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高精度磁测在某钨锡矿区的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野外岩、矿石物性测定表明,研究区内钨锡石英脉矿石磁化强度大于5000×10-3A.m-1,而正常围岩和热变质弱蚀变岩石为微磁性或弱磁性,这为在矿区进行高精度磁测提供了可靠的地球物理依据。本次工作在研究区内进行了地面高精度磁法测量,探测地下钨锡矿化岩体引起的磁异常,并结合地质和钻探资料,对地下矿体进行磁异常人机交互反演,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
GPS卫星定位误差分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
GPS测量数据中包含有多种误差,按其产生的来源、性质、大小及对测量产生的影响等进行了介绍和初步分析,提出了相应的措施以便消除或削弱它们对测量结果的影响。  相似文献   
刘伟 《地质与勘探》2023,59(1):113-121
岩溶区页岩气钻井在近地表常揭露溶洞、地下河、强裂隙带等不良地质体,严重制约了页岩气资源勘探开发的进程。在岩溶页岩气靶区利用地球物理技术探测对钻探不利的近地表地质结构构造,可有效规避钻井钻遇近地表强岩溶发育带、断层破碎带的风险。综合运用高密度电阻率成像法、音频大地电磁法和测氡法对贵州都匀和广西融安碳酸盐岩区的2个油气靶区进行了地下构造识别,结果表明:高密度电阻率成像法和音频大地电磁法能有效确定浅地表地下低阻构造的位置、宽度和产状,高密度电阻率成像法在50 m以浅深度拥有更高的分辨率,音频大地电磁法探测深度更深,但对地下介质的分辨率不高,氡气测量能很好地识别地下低阻构造的属性。高密度电阻率成像法、音频大地电磁法与测氡法三者可优势互补,组成有效识别岩溶区近地表地质结构构造的技术方法体系,可为南方岩溶区页岩气钻井避开近地表强岩溶发育带、断层破碎带以及最终位置的确定提供可靠的技术支撑。  相似文献   
针对测绘学科从传统测绘到数字化测绘,再到信息化测绘的发展,分析了当前测绘教学模式中存在的一些不足,提出将车载测量系统新技术引入到本科生教学。分析了课堂进行车载测量系统学习的前沿性和可行性,并根据其原理进行课程和试验的模块化设计。结果表明,测绘新产品能够激发学生学习兴趣和创新能力,提高专业技能,符合测绘教育的现代化的要求。  相似文献   
地下水沉降,已经成为影响绝对重力观测值变化的主要因素之一。本文利用FG5绝对重力仪,并结合GPS测量、水准测量技术,研究了地下水变化对绝对重力测量的影响,给出了地下水变化与绝对重力值变化之间的相互关系,同时分析了影响绝对重力测量的一些其他因素,对研究我国重力基准的稳定性有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
中国大陆科学钻主孔现今地应力状态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用钻孔崩落法确定了中国大陆科学钻探主钻孔5 047 m深度以上的现今地应力状态.由钻孔声波成像测井资料发现, 科学钻主钻孔在1 200 m深度以下出现了钻孔崩落现象.我们从1 216~5 047 m的深度范围内采集了143个钻孔成像测井图象资料, 对钻孔崩落椭圆长轴方位进行了统计, 结果表明崩落椭圆长轴平均方位为319.5°±3.5°, 最大水平主应力方位平均为49.5°±3.5°.利用崩落形状要素(崩落深度和崩落宽度) 以及岩石的内聚力和内摩擦角, 估算了1 269 m至5 047 m范围内52个深度上的最大和最小水平主应力的大小.结果表明, 在浅处1 216 m深度, 最大水平主应力为42 MPa, 最小水平主应力为30.3 MPa; 在深处5 000 mm深度, 最大水平主应力为160.5 MPa, 最小水平主应力为120 MPa; 地应力随深度近于线性增加.据岩石密度测井资料计算了各个深度上静负载应力.3个主应力的大小和方向反映出科学钻主孔位置的应力场处于走滑应力状态, 与临近地区地震震源机制解和其他方法得到的应力场一致.利用声发射法对岩心试件进行了声发射测量, 得到了最大水平主应力幅值, 并与崩落法测量结果进行了对比, 两者十分一致.   相似文献   
Tides and short-term variabilities in the Kuroshio west of Yonakuni-jima   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCFIONTheKuroshioeastofTaiwanIslandflowsnorthwardandenterstheEastChinaalgathroughapaSSagebetweenTaiwanIslandandlriomote-shima.TOstudyfurthertheKuroshiothereandestimateitstransPOrt,itisnecessarytoobservetheKuroshioCurrentdirectly.Therehavebeen*ThisstudywassupportedbytheNationalNaturalaudienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNo.49476278.severaldirectobservationsoftheKuroshionearTaiwanIsland.Forexample,thedirectcurrentmeasurementat(24'24'N1123'35'E)byinabaetal.(1981)showedtheapp…  相似文献   
Earthquakes commonly occur in the sliding surface of the fault zone. The morphology of the sliding surface is the result of fault activities, and also it evolves with the activities. The irregular geometry of the fault plane affects the sliding resistance, the concentration and anisotropy of the stress distribution within the fault plane and the fault shear strength. So, the acquisition of high-precision morphological features is of great significance for studying the correlation between fault surface morphology and seismic nucleation, fracture propagation and termination. Due to the lack of reliable micron-scale morphological measurement apparatus, the study of the coherence of the fault surface morphology from large scale(unit: m-cm)to small scale(unit: μm)is subject to restrictions, as well as the study of the relationship between the micro-morphology of the experimental frictional surface and the rupture process. In order to improve the measurement accuracy of the fault plane and overcome the shortcomings of existing measurement methods, we have invented a morphology measurement system with independent intellectual property rights.
