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利用现有实验结果和统计、调查资料,分析了侧柏(学名Playcladus Orientalis(L.)Franco)林主要虫害与气象因子的关系,建立起预报方程,并对林业部门开展了专业气象服务,为害虫防治工作争取了有利时机,拓展了气象服务领域,具有明显的社会经济效益。  相似文献   
主要研究了分数阶混合随机泛函微分方程的能控性.在无限维空间下,假设所考虑方程线性部分生成半群不是紧的,使用非紧性测度技术和Mönch不动点定理,给出了方程能控性充分条件,并通过一个例子说明了结论的有效性.  相似文献   
The implicit nonlinear normal mode initialization (INMI) is applied to a tropical limited area shallow water modelin spherical coordinates.The boundary condition for the INMI scheme is based on the boundary formulation of themodel.The INMI scheme is found to be very efficient in suppressing spurious gravity wave oscillation and providing awell balanced initial data set for the model.The INMI scheme involves solving a number of elliptic type equations withvarying complexity.and hence an efficient numerical technique is required for solving such equations.In order to makeINMI computationally more attractive,we are employing the multigrid method for solving all the elliptic type equationsin the INMI scheme.The numerical procedures for the development of such multigrid solvers are briefly described.  相似文献   
辜旭赞  张兵 《气象科技》2007,35(5):613-620
通过\"双三次曲面拟合—时间步长积分—双三次曲面拟合……\",实现成为一种双三次曲面拟合新算法数值模式。它对模式大气作非线性(空间二阶可导)描述,是用数值分析(三次样条/双三次曲面)与计算方法近似求解大气运动非线性偏微分方程组。用Z坐标系高分辨率双三次数值模式,采用原始大气运动方程组和采用欧拉时间积分方案,设置理想扰动,对大气声波Lamb波做数值模拟;采用大气不可压假定,除去声波,对大气重力波龙卷扰动做数值模拟。对比模拟发现:理想Lamb波以声速在水平方向传播,扰动能量频散快,仅能在原地持续数秒钟;理想龙卷扰动则在原地可持续约1 min,且波动内圈(外圈)自下至上始终处于风场辐合(辐散)状态,具冷心结构和气压驻波特征,可因水汽进入扰动与借助凝结潜热释放而得到发展。  相似文献   
采用Arakawa的σ-p混合坐标,将李维亮等人发展的一个二维全球原始方程模式由对流层扩展到平流层中层(10 hPa)。垂直分层采用等lnp方案。发展后的模式不仅在计算上具有很好的稳定性,而且能较好地模拟平均温度场、平均纬向风场和平均经向风场及其季节性变化。同时,在模式对流层之上加上平流层后改善了对流层上层环流的模拟。  相似文献   
针对电力系统元件非线性微分-代数子系统模型,本文提出一种新算法研究其逆系统控制问题.所提出的新算法不需要对控制输出及其高阶导数做复杂的变换,具有更好的应用性.本文的逆系统控制方法主要分为两步:第1步,利用所提出的新算法来判断被控元件的可逆性,若可逆,则基于状态反馈与动态补偿,构造出元件的α阶积分右逆系统,实现复合系统的线性化和解耦;第2步,利用线性控制的理论和方法设计闭环控制器,使得元件被控对象满足期望的性能指标.最后按照本文所提出的方法,研究了多机电力系统的分散非线性汽门控制问题.仿真结果验证了本文所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   
This work is the fourth in a series of papers on the thermodynamically constrained averaging theory (TCAT) approach for modeling flow and transport phenomena in multiscale porous medium systems. The general TCAT framework and the mathematical foundation presented in previous works are built upon by formulating macroscale models for conservation of mass, momentum, and energy, and the balance of entropy for a species in a phase volume, interface, and common curve. In addition, classical irreversible thermodynamic relations for species in entities are averaged from the microscale to the macroscale. Finally, we comment on alternative approaches that can be used to connect species and entity conservation equations to a constrained system entropy inequality, which is a key component of the TCAT approach. The formulations detailed in this work can be built upon to develop models for species transport and reactions in a variety of multiphase systems.  相似文献   
