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The gradient of CO_2 concentration, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). net radiation.soil heat flux, profiles of wind speed, and air temperature and humidity were measured above awheat field during May and June 1985 at Beijing Agro-Ecosystems Experimental Station. Beijing,China. Fluxes of carbon dioxide, sensible heat, latent heat and momentum were calculated byusing the aerodynamic method. The observation site. equipment, calibration techniques, theerrors associated with the measurement, and the computational procedures are described. Theresults show that the diurnal variations of amplitude of CO_2 concentrations were 103.8 to 27. 0. 86.3 to 22.8 and 69.8 to 11.6 ppm: the average CO_2 concentrations were 331.5. 339.9 and 364.6 ppmfor the photosynthesis type, and 369.6. 364.0 and 375.2 ppm for the respiration type at 1. 2 and10 m above surface, respectively, from May 14 to June 15. In the daytime, transfer direction ofthe CO_2 fluxes and gradients is from air to crop canopy, and at noon (1100 to 1300 BT (BeijingTime)) the transfer rate reaches negative maximum value. At night, transfer of CO_2 fluxes andgradients is in the reversed direction and reaches positive maximum in the early morning (0400 to0600 BT). There are strong negative correlations between CO_2 flux and the net radiation (Rn),available energy (H LE). photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and momentum flux (τ).  相似文献   
乌兰巴托以西断裂活动时代的光释光年代学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙古乌兰巴托周边发育了多条活动断裂.以乌兰巴托以西的Emeeh和Hustai断裂为例,对相关断层开挖探槽,进行年代学研究.结果表明,Emeeh断裂以走滑运动为主,根据剖面错断地层和其上覆、下伏地层的光释光年代学研究结果,推断出该断层最新活动时间介于距今(9.6±1.0)ka和(11.3±1.3)ka之间;对Hustai断裂开挖的新鲜剖面显示其为正断层,通过分析错断地层和其上覆堆积物的光释光定年结果,推断该断裂最新活动时间介于距今(0.87±0.08) ka和(24.2±4.9) ka之间,且可能更接近距今(0.87±0.08)ka.  相似文献   
张岳桥  施炜  董树文 《地质学报》2019,93(5):971-1001
作为大陆内部典型的伸展断陷区和强震活动区,华北地区处于东部太平洋板块俯冲构造和西部印欧大陆碰撞构造的双重大地构造背景之下,其新构造运动相当复杂:西部沿鄂尔多斯地块周缘两个地堑盆地系引张伸展断陷作用、中部太行山块体的局部断陷和整体隆升、东部华北平原区和渤海湾海域区的区域沉降,南缘沿秦岭构造带的左旋走滑拉张活动,东缘沿郯庐断裂带的右旋挤压走滑活动。这些不同类型的断裂构造在晚新生代的阶段性活动,产生了复杂的构造地貌组合特征。综合研究发现,华北晚新生代经历了3期伸展断陷-挤压隆升演化阶段:新近纪晚期(10~2.5 Ma)、早中更新世和晚更新世以来。地壳引张应力方向或NW-SE、或NE-SW向;地块隆升导致湖盆的消亡,挤压应力方向为NE-SW至W-E向。研究认为,华北地区新构造受两个岩石圈构造过程的相互影响:印欧碰撞产生的远程效应和东部岩石圈地幔的上涌。一方面,青藏高原东北缘地块的持续推挤及其构造应力向东的传递导致鄂尔多斯地块反时针旋转和秦岭山地的向东挤出逃逸,这个挤出构造动力学统治了华北地区晚新生代的引张伸展、斜张走滑和挤压变形。尤其是,新近纪晚期强烈的NW-SE向地壳伸展变形与青藏东缘挤出造山作用同步(10~9 Ma至4.2 Ma);上新世末期(约2.5 Ma)、晚更新世早期(约200~70 ka)和晚更新世晚期—全新世(约20 ka以来)3次构造挤压事件与青藏高原东缘构造事件基本对应。另一方面,岩石圈地幔上涌主导了华北东部平原区的区域地壳沉降,同时伴随着早、中更新世的5期幔源火山活动。这两个岩石圈构造作用力此消彼长,深刻统治着华北地区新构造与现今活动构造以及地震构造。  相似文献   
The cartography of land covers was used to study fertility and soil evolution in a mountainous Mediterranean area during the anthropocene period ( Crutzen P J 2002 Geology of mankind Nature 415 23). The aim was to determine changes in fertility as agricultural lands were abandoned in the 14 000 hectare area that constitutes Sant Llorenç del Munt Natural Park in a pre-coastal Catalan mountain range (north-eastern Iberian Peninsula). The analysis of land covers using vegetation maps, orthorectified images and aerial photography has allowed us to differentiate six vegetation groups: holm-oak wood, pine grove, oak wood, scrub, active agricultural fields and abandoned agricultural fields. The anthropic covers over the past 100 years were subdivided into five categories: active fields and those abandoned over four time periods. Study variables include field shape (concave, convex, flat), orientation (north, south) and slope (ranging from 12º to 24º). The parameters used for the physical-chemical soil analysis included organic material, phosphorous and potassium; fertility was classified based on groups, types and classes. The results indicate that even when the visual appearance of certain landscapes is similar, the edaphic characteristics may be very different. Changes induced by human disturbance share this phenomenon. Therefore, land management should be considered globally, taking into account vegetation, soils and water as interdependent factors, since it is their interaction that produces landscape and most affects its evolution over time.  相似文献   