The measuring principle of this morphology measurement system is based on the laser rangefinder theory. The frame of this system consists of four parts: Braced Frame, Moving Scanner Unit, System-Controlling Unit and Data Collection Unit. Braced Frame is made up of high-adjustable frame, loading stage, dust-proof box and isolation platform, which is used to provide a vibration isolation, light proof and dust-proof measuring environment. Moving Scanner Unit contains a laser head and a two-dimensional translation stag, the laser head is used to measure vertical distance and a two-dimensional translation stage carrying a laser head moving in X-axis and Y-axis orientation to provide X, Y coordinate values. System-Controlling Unit includes two-dimensional translation stage controller, laser head controller and signal convertor. The function of this part is mainly to control operation of other parts. The Data Collection Unit is composed of computer system and software module. This part connects other parts for receiving and storing data. In order to improve the scan efficiency, we developed new software by which we can precisely control the measuring process and efficiently process the acquired data. The software is comprised of five modules: 1)Move Module, this module is used to control the original moving of the laser head relative to the two-dimension translation stage and display the 3-dimensional coordinate information in real time; 2)Set Parameters of Scan Area, the function of this module is to obtain the XY coordinate values of four corner points of the target area to scan; 3)Scan Method Module, though this part, we can control the point spacing in the X-axis orientation by inputting velocity of laser header, as well as the point spacing in X-axis orientation by inputting the Y-step parameter; 4)Pre-Scan Module, there are three functions in this module to inspect whether the z-value of the target area is beyond the range of the laser head or not, estimate consuming time for scanning the object area under the predefined parameters and to estimate the size of the result file; and 5)Scan Module, the function of this module is to store the scanning data.
We scanned the camera lens and the standard plate whose standard deviations are lower than 5μm to acquire the precision of the measurement system, and the results show that the precision of the plane positioning (X-axis and Y-axis direction)is better than 3.5μm; the vertical measurement precision is better than 4.5μm. The highest resolution of the measurement system is constrained by the performance of the laser head and two-dimension translation stage, and the horizontal resolution can reach 0.62μm, vertical resolution 0.25μm. When the needed resolution is lower than the highest, we can achieve it through adjusting the parameter of the velocity in the X-axis orientation and steps in the Y-axis orientation. To test the practical effect of the measurement system, we scanned an area of frictional surface of experimental rock using this system and obtained a high-resolution topography data. From the DEM interpolated from the cloud data, we can observe the striation on the fault plane and the variation of the roughness distribution. The roughness and slope distribution results show that the topography measurement system can meet our requirements for analyzing the microscopic morphology on the micrometer scale.
Compared with traditional measurement devices, the morphology measurement system has the following advantages: 1)The measurement system can obtain the data even in a valley region with a large dip angle on the surface because the vertically emitted beam by the laser head is practically perpendicular to the surface. So compared with other means, it can avoid producing a blank area of measurements and get a complete area; 2)the measurement system has a larger measurement range of 30cm×30cm. When the high-resolution measurement is performed on a large scale, the error caused by the registration of multiple measurement results can also be avoided.  相似文献   
大气折射是角度测量的主要误差源,也是实现精密全站仪标称精度的主要障碍。文中通过分析大气对角度测量精度的影响,讨论了利用气象元素直接计算大气垂直折光角和利用对向EDM三角高程测量结果反演大气垂直折光角的方法,同时还讨论了观测垂直角的适宜时间问题。采用这些方法能够有效地削减大气折射对垂直角观测结果的影响,保证垂直角测量的精度。  相似文献   
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