This study uses instrumented buildings and models of code‐based designed buildings to validate the results of previous studies that highlighted the need to revise the ASCE 7 Fp equation for designing nonstructural components (NSCs) through utilizing oversimplified linear and nonlinear models. The evaluation of floor response spectra of a large number of instrumented buildings illustrates that, unlike the ASCE 7 approach, the in‐structure and the component amplification factors are a function of the ratio of NSC period to the supporting building modal periods, the ground motion intensity, and the NSC location. It is also shown that the recorded ground motions at the base of instrumented buildings in most cases are significantly lower than design earthquake (DE) ground motions. Because ASCE 7 is meant to provide demands at a DE level, for a more reliable evaluation of the Fp equation, 2 representative archetype buildings are designed based on the ASCE 7‐16 seismic provisions and exposed to various ground motion intensity levels (including those consistent with the ones experienced by instrumented buildings and the DE). Simulation results of the archetype buildings, consistent with previous numerical studies, illustrate the tendency of the ASCE 7 in‐structure amplification factor, [1 + 2(z/h)] , to significantly overestimate demands at all floor levels and the ASCE 7 limit of to in many cases underestimate the calculated NSC amplification factors. Furthermore, the product of these 2 amplification factors (that represents the normalized peak NSC acceleration) in some cases exceeds the ASCE 7 equation by a factor up to 1.50.  相似文献   
地震波的场方程矩阵和能量的正定二次型及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
场方程是能够表述半空间地震波场的整体特征.波动方程、速度方程和能量方程.通过分析可知每个场方程都具有各自的“场方程矩阵”.能量方程能够对所有场方程矩阵进行综合和贯通,给出了能量方程以“弹性矩阵”为核心的普适性表达形式.最后,运用矩阵的正定二次型理论阐述了“能量矩阵与弹性矩阵”之间一致的对称性和正定性.能量矩阵蕴含的动态力的平衡关系、速度的时间_空间分布和能量的传播及变化的物理意义,能够从能量矩阵的正定二次型特性表述出来.本文研究分析问题的方法完全适用于复杂介质模型,相关的认识和结论可以拓展到均匀黏弹性各向同性介质、均匀弹性各向异性介质、均匀黏弹性各向异性介质以及比奥饱和流体介质.  相似文献   

一直以来,海啸波特征作为表征海啸潜在破坏性的参数指标得到了广泛应用,特别是针对近场极端海啸事件造成的灾害来说,这种表征具有较好的适用性.然而总结分析历史海啸事件造成的损失发现:在远场近岸及港湾系统中,海啸诱导的强流却是造成损失的主要原因.陆架或港湾振荡导致海啸波幅快速升降诱发强流,可能促使港工设施受到威胁及损害,进而对海啸预警服务及海事应急管理提出了新的挑战.因此,全面理解与评估海啸在港湾中诱发的灾害特征,探索港湾中海啸流的数值模拟方法,发展针对港湾尺度的海啸预警服务指导产品尤为迫切.受限于海啸流验证数据的缺乏及准确模拟海啸流技术方法的诸多不确定性,大部分海啸数值模拟研究工作主要是针对水位特征的研究及验证,可能导致对港湾中海啸灾害危险性认识的曲解与低估.本研究基于非线性浅水方程,针对夏威夷群岛三个典型港湾建立了精细化海啸数值模型(空间分辨率达到10 m),并联合有限断层破裂模型计算分析了日本东北地震海啸在三个港湾及其邻近区域的海啸特征,波、流计算结果与实测结果吻合较好,精细化的海啸港湾模型模拟结果可信.模拟发现港湾中较小的波幅,同样可以产生强流.综合分析日本东北地震海啸波、流特征对输入条件不确定性的响应结果发现:港湾中海啸波-流能量的空间分布特征差异较大,这与港湾系统中海啸波的驻波特性相关;相比海啸波幅空间特征,海啸流特征具有更强的空间敏感性;海啸流时空分布特征对输入条件的不确定性响应比海啸波幅对这些不确定性的响应更强,海啸流的模拟与预报更有挑战性;不确定性对海啸流计算精度的影响会进一步传导放大港湾海啸流危险性的评估及对港工设施产生的应力作用的误差,合理的输入条件对海啸流的精确模拟至关重要.最后,希望通过本文的研究可以从海啸波-流特征角度更加全面认识近岸海啸灾害特征,拓展海啸预警服务的广度与深度,从而为灾害应急管理部门提供更加科学合理的辅助决策产品.

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