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水下沙丘形态演化的数值模拟实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水下沙丘在海洋、湖泊、河流等浅水砂质沉积区广泛分布。基于过程的数值实验方法探讨了沙丘形态演化问题,试图解释在沙丘形成过程中各因素的作用及它们之间的关系。模拟中考虑了以下的变量:水深、沉积物粒度、沉积层厚度以及台风作用。模拟结果显示,沙丘的空间分布控制了空间流场的参数k2,沙丘波高受水深、沉积物粒度以及沉积层厚度等因素的影响,沉积层厚度决定了沙丘的形态是否饱满。在台风作用中,沙丘波峰的沉积物被侵蚀,高程降低,波高渐小;台风作用后,沉积物被重新输运至波峰,沙丘高度逐渐恢复。因此,沙丘的高度取决于台风作用的时间以及2次台风作用之间的间隔。沙丘形态和尺度在台风作用前后变化较小,但沙丘演化的速度却有所提高。根据台湾浅滩和北海南部地貌系统数据的验证,模拟具有较好的效果。  相似文献   
The composition and distribution of macrobenthic communities was investigated in three areas in the KwaZulu- Natal Bight, a section of shelf off the east coast of South Africa. Areas were pre-selected on the basis of three known oceanographic features, posited to deliver land- or Agulhas Current-derived nutrients onto the shelf and to drive ecosystem functioning in this region. Replicate sediment samples were collected with a 0.2 m2 van Veen grab, during two surveys (A, B) corresponding with normal periods of high and low rainfall, respectively. A subset of the full station array was selected across the shelf in an arrangement of increasing depths (inner-, mid- and outer shelf) through each feature area to investigate the spatial distribution and feeding modes of macrobenthic taxa. The two periods showed some differences in abundance and numbers of macrobenthic taxa, but were not statistically different. Total macrobenthic abundance from Survey A was 20 215 individuals from 642 taxa, decreasing to 18 000 individuals from 503 taxa during Survey B. Polychaeta and Crustacea were the dominant taxa sampled; abundance of the latter was attributed largely to a proliferation of Paguristes sp.1 at inner-shelf samples in the midbight (Thukela) region during Survey B. Similarity classification distinguished seven sample groups reflecting differences in feature areas and shelf positions under investigation. The Thukela River midshelf community supported the highest macrobenthic abundance, while the midshelf off the southern bight (Durban region) was most species rich. Findings were attributed to the habitat complexity of the midshelf which includes a palaeo-dune cordon at the 60 m isobath. Functionally, the community was dominated by interface- and deposit-feeding fauna, emphasising the importance of trophic plasticity in an environmentally variable and heterogeneous shelf environment.  相似文献   
戴波  赵启光  张敏  张扬  冯武 《地震工程学报》2020,42(6):1479-1486
郯庐断裂带宿迁段多年来一直被列为江苏地震重点关注区域。在该区域展开了多期活断层探测和工程地震安全性评价工作,地震监测已经建成了测震、形变、电磁、流体等多种手段。用气体地球化学方法开展相关研究,探索活动断层运动和地震发生之间的相互关系,是对该地区地震科学研究的一种补充,其有着十分重要的意义。沿郯庐断裂带宿迁段F5断裂布设土壤氡测线并获得相关数据,结合地质勘察、浅层人工地震等资料进行综合分析,结果表明该区域内土壤氡探测结果对断裂带的位置、断层类型和特征、断层活动性具有较好的指示性。土壤氡探测展示F5断裂两条分支断裂F5-1、F5-2的位置,氡浓度异常形态与断层特征存在一定的对应关系,并利用土壤氡浓度强度为指标,初步判断郯庐断裂带宿迁段F5断裂2条分支断裂的相对活动性。  相似文献   
利用地下流体氦同位素比值估算大陆壳幔热流比例   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
汪洋 《地球物理学报》2000,43(6):762-770
地下流体中的氦同位素 3He来自地幔的排气作用 ,4He则是铀、钍衰变的产物 .由于铀、钍元素在大陆地壳中富集 ,4He通量与地壳热流呈正相关关系 ;同时 3He通量与地幔热流之间呈正相关 .所以地下流体的氦同位素比值 (3He / 4 He)与大陆壳幔热流比值 (qc/qm)呈反相关关系 .根据欧亚大陆和加拿大地盾的地下流体氦同位素比值数据和相应的壳幔热流比值数据 ,统计出 qc/ qm 与 3He / 4 He之间的回归关系 :qc/ qm =0 81 5- 0 30 0ln(3He / 4 He) ;此处 3He/ 4 He的单位是RA(大气的 3He/ 4 He比值 ) .有了地表热流值和壳幔热流比值即可得到地壳热流和地幔热流 .利用该公式以及热流值估算了中国主要盆地的壳幔热流值 ;根据这些数值得出的热岩石圈厚度和地壳平均生热率结果与地震学研究成果一致 .氦同位素比值是区分大陆热流中地壳热流值和地幔热流值的有用参数 .  相似文献   
本文利用实测地质剖面建立了活断层上覆盖层中氡迁移的地质-物理模型,根据氡的迁移机理建立了活断层上氡迁移的数学模型,采用有限差分方法求解氡迁移的二维微分方程的数值解,得到了直立活断层,倾斜活断层,地堑活断层,活动断裂带或破碎带上覆盖层中氡浓度的二维断面等值图和横切断层的剖面曲线,分析了氡浓度分布的二维断面特征和剖面曲线特征,它们与氡的迁移机制及活断层调查的实测剖面曲线相符,这些为活断层的调查和进一步反演奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   
