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四种重金属对刺参幼参的急性致毒效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用静水试验法,在水温18.5℃~20℃的条件下,用Cu2 ,Zn2 ,Cd2 和Cr6 四种重金属对刺参幼参进行了单一急性毒性试验。结果表明:Cu2 对刺参幼参的24h,48h,72h和96hLC50分别为0.299,0.176,0.133和0.120mg/L;Zn2 的24h,48h,72h和96hLC50分别为6.700,3.624,2.577和1.951mg/L;Cd2 的24h,48h和72hLC50分别为4.246,2.588和2.137mg/L;Cr6 的24h,48h和72hLC50分别为31.974,7.499和3.808mg/L;Cu2 ,Zn2 ,Cd2 和Cr6 对刺参幼参的安全浓度分别为0.018,0.362,0.259和0.750mg/L。四种重金属对刺参幼参的毒性大小依次为Cu2 >Cd2 >Zn2 >Cr6 。  相似文献   
While the important role of land–ocean contrast (LOC) in the mean atmospheric circulation is well-known, an intriguing question remains as to whether LOC can also significantly influence the anomaly circulation. This question is particularly important in the tropics, where a large part of the variabilities is known to be due to convective internal dynamics, which in turn can be significantly affected by LOC. In the present work, we investigate this question using a model of convectively driven anomaly circulation in the tropics. Emphasizing the lower tropospheric flow, we adopt a model describing the horizontal dynamics of the first baroclinic mode on an equatorial β-plane, in the presence of moist feedbacks. We introduce LOC in both latitudinal and longitudinal directions. Land surface dryness is taken into account in the moisture budget through the control of evaporative flux. A constant non-latent heating term is used over land in order to represent radiative and sensible heating effects. First, a control run is performed, numerically, without any LOC using random initial perturbations. The gravest mode that emerges from the control run, which is a wave-2 feature with a period around 20 days, is then used as the initial field for the model runs with LOC. The results show that LOC can significantly influence even the tropical variabilities. A latitudinal LOC, with a land mass in the northern hemisphere (north of 10°N), tends to shift the region of maximum precipitation slightly north of the equator with accompanying steeper gradients near the land–ocean boundary. The implications of this result for our understanding of Asian summer monsoon conditions are discussed. When LOC is only in the longitudinal direction, the dominant wave structure that emerges from the model run has wavenumber one and a period of about 35 days, very similar to the observed 30–60 day oscillation. In our final experiment, which is nearer to the realistic land–ocean configuration in the tropics, it is found that both latitudinal and longitudinal effects of LOC are important aspects of the tropical anomaly circulation. It is suggested that some of the patterns in the precipitation distribution, observed in the tropics and simulated using general circulation models are results of convectively induced internal dynamics, modulated by LOC.  相似文献   
Multiple Discriminant Analysis of Marine Sediment Data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A multivariate statistical approach was used in the analysis of inter-relationships among marine benthic infaunal structure, physical and chemical characteristics of sediment samples and toxicity data derived from laboratory tests at 16 locations in shallow, inshore waters of Hong Kong. The method involved classification (cluster analysis using the Bray–Curtis similarity index) and ordination (multi-dimensional scaling) of infaunal patterns and the use of multiple discriminant analysis to relate groupings of the locations to the selected environmental and toxicity data. Analysis of the combined sediment physical, biological, chemical and toxicity dataset by stepwise multiple discriminant analysis allowed identification of those variables most sensitive for discriminating location groups. The use of multiple discriminant analysis in sediment quality characterization was evaluated against the Sediment Quality Triad approach and other statistical techniques.  相似文献   
以体长(1.932±0.204)cm、体质量(1.386±0.055)g的棘胸蛙蝌蚪为实验动物,在水温(24±0.2)℃、DO(7.30±0.01)mg/L、pH 7.30±0.01条件下,采用静水停食法开展了氨氮对蝌蚪的急性攻毒实验,并以此为基础,测定了不同氨氮质量浓度胁迫下棘胸蛙蝌蚪的排氨率、耗氧率、氧氮比及窒息点。结果表明:(1)蝌蚪对氨氮急性攻毒具明显的运动避毒行为,濒死个体的背部皮肤和肝脏均具明显的色变症状;(2)氨氮对蝌蚪的急性致死率具明显的剂量—时间效应,24h、48h、72h、96h LC50依次为177.5、151.7、148.6和146.8mg/L,毒性时段蓄积程度系数呈持续下降趋势,24—48h、48—72h、72—96h的时段MAC值分别为84.04%、10.1%和5.86%;(3)蝌蚪夜均、昼均、日均及时段排氨率随氨氮质量浓度增加均呈阶梯式下降趋势,其中时段排氨率与对照组均无显著差异的为9.80mg/L实验组,夜均、昼均、日均及时段排氨率与对照组均无显著差异的仅为2.45mg/L实验组(P0.05);(4)氨氮对蝌蚪呼吸耗氧具低毒兴奋效应,其夜均、昼均和日均耗氧率随氨氮质量浓度增加均呈先升后降趋势,峰值氨氮质量浓度范围均为4.90—7.35mg/L(P0.05),与对照组均无显著差异的仅为14.70mg/L实验组(P0.05),窒息点含氧量随氨氮质量浓度增加呈先降后升趋势,谷底出现于4.90mg/L实验组(P0.05),与对照组无显著差异的仅为9.80mg/L实验组(P0.05);(5)实验期间,蝌蚪氧氮比(O:N)波动于18.87—25.34之间,昼均和日均氧氮比(O:N)随氨氮质量浓度增加均依次呈"上升—稳定—下降—再稳定"之趋势,两者的峰值氨氮质量浓度范围分别为4.90—14.70mg/L和4.90—9.80mg/L,夜均氧氮比(O:N)呈先升后降趋势,峰值出现于7.35mg/L实验组(P0.05)。  相似文献   
