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含粗粒金矿,由于粗粒金的存在使其样品的采集、加工和分析极具挑战性,如何获得具有代表性和均匀性的化学分析样品,并提供准确的分析结果,长期以来一直是该类金矿资源勘查评价急待解决的技术难题。本文对近年来国内外含粗粒金矿样品的采集、加工和分析方法等3方面开展的研究工作及主要成果进行归纳分析,认为:1含粗粒金矿样品的采集是确保样品代表性的首要环节,含粗粒金矿样品分析结果的潜在误差有80%来源于样品采集,因此研究经济、有效的样品采集方法至关重要。2含粗粒金矿样品的加工主要从提高自然金的粉碎度,改进加工流程,选择样品加工设备等方面进行,但查明金的粒度分布及伴生矿物是拟定样品加工流程的关键。3含粗粒金矿样品的分析方法有常规的化学分析方法、批量浸金法和人工重砂加权平均法,相对于复杂的加工流程研究,后者有望成为此类样品经济有效的分析方法。本文指出,含粗粒金矿资源评价质量的误差来源于地质、采样、加工、分析等诸多方面,总体而言应最小化所有阶段误差,应特别重视样品采集方法的研究,确保采集样品的代表性是提高该类金矿资源评价质量的前提。  相似文献   
对泾河油田三维地震前积反射、钻井取芯砂岩轻重矿物分离测试和砂体剖面结构对比,并结合前人研究结果认为,泾河油田长8-长7砂岩碎屑主要来自于西南部陇西古陆,部分来自于南部秦岭物源,不受北东物源影响。结合物源、岩芯特征和测井相分析结果认为,泾河油田整个长81自下而上是河流-三角洲-半深湖的水进沉积过程,发育3条北东向和1条南北向河道。长812为滨浅湖相-三角洲-河流相沉积,发育(水下)分流河道砂岩;长811储层为浅湖-半深湖背景中水进三角洲水下分流河道砂岩。长72为浊积砂岩储层,发育9个北东向浊积水道。  相似文献   
高精度高质量的同位素分析技术是开展非传统稳定同位素地球化学工作的前提。同位素分析是不断提取样品真实信息的过程,包括样品制备、化学分离、质谱测定和数据处理4个基本步骤。在同位素分析过程中,每一环节都有可能引入空白或者污染,或造成同位素分馏,引发信息“失真”。为了准确获得样品的真实同位素组成,必须有效避免污染并精准校正在分析过程中可能的干扰。以Ca同位素为例,在总结前人工作的基础上,探讨了各个步骤所涉及的分析要点,为建立其他同位素体系的分析方法提供参考,为后续储库探讨、机理解析及应用研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

目前大地电磁法三维反演大多基于有限差分正演.反演使用规则六面体网格无法有效模拟复杂地形, 同时正反演网格同套存在严重影响反演可靠性的问题.针对上述两个问题, 本文利用自适应有限元算法, 开发了基于非规则六面体的高精度大地电磁三维正演方法; 反演中, 使用独立的反演网格和正演网格来提高正演计算精度和反演可靠性.这一思路既保证了正演响应和灵敏度矩阵计算的精确性, 又降低了因反演参数过多造成的不唯一性.最后, 通过算例验证了正演算法的精确性和反演算法对地形处理的有效性.

