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该文以中国南方一厚碳酸盐岩覆盖区的RVSP三维地震勘探实例,对RVSP三维地震勘探观测系统和数据采集参数的确定、地面等效处理和波场分离等关键处理技术及地质效果进行了阐述和分析,说明了RVSP在克服表浅层复杂地质条件及环境条件对资料的影响及提高地震资料的分辨率有其特定的优势,同时也提出了RVSP三维地震在采集和处理过程中的难点。  相似文献   
Recent studies using water‐stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) have suggested an ecohydrological separation of water flowing to streams or recharging groundwater and water used by trees, known as the ‘two water worlds’ (TWW) hypothesis. In this study, we measured water isotopic composition in precipitation [open field and throughfall, i.e. local meteoric water line (LMWL)] and the mobile water compartment (i.e. stream and soil solution), bulk soil water and xylem water over a period of 1.5 years in two headwater catchments: NF, covered with old growth native evergreen forest (Aetoxicon punctatum, Laureliopsis philippiana and Eucriphya cordifolia), and EP, covered with 4 and 16‐year‐old Eucalyptus nitens stands. Our results show that precipitation, stream and soil solution plot approximately along the LMWL, while xylem waters from all studied tree species plot below the LMWL, supporting the TWW hypothesis. However, we also found evidence of ecohydrological connectivity during the wet season, likely controlled by the amount of antecedent precipitation. These observations hold for all investigated tree species. On both sites, a different precipitation source for stream and xylem water was observed. However, in EP, bulk soil showed a similar precipitation source as xylem water from both E. nitens stands. This suggests that E. nitens may use water that is recharging the bulk soil compartment. We conclude that under a rainy temperate climate, the TWW hypothesis is temporal and does not apply during wet seasons. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定稀土矿石中的镓,高含量的稀土元素会造成严重的质谱干扰。本文采用聚氨酯泡沫塑料在6 mol/L盐酸介质中吸附样品溶液中的镓后,以0.5 mol/L氯化铵水浴加热解脱30 min,镓的吸附-解脱效率超过99%,稀土元素等干扰物质基本不进入解脱液中,即在富集镓的同时实现了镓与基体元素的高效分离,降低了质谱干扰。本方法检出限低(0.022μg/g),经土壤及水系沉积物标准物质验证,镓的测定值与标准值吻合(绝对偏差为0.38%~4.70%),实际稀土矿石样品的加标回收率为94.1%~100.6%,精密度(RSD)低于4%(n=12),可应用于分析一般地质样品以及稀土矿石中的镓。  相似文献   
An overview of a new comprehensive observational study of the Loop Current (LC) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico that encompassed full-depth and near-bottom moorings, pressure-equipped inverted echo sounders (PIES) and remote sensing is presented. The study array was designed to encompass the LC from the Campeche Bank to the west Florida escarpment. This overview centers about principal findings as they pertain to mesoscale dynamics. Two companion papers provide in-depth analyses. Three LC anticyclonic eddy separation events were observed with good 3D spatial coverage over the 2½ year extent of the field study; the three separations exhibited similar processes after the LC had extended into the eastern Gulf. Large scale (∼300 km wavelength, 40–60 day periods) southward propagating meanders developed on the eastern side of the LC over deep (∼3000 m) water that were the result of baroclinic instability between the upper layer meandering jet and lower layer cyclones and anticyclones. The lower layer was only highly energetic during relatively short (∼2–3 months) intervals just prior to or during eddy detachments because of baroclinic instability. The steepening of the meanders lead to a pinch-off of LC eddies. The deep lower-layer eddies, constrained by the closed topography of the southeastern Gulf, propagated westward across the detachment zone and appear to assist in achieving separation. Small scale (∼50–100 km, periods ∼10 days) frontal eddies, observed on the western side of the LC along the Campeche Bank slope, decay over the deep water of the northern part of an extended LC, and have little influence on lower layer eddies, the east side meanders and the eddy detachment processes.  相似文献   
