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云南建水-蒙自一带位于川滇菱形块体向SE145°平移的前锋,受其影响,该地区的蒙自东山断裂、田山断裂和黑泥地断裂等表现出一定程度的晚第四纪活动性,跨过断裂的冲沟被走滑断错。攀枝花以东的蒙自东山断裂右旋错断冲沟和其间的山脊约40m,并在山前洪积扇上形成偏离上游约30m的废弃古河道,古河道中堆积物的年龄为44kaBP,断裂右旋滑动速率约为0.7mma。大红地北一条冲沟在跨过田山断裂时发生右旋拐弯。冲沟在山前形成了年龄分别为31kaBP和39kaBP的2级洪积阶地,呈现出年轻阶地位错量大于老阶地的反常现象。田山断裂的平均右旋滑动速率约0.9mma。发育于黑泥地断裂南侧的多条冲沟在流过断裂时发生一致性的右旋位错,其中一条冲沟位错量达14m,断裂的右旋滑动速率为0.4mma。这一地区自30~40kaBP开始发生了一次明显的构造运动,表现为这一时代的洪积扇上的地貌过程由加积转变为切割,并被断裂错断。断裂的走滑速率明显低于小江断裂带、曲江断裂带和石屏-建水断裂带等。川滇菱形地块向SSE方向的平移及其构造活动不仅仅局限在小江断裂带以西的地块内部,而是引起了外围地块上的断裂活动,但断裂活动强度不及内部断裂的13。冲沟对走滑断错的响应分为3种类型,分别为同步弯曲型、加剧弯曲型和不对称谷地型,其中加剧弯曲型的地貌过程较为复杂。每种类型都记录了断裂的走滑活动,在估算断错量和滑动速率时应甄别不同的响应类型,以免人为的“加大”或“减小”甚至“忽略”断裂的活动幅度。  相似文献   
Although there is much evidence of intense soil erosion in cultivated areas of Navarre (Spain), scarce information currently is available regarding soil loss rates, the spatial and temporal distribution of erosion, and the factors controlling these processes. Rills and ephemeral gullies are frequently responsible for a high percentage of total soil erosion, and these features can be considered a good approximation for the minimum erosion rates. With the main purpose of determining the annual soil loss rates in cultivated areas of Central Navarre, a detailed assessment of rainfall and rill and gully erosion was made in 19 small watersheds cultivated with winter grains or vineyards. The study period spanned from 1995 to 2001. For cereal watersheds, soil losses were caused by only one or two rainfall events each year. High erosion rates were observed (0.20-11.50 kg/m^2 per year). In vineyards, soil losses were caused by several rainfall events each year, occurring year round. High erosion rates were observed in these vineyards (0.33 y 16.19 kg/m^2 per year). No erosion was observed in those cultivated watersheds with no-till practices. It can be concluded that rill and ephemeral gully erosion can be very significant in Mediterranean regions, and much more attention should be paid to the problem.  相似文献   
Balkas (large Quaternary gullies) of the south‐western part of the East European Plain (and their analogues in Central and Western Europe) are considered in terms of their geomorphology, lithology, sedimentology, modern surface processes, stratigraphy and palaeogeography. Features attributed to balkas in comparison with regular gullies and small river valleys are described. Balkas are widespread elements of the modern landscape with the same characteristic gentle‐concave bottom as regular gullies, and with or without weakly incised river channels. Buried gully incisions of different ages (post‐Gelasian) with