简介了近年来地质样品中金的分析测试方法,重点对地质样品金分析中的样品加工及分解、分离富集、测定方法等方面进行概述,并对我实验测试中心在相关方面工作进行了简单介绍.  相似文献   
光释光测年中石英样品提纯方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决光释光前处理中遇到的传统方法无法获得满足纯度石英的问题,通过大量对比实验,结合玻璃工艺中石英分离研究成果,最后获得了新的石英提纯流程,与传统方法相比,新方法通过化学分离避免了密度变化对石英长石分离的影响,从而解决了斜长石和岩屑在传统的重液分离中无法剔除的问题,新方法能够获得满足纯度要求和量要求的石英,同时,新方法比传统方法实验室工作效率更高。  相似文献   
热磁技术方法条件实验及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热磁技术方法条件实验主要包括焙烧粒度、温度、时间及热磁组分分离等实验内容,对各技术环节进行了设计、试验,确立了一套合理的样品焙烧、热磁组分分选的技术流程,并就实验中遇到的一些间题进行了分析探讨,为热磁地球化学方法的引人、推广提供了基础技术支持.  相似文献   
双地震带的影响因素探讨   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
张克亮  魏东平 《地球物理学报》2011,54(11):2838-2850
讨论了全球39个俯冲带内的双地震带层间距、应力类型与俯冲参数的相互关系,这些俯冲参数包括动力学参数(板块年龄、热参数、板片拉力)、运动学参数(俯冲板块速度、上覆板块运动速度、海沟迁移速度、弧后形变特征)、几何形态参数(浅俯冲角、深俯冲角、俯冲深度、长度)及上覆板块性质等. 结果表明:(1)I型双地震带易形成于年龄较古老(>60 Ma)的俯冲板块,其层间距主要与动力学参数有关;(2)II型双地震带出现在较年轻(<60 Ma)的板块,其层间距及应力状态更容易受局部应力场的影响;(3)当热参数大于5000 km时仅能形成I型双地震带,而当热参数小于5000 km时,两类双地震带都能形成;(4)上覆板块的性质似乎决定着双地震带层间距的上下限,其中大陆型上覆板块所对应的双地震带层间距小于20 km;而海洋型对应DSZ层间距则大于15 km. 限于现有的观测条件,本文基于有限样本的统计结果仍需要进一步验证.  相似文献   
Quantifying the proportion of the river hydrograph derived from the different hydrological pathways is essential for understanding the behaviour of a catchment. This paper describes a new approach using the output from master recession curve analysis to inform a new algorithm based on the Lyne and Hollick ‘one‐parameter’ signal analysis filtering algorithm. This approach was applied to six catchments (including two subcatchments of these) in Ireland. The conceptual model for each catchment consists of four main flow pathways: overland flow, interflow, shallow groundwater and deep groundwater. The results were compared with those of the master recession curve analysis, a recharge coefficient approach developed in Ireland and the semi‐distributed, lumped and deterministic hydrological model Nedbør‐Afstrømings‐Model. The new algorithm removes the ‘free variable’ aspect that is typically associated with filtering algorithms and provides a means of estimating the contribution of each pathway that is consistent with the results of hydrograph separation in catchments that are dominated by quick response pathways. These types of catchments are underlain by poorly productive aquifers that are not capable of providing large baseflows in the river. Such aquifers underlie over 73% of Ireland, ensuring that this new algorithm is applicable in the majority of catchments in Ireland and potentially in those catchments internationally that are strongly influenced by the quick‐responding hydrological pathways. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The synthesis of experimental understanding of catchment behaviour and its translation into qualitative perceptual models is an important objective of hydrological sciences. We explore this challenge by examining the cumulative understanding of the hydrology of three experimental catchments and how it evolves through the application of different investigation techniques. The case study considers the Huewelerbach, Weierbach and Wollefsbach headwater catchments of the Attert basin in Luxembourg. Subsurface investigations including bore holes and pits, analysis of soil samples and Electrical Resistivity Tomography measurements are presented and discussed. Streamflow and tracer data are used to gain further insights into the streamflow dynamics of the catchments, using end‐member mixing analysis and hydrograph separation based on dissolved silica and electrical conductivity. We show that the streamflow generating processes in all three catchments are controlled primarily by the subsolum and underlying bedrock. In the Huewelerbach, the permeable sandstone formation supports a stable groundwater component with little seasonality, which reaches the stream through a series of sources at the contact zone with the impermeable marls formation. In the Weierbach, the schist formation is relatively impermeable and supports a ‘fill and spill’‐type of flow mechanism; during wet conditions, it produces a delayed response dominated by pre‐event water. In the Wollefsbach, the impermeable marls formation is responsible for a saturation‐excess runoff generating process, producing a fast and highly seasonal response dominated by event water. The distinct streamflow generating processes of the three catchments are represented qualitatively using perceptual models. The perceptual models are in turn translated into quantitative conceptual models, which simulate the hydrological processes using networks of connected reservoirs and transfer functions. More generally, the paper illustrates the evolution of perceptual models based on experimental fieldwork data, the translation of perceptual models into conceptual models and the value of different types of data for processes understanding and model representation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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