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根据事件地层学的发展现状,首次提出了一套系统的事件地层单位,由小到大大致上为事件面、事件层、事件带、事件组合和事件集群,并界定了各事件地层单位的含义和特征。在此基础上,将该套事件地层理论应用于中扬子台地震旦—寒武系界线事件地层的研究,并划分出2个事件面即生物灭绝事件面和海泛事件面,1个事件层即粘土事件层,4个事件带即海平面下降事件带、浊流事件带以及海平面上升事件带和缺氧事件带,3个事件组合即海平面下降—浊流事件组合、外星撞击—生物灭绝事件组合和海平面上升—缺氧事件组合,共同构成了1个事件集群即震旦—寒武系界线事件集群。事件地层含油性分析表明,研究区海平面上升—缺氧事件组合是有利的烃源岩,海平面下降—浊流事件组合具有一定的储集意义。  相似文献   
本文运用沉积动力学的理论和方法,对褚岛连岛沙坝的形成与演变进行了动力机制方面的探讨。  相似文献   
利用常规地面、高空观测资料和NECP逐日4次 1?x 1?网格再分析资料,对2014年5月22日发生在南疆西部地区的一次翻山型大风天气过程的物理机制进行了诊断分析。结果表明:本次大风是高压脊衰退,冷空气沿西北路径爆发产生的大风天气过程;喀什站与乌鲁木齐、塔什干指标站气压差有明显的指示意义:喀什站与乌鲁木齐站气压差由负转正达到 3hPa左右,与塔什干站气压差达到最大-26hPa左右,此时可作为出现全区性大风的参考时间节点,当喀什站与乌鲁木齐站气压差扩大到-15hPa左右,维持稳定,与塔什干气压差减小至-13hPa左右,可作为全区性大风结束的参考时间节点;同时大风出现及结束时间节点在地理上呈现阶梯性变化特征;高空急流、垂直速度圈、变压中心以及冷锋的位置变化相互制约影响;高空急流、垂直环流圈的共同作用是高空动量下传重要动力机制;低层南疆盆地的辐合、帕米尔高原的辐散加剧了南疆盆地上升减压和帕米尔高原中低层的下沉加压,是又一动力强迫机制;中低层300hPa-850hPa较深厚的强冷平流输送,盆地热低压发展是翻山大风形成的热力因子。  相似文献   
The collision between Eurasian and Pacific plates along the eastern margin of the Asian continent resulted in formation of a series of island-arcs, one of which is the Taiwan Island-arc, and the Taiwan Straits is a foreland basin in the continent-arc collision zone. The Quaternary fine-grained sediments occur evenly in the upper part of the basin, and the Pliocene deposits in the lower part. The stepped faults run in the deposits, indicating that the tectonic movement tended to weaken after the Pliocene. Strong seismic zones of Taiwan Island released large amount of plate overthrust-collision compressive stress and have their screen and prevention roles for the straits. Only the intersections between offshore NW-trending transform-like faults and seashore NE-trending faults on the southern and northern terminations of the Island are prone to strong earthquakes. The possibility of occurrence of M ≥ 6 earthquake should be very low in the area for the planned future tunnel. Moreover, the seismic intensity is rapidly attenuated from the surface downward. Thus, the seismic intensity for the tunnel under the seabed will be much lower. In seismotectonic view, the construction of tunnel is feasible.  相似文献   
基于天文水准的GPS跨障碍高程传递   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
GPS水准无法直接应用于跨障碍高程传递,其关键原因在于障碍物两侧的高程基准不一致。为解决这一问题,文中提出了一种基于天文水准原理的新方法:首先以常规数值方法分别拟合障碍物两侧的似大地水准面形状,由此求得相对于WGS-84的地面垂线偏差值;然后根据天文水准原理,进一步计算出跨障碍的高程异常差。理论研究和实验表明,新方法克服了单纯GPS水准无法连接不同高程系统的困难,是一种有效的高精度方法。  相似文献   
Estimates are made of the accuracy with which the brightness distributions across the disks of stars can be reconstructed through analysis of data from high precision space-based photometry of classical eclipsing systems and observations of the transit of planets across stellar disks. The ill-posed reconstruction problem was solved on a compact set of monotonically nonincreasing, upwardly convex, non-negative functions. One of the difficulties with this method in the case of stars with thin photospheres is the poor convergence of the solution at the point where the brightness distribution has a discontinuity at the edge of the star's disk. Nevertheless, the use of this method for analysis of high precision observational data is justified, since it can be used to obtain an estimate of the limb darkening that is independent of any model assumptions. The reconstructed brightness distribution for the star HD 209458, for which the transit of a planet over its disk was observed with the HST space telescope, is in good agreement with the results of a nonlinear model fit. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 595–606 (November 2008).  相似文献   
