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Clarification of the temporal relationships amongst records of environmental change is dependent on accurate timescales. Event markers such as tephra layers are extremely important for constraining chronologies and providing tie points. In this report we present evidence of a previously unknown early Holocene Icelandic cryptotephra from a lake in northern Scotland—the ‘An Druim Tephra’. The calibrated radiocarbon age of 9560 cal. yr BP for this new cryptotephra makes it an important addition to the suite of cryptotephras now recorded from the last glacial termination and early Holocene in northwest Europe. In addition we report evidence in support of a ‘Younger Borrobol Tephra’ from Lateglacial sediments of Allerød age. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于重砂鉴定技术的火山岩锆石精选与测年方法关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对中浅变质沉凝灰岩锆石U-Pb同位素年龄分散幅度较大的现状,在湘中地区碧溪长安组底部凝灰岩几次采集样品测年不成功的情况下再次取样,通过室内重砂样品加工分选等工序,利用立体显微镜和偏光显微镜对锆石进行详细的矿物学特征对比分析,确定样品是否有来自不同时代、不同成因或不同地质背景的锆石.将精选出的锆石进行再次分选,分离成两组样品送往测年,采用LA-ICP-MS U-Pb法测得同沉积期的火山岩岩浆成因锆石年龄751±5 Ma和构造岩浆热事件年龄431.3± 4.3 Ma,两组年龄数据与区域地质事实吻合.由此认为对此类样品的锆石进行成因、形态与光学性质等方面的综合分析研究,将混合锆石进行分组,有助于同位素测年数据的有效集中,保证测年数据精度.本文研究表明重砂精细分析鉴定是同位素精准定年的基础.  相似文献   
A macrofossil-rich glaciomarine–marine–lacustrine sediment from a soft-water lake in southwestern Sweden has provided an opportunity to 14C date different components of its sediments. Bulk sediment dates are 100 to 500 yr older than fragile terrestrial macrofossils of corresponding levels, with a mean age difference of ca. 300 yr. This is explained by the presence of old and reworked organic material in the sediment. Five age comparisons between terrestrial macrofossils and periostraca of marine bivalves (probably Arctica islandica) of Allerød age give a mean age difference of 380 yr, i.e. slightly greater than the present reservoir age of 340 ± 30 yr for the Swedish west coast. This difference is roughly the same as for the marine macroalga Desmarestia aculeata. A date from shell carbonate fragments of Mytilus edulis yields an age that is more than 1000 yr older than corresponding periostraca and terrestrial macrofossils and 500–1000 yr older than the age of the supposed deglaciation of the site. Altogether this indicates a larger marine reservoir effect during the Allerød than at present. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
长岭断陷泉头组以下深层地层岩石可钻性级值不断增高,机械钻速低,钻井周期长,提高深层钻井速度成为该地区钻井关键的问题。涡轮钻井由于具有高转速、高扭矩特点,能够提高破岩效率,但其特点又决定了其应用具有一定局限性,通过对图深1井涡轮钻井提速分析表明,涡轮钻井在长岭断陷登娄库组地层具有良好的提速效果,在营城组凝灰岩地层达不到提速的目的。  相似文献   
High-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages for a series of proximal tuffs from the Toba super-volcano in Indonesia, and the Bishop Tuff and Lava Creek Tuff B in North America have been obtained. Core from Ocean Drilling Project Site 758 in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean contains discrete tephra layers that we have geochemically correlated to the Young Toba Tuff (73.7 ± 0.3 ka), Middle Toba Tuff (502 ± 0.7 ka) and two eruptions (OTTA and OTTB) related to the Old Toba Tuff (792.4 ± 0.5 and 785.6 ± 0.7 ka, respectively) (40Ar/39Ar data reported as full external precision, 1 sigma). Within ODP 758 Termination IX is coincident with OTTB and hence this age tightly constrains the transition from Marine Isotope Stage 19–20 for the Indian Ocean. The core also preserves the location of the Australasian tektites, and the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary with Bayesian age-depth models used to determine the ages of these events, c. 786 and c. 784 ka, respectively. In North America, the Bishop Tuff (766.6 ± 0.4 ka) and Lava Creek Tuff B (627.0 ± 1.5 ka) have quantifiable stratigraphic relationships to the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary. Linear age-depth extrapolation, allowing for uncertainties associated with potential hiatuses in five different terrestrial sections, defines a geomagnetic reversal age of 789 ± 6 ka. Considering our data with respect to the previously published age data for the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary of Sagnotti et al. (2014), we suggest at the level of temporal resolution currently attainable using radioisotopic dating the last reversal of Earths geomagnetic field was isochronous. An overall Matuyama-Brunhes reversal age of 783.4 ± 0.6 ka is calculated, which allowing for inherent uncertainties in the astronomical dating approach, is indistinguishable from the LR04 stack age (780 ± 5 ka) for the geomagnetic boundary. Our high-precision age is 10 ± 2 ka older than the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary age of 773 ± 1 ka, as reported previously by Channell et al. (2010) for Atlantic Ocean records. As ODP 758 features in the LR04 marine stack, the high-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages determined here, as well as the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary age, can be used as temporally accurate and precise anchors for the Pleistocene time scale.  相似文献   
