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DAS24-3B是中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研制的宽频带地震数据采集系统。采集控制模块是该系统的重要组成部分。本文阐述了控制模块的工作原理,介绍了DAS24-3B系统的基本组成和采集器工作过程,并给出该系统如何与笔记本端应用程序界面通讯和联络的操作建议,使该系统能够在工作中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   
The contravariant components of the wave-propagation metric tensor equal half the second-order partial derivatives of the selected eigenvalue of the Christoffel matrix with respect to the slowness-vector components. The relations of the wave-propagation metric tensor to the curvature matrix and Gaussian curvature of the slowness surface and to the curvature matrix and Gaussian curvature of the ray-velocity surface are demonstrated with the help of ray-centred coordinates.  相似文献   
在对多波束测深常用声线跟踪算法进行分析的基础上,提出了一种改进的声线跟踪算法,即沿声线传播的圆弧路径进行积分来求取层内的平均声速,进而推导了严密的多波束测深波束脚印位置的计算公式。理论推导表明,常用的声线跟踪算法的平均声速是将声线的圆弧传播路径当作对应弧段弦时的改进算法平均声速的近似解。实验表明,改进的声线跟踪算法比常用的声线跟踪算法更严密。  相似文献   
探地雷达图象的正演合成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓世坤 《地球科学》1993,18(3):285-293
撞击坑是月表最典型的地质单元,其溅射物作为撞击坑的坑外组成部分可分布到距离坑中心10个直径距离之外的区域,因此撞击溅射物也是月球地质编图中最重要的表达要素之一。本文使用月球勘测轨道器(LRO)的激光高度计(LOLA)数据、广角相机(WAC)影像、窄角相机(NAC)影像以及Clementine的UVVIS多光谱数据,研究了哥白尼纪正面月海区直径31km的Kepler撞击坑和背面月陆区直径30km的Necho撞击坑。哥白尼纪撞击坑溅射沉积物可以分为三个相:连续溅射沉积相(CE)、不连续溅射沉积相(DE)和辐射纹(CR)。连续溅射沉积相分布在最大约2.6个半径范围之内,不连续溅射沉积相分布在最大近11个半径范围之内,辐射纹分布在最大近29个半径范围之内。本文强调了多源数据结合在识别撞击坑溅射沉积物中的作用,对Kepler坑和Necho坑溅射沉积物进行了填图,不对称分布的特征表明这两个坑可能形成于倾斜撞击。  相似文献   
This study examines the forcing mechanisms driving long‐term carbonate accumulation and preservation in lacustrine sediments in Lake Iznik (north‐western Turkey) since the last glacial. Currently, carbonates precipitate during summer from the alkaline water column, and the sediments preserve aragonite and calcite. Based on X‐ray diffraction data, carbonate accumulation has changed significantly and striking reversals in the abundance of the two carbonate polymorphs have occurred on a decadal time scale, during the last 31 ka cal bp . Different lines of evidence, such as grain size, organic matter and redox sensitive elements, indicate that reversals in carbonate polymorph abundance arise due to physical changes in the lacustrine setting, for example, water column depth and lake mixing. The aragonite concentrations are remarkably sensitive to climate, and exhibit millennial‐scale oscillations. Extending observations from modern lakes, the Iznik record shows that the aerobic decomposition of organic matter and sulphate reduction are also substantial factors in carbonate preservation over long time periods. Lower lake levels favour aragonite precipitation from supersaturated waters. Prolonged periods of stratification and, consequently, enhanced sulphate reduction favour aragonite preservation. In contrast, prolonged or repeated exposure of the sediment–water interface to oxygen results in in situ aerobic organic matter decomposition, eventually leading to carbonate dissolution. Notably, the Iznik sediment profile raises the hypothesis that different states of lacustrine mixing lead to selective preservation of different carbonate polymorphs. Thus, a change in the entire lake water chemistry is not strictly necessary to favour the preservation of one polymorph over another. Therefore, this investigation is a novel contribution to the carbon cycle in lacustrine systems.  相似文献   