On the basis of the authors' experiences of setting up an NGDC Web site, this paper attempts to present some significant aspects about the security of NGDC based on ASP. They include data storing, database maintenance, new technical support and so on. Firstly, this paper discusses how to provide the security of data which is saved in the hosts of NGDC. The security model of “Networks-DB Server-DB-DB Object” is also presented. In Windows NT Server, Internet Information Server (i. e., IIS) is in charge of transferring message and the management of Web sites. ASP is also based on IIS. The advantages of virtual directory technique provided by IIS are emphasized.  相似文献   
Regional and national level land cover datasets, such as the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) in the United States, have become an important resource in physical and social science research. Updates to the NLCD have been conducted every 5 years since 2001; however, the procedure for producing a new release is labor-intensive and time-consuming, taking 3 or 4 years to complete. Furthermore, in most countries very few, if any, such releases exist, and thus there is high demand for efficient production of land cover data at different points in time. In this paper, an active machine learning framework for temporal updating (or backcasting) of land cover data is proposed and tested for three study sites covered by the NLCD. The approach employs a maximum entropy classifier to extract information from one Landsat image using the NLCD, and then replicate the classification on a Landsat image for the same geographic extent from a different point in time to create land cover data of similar quality. Results show that this framework can effectively replicate the land cover database in the temporal domain with similar levels of overall and within class agreement when compared against high resolution reference land cover datasets. These results demonstrate that the land cover information encapsulated in the NLCD can effectively be extracted using solely Landsat imagery for replication purposes. The algorithm is fully automated and scalable for applications at landscape and regional scales for multiple points in time.  相似文献   
野马河—大雪山断裂肃北段晚第四纪活动特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
前人对野马河—大雪山断裂肃北段的晚第四纪活动特征研究相对薄弱,缺少有关断层最新活动的证据。本文在高分辨率遥感解译的基础上,对肃北断裂开展全段1∶5 000的地质地貌填图,通过探槽开挖、放射性碳(~(14)C)测年以及低空无人机摄影测量(small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,简称sUAV)等工作,对该断裂晚第四纪活动性进行系统研究。发现肃北断裂为一条全新世的逆冲活动断裂,晚第四纪以来具有多期活动,西水沟探槽剖面揭示出2次古地震事件,古地震离逝时间为(4 192.5±97.5)a B.P.之后。  相似文献   
安宁河断裂带晚第四纪活动的基本特征及强震危险性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过影像解译,结合野外地质调查,利用第四纪地貌填图、样品采集和差分GPS地貌面的测量等研究手段,对安宁河断裂带及其附近地区第四纪地貌特征与断层活动关系进行了研究,分析了安宁河断裂带晚第四纪以来的活动特征,探讨了该断裂上强震的危险性。结果表明,晚第四纪以来,安宁河断裂带有强烈左旋走滑和逆冲的双重运动特征,由此可将其划分为南、北两段,北段最后一次活动时间大约在公元15世纪,南段最后一次活动时间为1536年。安宁河断裂带北段的强震危险性大于南段,且未来地震的强度在7.5级左右。  相似文献   
高层建筑地震反应全反馈主动TMD控制理论研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文应用最近提出的全反馈主动控制法对高层建筑地震反应进行了全反馈主动TMD(调谐质量阻尼器)控制的理论研究,考虑了实时控制过程中控制力的时间滞后效应,并通过数值模拟分析了不同的反馈形式以及不同的时间滞后量对主动TMD控制效果的影响。最后得出结论:对高层建筑地震反应实施全反馈主动TMD控制,既能更有效地降低结构的位移反应和速度反应,又能大幅度地降低结构的加速度反应;且当控制力时间滞后量较大时,对主动  相似文献   
数字航空摄影测量学方法在活动构造中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了高效率、高精度地获取活动构造研究中的定量参数, 引入数字航空摄影测量学方法十分必要.在川西地势陡峻的鲜水河断裂带上进行了试验性研究, 探讨了测量精度和效率, 总结了工作流程与操作方法.利用空间信息增强的正射纠正影像、大比例尺地形图和地形剖面图, 获得康定南团结乡附近鲜水河断裂带康定段断层迹线的空间分布, 量测得到该断裂在T1洪积扇形成以来左旋水平位移量为43 m, 垂直位移量为5.8 m.结果表明, 利用数字航空摄影测量学方法进行活动构造地貌研究中水平累积位移量、垂直累积位移量、断层长度等定量参数的测量以及构造几何学精细解析与构造地貌成图完全能满足精度要求, 大大提高了野外工作效率, 是活动构造定量研究的一种有效的技术方法.   相似文献   
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