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The statistical properties of long-crested nonlinear wave time series measured in an offshore basin have been analyzed in different aspects such as the distributions of surface elevation, wave crest, wave trough, and wave period. Comparison with linear, second-order and third-order theoretical models indicates that although bound wave effects also contribute to the deviation from a Gaussian process, it is the modulational instability that primarily determines the discrepancy in the evolution process in the presence of strong nonlinearity. Interestingly enough, wave crest is more sensitive to the quasi-resonant four-wave interaction effect than wave trough and the scaled maximal wave crest presents a linear regression model with the coefficient of kurtosis. Meanwhile, the estimation of the observed statistical properties is reconstructed on the basis of an ensemble of 100 wave series simulated by the NLS-type equations and compared favourably with the experimental results in most cases. Moreover, with the increased third-order nonlinear effect the difference between NLS and Dysthe simulations is enlarged and mainly reflected on the distribution of wave crest. 相似文献
选取易武斗茶会为研究案例,以尺度转换为理论分析工具,通过参与式观察法和半结构化访谈法,深入分析易武斗茶会的发展历程并展示推动其发展演变的多元社会主体的不同行动与实践。研究发现:① 易武斗茶会的演变过程中存在2种尺度转换的方式,一种是为迎合普洱茶市场细分而进行的尺度下推,另一种是根据地方发展需求而进行的尺度上推。② 易武斗茶会尺度转换是在地方政府的推动、茶企的支持、茶农的配合以及茶客的偏好下共同驱动的。③ 多元主体的行动在推动易武斗茶会尺度转换的过程中满足了各自群体的利益诉求,地方依凭茶叶经济实现了本土发展。从节事的角度对中国茶文化进行深入分析研究,为茶村如何通过地方性节事活动实现本土发展提供理论依据与案例借鉴。 相似文献
1996年1月,俄罗斯完成了对GLONASS的24颗卫星布设,并开始整体运行。GLONASS与 GPS相比无 S/A政策影响,与 GPS联合使用可提高单点定位的精度。因此 GPS与GLONASS的联合应用具有广泛的应用前景,但前提是必须知道GPS与GLONASS的坐标转换参数。本文分析了计算坐标转换参数的模型及计算方法,介绍了俄罗斯国防部第29研究所为确定适用于俄罗斯地区的GPS与GLONASS转换参数而进行的GPS、GLONASS观测及数据处理,认为:在中国地壳运动观测网络基础上,计算适用于中国地区的GPS与GLONASS的坐标转换参数是可行的,也是必要的。 相似文献
高度计波高数据同化对印度洋海域海浪模式预报影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为提高海浪模式预报的精度,改善初始场是途径之一。研制了基于最优插值(OI)方法的海浪数据同化并行程序模块,并将其植入第三代海浪模式WAVEWATCH IIITM,建立了印度洋海域海浪同化预报方法,使用卫星高度计波高数据进行了同化预报试验。OI模块的并行设计使得植入同化模块的海浪模式仍能以并行方式运行。文中5°S以北印度洋海域为目标区域,嵌套在WAVE-WATCH IIITM的全球网格中,使得目标区域开边界条件得到较好解决。同化数据使用Jason-2高度计测量有效波高(SWH)沿轨数据。海浪同化预报模式由大气模式WRF(Weather Research andForecasting)输出的1小时一次的海面10 m风场驱动。将同化的模式结果(SWH)、无同化的模式结果(SWH)分别与高度计沿轨数据(SWH)进行比较,表明同化改善模式预报初始场的效果是明显的。以同化初始场出发进行海浪预报试验,结果表明,高度计波高数据同化在一定程度上可改进海浪短期预报的精度。 相似文献
A series of hydraulic model tests has been carried out in a glass wave flume to investigate the influences of wave height, wave period, wave steepness, surf similarity parameter, roughness, layer thickness and porosity on wave run-up and overtopping of 1:2 sloped impermeable and permeable breakwaters fronted by a 1:10 gentle, smooth beach slope. The analysis of results involves the correlation between the overtopping energy transfer with the relative wall height and the relationship between wave run-up and overtopping rate. Further, measured wave run-up and overtopping rates are compared with the results given in the Shore Protection Manual (1984), Automated Coastal Engineering System (1992)and results of other investigators. 相似文献
The decomposition of a monochromatic wave over a submerged plate is investigated experimentally in a wave flume. Bound and free higher harmonic modes propagating upstream and downstream the structure are discriminated by means of moving resistive probes. The first-order analysis shows a resonant behaviour linked to the ratio of the plate's width and the fundamental mode wavelength over the plate. The second-order analysis shows an energy transfer from the fundamental mode towards free harmonics propagating downstream the structure. This transfer is linked to the ratio of the width of the plate and the bound harmonic wavelength over the plate. We also performed experiments with a submerged step to compare the efficiency of both structures. The submerged plate is shown to be a more efficient breakwater than the step, at the first as well as the second-order. 相似文献
坐标转换模型在盾构姿态计算中的应用 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3
在附有条件的间接平差模型的基础上,提出用归一化大角度坐标转换模型计算盾构机姿态,并从其原理、方法以及精度上进行了分析。应用结果表明:利用坐标转换法计算盾构机姿态,与常规解方程法相比较更能有效利用参考点的所有信息,计算过程简明,且便于程序实现。 相似文献
In 1995, Suh and Park developed a numerical model that computes the reflection of regular waves from a fully perforated-wall caisson breakwater. This paper describes how to apply this model to a partially perforated-wall caisson and irregular waves. To examine the performance of the model, existing experimental data are used for regular waves, while a laboratory experiment is conducted in this study for irregular waves. The numerical model based on a linear wave theory tends to over-predict the reflection coefficient of regular waves as the wave nonlinearity increases, but such an over-prediction is not observed in the case of irregular waves. For both regular and irregular waves, the numerical model slightly over- and under-predicts the reflection coefficients at larger and smaller values, respectively, because the model neglects the evanescent waves near the breakwater. 相似文献
大气水—地表水—土壤水—地下水相互转化关系的试验研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文重点研究了有作物条件下不同供水农田的“四水”相互转化,突出了有作物条件下降水入渗、潜水蒸发的差异性,土壤水在农业生态环境中的重要性,为水资源多目标开发,探索新路子。 相似文献