the same shape are also revealed below modern Balkas. They are infilled by characteristic balka alluvial, slope and even lacustrine‐bog deposits, in places representing compound sequences of fluvial‐aeolian sedimentation. The fluvial part reflects multiple series of ephemeral episodes of increased water and sediment supply within temporary streams. Two conspicuous series supposedly fall within the final stages of the Dnieper (late Middle Pleistocene) and Valdai (Late Pleistocene) glaciations. Different ideas concerning the increase of surface runoff and erodibility of soils that might favour active balkas under conditions of land‐ice decay and permafrost, including its degradation, are discussed. The development of balkas included relatively short phases of incision and accumulation interrupted by much longer periods of inactivity, when they were subjected to surface processes in a subaerial environment or left as a relic. However, during active phases they served as important and powerful depositories and arteries of rill–gully–balka sedimentation systems, collecting and transmitting eroded material to the river valleys. These phases are related to climatic oscillations and were to some degree independent of fluvial processes affecting the permanent streams. Most of the Middle‐Late Pleistocene balkas retained their primary features, having subsequently been incorporated into the erosional network. In contrast, some of them were totally infilled and disappeared from the landscape. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
By using WRF mesoscale model, this paper carries out a numerical simulation and diagnostic analysis of the structural characteristics of the asymmetric spiral rain bands around the landing of Typhoon Haitang during the period of July 19 to 20, 2005. The result indicated that the two rainbands associated with the precipitation centre was mainly located northeast of the typhoon centre. The movement and intensity of the southern rainband corresponded well with the 850-hPa positive vorticity band from 0200 to 1800 UTC July 19, 2005. Under the effect of cyclonic circulation, the positive vorticity band at 850 hPa connected with a southern rain band, leading to the intensification of rainfall in the southern centre of the precipitation. The southward rainband gradually moved toward and then merges with the northward one, strengthening the rainfall in the northern centre of the precipitation. Besides, the relationship between the heavy rainfall and the divergence field of vertical shear wind in the high altitude is analyzed. Finally, the relationship is revealed between the development of the vertical component of convective vorticity vector and the rainfall near the two centres of precipitation in the low altitude.  相似文献   
