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金沙江干热河谷元谋盆地冲沟沟头形态学特征研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
金沙江干热河谷因独特的气候类型——干、热、降水集中,冲沟侵蚀破坏十分严重。从冲沟沟头形态学特征的角度,运用分形几何学理论,以金沙江干热河谷元谋盆地的冲沟为研究对象,对沟头的分形弯曲度和土壤分形特征进行分析,揭示不同土地利用方式下,沟头空间形态、土壤形态与冲沟发育的相关关系及不同沟头形态所反映的自然环境特征差异性,这对研究冲沟的空间格局和动态监测提供了新的思路,对冲沟侵蚀治理,防止土地劣化具重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
发生沟蚀(切沟)的地貌临界研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡刚  伍永秋 《山地学报》2005,23(5):565-570
沟蚀研究是土壤侵蚀研究的主要内容之一,地貌临界理论作为地貌学中的重要理论在沟蚀研究中得到了广泛的应用。主要从临界理论在沟蚀研究中的发展过程人手,介绍了国外现有沟蚀临界理论模型研究的主要成果,并指出现有模型的不足,在总结前人工作的基础上,指出了现有临界模型今后的发展方向。  相似文献   
Control over water supply and distribution is critical for agriculture in drylands where manipulating surface runoff often serves the dual purpose of erosion control. However, little is known of the geomorphic impacts and legacy effects of rangeland water manipulation infrastructure, especially if not maintained. This study investigated the geomorphic impacts of structures such as earthen berms, water control gates, and stock tanks, in a semiarid rangeland in the southwestern USA that is responding to both regional channel incision that was initiated over a century ago, and a more recent land use change that involved cattle removal and abandonment of structures. The functional condition of remnant structures was inventoried, mapped, and assessed using aerial imagery and lidar data. Headcut initiation, scour, and channel incision associated with compromised lateral channel berms, concrete water control structures, floodplain water spreader berms, and stock tanks were identified as threats to floodplains and associated habitat. Almost half of 27 identified lateral channel berms (48%) have been breached and 15% have experienced lateral scour; 18% of 218 shorter water spreader berms have been breached and 17% have experienced lateral scour. A relatively small number of 117 stock tanks (6%) are identified as structurally compromised based on analysis of aerial imagery, although many currently do not provide consistent water supplies. In some cases, the onset of localized disturbance is recent enough that opportunities for mitigation can be identified to alter the potentially damaging erosion trajectories that are ultimately driven by regional geomorphic instability. Understanding the effects of prior land use and remnant structures on channel and floodplain morphologic condition is critical because both current land management and future land use options are constrained by inherited land use legacy effects. Published 2017. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA  相似文献   
基于遥感影像和1∶20万地质图成果资料,对怀安镇盆地南缘断裂沿线断层三角面、断层陡坎、冲沟裂点、断层冲沟等构造地貌以及典型断错剖面进行了野外调查。调查表明:断裂沿线分布大量典型的构造地貌现象,不同部位因断裂活动性的差异,其构造地貌特征各异;在一些地段冲沟壁中见断层断错剖面,断面是错断扇体的较新断裂。  相似文献   
The formation of deep gullies (called ‘dongas’ locally) in rangeland in KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa is a natural phenomenon. These U-shaped, very wide gullies have considerable lateral expansion due to the episodic collapse of sidewalls. The dongas have developed in duplex soils such as Luvisols and Lixisols formed on Permian sedimentary rocks or unconsolidated Quaternary colluvium. This study combined morphological, mineralogical and chemical characterization with measurements of grain-size content, structural stability and the complete shrinkage curve to detect changes in soil properties of the different horizons located in the gully banks. The different soil horizons present clear and sharp differences in physical and mineralogical properties. The topsoil with complete grass cover is very resistant to soil detachment. However, the leached E horizon and the BC horizon have low structural stability. The soil profile down to and including the Bt horizon contains exclusively illite in the clay fraction, while the BC colluvial layer and the C horizon (mudstone) contain expandable interstratified illite–smectite. The Bt horizon has a high water content at saturation and high shrinkage, while the BC and C horizons have a high residual shrinkage and a very low water content at saturation. Because this type of gully expansion is not significantly linked to slope value or the stream power index (SPI) at the gully head, to land-use change, high rainfall intensities or the threshold of concentrated runoff being exceeded at the gully head, other causes were investigated. It was concluded that the heterogeneity between horizons with different mineralogical properties and structural stabilities, soil types and parent material, anisotropic water-saturation and shrink-swell properties are of major importance. This heterogeneity between different soil horizon morphologies and their physical properties can explain why the relationship between the critical slope and the drainage area for gully initiation showed a threshold for gullying much lower than that found elsewhere. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
