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本文根据澜沧-耿马地震序列余震分布图像的变化,以及用复合型法反演主震破裂过程的研究结果,提出了澜沧-耿马地区北北西走向顺向雁行型双断层力学模型.用断裂力学有限元方法进行数字模拟研究表明:模型中的两个内端点区之间是主压应力的相对低值区,而剪应力分布在两个内端点区为高值区且以较大梯度向中心衰减,两次7级地震后接连发生的4次近东西走向的6级余震主要发生在这一带.由于压应力的减弱、剪应力的增加,使近东西走向的断层上摩擦力减小,有利于发生剪切错动,引发近东西走向分布的强余震;当区域主压应力方向取北北东向时,断层的理论滑动矢量图显示出右旋走滑性质,与震源机制及地表考查结果一致.当区域主压应力方位取值在NE25°附近且北部7.2级震区的弹性模量相对南部7.6级震区足够大时,北部断层1的相对滑动矢量可比南部断层2大,从而导致7.2级地震的震中烈度大于7.6级地震的烈度异常分布.  相似文献   
合理选择建筑楼面运动强度指标是对建筑内部物品进行易脆性分析的基础。以建筑内部物品的滑移破坏为研究对象,通过单自由度简化模型模拟内部物品在地震引起的楼面运动作用下的滑移反应,并根据刚体在矩形脉冲作用下最大滑移距离的解析解,修正了目前常用的楼面运动强度指标。分析结果表明,物品在地震引起的楼面运动作用下的最大滑移距离远小于矩形脉冲作用下的解析解,且表现出相当大的离散性。未修正的楼面运动强度指标和最大滑移量之间在对数空间上呈比较明显的双线性关系,修正后的强度指标则与最大滑移量在对数空间上具有更好的线性关系。  相似文献   
爆炸余震波形持时和余震事件频度模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
封闭爆炸发生后常常产生大量的余震事件,本文对3次爆炸余震进行了分析和研究. 结果显示,余震波形持时很短, 70%以上的余震波形持时在2~7 s之间,持时频度衰减指数约为-1.6. 幂函数模型较好地描述了余震序列频度的整体变化特征, 爆炸后约两星期内,余震序列的频度衰减较快,衰减指数约为-1.0. 早期余震以群发式为主,后期余震以单发式为主. 对于同强度的爆炸, 因介质和地质构造的差异产生的余震数量相差几倍; 对于一次里氏震级为5.5级的爆炸,爆炸后约一个月内, 余震事件频度就接近了本底,此后仍有少量的余震发生.  相似文献   
巴塘3次续发性中强地震震源的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用CDSN宽频带数字地震波形记录,通过波谱分析研究了巴塘3次续发性中强地震震源的几何参数和动力参数,并同余震震源空间立体分布图像研究结果进行对比分析。  相似文献   
IntroductionThesouthernpartofKhorasanProvinceineast-centralIranisoneoftheseismicallyactiveregionsintheMiddleeast.Historicalreportsindicatedseveralearthquakeshavecausedseveredestructionsandhumanlossinthisregionduringthepastcenturies(Ambraseys,Melville,1982).Theinstrumentallyrecordedearthquakesaswellastheexistenceofseveralactivefaultsalsosug-gestedthattheregionhadahighpotentialofseismicactivities.OnMay10,1997at07:57:29.6GMT,12:27:29.6localtime,ashallowdestructiveearthquakewithoutanyfeltfores…  相似文献   
大同晚期强余震前震源机制解的一致性特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
取层状介质中一点源位错模型,由计算综合地震图得到P、S各自最大振幅,通过其最大振幅比值与观测资料拟合的方式来确定震源机制。大同遥测地震台网较好地记录了大同地震序列的大量小震。经系统地查阅台网和周围其他台站1990-2002年的全部记录,读取垂直向的P、S最大振幅数据,反演计算得到620个小地震的震源机制解。这些解的优势取向和华北构造应力场的方向相同。定义各个震源机制解的P、N、T轴和构造应力场的3个应力主轴在3维空间的夹角之和为一致性参数,发现在1991年和1999年发生的晚期强余震前2-8个月,一致性参数出现显著的下降。我们认为,这是具有短期预测意义的现象。  相似文献   
东南沿海地区震级与震中烈度的统计关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从文献中按一定原则挑选出64例地震资料,通过回归分析,统计出了我国东南沿海地区震级与震中烈度之间的经验公式。通过与其它经验公式的比较,该经验公式对于东南沿海地区具有更好的适用性,并应用该公式得到了福建省泉州市余震的抗震设防烈度。为考虑主余震共同影响下的震害预测方法的研究提供了依据。  相似文献   
Rocking isolation has been increasingly studied as a promising design concept to limit the earthquake damage of civil structures. Despite the difficulties and uncertainties of predicting the rocking response under individual earthquake excitations (due to negative rotational stiffness and complex impact energy loss), in a statistical sense, the seismic performance of rocking structures has been shown to be generally consistent with the experimental outcomes. To this end, this study assesses, in a probabilistic manner, the effectiveness of using rocking isolation as a retrofit strategy for single-column concrete box-girder highway bridges in California. Under earthquake excitation, the rocking bridge could experience multi-class responses (eg, full contacted or uplifting foundation) and multi-mode damage (eg, overturning, uplift impact, and column nonlinearity). A multi-step machine learning framework is developed to estimate the damage probability associated with each damage scenario. The framework consists of the dimensionally consistent generalized linear model for regression of seismic demand, the logistic regression for classification of distinct response classes, and the stepwise regression for feature selection of significant ground motion and structural parameters. Fragility curves are derived to predict the response class probabilities of rocking uplift and overturning, and the conditional damage probabilities such as column vibrational damage and rocking uplift impact damage. The fragility estimates of rocking bridges are compared with those for as-built bridges, indicating that rocking isolation is capable of reducing column damage potential. Additionally, there exists an optimal slenderness angle range that enables the studied bridges to experience much lower overturning tendencies and significantly reduced column damage probabilities at the same time.  相似文献   
Active geological and young faulted zones have made Iran’s territory one of the most seismological active areas in the world according to recent historical earthquakes. Some of the deadliest earthquakes such as Gilan 1990 and Kermanshah 2018 caused tens of thousands fatalities. If such violent earthquakes affect strategical structures of a country, indirect losses would be more concerning than direct losses. Nowadays there is no doubt about the vital role of tunnels and underground structures in urban areas. These facilities serve as nonstop functional structures for human transportation, water and sewage systems and underground pedestrian ways. Any external hazard subjected to underground spaces, such as earthquake could directly affect passenger’s lives and significantly decrease whole system reliability of public transportation. Commonly two earthquake levels of intensities, Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE) and Operating Design Earthquake (ODE) were used in seismic design of underground structures. However, uncertain nature of earthquakes in terms of frequency content, duration of strong ground motion, and level of intensity indicate that only the two levels of earthquake (ODE and MDE) cannot cover the all range of possible seismic responses of structures during a probable earthquake. It is important to evaluate the behavior of tunnel under a wide range of earthquake intensities. For this purpose, a practical risk-based approach which is obtained using the total probability rule was used. This study illustrates a framework for evaluation seismic stability of tunnels. Urban railway tunnels of Tehran, Shiraz, Ahwaz, Mashhad, Isfahan and Tabriz were considered as study cases. Nominal value of seismic risk for three main damage states, including minor, moderate and major were calculated.  相似文献   
对邯郸地震台网1984-2008年记录的磁县小地震,作双差定位,然后根据定位结果,对磁县历史强震断层参数作反演计算,求解磁县历史强震断层走向、倾角等特征参数,根据当地应力场来估算磁县历史强震断层的滑动角.  相似文献   
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