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黄土丘陵区生态环境建设与农村经济发展问题探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在探讨黄土丘陵区生态环境建设与农业和农村经济发展定位问题的基础上 ,概括了农业和农村经济发展的前提、应遵循的基本原则和发展方向 ,提出了生态适宜型农村经济发展模式的总体构架、地域类型及产业基础建设标准 ,最后从生态环境效益、经济效益和可持续发展性等角度对模式进行了较为深入的评价和分析。  相似文献   
Gully head and wall retreat has commonly been attributed to fluvial scour and head collapse as a result of soil saturation, sapping or piping. The empirical evidence to substantiate these conceptual models is sparse, however, and often contradictory. This paper explores the hydrological and mechanical controls on gully head and wall stability by modelling the hydrology, stability and elastic deformation of a marl gully complex in Granada Province, south‐east Spain. The hydrological and slope‐stability simulations show that saturated conditions can be reached only where preferential fissure flow channels water from tension cracks into the base of the gully head, and that vertical or subvertical heads will be stable unless saturation is achieved. Owing to the high unsaturated strengths of marl measured in this research, failure in unsaturated conditions is possible only where the gully head wall is significantly undercut. Head retreat thus requires the formation of either a tension crack or an undercut hollow. Finite‐element stress analysis of eroding slopes reveals a build up of shear stress at the gully head base, and a second stress anomaly just upslope of the head wall. Although tension cracks on gully heads have often been attributed to slope unloading, this research provides strong evidence that the so called ‘sapping hollow’ commonly found in the gully headwall base is also a function of stress release. Although further research is needed, it seems possible that ‘pop out’ failures in river channels may be caused by the same process. The hydrological analysis shows that, once a tension crack has developed, throughflow velocity in the gully headwall will increase by an order of magnitude, promoting piping and enlargement of this weakened area. It is, therefore, possible to envisage a cycle of gully expansion in which erosion, channel incision or human action unloads the slope below a gully head, leading to stress patterns that account for the tension crack and a stress‐release hollow. The tension crack promotes faster throughflow, encouraging hollow enlargement and piping, which undercut the gully head. The tension crack permits the development of positive pore‐water pressures behind the gully head, leading either to failure or contributing to toppling. Finally the debris may be eroded by fluvial action, unloading a new section of slope and completing the cycle of gully head retreat. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
末次间冰期以来黄河中游黄土高原沟谷侵蚀-堆积过程初探   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
以陕西洛川北汉寨小流域为基础,建立末次间冰期以来黄河中游黄土高原的沟谷侵蚀-堆积模式,并定量计算流域不同时期侵蚀模数或堆积速率,初步恢复了末次间冰期以来黄土高原中部地区的沟谷侵蚀-堆积过程。计算结果表明,末次间冰期公来,黄土高原中部地区的自然侵蚀作用可能在逐渐加剧。侵蚀-堆积是黄土区沟谷发育的基本过程,并与气候变化密切相关。侵蚀期相当于湿润期,也就是降雨量大的时期;沉积黄土层的时期沟谷发育大大减缓甚至停止,并且在原来的谷底、谷坡上还可堆积黄土。  相似文献   
海岸带滩涂地貌演变遥感方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡平香  张鹰  姜杰 《海洋技术学报》2004,23(4):130-133,139
遥感技术是进行海岸带资源调查的有效技术手段,对水利工程规划、防灾减灾、滩涂开发利用等方面有较大的实用价值。在海岸带资源调查中,传统的地面调查方法不仅工作量大,而且实施起来非常困难;遥感技术由于具有感测范围大、获取信息快、更新周期短的特点,为海岸带资源调查和地貌演变的分析和研究提供了较好的方法和手段。文章探讨了遥感技术在江苏省安台线(海安、东台之间海域界线)勘界工作中的运用,采用较新的卫星遥感影像作为工作底图,同时利用1988—2003年之间不同时相的七景影像监测滩涂的演变,在提供了准确的滩涂地形、地貌资料的基础上,通过监测潮沟的变化推断出滩涂的演变,为海域勘界工作提供了有力而可靠的依据。  相似文献   
Incidences of landsliding and gullying are prevalent in parts of southeastern Nigeria. It is proposed here that the apparent susceptibility of the geologic formations to landsliding and gullying may indeed derive substantially from the effects of palæo- and neotectonic features. Tertiary palæotectonics created regional cuestas, joints and faults that now determine the pace of gully erosion. Recent tectonics and seismic effects cause ground vibrations that initiate movement on the marginally stable slopes. It is observed that southeastern Nigeria has climatic and land-use characteristics which are very similar to those of southwestern Nigeria, as well as being underlain by similar Tertiary formations, yet gully erosion and landslides are much less common in the latter. This is ascribed to the differences in the palæotectonic setting. Recent case incidences of tectonics-related disasters are presented.  相似文献   
中国西北地区陆内前陆盆地的鉴别标志   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
陈发景  汪新文 《现代地质》2004,18(2):151-156
讨论了中国西北地区陆内前陆盆地的主要鉴别标志 :(1)不对称山前坳陷的构造几何形态 ;(2 )先缓后陡的两段式沉降曲线 ;(3)反沉积旋回上部磨拉石堆积、强烈构造运动和层内递进型构造角度不整合类型。认为在鉴别陆内前陆盆地中必须进行多项标志的综合分析  相似文献   
元代以来黄土塬区沟谷发育与土壤侵蚀   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
以洛川旧县镇南沟小流域为研究对象,用实地考察和史料考证相结合的方法,恢复了元代(1267年)以来洛川黄土塬区沟谷发育与土壤侵蚀过程,计算出了不同时段沟谷发育速度、土壤侵蚀强度,分析了黄土塬区沟谷形态的演变。自元代以来黄土塬区沟谷发育、土壤侵蚀呈加剧态势,其变化一方面与降水量变化关系密切,降水量较丰富时沟谷发育、土壤侵蚀较强;另一方面人为加速侵蚀与自然侵蚀相叠加是近现代沟谷发育、土壤侵蚀剧烈的主要原因。黄土塬区沟谷形态由巷形谷、V形谷向U形谷演变,沟头段巷形谷和上游段V形谷是土壤侵蚀与治理的重点。  相似文献   
