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The head velocity of the density current in the convergent and divergent channel is a key parameter for evaluating the extent to which suspended material travels, and for determining the type and distribution of sediment in the water body. This study experimentally evaluated the effects of the reach degree of convergence and divergence on the head velocity of the density current. Experiments were conducted in the flume with 6.0 m long, 0.72 m width and 0.6 m height. The head velocity was measured at three convergent degrees (-8°; -12°; -26°), at three divergent degrees (8°; 12°; 26°) and two slopes (0.009, 0.016) for various discharges. The measured head velocity of the density current is compared with the head velocity of the density current in the constant cross section channel. Based on non-dimensional and statistical analysis, relations as linear multiple regression are offered for predicting head velocity of the density current in the convergent, divergent and constant cross section channel. Also the results of this research show that for the same slope and discharge, the head velocity of the density current in the convergent and divergent channel are greater and less than the head velocity of the constant cross section, respectively.  相似文献   
位于川西地区龙门山断裂带附近的紫坪铺水库于2005年9月开始蓄水.约2.7年后,2008年5月12日,Mw7.9级汶川地震在龙门山断裂带上发生,两事件在时间和空间上的接近,揭示其可能相互关联,但前人的诸多研究给出了不同甚至是相反的结果.本研究基于完全耦合孔隙弹性理论,利用二维有限元模型(FEM),模拟水库蓄水造成的区域孔隙压力场和应力场的演化过程,基于库仑应力演化探讨其对龙门山断裂带活动的影响.模拟结果显示紫坪铺水库蓄水打破了原来的区域孔隙压力平衡,形成孔隙压力梯度源,向周围地壳传播;进而造成龙门山断裂带上库仑应力正值范围不断扩大,由浅入深影响到整条断层,尤其对浅层范围的加载作用明显,达上百千帕,为整个断层面的失稳提供了基础.震源区域库仑应力呈持续增长趋势,汶川地震发震前,增长了约数千帕~数十千帕,即使初期库仑应力为负,在未来某时刻库仑应力仍可能由负转正,并不断增大.通过计算汶川地震震源及其附近区域内相对于多种可能断层倾角的库仑应力,发现库仑应力随断层倾角增大而增加.因此整体来看,紫坪铺水库蓄水对龙门山断裂带起加载作用,有可能触发地震.对紫坪铺库区周围的小震分析也显示,蓄水以来小震明显增多、且不同时段小震发生密集区与水库距离逐渐增大,与孔隙压力扩散趋势一致.以上结果表明紫坪铺水库的蓄水增加了汶川地震的危险性.  相似文献   
The reassignment method remaps the energy of each point in a time‐frequency spectrum to a new coordinate that is closer to the actual time‐frequency location. Two applications of the reassignment method are developed in this paper. We first describe time‐frequency reassignment as a tool for spectral decomposition. The reassignment method helps to generate more clear frequency slices of layers and therefore, it facilitates the interpretation of thin layers. The second application is to seismic data de‐noising. Through thresholding in the reassigned domain rather than in the Gabor domain, random noise is more easily attenuated since seismic events are more compactly represented with a relatively larger energy than the noise. A reconstruction process that permits the recovery of seismic data from a reassigned time‐frequency spectrum is developed. Two approaches of the reassignment method are used in this paper, one of which is referred to as the trace by trace time reassignment that is mainly used for seismic spectral decomposition and another that is the spatial reassignment that is mainly used for seismic de‐noising. Synthetic examples and two field data examples are used to test the proposed method. For comparison, the Gabor transform method, inversion‐based method and common deconvolution method are also used in the examples.  相似文献   
基于Matlab的三峡水库地震数据处理与分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以Matlab为平台,编制了相应的程序代码,实现了SAC二进制数据读取、地震观测报告数据检验、频谱分析、地震数据的互相关计算和各种地震数据成图等项功能,并将它们运用于长江三峡水库地震加密台网数据的处理.结果表明,三峡库区地震都属于水库诱发地震,在仙女山断裂过江段、九湾溪断裂附近的地震属于断层因蓄水诱发的错动事件;巴东库区神龙溪两岸地震明显呈现出3条线性分布,这是由于水库蓄水后库水从神龙溪两岸等地下暗河渗入而诱发的地震;在长江三峡库区泄滩乡以西的两岸则存在着一些与蓄水相关的塌陷地震.  相似文献   
三峡库区消落带土壤磁性变化规律及成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为动态跟踪三峡库区消落带土壤物性在水位上涨后所受影响,选择重庆市忠县石宝寨镇长江左岸一带作为研究区,以消落带外同类型土壤作对照,从分析不同水位土壤的磁学性质入手,探究三峡库区蓄水前后土壤性质对环境变化的响应。库区蓄水后,不仅导致了消落带内土壤理化性质变化,还使土壤磁性空间分布在不同水位这一维度上发生显著改变。消落带监测断面数据显示,土壤磁性由蓄水前垂直方向上较稳定的分布,变为目前整体上随淹没水深增加而增高的特征;169~175 m高程附近,土壤磁性接近当地同类土壤背景值,而低于此高度尤其是低于157 m后,磁化率值迅速增高。磁性的变化是库区蓄水后土壤磁性矿物组成发生改变造成的,由热磁曲线可知,次生磁铁矿的加入是首要原因。扫描电镜下观测出的浑圆状磁铁矿的最可能来源是上游燃烧化石燃料排放的磁性外来污染物,其随江水输运至此并沉积吸附在土壤颗粒上。研究结果为间接监测污染物的迁移提供了依据。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2019,2(4):541-556
In this paper, substantial domestic and foreign research results of microscopic shale reservoir space were systemically reviewed, the research history consisting of simple observation and qualitative classification, quantitative research, the combination of qualitative and quantitative research successively as well as the characteristics of each research stage were summarized. In addition, the current problems existing in the characterization methods of shale reservoir space were also analyzed. Furthermore, based on massive actual detection of typical core samples obtained from more than 50 global shale gas wells and relevant practical experience, a comprehensive characterization method of combining qualitative with the semi-quantitative characterization was put forward. In detail, the indicators of the qualitative characterization include pore combination type and organic-matter microscopic morphology type, while the core elements of the semi-quantitative characterization include the percentage of the