胡国辉  胡俊良  陈伟  赵太平 《岩石学报》2010,26(5):1563-1576
幔源岩浆侵位产生的基性岩墙群是地壳伸展裂解的重要标志。华北克拉通南缘中条山-嵩山地区出露有大量的中元古代基性岩墙群,对其研究将有助于深入了解华北克拉通中元古代构造演化特征。其岩石类型以辉绿岩为主,少量辉长辉绿岩和辉绿玢岩;主要造岩矿物为斜长石和单斜辉石,其它矿物包括角闪石、Fe-Ti氧化物、磷灰石、黑云母、碱性长石和石英。锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄为1785±18Ma,代表岩墙的结晶年龄。岩石K2O+Na2O含量为3.63%~6.18%,K2O/Na2O比值为0.73~1.38,FeOT含量较高(10.03%~13.59%),属于拉斑玄武岩系列。岩石的稀土元素含量高(142×10-6~381×10-6),亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素,富集Rb、Ba、La等大离子亲石元素,全岩εNd(t)值为-6.2~-8.1。岩墙的固结指数(SI)和MgO含量呈明显的正相关关系,说明幔源岩浆发生过明显的结晶分异作用。地球化学分析表明,研究区基性岩墙属于板内拉斑玄武岩系列,与熊耳群火山岩有相似的地球化学特征;基于两者紧密的产出关系,我们认为该区岩墙可能是熊耳群火山岩的通道岩墙,共同代表了华北克拉通东、西陆块碰撞后伸展事件。  相似文献   
中国大陆边缘构造属性与超巨量金属工业堆积   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了大陆边缘的形成与演化,以中国大陆已存在的3条陆壳对接消减带为界,划分了5个大陆边缘构造带、13个次一级的边缘构造区及其内部的58个时空配置结构,并据区内现有金属矿产地计算了其发现几率。依据大陆边缘的形成、演化及其动力学特征,将中国大陆边缘划分为离散型、汇聚型、对接碰撞型和转换型4类,并总结了其成矿专属。大陆边缘虽然有利成矿,但是超巨量金属工业堆积应取决于其成矿有利因素是否达到最佳耦合。提出了最佳耦合应是异常地质事件激发正常成矿作用发生“引潮共振”①的结果。  相似文献   
基于辽宁地区主要活动断裂的几何特征和空间展布,对1980年以来辽宁地区ML≥2.0地震的累计频次和1900年以来Ms≥5.0地震的年发生率的空间分布及其与活动断裂构造背景关系进行研究,获得了基于地震学的辽宁省内主要断裂和构造区(带)的活动性与地震危险性的初步评估结果。辽宁地区主要断裂活动性较高的有海城河断裂、金州断裂九寨—盖州北段、朝阳—北票断裂等;辽宁地区未来3年发生Ms≥5.0地震危险性较高的断裂依次有海城河断裂、金州断裂、熊岳—庄河断裂、鸭绿江断裂及赤峰—开原断裂与柳河断裂交汇处等。在判定区域地震危险性和城市地震风险时,除了依据前兆异常的空间分布,还应充分考虑区内主要构造(断裂)的活动性与地震危险性。  相似文献   
The so-called S reflector is a group of bright, continuous reflections underlying the landward-tilted fault blocks of the west Galicia rifted margin, S has been interpreted as the brittle-ductile transition, the lop of an intrusion, a detachment fault, and the crust-mantle boundary. To constrain the internal structure of the reflector, we have carried out detailed analyses of these reflections. We compare the waveforms of the seafloor reflection and its first multiple, both to determine the amplitude of the seafloor reflection and to show (hat the seafloor is in effect a spike in the reflectivity series so that the seafloor reflection can be used as the far-field wavelet, including both source and receiver ghosts. We compare (he waveform of the seafloor and 5 and show that, within the resolution of our data, S is a reflection from a step increase in acoustic impedance. This result is confirmed through complex trace analysis, and in particular the determination of the apparent polarity of S, and the examination of the instantaneous frequency function: S is consistently positive polarity, and shows no significant frequency anomaly. Simple modelling shows that S is very unlikely to be a reflection from a thin layer. We thus conclude that S is probably a single steplike interface. From the varying frequency content of the data, we determine a value for the effective Q between S and the seafloor, and use this to assess the amplitude loss due to attenuation and scattering. We use a comparison between the seafloor and the S reflection to constrain the amplitude of S, and estimate a reflection coefficient for S of at least 0.2 in places, decreasing landwards. By analogy with structures developed in the highly extended regions of the western United States, we consider that the most likely interpretation of S is as a sharp west-dipping detachment fault separating a 'granitic' upper plate from a higher-velocity lower plate, locally probably serpentinized mantle.  相似文献   
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