The Stavropol region of southern Russia is severely affected by human‐induced gully erosion. A lack of detailed information on the different stages of gully formation resulting from major agricultural expansion c. 100 years ago, is an obstacle for management and containment of these systems. In this study we combine measurements of particle‐bound radionuclides (137Cs, 210Pbex, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K) and classical geomorphology to investigate and reconstruct the different phases of development of a gully during the last c. 100 years. We believe the ?rst phase (1) involved an initial incision into the bottom of a small valley (catchment area c. 1 km2) about 100 years ago. A short period of rapid growth was followed by a longer stage of gully stabilization. Subsequent phases were: (2) the period 1954–1960 – re‐incision in the lower gully reach was initiated by a high‐magnitude rainfall event, and a substantial amount of sediment was delivered to the gully fan; (3) c. 1960–1986 – the knickpoint retreated slowly, sediment was redeposited nearby, and the fan surface became stable; (4) 1986–1987 – a dam was built in the gully mouth and breached shortly after construction following 2 days of high rainfall, and substantial sediment accumulated in the gully above the dam and below the spillway channel on the fan surface; (5) 1987–1993 – the knickpoint retreat continued and the lower fan surface was stable until 1993 when the last signi?cant runoff event overlayed it with c. 10 cm of fresh sediment. These detailed reconstructions of gully development stages allow the contribution of high‐magnitude events to gully growth and regional sediment delivery to be assessed. They further guide management actions to prevent such dam failures in the future. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Growth of a permanent, valley‐bottom gully from 1964 to 2000 was determined annually from survey and sediment‐discharge data and compared with runoff and base?ow discharges. Data were analysed to test the hypothesis that rates of gully growth decay exponentially with time in response to shrinking catchment area caused by gully enlargement. Also, monthly values of growth rates and runoff, averaged over the 36‐year record, were analysed with mass‐wasting data to determine the extent to which colluvium availability affected growth rates seasonally. From 1964 to 2000, the gully volume increased by 9200 m3, accounting for 34 per cent of sediment yield from the watershed. There were tight power‐law relationships between annual growth rates and annual runoff, with runoff exponents of 1·57 and 1·30 for headward and volumetric growth, respectively. Increases in gully length, area, and volume were ?tted successfully assuming an exponential decay in growth rate with time. Rather than being due to a decrease in catchment area, however, the decline in growth rate was caused by a 77 per cent decrease in the ratio of runoff to base?ow, which also widened the gully and reduced the mean slope of its banks. Order‐of‐magnitude seasonal changes in erosion ef?ciency, de?ned as the fraction of stream power used to evacuate sediment from the gully, were roughly correlated with colluvium availability, as indicated by seasonal changes in the number of bank mass‐wasting events. No more than 2·2 per cent of stream power was used to evacuate sediment during any month. This study demonstrates the danger of attributing declining rates of gully growth to a shrinking catchment area if corroborative runoff and base?ow data are not available. Moreover, it illustrates that stream power alone provides only a rough and physically indirect measure of erosion potential. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Medium-term evolution of a gully developed in a loess-derived soil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Field surveys in the Belgian loess belt revealed the presence in many forested areas of large, permanent gully systems, most of which are currently inactive. In cultivated areas, such gullies can only be observed in cross-sectional soil profiles through hollows, as virtually all such large gullies are currently infilled with colluvium. Little is known about the spatial distribution, initiation and temporal evolution of these large, permanent gully systems on loess-derived soils. Therefore, the medium-term evolution of a gully initiated in a cultivated area on loess-derived soils southwest of Leuven (Belgium) in May–June 1986, was studied over 13 years. Two intense rainfall events created this (ephemeral) gully, which was not erased by subsequent tillage. Between June 1986 and the December 1999, eight field surveys were conducted to measure gully dimensions. During two surveys, topographic indices (e.g., slope and drainage area) were also measured. Daily rainfall for the measuring period were obtained from a rainfall station located some 10 km southwest of the gully. Analysis of rainfall data showed that no extreme rainfall event was required to initiate such large (permanent) gullies, as observed in forested areas and through cross-sectional profiles in cultivated fields in the Belgian loess belt. Return periods of the event that caused the gully varied between <1 year and 25 years, depending on the assumptions used for defining event rain intensity. Once established, length, surface area and volume of the studied gully evolved with time, cumulative rainfall or cumulative runoff, following a negative exponential relation. This accords with observations reported for gullies in Australia and the USA. This study shows that a degressive increase of gully extension, can be largely explained by the evolution of a “slope–drainage area” factor (S×A, which is proportional to stream power) with time. While gully length and gully surface area asymptotically evolve towards a final value, gully volume decreased at a given point in time. From this, it is inferred that sediment deposition will potentially infill the gully to such an extent that the farmer can drive across it. From this moment on, the combined effect of water and tillage erosion in the gully drainage area, will lead towards rapid infilling. This expected evolution of a gully in cultivated fields accords with observations of large infilled gully systems in cultivated areas in eastern Belgium. The permanent gullies observed under forest are attributed to the fact that after severe gully erosion, this area was reforested or abandoned. Therefore, the sediment source was cut off and the gully was not filled in by sediment deposition.  相似文献   
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