典型黑土区小流域浅沟侵蚀季节差异分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过2005年对黑龙江鹤山农场两个小流域进行定位观测,研究了典型黑土区浅沟侵蚀特征及其季节差异,并对作物类型和耕作措施对浅沟侵蚀的影响进行了分析。结果表明,两流域年浅沟侵蚀量达285.9 m3 km-2和290.8 m3 km-2,仅浅沟侵蚀量就超过了黑土区的土壤允许侵蚀量。浅沟侵蚀量呈现出沿坡面波动的变化,沿坡面向下存在浅沟侵蚀的强弱交替带。春夏浅沟侵蚀在侵蚀强度、浅沟形态及主要影响因素3个方面存在差异,春季浅沟侵蚀受融雪、冻融影响显著,侵蚀较夏季严重;与春季相比,夏季浅沟长度变短、宽度变大、深度变浅,浅沟体积与长度的相关性较春季差,这与夏季暴雨历时短、雨强大以及植被盖度大有关。耕作措施和作物类型影响浅沟侵蚀深度和浅沟分布,尤其在夏季比较明显。  相似文献   
The collapse of gully walls is an important mode of gully erosion, and it depends strongly on two soil shear-strength parameters: cohesion and the internal friction angle. However, little research has examined these parameters in China's black soil region. In the present study, we sampled six groups of surface soils from four different land uses, and two groups of soils at depths of 30 cm and 60 cm. The cohesion (c) and internal friction angle (φ) of each group were determined at 10 levels of water content. The results show that c increased with increasing water content until a certain level (12% for the surface soils, and 14% for the deeper soils), after which c decreased. Internal friction angle generally decreased with increasing water content. We developed a model predicting collapse of gully walls based on four parameters: dry bulk density, water content, crack depth, and the width of the soil collapse. The model predicts that soil collapse would occur at two levels of water content: dry and wet conditions. Field data showed that collapse only occurred under the wet condition; the critical mass water content given by the model is between 31.0% and 33.8% moisture.  相似文献   
The Southern U.S. Piedmont ranging from Virginia to Georgia underwent severe gully erosion over a century of farming mainly for cotton (1800s–1930s). Although tree succession blanketed much of this region by the middle 20th century, gully erosion still occurs, especially during wet seasons. While many studies on gully erosion have focused on soil loss, soil carbon exchange, and stormwater response, the impacts on soil moisture, groundwater, and transpiration remain under-studied. Using a newly developed 2D hydrologic model, this study analyzes the impacts of gully erosion on hillslope hydrologic states and fluxes. Results indicate that increases in gully incision lead to reduction in groundwater table, root zone soil moisture, and transpiration. These reductions show seasonal variations, but the season when the reduction is maximum differs among the hydrologic variables. Spatially, the impacts are generally the greatest near the toe of the hillslope and reduce further away from it, although the reductions are sometimes non-monotonic. Overall, the impacts are larger for shallow gully depths and diminish as the incision goes deeper. Lastly, the extent of impacts on a heterogeneous hillslope is found to be very different with respect to a homogeneous surrogate made of dominant soil properties. These results show that through gully erosion, the landscape not only loses soil but also a large amount of water from the subsurface. The magnitude of water loss is, however, dependent on hydrogeologic and topographic configuration of the hillslope. The results will facilitate (a) mapping of relative susceptibility of landscapes to gullying, (b) understanding of the impacts of stream manipulations such as due to dredging on hillslope eco-hydrology, (c) prioritization of mitigation measures to prevent gullying, and (d) design of observation campaigns to assess the impacts of gullying on hydrologic response.  相似文献   
在神府-东胜矿区人为泥石流沟道广泛野外调查的基础上,选取了43条典型泥石流样沟,在1:10000地形图及卫片上进行了形态要素量测,应用流域地貌分析原理,对43条样沟各形态要素进行了剖析及关联度评价,并进行了泥石流沟道发育阶段的信息维分析,所得结论为:半干旱地区的人为泥石流沟道地势比沿程变化奇特,以形成区比降最大,区别于自然泥石流沟道;沟道分区面积比以汇水区面积最大,明显区别于湿润地区;流域形状以扇形为主,沟道给养面积较大,崎岖系数不甚太大是半干旱地区人为泥石流沟道的独特之处,泥石流沟道发育以幼、青年期为主,最后得出了以沟道比降为主因子的各形态要素的主次排序。  相似文献   
东海北部陆架外缘的边缘沟、坎   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
东北北部陆架外缘向陆坡的转折处,经过历年调查证实,存有一些沟,坎式地形,它们断断续续地向NNE方向延伸,几乎可以连成一条与陆架外缘坡折线平行的沟和钦。这些沟,坎式的地貌类型,主要是由于陆架外缘受近构造运动产生断裂,出现断层,使海底下落,另外陆架上混浊流也使陆架外缘的沉积滑塌落,加工黑潮流的作用而形成。  相似文献   
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