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介绍了银川基准台小口子泉的概况以及水氡观测情况。研究了自1990以来银川台小口子泉周边地区300 km范围内ML4.0以上地震与银川台水氡资料的映震情况。通过对典型震例深入研究,总结了小口子泉水氡与周边地区地震活动的对应关系,探讨了小口子泉水氡对周边地区地震的对应范围和对应的震级范围。小口子泉水氡异常对该泉点西北方向的地震反映灵敏,且都是低值异常。  相似文献   
The paper introduces the steps and methods of multi-approach,multi-level exploration of buried faults in thick Quaternary sediment regions by taking the test exploration of the Yinchuan active fault as example.Based on the comprehensive analyses of previous data,we choose the Xinqushao Village of Xingqing District of Yinchuan City as the test site for the comprehensive exploration.Firstly,we adopted shallow seismic investigation with group intervals of 10m,5m and 1m to gradually trace layer by layer the master fault of the Yinchuan buried fault from a deep depth to a shallow depth where drilling could be used.Then,with composite geological profile drilling,we determined the precise location and dip angle of the fault.The drilling show the buried depth of the upper offset point is 8.3m.Finally,large-scale trenching revealed that the actual buried depth of the upper offset point of the fault is 1.5m from the ground surface and there are paleoearthquake events of 5 stages.Combined with the preliminary result of corresponding sample age,we conclude the Yinchuan buried fault is a mid to late Holocene active fault.  相似文献   
As an important technology to paleoseismologic research, trenching has been used to identify paleo-earthquakes recorded in strata, combined with dating technology. However, there have been some bigger uncertainties and limitations. For instance, subtle strata in loess sediment cannot be interpreted only by naked-eye, which seriously affects identifying paleo-earthquake horizon and time. Therefore, how to improve the accuracy and reduce the uncertainty of paleo-earthquake identification is the important problem we are currently facing. Dongyugou loess section, located in the northeastern corner of Linfen Basin, Shanxi Province, cuts across the Huoshan piedmont fault. The section exposes not only the well-developed loess sequence, but also several obvious faulting events. Thus, this loess section is a better site to make a high resolution study to improve the accuracy and reduce the uncertainty of paleo-earthquake identification. Based on the high-resolution grain size and magnetic susceptibility analysis, and associated with visual interpretation by naked-eye, we made a high-resolution stratification of Dongyugou loess section, including high-resolution thickness of each stratum and its upper and bottom boundaries. Based on the high-resolution stratification and their comparison between two fault walls, we identified three earthquake events, which occurred after formation of u5-7, u4 and u2, corresponding to their stratification depth of 7.1m, 4.7m and 2.9m in hanging wall. Based on results of OSL dating and average sedimentation rate of