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从地震模拟看匀阻段与大震的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
洪汉净 《地震地质》1994,16(2):109-114
运用滑块模型建立了一个地震活动的计算机模拟系统。对地震活动计算机模型进行反复试验,认识到断层失稳过程中摩擦强度分布的重要性。把在断层滑动中摩擦阻力分布比较均匀的段称为匀阻段。对大地震而言,断层摩擦阻力的大或小都不是决定因素,而具有较长的匀阻段才是发生大震的首要条件  相似文献   
Fault gouges have been observed in the surface outcrops, in shallow excavations, and in deep (300 meters below the surface) tunnels and mines in fault zones. The 2-microns fractions in these fault gouges may compose a few percent to more than fifty percent of the total mass in the outcrops, and the mineralogy of the 2-microns fractions consists of a variety of clays (the common ones are montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, chlorite, vermiculite and mixed-layer clays) and some quartz, feldspars, etc.Although we cannot yet conclude directly from the studies of gouges that similar gouges exist at depths where many large shallow earthquakes are generated, there is a strong possibility that they do, based on (1) available equilibrium data on various clays — for example, kaolinite has been found to exist at 4 kb and 375°C (±15°C) (Thompson, 1970) and montmorillonite + kaolite has been found to exist at 450°C and 4 kb (Velde, 1969); (2) the compatibility of laboratory velocity data in gouge (Wang et al., 1977) with those in a model for central California (Healy andPeake, 1975); (3) the capability of clays to undergo sudden earthquake-like displacements (Summers andByerlee, 1977); (4) the petrology of intrafault cataclastic rocks in old fault zones (Kasza, 1977); and (5) the compatibility of gouge mineralogy with the mineralogy of hydrothermal clay deposits.If clay gouges are indeed significant components of the fault zone at depth, then the mechanical properties of clays under confining pressures up to 4 kb are important in the behavior of faults. Very few experiments have been performed under such high pressures. But from the physical makeup of clays, we can infer that (1) the range of possible behavior includes stable sliding with vermiculite and montmorillonite (asByerlee andSummers, 1977, have proven) to stick-slip-like behavior with kaolinite, chlorite, etc.; (2) the absence or presence of water will greatly affect the strengths of gouges — it is possible that water may reduce the strength of gouge to a fairly small value.  相似文献   
Detecting subsurface fault structure is important for evaluating potential earthquake risks associated with active faults. In this study, we propose a new method to detect faults using reflected surface waves observed in ambient noise cross correlation functions. Ambient noise tomography using direct surface waves obtained from ambient noise interferometry has been widely used to characterize active fault zones. In cases where a strong velocity contrast exists across the fault interface, fault-reflected surface waves are expected. We test this idea using a linear array deployed in the Suqian segment of Tanlu fault zone in Eastern China. The fault-reflected surface waves can be clearly seen in the cross-correlation functions of the ambient noise data, and the spatial position of the fault on the surface is close to the stations where the reflected signals first appear. Potentially reflected surface waves could also be used to infer the dip angle, fault zone thickness and the degree of velocity contrast across the fault by comparing synthetic and observed waveforms.  相似文献   
The Northern Zhongtiaoshan Fault is a major deep fault at the southern margin of the Yuncheng Basin. There have been few studies on the fault, and the historical earthquakes are few and weak. However, the intensity of activity on the fault should never be underestimated. Through interpretations of aerial images, topography measurements and excavation of trenches, this paper studied the fault distribution, the surface deformation and the activity of the normal fault south of Salt Lake near the city of Yuncheng. By tracing faults in the three trenches, it was found that there had been at least three large paleoseismic events, at 1–3.5, 3.6–4.4 and 7.4–8.8 ka BP. Employing 14 C dating, we determined the same gravel layers in the uplifted side and downthrown side. Making differential Global Positioning System measurements of the vertical difference and topographic profile, we obtained the mean slip rate of the Northern Zhongtiaoshan Fault since 24.7 ka BP(0.75±0.05 mm/a). Using the results of relevant studies, we calculated the possible vertical fault displacement of one earthquake(2.35 m) and obtained the recurrence interval of characteristic earthquakes as 2940–3360 a after dividing the displacement by the mean slip rate.  相似文献   