"丝绸之路经济带"战略主要包括两轴、两带和两个辐射区的建设。作为重要的国家战略,发展丝绸之路经济带的重点在于"路",即通过交通轴线的建设实现经济集聚和辐射功能。本文通过文献调研和数据整理,从铁路、海运、航空三个角度分析中国与丝绸之路经济带中其他区域之间的交通格局现状,并针对三种运输方式面临的问题和发展前景,探讨跨大陆版块交通经济带建设模式。本文认为,在未来的丝绸之路经济带建设中,应通过跨区域合作,以中心城市为节点,以交通干线为发展轴,以线连点,点轴推进,海陆空并举,连线成网,打造信息化的交通经济带。  相似文献   
山西带形变监测场地情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对山西带跨断层短水准流动测量场地、定点台站跨断层水准场地和区域流动GPS场地及分布情况进行了调查、汇总和分析。调查了10个流动水准测量场地和4个定点台站水准测量场地,所跨断层绝大多数走向为北北东至北东向,多具有右旋正走滑活动性质,反映了山西带总体构造特征。同时发现,偶有近东西向断裂或北西向断裂与其互相切割,应该是容易造成应力集中的地方。整个山西带布有区域GPS观测点40个,每年正常观测1次的有39个,点距多为几公里到几十公里不等,在整个断层带上的分布比较均匀,并已积累了十几年的流动观测资料。结合地质资料和历史地震的活动特点,认为山西带再次孕育强震的可能性较大,这些多手段形变测量场地的布设情况、时间和空间上的相互联系及多年复测资料的积累对强震预测研究有重要价值。  相似文献   
A MHD theory of combined Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) and Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instabilities for a transition layer with two different scale lengths (Δ and δ for the variation of velocity/magnetic fields and density, respectively) is presented. The study is motivated by reports of magnetopauses with no low latitude boundary layer, in which a sharp density drop over a distance δ?Δ is observed (“pristine” magnetopauses (J. Geophys. Res. 101 (1996) 49). The theory ignores compressibility effects and applies to subsonic regions of the dayside magnetopause. The RT effect is included to account for temporary periods of acceleration of the magnetopause, caused by sudden changes of the solar wind dynamic pressure. For small wavelengths λ, such that δ?λ?Δ, a WKB solution shows that the velocity gradient operates, together with magnetic tensions, to attenuate or even stabilize the Rayleigh-Taylor instability within a certain wavelength range. An exact dispersion relation for flute modes, valid for all λ, in the form of a fourth order polynomial for the complex frequency ω, is obtained from a model with a constant velocity gradient, dV/dy within Δ, and with δ→0. Flute modes are possible because of the existence of bands of very small magnetic shear on the dayside magnetopause (J. Geophys. Res. 103 (1998) 6703). The exact solution allows for a study of the change of the action of the velocity gradient with λ from the long-λ range where dV/dy is KH destabilizing to the short-λ range where dV/dy produces a stabilizing effect. Both, the WKB approximation and the well known tangential discontinuity model (Δ→0) are recovered as limiting cases of the exact solution. Properties of the KH and RT instabilities, for different density ratios on either side of the magnetopause, are described. For flute modes, at very small λ the RT instability grows faster and becomes the dominant effect. However, it is shown that the growth rate remains bounded at a finite value as λ→0, when a theory with a finite δ model is considered. To study configurations with finite, arbitrary, δ/Δ ratios, the MHD perturbation equations are solved numerically, using hyperbolic tangent functions for both the density and velocity transitions across the magnetopause. To examine the influence of different δ/Δ ratios on the growth rates of KH and RT, calculations are performed for different δ/Δ, with and without acceleration, and for two different density ratios. It is found that the general features exhibited by the constant dV/dy model, are confirmed by these numerical solutions. The stability of pristine magnetopauses, and the possibility of observing some theoretical predictions during magnetopause crossings in ongoing missions, are discussed.  相似文献   
基于福建省流动人口问卷调查数据,使用多种流动指标分析和生存分析方法,探讨不同性别流动人口城市间流动的时空特征和规律。研究发现:流动人口的城市间流动是一种常见的现象,在空间特征上,遵循随着流动次数的增加在距离上由近及远、在城市等级上由小到大的规律,且流动距离相对于初次流动趋于缩小,流动的就近性特征显著;在时间特征上,大多数城市间流动发生在流动生涯的前期,随着流动时间的延长,流动状态趋于稳定;在性别差异上,女性城市间流动的强度大于男性,地域选择具有明显的大城市导向,而男性的流动空间活动范围大,地域选择则是大城市和小城市同时兼顾并重。  相似文献   
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