hanging wall, we estimated that the three events occurred around 45.8ka(between (48.1±1.5)~(43.2±2.5)ka), 32.8ka(between (35.0±2.4)~(30.6±1.3)ka) and 23.3ka(between (26.4±0.8)~(20.9±0.7)ka). According to the thickness difference of three loess-paleosol sedimentary cycles between two fault walls, we calculated the coseismic vertical displacements of the three events as 0.5m, 0.4 and 1.3m, respectively. Compared with other segments of the Huoshan piedmont fault zone, we found the southernmost segment is the weakest, with longer recurrence interval of about 11ka and lower vertical slip rate of 0.048mm/a. The high-accuracy grain size and magnetic susceptibility analysis offers an effective method for reducing the uncertainties of the paleo-earthquake research in loess area.  相似文献   
ntroductionSeveralyearsago,ShanxigrabensystemwasstudiedmainlyandindetailinChina.First,byusingthemethodofseismogeology,geophys...  相似文献   
I.INTRODUCTION It iS generally accepted that the stress state in the upper crust and upper mantle in the southernQinghai—Xiz~g Plateau is essentially extensional(Molnar and Tapponnier,1978;Chen and Molnar,1983:Armijo et a1.,1986).Data offocal.mechanism  相似文献   
通过对银川台具有代表性的100个典型地震记录图的震相分析,按震中位置不同分区展示了银川台地震波记录的“影区不影”、灵武地震方位异常,东北方向的近震PN波缺失以及极远震的SNKS波记录,文章还分区概述了银川台对全球不同地区发生的地震所记录的地震波的记录特征。  相似文献   
西藏打加错南北向地堑系处于冈瓦纳大陆北缘,地堑系总体延伸方向(175~190°),延伸长度>50 km,延伸宽度5~15 km.根据该地堑构造带内发育的鱼鳞山组(N2Qy)玄武岩测年结果以及地堑构造带内发育的活动温泉,判断该地堑构造活动时期早于13.43 Ma,现今仍在强烈活动.在打加错地堑系东西两侧的地垒中共发现5处金属矿(化)点,各矿(化)点与中酸性岩体活动及近SN断裂构造有密切关系,特别是近南北向展布的中酸性小岩体更易形成斑岩型铜矿.  相似文献   
银川盆地是华北克拉通西部构造活动较为强烈的一个新生代断陷盆地.为了研究银川盆地的地壳浅部结构和活动断裂特征,我们利用2014年在银川盆地完成的深地震反射剖面数据,采用初至波层析成像方法得到了银川盆地高精度的基底P波速度结构和构造形态;考虑到仅根据速度结构剖面还难以确定断裂的准确位置、断层上断点埋深、断层的近地表构造组合样式等特征,研究中还采用浅层地震反射波勘探方法对银川盆地内的隐伏断裂和1739年平罗8.0级地震的地表破裂带浅部结构进行了高分辨率成像.研究结果表明:银川盆地与两侧地块的浅层P波速度结构和沉积盖层厚度差异较大,银川盆地总体呈现出明显的低速结构特征,盆地基底面起伏变化较大,基底最深处位于芦花台断裂和银川断裂之间的银川市下方,其深度约为7000~7200 m;贺兰山隆起区显示为明显的高速特征,地表出露中-古生代基岩地层,缺失新生代地层;鄂尔多斯地块西缘的浅层P波速度明显高于银川盆地,基底埋深相对较浅,推测其新生界地层厚度小于2500 m.浅层地震反射剖面揭示的地层反射界面形态和断裂的浅部构造特征非常清楚,黄河断裂、贺兰山东麓断裂、银川断裂和芦花台断裂不仅是错断盆地基底的断裂,而且还是第四纪以来的隐伏活动断裂,这些断裂的交替活动形成了"堑中堑"的盆地结构,并对银川盆地的形成、盆地内的新生代地层厚度和第四纪沉降中心具有重要的控制作用;在近地表这些断裂表现为由2~3条断层组成的"Y字形"断裂构造,且主断裂的最新活动可追踪至晚更新世末期或全新世,是构造继承性活动的结果.本文的研究结果不仅可为进一步分析银川盆地的基底结构、隐伏断裂特征和活动构造研究等提供新的地震学证据,而且还可为该区城市规划中避让活动断层提供科学依据.  相似文献   
断层破裂方式对银川盆地强地面运动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银川盆地是受断层控制的断陷性盆地,边缘和内部发育了多条断裂带,特别是其内部晚更新世-全新世活动的银川隐伏断层可能对银川市的建设规划和抗震设防影响较大.为了研究银川隐伏断层活动对银川盆地强地面运动特征的影响,本文以银川隐伏活动断层作为目标断层,模拟了断层发生Mw6.5特征地震时,在单侧破裂和双侧破裂两种方式下,银川盆地的强地面运动分布特征.分析结果表明在两种破裂方式下,盆地内强地面运动表现出不同形态的地震条带状分布特征和上盘效应;同时受到银川盆地边缘断裂"西陡东缓"构造特征的影响,地表强地震动分布和断层附近观测点的时程也呈现出独特的盆地边界反射作用.在单侧破裂和双侧破裂两种模式下,近场强地面运动集中区总体上呈现北强南弱的现象,银川市及附近的芦花台等地区是强地面运动分布的主要区域.  相似文献   
针对鄂尔多斯块体西北缘地震活动的复杂性及目前台网定位方法存在偏差的问题,采用双差定位法对2009—2019年发生在鄂尔多斯块体西北缘的地震事件进行重新定位.经研究表明,双差定位之后地震分布更集中,鄂尔多斯块体西缘的地震沿银川吉兰泰断陷带分布,北缘的地震沿河套断陷带分布,地震定位精度明显提高,这与块体周缘复杂的地质构造背...  相似文献   
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