Large volumes of silicic magma were produced on a very short timescale in the nested caldera complex of the SW Nevada volcanic field (SWNVF). Voluminous ash flows erupted in two paired events: Topopah Spring (TS, >1,200 km3, 12.8 Ma)–Tiva Canyon (TC, 1,000 km3, 12.7 Ma) and Rainier Mesa (RM, 1,200 km3, 11.6 Ma)–Ammonia Tanks (AT, 900 km3, 11.45 Ma; all cited ages are previously published 40Ar/39Ar sanidine ages). Within each pair, eruptions are separated by only 0.1–0.15 My and produced tuffs with contrasting isotopic values. These events represent nearly complete evacuation of sheet-like magma chambers formed in the extensional Basin and Range environment. We present ion microprobe ages from zircons in the zoned ash-flow sheets of TS, TC, RM, and AT in conjunction with δ18O values of zircons and other phenocrysts, which differ dramatically among subsequently erupted units. Bulk zircons in the low-δ18O AT cycle were earlier determined to exhibit ∼1.5‰ core-to-rim oxygen isotope zoning; and high-spatial resolution zircon analyses by ion microprobe reveal the presence of older grains that are zoned by 0.5–2.5‰. The following U–Pb isochron ages were calculated after correcting for the initial U–Pb disequilibria: AT (zircon rims: 11.7 ± 0.2 Ma; cores: 12.0 ± 0.1 Ma); pre-AT rhyolite lava: (12.0 ± 0.3 Ma); RM: 12.4 ± 0.3); TC: (13.2 ± 0.15 Ma); TS: (13.5 ± 0.2). Average zircon crystallization ages calculated from weighted regression or cumulative averaging are older than the Ar–Ar stratigraphy, but preserve the comparably short time gaps within each of two major eruption cycles (TS/TC, RM/AT). Notably, every sample yields average zircon ages that are 0.70–0.35 Ma older than the respective Ar–Ar eruption ages. The Th/U ratio of SWNVF zircons are 0.4–4.7, higher than typically found in igneous zircons, which correlates with elevated Th/U of the whole rocks (5–16). High Th/U could be explained if uranium was preferentially removed by hydrothermal solutions or is retained in the protolith during partial melting. For low-δ18O AT-cycle magmas, rim ages from unpolished zircons overlap within analytical uncertainties with the 40Ar/39Ar eruption age compared to core ages that are on average ∼0.2–0.3 My older than even the age of the preceding caldera forming eruption of RM tuff. This age difference, the core-to-rim oxygen isotope zoning in AT zircons, and disequilibrium quartz–zircon and melt-zircon isotopic fractionations suggest that AT magma recycled older zircons derived from the RM and older eruptive cycles. These results suggest that the low-δ18O AT magmas were generated by melting a hydrothermally-altered protolith from the same nested complex that erupted high-δ18O magmas of the RM cycle only 0.15 My prior to the eruption of the AT, the largest volume low-δ18O magma presently known.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
东北二龙湾玛珥湖孢粉记录显示,12.0 ka B.P.以来,该区植被和气候经历了以下变化:11.76~9.81 ka B.P. 发育针阔叶混交林,气候冷干。9.81~4.11 ka B.P.为落叶阔叶林植被景观,前期(9.81~8.86 ka B.P.)温干,为增温期;后期(8.86~4.11 ka B.P.)暖湿,为气候适宜期。4.11 ka B.P.至今,再次发育针阔叶混交林, 其中1.62 ka B.P.以前,气候温凉;之后湿度下降,气候凉干。研究表明:YD(11.56~10.21 ka B.P.)事件在二龙湾玛珥湖孢粉资料中有突出记录,4.0 ka B.P.左右开始的降温现象在东北东部地区广泛出现。  相似文献   
In Söderåsen, South Sweden, various geomorphological investigations indicate that small, local glaciers were initiated at very low altitudes within the Skäralid rock canyon during the Younger Dryas period. Wind polish on boulders indicates that this period was characterised by easterly winds and drifting snow. Some new field observations are presented and the Söderåsen Younger Dryas reglaciation hypothesis is tested by means of empirical knowledge on glacier equilibrium line climate and an analytic geographical information system (GIS) experiment. The GIS analysis demonstrates that the deeply incised rock canyon represents a pronounced radiation shelter, while the empirical analysis emphasises the importance of strong snow drift from the east during the winter. Together, the two analyses indicate that the inferred Söderåsen Younger Dryas reglaciation is possible from a palaeoclimatic point of view, although conditions for glaciation may have been marginal to those of rock glacier initiation.  相似文献   
末次冰消期晚期青藏高原东北部气候变化   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
我国最大的内陆封闭湖泊青海湖的沉积岩芯为研究末次冰期/全新世过渡期间青藏高原东北部的环境变化和季风降水演变提供了连续高分辨率环境档案。对两孔岩芯的多学科研究结果表明:大约14000~11600aB.P.期间气候干冷,湖泊的自生碳酸盐和有机质生产率远低于全新世;季节性入湖径流量在11600aB.P.突然增大;从10700aB.P.起,夏季蒸发量突然增大,干旱化作用导致碳酸盐滩湖环境;区域降水量在10000aB.P.的增大结束了滩湖环境,标志了早全新世温暖较湿气候的开始。全新世早期的青海湖水深比现在要浅20m左右,表明那时的有效湿度显然比现在要低很多。14000~10000aB.P.期间青海湖水深不超过6m,说明在末次冰消期的这一时段中,青藏高原东北部没有形成大规模冰融水。在10700~10000aB.P.期间突发的干旱事件与西欧的新仙女木事件(YoungerDryas)年代相当,但没有气候变冷的证据。青藏高原东北部末次冰消期的气候变化表现了明显的阶段性特征和有效湿度的突然改变。区域季风降水量和夏季温度的变化决定了该过渡期的这种变化格局  相似文献   
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