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Excellent exposures of thick, multistorey, fluvial deposits from the deltaic Atane Formation on south‐east Nuussuaq, central West Greenland, show the architecture of up to 100 m thick continuously aggrading fluvial depositional complexes. The succession comprises vertically stacked channel belt sandstones separated by thin floodplain deposits, with little to no incision between storeys. Architectural elements and palaeocurrent patterns of channel deposits indicate deposition in large, relatively stable, low‐sinuosity rivers, probably located within an incised valley. Gradual transitions from channel to floodplain deposits accompanied by a gradual change from floodplain to spillover sand suggest avulsion on the floodplain as a possible mechanism for the vertically alternating channel and floodplain deposits. Despite its relative proximity to contemporaneous sea‐level (ca 35 km upstream from the palaeo‐shoreline) the depositional complex is entirely non‐marine. The aggrading nature of the deposits suggests a continuously rising base level coupled with a high and steady sediment supply. Vertical alternations between floodplain and channel deposits may be forced by subtle interruptions in this balance or autocyclic mechanisms on the floodplain. This study provides an example of aggrading lowstand/non‐marine transgressive systems tract deposits.  相似文献   
滩浅海两栖地区油气地震勘探激发接收技术研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对海陆两栖地区地震勘探激发、接收中存在的问题,通过改造炸药震源的装药结构和起爆方式,研制出了一种新型激发震源,提高了激发信号的品质,减小了与气枪震源之闻的信号差异;在接收技术上,研制了新型压电检波器以代替常规的沼泽机电检波器,提高了接收地震信号的频率,实现了水陆相同感应机理的检波器同时接收地震信号,消除了两种不同检波器造成的信号差异;通过对两种新技术的试验分析,认为明显提高了地震资料的分辨率和信噪比,促进了海陆两栖地区地震勘探技术的发展.  相似文献   
Biodiversity maps are an important component of ecosystem-based management and conservation. In the past, biodiversity maps were largely generated using patchy occurrence data from a range of data sources. Currently, substantial species occurrence data are readily available for large parts of the world and are accessible programmatically. Considering both the observed and expected changes in species distributions, and hence biodiversity, in response to present and future climate change, it is important to utilise readily available species occurrence databases to generate temporal and spatial biodiversity maps. In this study biodiversity maps were generated for three generic functional groups within the exclusive economic zone of South Africa: zooplankton, fishes and benthos. This was achieved by stacking individual species-distribution maps. Freely available occurrence data from the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) were accessed for this purpose. Ensemble species-distribution modelling, employing five widely used statistical methods, was used to generate species-distribution maps for each functional group. The resulting spatial patterns of biodiversity for the three functional groups were largely in agreement with known patterns. The results of this study highlight the value of open-source occurrence and environmental data to generate biodiversity maps that can potentially be used in future spatial prioritisation or planning for management of marine areas and in environmental-change studies.  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带中南段与西太平洋板块俯冲以及华北克拉通破坏密切相关,研究其深部结构对于了解郯庐断裂带构造演化过程、强震的孕震机制具有重要意义.本文利用密集台阵波形资料,采用接收函数H-κ叠加方法获得郯庐断裂带中南段的地壳厚度和泊松比.结果显示,郯庐断裂带中南段的地壳厚度分布以庐江和新沂为分段点呈现出与地质构造相关的南北向分段特征:南段的断裂带西侧的地壳厚度比东侧厚约5 km,中段的断裂带两侧厚度差异减小至约3 km,而北段则表现为断裂带下方隆起特征.郯庐断裂带沿线的地壳泊松比较高,推测是地幔物质的热侵蚀和化学侵蚀所致.根据艾里地壳均衡理论,南段地壳厚度与地表高程相关,基本符合艾里地壳均衡模型;而中段两侧地表高程基本相同,两侧地壳厚度差异表明不符合艾里地壳均衡模型,可能与断裂带西侧的华北克拉通岩石圈比东侧扬子克拉通岩石圈具有更高密度有关,高密度岩石圈产生向下\"拖拽力\"导致莫霍面相对理论值偏深;北段的莫霍面也偏深,与中段断裂带西侧情况类似,该区域基本位于华北克拉通块体.在郯城地震破裂范围内,存在莫霍面的不平滑过渡、活动块体的边界带以及断裂的分叉与交汇这三类结构特征.在上述结构特征的区域应力更集中,从而孕育产生了1668年郯城8.5级地震.  相似文献   

维西—乔后断裂是滇西地区一条典型的活动断裂,沿该断裂历史上多次发生过中强震,周边地区地壳变形强烈.地震各向异性是了解地球内部变形方式的重要手段,Moho面P-to-S转换波(Pms)的到时为探测具有水平对称轴的地壳各向异性提供了一种有力的诊断工具.本文利用大理及周边地区的68个宽频地震台站记录的远震三分量波形提取P波接收函数,并从叠加的P波接收函数里拾取不同后方位角对应的Pms震相到时,用网格搜索方法拟合该到时以获取地壳各向异性参数.获得的59个Pms震相的分裂参数表明,Pms分裂时间在0.06±0.06 s到0.97±0.10 s之间,平均值为0.50±0.07 s.优势快波偏振方向为SE-NW,地壳变形总体受控于区域的走滑运动.然而,在漾濞县及周边地区,快波偏振方向变为SW-NE,本文认为这主要由下地壳软弱物质向西南流动所致,同时也是导致维西—乔后断裂南段表现出正断层活动特征的原因.

采用面积分的原理,提出了一种计算区域内气象要素平均值的新方法,通过对湖南全省温度、降水的平均值计算分析,对计算误差进行了检验。结果表明,采用该计算方法可以减少因气象台站分布不均匀对平均值的影响,计算得到的平均值更能反映实际情况。  相似文献   
根据海面X波段雷达回波图像数据的时空特点,提出了一种新的去噪方法。该方法利用线检测对雷达图像中的射线状噪声进行分离,然后针对这种特殊的噪声形式提出一种阈值分割的方法,最后在极坐标下针对噪声点进行插值修复。实验表明,与传统的均值滤波和中值滤波等方法相比,新方法无论在主观视觉还是信噪比方面,都有了一定改进,图像保留了更多的细节信息,具有较好的去噪效果。  相似文献   
刘迁  赵瑞  栗宁 《地震科学进展》2021,61(5):230-233
利用襄樊台2015—2018年记录的震中距30°—90°,震级5.5级以上(含5.5级)的高信噪比远震波形事件,通过时间域反褶积方法提取台站接收函数,并用H-k扫描叠加方法得到台站下方地壳厚度和波速比。结果表明,襄樊台下方地壳厚度为35 km,略高于大陆地壳平均厚度33 km,处于西部山区厚地壳与中东部薄地壳的过渡地带。泊松比偏低,存在因区域内地壳应力积累发生微小地震的可能性。  相似文献   
利用山东省每年地震会商报告给出的地震前兆异常(不是取地震后的震例总结或论文给出的异常),按“专家系统”思想对每一地震前兆异常事件进行综合评估,以每一异常的最可能发震时间来估算发震概率,计算了各类地震前兆异常群体信息熵,研究了苍山MS5.2 地震前综合信息熵的变化特征。结果表明:震前熵值减少,系统向有序方向发展  相似文献   
翟京生  肖永茂 《测绘学报》1996,25(4):272-276
本文利用图论的原理和算法,根据等深线间所具有的相邻和包含关系,提出了加权邻接矩阵的生成方法,同时通过特征树和关系图的搜索推理,实现了等深线树的生成和深度值的自动识别。  相似文献   
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