Volcanoes with silica-rich and highly viscous magma tend to produce violent explosive eruptions that result in disasters in local communities and that strongly affect the global environment. We examined the timing of 11 eruptive events that produced silica-rich magma from four volcanoes in Japan (Mt. Fuji, Mt. Usu, Myojin-sho, and Satsuma-Iwo-jima) over the past 306 years (from AD 1700 to AD 2005). Nine of the 11 events occurred during inactive phases of solar magnetic activity (solar minimum), which is well indexed by the group sunspot number. This strong association between eruption timing and the solar minimum is statistically significant to a confidence level of 96.7%. This relationship is not observed for eruptions from volcanoes with relatively silica-poor magma, such as Izu-Ohshima. It is well known that the cosmic-ray flux is negatively correlated with solar magnetic activity, as the strong magnetic field in the solar wind repels charged particles such as galactic cosmic rays that originate from outside of the solar system. The strong negative correlation observed between the timing of silica-rich eruptions and solar activity can be explained by variations in cosmic-ray flux arising from solar modulation. Because silica-rich magma has relatively high surface tension (~ 0.1 Nm?1), the homogeneous nucleation rate is so low that such magma exists in a highly supersaturated state without considerable exsolution, even when located relatively close to the surface, within the penetration range of cosmic-ray muons (1–10 GeV). These muons can contribute to nucleation in supersaturated magma, as documented by many authors studying a bubble chamber, via ionization loss. This radiation-induced nucleation can lead to the pre-eruptive exsolution of H2O in the silica-rich magma. We note the possibility that the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption was triggered by the same mechanism: an increase in cosmic-ray flux triggered by Typhoon Yunya, as a decrease in atmospheric pressure results in an increase in cosmic-ray flux. We also speculate that the snowball Earth event was triggered by successive large-scale volcanic eruptions triggered by increased cosmic-ray flux due to nearby supernova explosions.  相似文献   
Analysis of P wave velocity profiles and seismic data recorded over the 2002 Hydratech cruise conducted in the Storegga region, North of Norway, has shown the existence of anomalies (a velocity decrease) in some layers of the medium. An elastic propagation model is not sufficient to explain clearly these anomalies, since the viscoelastic attenuation, represented by the quality factor QP, is sensitive to physical phenomena of geological media. The combination of the quality factor profile with the velocity profile leads to realistic explanations of these anomalies. In this article, we explain the procedure which we developed for determining the QP profile from the P wave velocity profile and the seismic data recorded during Hydratech cruise. Both the QP and velocity profiles indicate anomalies in the same layers. Based on previous studies, we interpret that these anomalies are being due to existence of gas hydrates and free gas within these layers.  相似文献   
长江流域沿江镉异常示踪与追源的战略与战术   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
正在进行的多目标地球化学调查成果显示,长江流域存在全流域的Cd异常。长江流域Cd异常示踪与追源研究的长期目标是查明长江流域沿江各主要支流(汇水面积大于5000km2)Cd等重金属元素的物质来源、迁移形式和输入/输出通量、分辨自然源与人为源各自所占份额,建立沿江各支流Cd时空演化模型,监测它的未来发展趋势,对潜在生态效应进行预警预测;短期目标是针对Cd异常的重点地区,如长江源头、三峡库区、湘江流域、江淮流域、长江三角洲及流域内的4大淡水湖泊,查明Cd异常的来源,重建Cd异常形成的地球化学记录,评估可预见的将来(如10~50年)Cd异常的生态效应。  相似文献   
对华北克拉通南缘豫西燕山期具类似于板块俯冲带花岗岩成分变化规律(成分极性)的八宝山、柳关、后瑶峪花岗斑岩类的Pb、Sr、Nd同位素地球化学特征的研究,揭示了这些斑岩的主要物质来源是新太古代的太华群斜长角闪岩部分熔融产生的熔浆与地幔来源物质混合形成的产物。稀土元素含量非常低的八宝山花岗斑岩在岩石形成过程中有流体与其发生交代作用,由于交代及混合作用造成花岗斑岩类的Rb—Sr等时线多为假等时线;柳关花岗斑岩基本上完全由太华群的斜长角闪岩提供物质,豫西地区燕山期的花岗岩岩基其物质来源更为复杂,可能有宽坪群为其提供物质。  相似文献   
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