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The sliding block theory was proposed by Newmark for determining the permanent displacement of embankments and dams under earthquake loading. This paper highlights recent applications of sliding block theory to different geotechnical structures. The equations to determine seismic factor of safety, yield acceleration and permanent displacement are given for rock block, soil slope, landfill cover, geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining wall, and composite breakwater. The presented equations for seismic stability degenerate to that of static stability in the absence of earthquake. The permanent displacement for various structures can be obtained from that of a horizontal sliding block through a correction factor. A simplified procedure is included for the permanent displacement under vertical acceleration. The sliding block approach is rational for design under high seismic load. 相似文献
石缸河锡矿床在空间上,时间上和成因上与志本山花岗岩演化分异晚期形成的浅色细粒白云母花岗岩有着密切联系,属岩浆期后热液矿床。 相似文献
Brittle failure is common in the Devonian to Permian rocks in the Northern Hastings Block (NHB) and is manifested by faults of different orientation and kinematic histories, but the timing of fault movement is not well defined. In this study, faults in the NHB were analysed with the map pattern of cross-cutting faults used to estimate the relative time of movement and relationship to other faults. We defined five episodes of faulting or fault reactivation that affected the NHB. The Yarras Fault System on the southwestern side of the NHB and the Parrabel Fault and related faults on the eastern side of the NHB are the two major fault systems responsible for transporting and rotating the NHB in the late Carboniferous. Faults on the eastern, northeastern and northern part of Parrabel Dome started and stopped moving after emplacement of the Hastings Block and before the intrusion of the Werrikimbe Triassic granitoids. We suggested that the movement on the major bounding faults is related to the accommodation of the NHB to the folding and cleavage development in the adjoining Nambucca Block, and is associated with the earliest part of the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny. Limited dextral movement on the extensions of the Taylors Arm Fault System caused minor displacements in the northeastern part of the NHB during the Late Triassic. Some small faults cut the Triassic granitoids or Triassic Lorne Basin sediments indicating tectonic activity continued post-Triassic. 相似文献
基于多维流视角,运用GIS及社会网络分析方法,对比分析云南省旅游经济流、客流、信息流、资金流的网络结构差异特征及相互影响作用机制。研究表明:云南省供需两侧旅游流反向发展态势明显,旅游流网络异质演变特征明显,流量水平趋高,而流质水平偏低。旅游经济流发展未能随着旅游客流和信息流的发展而增强,网络密度偏低且长期存在旅游经济发展孤点,旅游经济合作交流不足。各州市在旅游经济流网络中“零和竞争”的偏利非共生发展态势,使得旅游市场领域存在一定的“公地悲剧”现象。云南省旅游流节点水平及其空间特征差异显著,”核心-边缘”结构明显。云南省旅游经济流受到旅游客流的中介力、旅游信息流的推动力、旅游资金流的拉动力三者的共同作用影响,各作用力影响程度表现出强弱历时性差异演化,旅游客流中介力持续增强,旅游信息流推动力稳步强化,旅游资金流拉动力显著下降。云南省旅游经济增长及旅游经济流网络发展驱动模式,正逐步由“供给侧拉动型”向“需求侧推动型”转变。 相似文献
青藏高原东南部的地貌结构是高原隆升深部动力过程与高原扩展的重要指标之一,存在受下地壳流驱动的渐变模型和受宽约50~200km的雅砻-玉龙断裂系控制的陡变模型2种不同认识。文中基于30m分辨率的SRTM数据进行数字高程分析,利用高程和水系参数对研究区地貌加以提取和分析,结合野外地貌和构造调研的结果以及前人的相关研究,对高原东南缘川滇地块中部构造地貌细结构进行了详细的解析。研究认为,青藏高原东南边界具有明显的台阶式构造地貌结构,不同台阶梯度带受不同时期发育的NE-SW向断裂控制。其中一级边界位于木里-玉龙断裂,控制了平均海拔4 200m的高原面的东南边界,是渐新世—中新世早期构造抬升的结果;二级边界受中新世中期逆冲活动的金河-箐河断裂控制,其构成丽江—盐源一带海拔中等(约3 000m)、相对低起伏区域的东南边界。高原东南边界的台阶式构造地貌结构反映了高原向SE的前展式逆冲扩展。这种扩展模式并不支持下地壳管道流连续变形模型。 相似文献
Peter Wilson Michael J. Bentley Christoph Schnabel Richard Clark Sheng Xu 《第四纪科学杂志》2008,23(5):461-473
Cosmogenic isotope (10Be and 26Al) surface exposure dating has been applied to valley‐axis and hillslope stone runs (relict periglacial block streams) and their source outcrops in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic. The data indicate that stone runs are considerably older landforms than previously envisaged and afford no evidence that they are a product of the Last Glacial Maximum; the samples range in apparent 10Be age from 42k to 731k yr BP, but some of these are minima. The results indicate that valley‐axis stone runs may be up to 700–800k yr old, have simple exposure histories and are composite landforms that developed over several cold stages. Analyses of some hillslope and outcrop samples also demonstrate simple exposure histories with 10Be ages from 42k to 658k yr BP. In contrast, isotopic ratios from other hillslope and outcrop samples reveal they have had a complex exposure history involving periods of burial or shielding; the samples range in 10Be age from 59k to 569k yr BP and these are regarded as minimum age estimates. Larger stone runs may be older than smaller runs and there is a possibility that stone runs older than 800k yr exist in other parts of the Falklands. The assertion that glaciation in the Falklands was restricted to the highest uplands is supported by the data, and the potential for age determination of other boulder‐strewn and bedrock landforms, using cosmogenic isotope analysis, in order to extend the geochronology of Quaternary events and processes is noted. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
胡安德 《云南地理环境研究》2012,24(4):82-86
近40年云南省平均总微雨量占年总雨量比例﹑年平均总微雨日占年总雨日比例均呈下降趋势,并有从北向南逐渐减少的分布规律;近40年云南省年平均能见度也呈下降趋势,其趋势分布同微雨降水趋势分布比较一致;微雨降水的变化同干燥晴天能见度存在正的相关关系,其中云南省东部地区相关显著;而温度与微雨降水存在负相关;云南省气溶胶在一定程度上抑制微雨降水,云南东部气溶胶对微雨的影响比较显著。 相似文献
哀牢山-金沙江岩带透辉石花岗岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及地质意义--以玉召块、马头湾和十里村岩体为例 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
位于哀牢山—金沙江新生代钾质碱性岩浆岩带南段的玉召块、马头湾和十里村透辉石花岗岩锆石SHRIMP定年结果为 38Ma、34Ma和 37Ma,相当于渐新世,属于喜马拉雅期,结合岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素和Sr、Nd、Pb同位素组成等,对控岩机制、岩石的属性和成因以及锆石的成因进行探讨。 相似文献
滇西南南段组和拉巴群地质时代及构造背景 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8
南段组和拉巴群出露于昌宁-孟连构造带内,是临沧地体的组成部分。通过南畔、阿里、南段、海邦和团结吊桥剖面研究,拉巴群可分为5个岩性段,归上石炭统至二叠系,南段组属下石炭统。临沧地体为一稳定的微陆块,二叠纪晚期增生到澜沧江岛弧的西缘。 相似文献