organic-matter area and the plane porosity of the pores of different types. Based on the reference of the naming and classification of rocks, the three-end-member diagram method was used to characterize microscopic shale reservoir space. This is achieved by plotting the three end-member diagram of 3 kinds of first-order critical reservoir spaces, i.e., organic-matter pores, matrix pores, and micro-fractures, in order to intuitively present the features of the microscopic pore combination. Meanwhile, statistic histograms of organic-matter microscopic morphology type and the plane porosity of different types of pores were adopted to characterize the development degree of second-order pores quantitatively. By this comprehensive characterization method, the importance of both pore combination and the microscopic morphology of organic matter were emphasized, revealing the control of organic-matter microscopic morphology over the organic-matter pores. What is more, high-resolution FE-SEM was adopted to obtain semi-quantitative statistics results. In this way, the features of pore development and pore combination were quantified, not only reflecting the types and storage capacity of the microscopic shale reservoir space, but also presenting the hydrocarbon-generating potential of organic matter in shale. Therefore, the results of this research are capable of providing in-depth microscopic information for the assessment and exploration and development of shale gas resources.  相似文献   
可持续回灌是地热资源循环采用的基本。本文通过热储敏感性、堵塞原因、成井结构以及地面装置分析了回灌衰减的原因。认为物理堵塞是回灌堵塞的主要原因,成井结构是维持可持续回灌的关键,标准的地面设备可避免由于物理和化学原因引起的堵塞。本文采用成功的成井结构和标准的地面装置开展馆陶组热储回灌地热资源循环采用的示范工程建设,回灌率达到100~123 m3/h,实现了天津滨海新区馆陶组热储回灌突破,保证了滨海新区馆陶组地热资源循环利用。  相似文献   
Fletcher–Ponnambalam presented a new model for considering the balance equation of the storage volume of the reservoir using indicator functions. For stochastic inflows, the two storage moments of this balance equation, namely, the mean and variance, calculated using a random release policy were found to be quite accurate unlike any known models. Significantly, this model required no discretization of storage volumes or releases. In this paper, this work has been extended to two new cases: for multireservoir systems which require further consideration of the stochastic releases and for arbitrary distribution of inflows using the Beta-equivalent Kumaraswamy distribution which has a simpler form than Beta. The randomized release policies are easy to use even in a multireservoir problem. The Parambikulm-Aliyar Project from India is used as a case study. Results show accurate predictions of mean of storages in the multireservoir case but show the need for further improvement in the standard deviations of storages. The optimal benefits and the policies obtained are shown to be at least as good as obtained using Monte Carlo-based methods.  相似文献   
Inverse modeling is widely used to assist with forecasting problems in the subsurface. However, full inverse modeling can be time-consuming requiring iteration over a high dimensional parameter space with computationally expensive forward models and complex spatial priors. In this paper, we investigate a prediction-focused approach (PFA) that aims at building a statistical relationship between data variables and forecast variables, avoiding the inversion of model parameters altogether. The statistical relationship is built by first applying the forward model related to the data variables and the forward model related to the prediction variables on a limited set of spatial prior models realizations, typically generated through geostatistical methods. The relationship observed between data and prediction is highly non-linear for many forecasting problems in the subsurface. In this paper we propose a Canonical Functional Component Analysis (CFCA) to map the data and forecast variables into a low-dimensional space where, if successful, the relationship is linear. CFCA consists of (1) functional principal component analysis (FPCA) for dimension reduction of time-series data and (2) canonical correlation analysis (CCA); the latter aiming to establish a linear relationship between data and forecast components. If such mapping is successful, then we illustrate with several cases that (1) simple regression techniques with a multi-Gaussian framework can be used to directly quantify uncertainty on the forecast without any model inversion and that (2) such uncertainty is a good approximation of uncertainty obtained from full posterior sampling with rejection sampling.  相似文献   
新丰江水库上游氮磷污染的时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新丰江水库流域是广东省最大的饮用水源保护区,对东江下游和香港地区的用水安全有十分重要的作用,水质长期保持在国家地表水I类标准。但随着经济的发展,水库上游地区人类活动加剧,对水质和水量造成潜在威胁。通过2007、2008年对新丰江水库上游流域采样分析氮磷质量分数,发现总氮和总磷超过地表水Ⅱ类标准的采样点比例分别为48%和12%。与总磷相比,新丰江水库上游总氮的污染要更加严重,丰水期超标点明显少于枯水期,而枯水期氮-磷正相关关系较好(P<0.000 1,R2=0.868 3),污染物可能为同一污染源或同期释放。空间上超标点多位于新丰、连平县城和大型城镇居民点如马头、忠信、灯塔镇附近,河流污染主要来自生活污水和养殖废水等人为点源污染。尽管目前新丰江水库库区的水质情况总体较好,但上游水质也存在恶化风险,可能导致水库自净能力降低,水体富营养化加剧,因此需要对新丰江水库上游的水质进行定期监测,通过控制内、外源性氮磷措施,以减少饮用水源安全风险和保证新丰江水库水质长期稳定。  相似文献   
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