In general, earthquake cycle related to earthquake faulting could include four major processes which could be described by (1) fault locking, (2) self-acceleration or nucleation (possible foreshocks), (3) coseismic slip, and (4) post-stress relaxation and afterslip. A sudden static stress change/perturbation in the surrounding crust can advance/delay the fault instability or failure time and modify earthquake rates. Based on a simple one-dimensional spring-slider block model with the combination of rate-and-state-dependent friction relation, in this study, we have approximately derived the simple analytical solutions of clock advance/delay of fault failures caused by a sudden static Coulomb stress change applied in the different temporal evolution periods during an earthquake faulting. The results have been used in the physics-based explanation of delayed characteristic earthquake in Parkfield region, California, in which the next characteristic earthquake of M 6.0 after 1966 occurred in 2004 instead of around 1988 according to its characteristic return period of 22 years. At the same time, the analytical solutions also indicate that the time advance/delay in Coulomb stress change derived by the dislocation model has a certain limitation and fundamental flaw. Furthermore, we discussed the essential difference between rate- and state-variable constitutive (R–S) model and Coulomb stress model used commonly in current earthquake triggering study, and demonstrated that, in fact, the Coulomb stress model could be involved in the R–S model. The results, we have obtained in this study, could be used in the development of time-dependent fault interaction model and the probability calculation related to the time-dependent and renewal earthquake prediction model.  相似文献   
在考虑管道的材料非线性和几何非线性、管土相互作用的非线性和管道接口非线性的基础上,建立了由管体梁单元、三向土弹簧单元和接口单元组成的埋地非连续管道在断层位移作用下的有限元模型,并以美国密歇根大学Junhee等(2010)所做的跨断层水泥管试验为原型进行了模拟分析。有限元结果给出的水泥管最终变形、接口转角、接口位移与实验结果基本一致,表明本文提出的跨断层埋地非连续管道抗震计算的有限元分析方法具有一定的合理性。有限元结果和试验结果都表明,在逆冲断层作用下,水泥管的破坏主要是因为在管道接口处的轴向压力和弯矩的耦合作用,在断层附近的管道接口承受了较大的转动和压缩位移。本文所提出的分析方法可推广到埋地非连续管道在其它永久地面变形作用下的有限元分析。  相似文献   
宋金  周龙泉 《中国地震》2014,30(2):168-177
计算了2008 年以来于田地区4 次MS5. 5 以上地震产生的同震静态库仑破裂应力场变化,分析它们之间的应力触发效应、4 次地震产生的应力变化与余震分布的关系及其对周边主要断层的影响。结果表明,2011 年MS5. 5、2014 年MS7. 3 地震均处于之前地震产生的库仑破裂应力增加区,增加值分别为0. 004、0. 021MPa,说明这两次地震明显受到之前强震触发作用的影响;而2012 年MS6. 2 地震位于之前地震产生的应力影区内,对其发生有延缓作用。此次MS7. 3 地震产生的库仑破裂应力场图像与目前余震空间分布特征较为吻合;但主震破裂面上部分应力增强区几乎没有余震发生,这些地区未来存在发生强余震的可能。距此次震中最近的贡嘎错断裂中段上不同断层段库仑应力扰动值变化很大,计算结果可能会受有限断层震源模型的一定影响,依然存在较强的地震危险性。此外,贡嘎错断裂东北段、普鲁断裂中西段及龙木错-邦达错断裂带西段受2008 年以来地震的累积库仑应力增加的影响也较为明显,其应力扰动最大值均超过0. 002MPa,同样存在一定地震危险性。  相似文献   
Few building codes contains provisions fault surface ruptures and accompanying soil deformations which constitutes a great risk to human lives, buildings and infrastructure. A numerical and experimental comparison show a fair agreement of result. Analysis of “real” scale show the how water increases the incompressibility of wet soil causing shear deformations to become larger and conjugate ruptures to appear for reverse faults. Field observations and numerical analysis indicates that horizontal compression of soil surrounding underground structures should be taken into account in design.  相似文献   
断层自发破裂动力过程的研究对于认识地震过程及减轻地震灾害有着重要的科学意义.为合理地模拟断层的自发破裂过程,本文首先对经典的滑移弱化摩擦关系进行了改进,然后利用有限单元方法对破裂过程进行动态数值模拟.模拟结果表明,利用改进后的摩擦关系能够产生脉冲型(pulse-like)破裂模式,而经典的滑移弱化摩擦关系不能产生这种破裂形态.模拟结果还显示,断层自发破裂过程受初始应力场及摩擦关系影响,当初始应力场中剪应力水平较低时,容易产生脉冲型破裂;但当初始剪应力较高时,会产生裂纹型(crack-like)破裂.这个现象与在实验室里进行的岩石破裂实验结果是一致的.在相同的初始应力情况下,若滑移弱化摩擦本构关系中的动摩擦系数较大,断层将易于产生脉冲型破裂;若动摩擦系数较小,将倾向于产生裂纹型破裂.此外,本文也采用速率弱化摩擦关系对断层自发破裂过程进行了模拟,结果发现,在初始场及其他条件不变时,如果摩擦关系中的b-a值较小,容易产生脉冲型破裂;如果b-a值较大,会产生裂纹型破裂.  相似文献   
龙陵-瑞丽断裂(南支)北段晚第四纪活动性特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
遥感影像解译和野外地质地貌调查表明,龙陵-瑞丽断裂(南支)北段是以左旋走滑为主兼张性正断的区域性活动断裂。根据一些断错地貌点的大比例尺填图、实地测量及其年代学分析,确定了该断裂为全新世活动断裂,断裂晚更新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为2.2mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0.6mm/a;全新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为1.8~3.0mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0.5mm/a。断裂晚更新世以来的滑动速率在不同的时间尺度上变化不大,反映了该断裂晚更新世以来的活动强度比较平稳  相似文献   
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