热带气旋温湿非对称结构的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP的CFSR 0.5 °再分析资料和日本东京台风中心的最佳路径集,对西北太平洋和南海海域1979—2010年间的热带气旋温湿水平非对称和垂直非均匀结构等进行了合成和对比分析。(1) 热带气旋流场的非对称随着气旋增强逐渐趋于轴对称化,而外包区及外围区比湿场的非对称性逐渐增强。(2) 热带气旋普遍具有“双暖心”的垂直非均匀分布结构特征;弱热带气旋的低层暖心相对较强而TY及以上强度的热带气旋高层暖心相对较强。(3) “暖心”的水平范围和形态随气旋的增强而扩大并更趋于轴对称,200 hPa高度场上较弱的热带气旋暖心附近为弱高压中心、较强热带气旋暖心附近为一低压中心。(4) 热带气旋的“湿心”主要位于700~850 hPa的低层,湿心强度随着气旋强度等级增加而增强,0.8 g/kg的比湿距平范围随TC强度增强而不断向高层延伸。(5) 气旋不同区域的各个层次假相当位温随气旋增强而增加,且各个强度级别的气旋不同区域增温速率均为内核区最大、外包区次之和外围区最小。   相似文献   
低频泥石流特征及其预测初步探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
同高频泥石流相比,低频泥石流更具有潜在危害性。近年来,低频泥石流的暴发给我国山区人们的生命财产安全、经济发展和社会进步以及山区生态环境带来了极大的影响。本文通过对低频泥石流沟实地考察以及对近年来我国暴发的约30例典型低频泥石流资料进行搜集整理,从其隐蔽性、活动性、规模和破坏性以及灾情等方面探讨了低频泥石流的特征;以茶园沟为例,采用灰色灾变预测方法,建立灰色灾变预测模型对其进行预测,经检验预测结果与实际发生年份一致,并且预测出2042年或2043年前后以及2095年或2096年前后茶园沟发生大规模泥石流的可能性较大;最后,针对低频泥石流的特征,提出了相应的防治建议。  相似文献   
人工降雨条件下冲沟型泥石流起动试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下垫面以位于贡嘎山东坡的熊家沟为模型,开展了不同降雨强度条件下冲沟型泥石流起动的模拟试验,初步研究了冲沟型泥石流的形成机理和演化特征.试验研究表明:(1)在强降雨条件下,水体入渗速度、不同深度土体含水量变化与降雨强度呈反比例关系,降雨强度越大,越不利于水体入渗,而有利于坡面汇流、冲沟径流和下切侵蚀; (2)在强降雨和径流条件下,土体破坏方式、破坏程度以及泥石流形成机理表现出差异性.相对较小雨强降雨条件下,土体破坏方式以滑坡为主,泥石流形成模式表现为滑坡液化与转化起动,雨强较大降雨条件下,土体破坏方式以侵蚀垮塌为主,泥石流形成模式为洪流席卷垮塌体和沟床揭底; (3)起动试验中泥石流阵性特征明显.在强降雨条件下,雨强与泥石流的规模、黏度之间没有正相关性,雨强越大,泥石流黏度越小,试验中多出现的是高含砂洪流,而相对较小雨强作用下由土体液化转化形成的泥石流黏度较大.试验现象和结果与熊家沟泥石流起动、发生过程具有较高的一致性.  相似文献   
田杨杨  姜亮  郭江 《江苏地质》2023,47(2):196-202
为了揭示雅鲁藏布江色东普沟2018年10月17日冰崩—堵江—溃决灾害链的动力演化过程,基于Massflow数值模拟仿真平台,使用Fortran编程语言,根据研究区域地质条件特征对程序进行二次开发以优化Voellmy模型,模拟冰崩—泥石流动力过程;将模拟泥石流得到的堰塞坝体嵌入地形中,运用ArcGIS计算堰塞湖范围及体积,通过Manning模型模拟堰塞湖溃决洪水动力过程。采用分段模拟法再现冰崩—泥石流—堵江—堰塞湖—溃坝的完整动力过程,对泥石流运动过程中的流速、流深,坝体高度,溃决洪水的流深、流速等参数进行定量化研究,为色东普流域的防灾减灾工作提供有效支撑。为了揭示雅鲁藏布江色东普沟2018年10月17日冰崩-堵江-溃决灾害链的动力演化过程,采用Massflow数值模拟仿真平台,以Fortran语言为编程手段,根据研究区域地质条件特征对程序进行二次开发优化Voellmy模型,模拟冰崩-泥石流动力过程;将模拟泥石流所得到的堰塞坝体嵌入地形中,采用ArcGIS计算堰塞湖范围及体积,通过曼宁模型模拟堰塞湖溃决洪水动力过程。采用分段模拟法再现冰崩-泥石流-堵江-堰塞湖-溃坝的完整动力过程,对泥石流运动过程中的流速、流深,坝体高度,溃决洪水的流深、流速等参数进行定量化研究,为色东普流域的防灾减工作提供有效支撑。  相似文献   
浅层滑坡诱发沟谷泥石流的地形和降雨条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
余斌  王涛  朱渊 《水科学进展》2016,27(4):542-550
2011年贵州省望谟县打易镇的大范围浅层滑坡诱发的沟谷泥石流提供了研究这类泥石流地形和降雨条件的机会。在地质条件一致和小区域内的降雨条件基本一致的情况下,地形条件就是这些泥石流暴发与否的唯一决定因素。对比一些重要的地形因素与泥石流暴发的关系,得出了由流域面积、沟床纵比降和25°~45°山坡坡度面积比组成的泥石流综合地形因子T。在地形因子T的基础上,研究获得了由前期降雨量、1 h降雨强度、年平均降雨量等组成的降雨因子R。由地形因子T和降雨因子R获得的临界条件P可以判断该区域的泥石流暴发。由于研究工作部分基于泥石流的形成机理,研究成果还可用于其他区域的泥石流形成预测,为泥石流的预测预报提供了一个较好的方法。  相似文献   
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