黄淮海地区乡村人—地—业协调发展格局与机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
程明洋  刘彦随  蒋宁 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1576-1589
乡村在社会中占有重要地位,但乡村衰败目前已成为世界性问题,因此,乡村振兴需破解乡村病问题。现有乡村研究主要关注乡村单一系统、乡村转型或乡村特定问题的研究,对乡村系统自身、乡村各子系统之间关系及其驱动乡村发展逻辑的研究则显匮乏。基于黄淮海地区县域数据,选取乡村人—地—业3个子系统,利用耦合协调度模型刻画了乡村内部系统耦合协调度的空间格局,并对人—地—业驱动乡村发展的内在逻辑进行了探讨。结果发现:① 黄淮海地区大部分县域乡村人—地—业发展处于高水平耦合阶段,在空间格局上形成了4条明显的高值轴带,且乡村系统发展水平呈逐年上升趋势。② 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协调水平整体较高,但大部分处于勉强协调或初级协调阶段,耦合协调水平较高的县域主要集中在经济较发达地区。③ 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协同关系可分为低协调水平—土地发展领先型、中协调水平—人口发展领先型和高协调水平—人业发展引领型3种类型,其中产业在黄淮海地区乡村协调发展中至关重要。④ 乡村人—地—业的协调发展可有效激活“四力”,为乡村可持续发展奠定了基础。本研究为理解乡村系统自身、破解乡村问题及实现乡村可持续发展提供了参考。  相似文献   
The vertical water entry of asymmetric two-dimensional bodies with flow separation is considered. As long as there is no flow separation, linearised Wagner's theory combined with the modified Logvinovich model has been shown to provide computationally fast and reliable estimates of slamming loads during water entry. Tassin et al. [11] introduced the fictitious body continuation (FBC) concept as a way to extend the use of Wagner's model to separated flow configurations, but they only considered symmetric bodies. In the present study, we investigate the ability of the FBC concept to provide accurate estimates of slamming loads for asymmetric bodies. In this case, flow separation may not occur simultaneously on both sides of the body. During an intermediate phase, slamming loads are governed by a competition between the local drop in pressure due to partial flow separation and the ongoing expansion of the wetted area. As a first benchmark for the model, we consider the water entry of an inclined flat plate and compare the FBC estimates with the results of a nonlinear model. Then, we consider the case of a foil and compare the FBC results with computational fluid dynamics predictions. In both cases, we find that the FBC model is able to provide reliable estimates of the slamming loads.  相似文献   
酉阳河流域典型年汛期的基流分割研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷宇宽 《水文》2021,41(1):35-41
基流分割是水文学研究中的重难点问题之一,目前基流分割也存在许多方法.基于酉阳河典型年汛期实测日平均流量资料,分别采用Chapman-Maxwell改进方程数字滤波法一次滤波(参数N=1)以及二次滤波(参数N=2)、BFI(f)法、HYSEP固定步长法、HYSEP滑动步长法、HYSEP局部最小值法进行基流分割并对其结果进...  相似文献   
巢湖沉积植硅体组合及中全新世以来的环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管以前对眼虫进行过大量的形态发育研究和基于核糖体RNA基因的系统发育分析,但对于株系之间的关系仍然知之甚少.因其形态特征有限并且易变,很难鉴定眼虫的相似种和同种内不同的株.作者利用微卫星DNA指纹图谱,在七株眼虫中扩增了七个微卫星DNA位点,成功扩增的六个微卫星引物都得到了四到八个条带.从微卫星DNA指纹图谱计算得到的相似性系数范围从0.000到0.957.根据相似性系数得到的树状结构,七株眼虫在距离为0.9346处分为三支:E.mutabilis,E.intermedia和E.gracilis.其中,五株E.gracilis分为两组:来自日本的和美国的.不同地区的株得到不同的基因型,并初步分析了它们之间的关系.研究表明七株眼虫根据微卫星DNA指纹图谱被明显区分开.微卫星DNA指纹图谱具有很高的分辨率,是鉴定和区分原生动物相似种和同种内不同株的一种有用的新方法.  相似文献   
地下介质往往表现为粘弹特性,研究基于粘弹假设的数值模拟方法对于正确认识地震波的传播规律和提高地震勘探精度具有重要意义。波动方程正演过程中纵横波的保幅解耦是研究准确的粘弹介质中地震波传播机理的前提,基于散度和旋度算子的纵横波解耦方法会使波场的相位和振幅产生畸变,且解耦后的波场在极性反转位置上无法与分离前混合波场各分量对应。在散度和旋度算子上再做一次梯度和旋度运算的波场分离方法虽然能够克服上述缺陷,但存在保幅性差等问题。本文从粘弹介质中的一阶速度-应力方程出发,推导了矢量纵横波分离的波数域表达式,结合有限差分思路给出了其在空间域的求解方法。本文方法利用纵横波的传播速度对现有的矢量波场分离方法进行振幅校正,并将校正结果分别作为纵波与横波对时间的二阶偏导,实现了粘弹介质中的纵横波分离。模型试算结果表明,本文方法能够克服现有方法的缺陷,获得更具保幅性的波场分离结果。  相似文献   
本文探讨了纳滤分离Al~(3+)和Li~+的可行性,研究了含盐量和铝锂比对分离效率的影响,提出了从锂云母浸出液中分离回收锂的新方法。实验结果表明,纳滤膜对Al~(3+)和Li~+的截留率随含盐量的升高而降低,其中Li~+始终呈现负浓度梯度扩散的趋势,而Al~(3+)的截留率始终稳定在99%以上。当含盐量为45 g/L时,铝锂分离因子最高可达248.33,膜面相应Zeta电位的绝对值达到最大。随着溶液中铝锂比的变化,Al~(3+)和Li~+的截留率分别在不同铝锂比的条件下出现拐点,溶液的pH呈现先下降后上升最后下降的复杂趋势。本实验研究发现,DK膜能够在酸性环境下实现高效的铝锂分离和锂的浓缩,从而为锂云母浸出液中锂的提取提供新的思路。  相似文献   
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