工业废水和城市综合污水的环境风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综述了国内外工业废水与城市综合废水的监控和环境风险管理进展。与发达国家比较,化学监测法是目前我国工业废水和城市综合污水监控的唯一手段,而且主要有赖于COD等极少参数,并不能有效监控复合有毒有机污染物的排放。采用生态毒性检测法,可弥补这一缺陷,满足环境风险管理要求。毒性鉴别评价鉴别出导致废水/污水生态毒性的关键有机毒物,是降低其环境风险的核心。还对生态毒性检测法应用于我国废水/污水排放的监控和环境风险管理前景做了评述。  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widespread persistent pollutants that readily undergo biotic and abiotic conversion to numerous transformation products in rivers, lakes and estuarine sediments. Here we characterize the developmental toxicity of four PAH transformation products each structural isomers of hydroxynaphthoic acid: 1H2NA, 2H1NA, 2H3NA, and 6H2NA. Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) embryos and eleutheroembryos were used to determine toxicity. A 96-well micro-plate format was used to establish a robust, statistically significant platform for assessment of early life stages. Individual naphthoic acid isomers demonstrated a rank order of toxicity with 1H2NA > 2H1NA > 2H3NA > 6H2NA being more toxic. Abnormalities of circulatory system were most pronounced including pericardial edema and tube heart. To determine if HNA isomers were AhR ligands, spatial-temporal expression and activity of CYP1A was measured via in vivo EROD assessments. qPCR measurement of CYP1A induction proved different between isomers dosed at respective concentrations affecting 50% of exposed individuals (EC50s). In vitro, all ANH isomers transactivated mouse AhR using a medaka CYP1A promoter specific reporter assay. Circulatory abnormalities followed P450 induction and response was consistent with PAH toxicity. A 96-well micro-plates proved suitable as exposure chambers and provided statistically sound evaluations as well as efficient toxicity screens. Our results demonstrate the use of medaka embryos for toxicity analysis thereby achieving REACH objectives for the reduction of adult animal testing in toxicity evaluations.  相似文献   

Semidiurnal variations in the depth of the thermocline observed near the shelf edge north‐west of Cape Egmont are probably caused bv an internal tide generated at around 200 m depth over the continental slope. The observations suggest that in this region an internal tide, with amplitude of about 20 m, propagates onto the shelf with a speed of approximately 0.5 m·s?1 and a wavelength of about 22 km.  相似文献   
The role of surfactant organic matter in marine aerosol production has been studied under conditions in which there is a large coverage of whitecaps on the sea surface. To improve the knowledge of matter exchange and pollutant recycling from the sea surface into the atmosphere, a spray drop adsorption model (SDAM) was developed and the validity of the proposed model verified by the following experimental results: (1) an increase of surfactant matter on the sea surface during rough sea conditions (‘surface wave concentration'); (2) an (hyperbolic-like) increase of the enrichment ratio (ER) of surfactant fluorescent organic matter (SFOM), made up predominantly by humic substances (HS), as the particle size decrease; (3) a similar behaviour for elements with pollutant properties, and which are known to interact with HS and other surfactant materials, considered pollution tracers. An additional laboratory experiment, based on the adsorption model conditions, gives enrichment ratio greater than unity for K and Ca. The first results on marine aerosols trapped in marine clouds (at 1000 m above sea level and at 100 km from the coast) seem to further support the proposed model and its ability to predict the transition from saline to almost entirely organic particles for the smaller fractions of marine aerosols. The possible contribution of these particles to the recycling and to the long range transport of pollutants via marine aerosols has been considered.  相似文献   
土壤聚合物对几种重金属离子固化效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤聚合物是一种新型的无机聚合物,其分子链由Si、O、Al等以共价键或离子键连接而成,形成网络结构,对重金属有较强的固定作用.本文试图利用土壤聚合物固化铜、锌、铅三种重金属离子,实现资源化利用.实验以固化体抗压强度和浸出毒性作为性能表征量,结果表明:土壤聚合物对不同重金属的固化有各自的极限浓度,Cu2 、Zn2 、Pb2 的理想固化量分别为0.9%、1%、2%;若固化过程中添加一定量的高炉矿渣,则可以提高固化体的抗压强度.本文通过土壤聚合物固化体SEM分析,从固化体微观结构的形态来阐述土壤聚合物宏观上的优越表现.  相似文献   
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