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Since no extensive conceptual framework has been developed on the issues of ecosystem service (ES) and service provider (SP) in the marine environment, we have made an attempt to apply these to the conservation and management of marine biodiversity. Within this context, an accurate individuation of SPs, namely the biological component of a given ecosystem that supports human activities is fundamental. SPs are the agents responsible for making the ES-based approach operational. The application of these concepts to the marine environment should be based on an model different to the terrestrial one. In the latter, the basic model envisages a matrix of a human-altered landscape with fragments of original biodiversity; conversely, in the marine environment the model provides fragments where human activities are carried out and the matrix is represented by the original biodiversity. We have identified three main classes of ES provision: in natural, disturbed and human-controlled environments. Economic valuation of marine ESs is an essential condition for making conservation strategies financially sustainable, as it may stimulate the perceived need for investing in protection and exploitation of marine resources.  相似文献   
基于SOA的GIS应用设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络技术的快速发展,SOA作为构建企业级分布式软件系统的思想和方法学,已经得到了越来越广泛的应用.本文主要探讨了如何基于SOA技术实现传统的GIS应用系统.首先,我们介绍了SOA解决的GIS系统中模块复用的两大问题:封装和组合,以及现阶段还存在的问题,如海量数据和QoS等,接着简单介绍了当前SOA在GIS中的应用情景.最后,我们通过一个小型校园GIS服务应用实例PKUMAP,详细阐述了如何利用SOA的核心技术,如SCA,BPEL来构建GIS应用系统.  相似文献   
介绍了基于Web的流动地震监测数据库查询系统的开发背景和目的,描述了数据库查询系统的设计和实现过程。该系统借助Internet/Intranet网络,以B/S(浏览器/服务器)体系结构作为基础架构,采用WAMP集成化软件开发,具有系统加密、数据查询、数据维护、数据导出和资料下载等功能。  相似文献   
We present a reactive data structure, that is, a spatial data structure with detail levels. The two properties, spatial organization and detail levels, are the basis for a geographic information system (GIS) with a multi-scale database. A reactive data structure is a novel type of data structure catering to multiple detail levels with rapid responses to spatial queries. It is presented here as a modification of the binary space partitioning tree that includes the levels of detail. This tree is one of the few spatial data structures that does not organize space in a rectangular manner. A prototype system has been implemented. An important result of this implementation is that it shows that binary space partitioning trees of real maps have O(n) storage space complexity in contrast to the theoretical worst case O(n2 ), with n the number of line segments in the map.  相似文献   
Since the introduction of Xerox PARC Map Viewer, there is a high growth in the number of Web GIS (Geographical Information System) applications for public use in different contexts. These applications instruct, advise and provide the tools for spatial analysis to their users, and the people who use them depend or rely on these systems. Many of these users are non-experts who have no GIS expertise and a limited understanding of spatial data handling. These inherent characteristics of non-expert interaction establish risk and uncertainty, which are further increased due to the complexity of Web GIS interfaces. These issues of uncertainty, risk perception and dependence are all trust-related aspects. Online trust has been repeatedly identified as a major concept for online information systems and its value recognised as it influences the intentions to use and the acceptance of online systems and the overall user experience. However, there is a very limited understanding as to exactly how trust is constructed when people, especially non-experts, interact with Web GIS. To improve knowledge in this domain, this article explores the theoretical foundations on how trust can be investigated in this context. Trust studies (mainly from the e-commerce domain) suggest that a trust-oriented interface design may improve the trustworthiness of online systems, and such attention can be given to Web GIS interfaces. Such studies are reviewed and their applicability is considered in the Web GIS context, taking into consideration their special characteristics. A case study is used to discuss how some features may potentially influence the trustworthiness of Web GIS applications. This article concludes by suggesting future research directions for the implementation of a holistic approach, which is necessary to investigate trust in this context.  相似文献   
The OGC Web Service (OWS) schemas have the characteristics of a complex element structure, are distributed and large scale, have differences in element naming, and are available in different versions. Applying conventional matching approaches may lead to not only poor quality, but also bad performance. In this article, the OWS schema file decomposition, fragment presentation, fragment identification, fragment element match, and combination of match results are developed based on the extended FRAG-BASE (fragment-based) schema-matching method. Different versions of Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) schema-matching experiments show that the average recall of the extended FRAG-BASE matching for the schemas is above 80%, the average precision reaches 90%, the average overall achieves 85%, and the matching efficiency increases by 50% as compared with that of the COMA and CONTEXT matcher. The multi-version WFS retrieval under the Antarctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (AntSDI) data service environment demonstrates the feasibility and superiority of the extended FRAG-BASE method.  相似文献   
It is hard to believe that 10 years have passed since we wrote our guest editorial for IJGIS (Sui and Goodchild 2001 Sui, D.Z. and Goodchild, M.F. 2001. Are GIS becoming new media?. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 15(5): 387390. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Using the nascent evidence that emerged in the late 1990s, we speculated back in 2001 that geographic information systems (GIS) were rapidly becoming part of the mass media. On the basis of the proposition of GIS as media, we were able to link GIScience with theories in media studies such as Marshall McLuhan's law of the media, which considers modern media as modifiable perceptive extensions of human thought (Sui and Goodchild 2003 Sui, D.Z. and Goodchild, M.F. 2003. A tetradic analysis of GIS and society using McLuhan's law of media. Canadian Geographers, 47(1): 517. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Remarkable conceptual and technological advances in GIS have been made during the past 10 years. The goal of this review is to provide an update on the ‘GIS as media’ argument we made 10 years ago and to discuss the new challenges for GIScience posed by the growing convergence of GIS and social media.  相似文献   
介绍了一种利用手机应用程序的实时性和Web应用程序的广泛性、便利性开发系统程序,共同提供服务的拼车系统。该系统以Web服务为基础,实现了拼车数据在Web端和手机端的实时共享,使拼车更加便捷,提倡了低碳、环保、节能的生活理念。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于Web的3维数字社区建设方案与技术路线,对3维数据社区关键技术进行了研究,并结合具体应用。本文提出的数字社区平台建设思想,结合了Web计算机技术与3维地理信息系统技术,以期对数字社区平台建设提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
WebGIS优势是通过互联网对地理空间数据进行发布和应用,以实现空间数据的共享和相互操作。将WebGIS和富客户端技术引入Web服务器日志管理领域,从总体设计、数据库设计、实现框架等几个方面设计了Web服务器日志管理系统开发框架,并开发了某工业园区信息共享平台日志管理系统。该系统可以高效便捷地实现网络访问数据空间可视化、访问流量在线监控、访问数据统计与分析等功能,为Web服务器运行维护提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   
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