to several theoretical cases and to field data, showing the advantages of this model compared to classical “one-line models”.  相似文献   
海滩是宝贵的旅游资源,健康的海滩系统在旅游、沿岸防护安全等多方面能提供很多有价值的服务,但当前旅游海滩在生态环境质量、旅游体验等方面尚存在诸多问题。旅游海滩质量评价是对旅游海滩自然属性和开发利用水平的综合评价,能较为客观地反映出旅游海滩环境质量水平,是较为有效的海滩管理工具之一。本研究在现场环境调查和游客问卷调查的基础上,建立旅游海滩质量评价指标体系,开展了广东青澳湾海滩质量评价,并对其影响因素进行分析。结果显示:当前青澳湾海滩开发程度、海滩环境质量尚未达到良好水平。根据评价结果,对青澳湾海滩的可持续发展提出了完善海滩旅游配套设施和配套服务,对海滩进行系统的规划,建立科学的旅游海滩质量评价体系和环境监测、调控体系等建议。  相似文献   
Detailed measurements of three-dimensional beach cusp morphology were made on a steep gradient, low energy, microtidal beach in Perth, Western Australia. During the field campaign a variety of wave conditions and tidal ranges were experienced, and these differing hydrodynamic conditions were reflected in a consistent pattern of morphological changes to the beach cusp system. A useful parameter to delineate between trends of cusp destruction and re-formation appeared to be the surf similarity parameter ξ = tan β/√I0/L0, where H0 is offshore wave height, L0 is deep water wave length and tan β is beach gradient. For ξ < 1·2 the beach cusps were planed off, whereas cusp morphology was enhanced when ξ > 1·2. A small storm was experienced at the start of the field campaign period and resulted in considerable erosion of the beach face. The cusp morphology across the lower beachface was destroyed, but a subtle remnant of the pre-storm cusp morphology was preserved on the upper beachface. When cusps reformed after the storm, under the influence of declining wave conditions, they appeared at the same location and with the same dimensions as the pre-storm cusp morphology. Hence, it is considered that the cusp re-formation was controlled more by the antecedent morphology than the hydrodynamic conditions. This indicates that positive feedback between swash hydrodynamics and beachface morphology, necessary to form beach cusps, does not require a large variation in relief. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
近20年来厦门市滩涂养殖时空演变与政策驱动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沿海滩涂是一种重要的湿地资源,也是一种重要的可再生的后备土地资源。在滨海城市,滩涂养殖的时空演变过程能敏感反映产业经济发展、生态环境变化及政策导向三个因素之间的博弈关系。对此,利用1986、1989、1993、1997年TM遥感影像和2001、2003年ETM+遥感影像以及2004年SPOT遥感影像,用单一土地利用动态度、景观破碎度和重心迁移模型,对近20年来厦门市滩涂养殖的时空演变过程进行了分析。结果表明:滩涂养殖面积从1986年的2661.85hm2持续增长到2003年的9776.45hm2,增长了2.67倍,2004年则开始下降到9510.98hm2,在此期间面积的年均变化率从1986~1989年的19.80%逐渐下降到2003~2004年的-2.72%;1986~2004年养殖区的景观破碎度均小于0.00080;空间分布重心总体上向东北方向迁移。对政策驱动机制的初步研究表明,养殖区的这种变化过程与当地的一系列政策措施存在着宏观响应关系。  相似文献   
海岸风沙是海岸带陆-海-气相互作用的突出产物。本文通过福建平潭岛远垱澳海滩风沙全环境要素观测,从海滩风沙垂向分布、滩面风沙起动和搬运等方面,探讨并总结自然海滩潮汐动态作用下的风沙运动过程。主要研究结论为:(1)海滩湿沙表面风沙流绝大部分(98.9%)在离滩面30 cm高度层内运动,不同粒径组沙粒的垂向分布形式不同;(2)潮汐旋回中的海滩起沙风速显著高于同等粒径内陆沙漠地区,其变化过程主要为滩面平均表层湿度与风区长度相互"博弈"的结果;(3)海滩风沙输送量主要受风速、滩面平均表层湿度与风区长度耦合作用,涨落潮不同阶段输沙量变化的主导影响因素不同;(4)"干沙起动+湿沙表面传输"为典型的海滩风沙搬运模式之一,滩面风沙运程较短,总体呈"接力"式特征向海岸前缘沙丘搬运。  相似文献   
山东半岛南北岸砂质海滩剖面时空变化过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山东半岛南北岸(烟台和日照)两个砂质海岸实测地形剖面为研究对象,应用经验正交函数(EOF)提取海滩2012年11月至2015年11月夏、冬两季剖面监测数据中的前4个模态的空间特征函数和时间特征函数,分析烟台和日照两个岸段砂质海滩剖面的时空演变特征,并对这两段海岸的地貌和沉积特征差异进行对比,探讨了山东半岛南北岸段砂质海岸动力环境的差异及影响因素。结果表明,第一特征函数是海滩剖面变化的最主要模式,两个岸段剖面的第一特征函数都以低潮线剖面的最大波动为主要特征,与波浪、潮汐共同影响有关;第二特征函数则是以高潮带至上冲流作用上限之间的剖面波动为主要特征,主要受风浪季节性周期变化控制;第三、四特征函数推测与偶然因素有关。  相似文献   
The combined effects of urbanization and extreme climatic events were examined on the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata, a well‐recognized ecological indicator in sandy beaches. The effect of storm waves was assessed before and after these climate events in beaches with different levels of urbanization in the coast of Brazil, Tropical Atlantic Ocean. The number of burrows was used as a metric for the population size of O. quadrata and the number of humans along the beaches as a proxy for the urbanization level. Significant differences were recorded in this species’ population density according to the human pressure. Our core modelling approach showed that the number of O. quadrata burrows was lower after storm waves in urbanized zones, compared to non‐urbanized ones. The interaction between storm waves and urbanization impacted the number of O. quadrata burrows negatively, and suggest that species’ populations are more vulnerable to the combined effects of extreme climatic events and urbanization. Extreme events are predicted to increase in frequency in the next few decades, and may modify or impair ecosystem functioning in sandy beaches by reducing populations of the O. quadrata, an important beach scavenger, which markedly contribute to the flux of energy in coastal trophic webs.  相似文献   
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