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Geochemical processes were identified as controlling factors of groundwater chemistry, including chemical weathering, salinization from seawater and dry sea-salt deposition, nitrate contamination, and rainfall recharge. These geochemical processes were identified using principal component analysis of major element chemistry of groundwater from basaltic aquifers in Jeju Island, South Korea, a volcanic island with intense agricultural activities. The contribution of the geochemical processes to groundwater chemistry was quantified by a simple mass-balance approach. The geochemical effects due to seawater were considered based on Cl contributions, whereas the effects due to natural chemical weathering were based on alkalinity. Nitrogenous fertilizers, and especially the associated nitrification processes, appear to significantly affect groundwater chemistry. A strong correlation was observed between Na, Mg, Ca, SO4 and Cl, and nitrate concentrations in groundwater. Correspondingly, the total major cations, Cl, and SO4 in groundwater were assessed to estimate relative effect of N-fertilizer use on groundwater chemistry. Cl originates more from nitrate sources than from seawater, whereas SO4 originates mostly from rainwater. N-fertilizer use has shown the greatest effect on groundwater chemistry, particularly when nitrate concentrations exceed 6–7 mg/L NO3–N. Nitrate contamination significantly affects groundwater quality and 18% of groundwater samples have contamination-dominated chemistry.  相似文献   
克拉美丽气田石炭系火山岩复杂岩性岩电特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
准噶尔盆地东部克拉美丽气田石炭系火山岩岩石类型复杂多样,且同一岩性由于结构、构造和成分的差异,电性特征差异亦较大,岩性识别困难。本文通过对该区14口井取心段岩电关系研究,认为自然伽马、电阻率、密度三种曲线岩性特征响应明显; 电阻率、中子、密度、声波四条曲线对火山岩岩石构造特征响应明显。并编制了岩性和岩石构造测井识别交会图版11张。进而利用电测资料识别出该区11种火山岩岩石类型: 正长斑岩、二长斑岩、玄武岩、粗面岩、英安岩、流纹岩、霏细岩、沉凝灰岩、熔结凝灰岩、火山角砾岩和熔结火山角砾岩; 识别出5种岩石构造类型: 正长斑岩中气孔及块状构造和玄武岩中杏仁、碎裂及块状构造。通过本区12口钻井取心后验,测井识别结果与钻井岩心分析结果吻合良好,可作为地区性火山岩测井岩性、岩石构造识别模式。  相似文献   
石林  解广轰 《岩石学报》1997,13(4):488-498
利用微量元素和Sr,Nd,Pb同位素资料,得出了南极罗斯岛及泰勒谷地区火山岩来自于上地幔,五个地区火山岩具有相同的源区。岩石具有大洋岛屿玄武岩(OIB)的特征。来自地幔的火山喷发的岩浆未遭受地壳物质的混染作用。地幔源区是具有高μ(=206Pb/204Pb)比值的地幔组分HIMU与亏损地幔组分DMM混合作用的结果,其中以HIMU组分为主,原生岩浆由具HIMU组分特征的深部地幔柱与浅部的DMM混合而成。  相似文献   
VMS deposits of the South Urals developed within the evolving Urals palaeo-ocean between Silurian and Late Devonian times. Arc-continent collision between Baltica and the Magnitogorsk Zone (arc) in the south-western Urals effectively terminated submarine volcanism in the Magnitogorsk Zone with which the bulk of the VMS deposits are associated. The majority of the Urals VMS deposits formed within volcanic-dominated sequences in deep seawater settings. Preservation of macro and micro vent fauna in the sulphide bodies is both testament to the seafloor setting for much of the sulphides but also the exceptional degree of preservation and lack of metamorphic overprint of the deposits and host rocks. The deposits in the Urals have previously been classified in terms of tectonic setting, host rock associations and metal ratios in line with recent tectono-stratigraphic classifications. In addition to these broad classes, it is clear that in a number of the Urals settings, an evolution of the host volcanic stratigraphy is accompanied by an associated change in the metal ratios of the VMS deposits, a situation previously discussed, for example, in the Noranda district of Canada.Two key structural settings are implicated in the South Urals. The first is seen in a preserved marginal allochthon west of the Main Urals Fault where early arc tholeiites host Cu–Zn mineralization in deposits including Yaman Kasy, which is host to the oldest macro vent fauna assembly known to science. The second tectonic setting for the South Urals VMS is the Magnitogorsk arc where study has highlighted the presence of a preserved early forearc assemblage, arc tholeiite to calc-alkaline sequences and rifted arc bimodal tholeiite sequences. The boninitc rocks of the forearc host Cu–(Zn) and Cu–Co VMS deposits, the latter hosted in fragments within the Main Urals Fault Zone (MUFZ) which marks the line of arc-continent collision in Late Devonian times. The arc tholeiites host Cu–Zn deposits with an evolution to more calc-alkaline felsic volcanic sequences matched with a change to Zn–Pb–Cu polymetallic deposits, often gold-rich. Large rifts in the arc sequence are filled by thick bimodal tholeiite sequences, themselves often showing an evolution to a more calc-alkaline nature. These thick bimodal sequences are host to the largest of the Cu–Zn VMS deposits.The exceptional degree of preservation in the Urals has permitted the identification of early seafloor clastic and hydrolytic modification (here termed halmyrolysis sensu lato) to the sulphide assemblages prior to diagenesis and this results in large-scale modification to the primary VMS body, resulting in distinctive morphological and mineralogical sub-types of sulphide body superimposed upon the tectonic association classification.It is proposed that a better classification of seafloor VMS systems is thus achievable using a three stage classification based on (a) tectonic (hence bulk volcanic chemistry) association, (b) local volcanic chemical evolution within a single edifice and (c) seafloor reworking and halmyrolysis.  相似文献   
Gao2008、Crowley2013和Sigl2015火山强迫资料,均基于极地冰芯重建.由于每组重建使用的冰芯数据和分析方法等不同,因此结果存在差异,从而影响气候模式应用.文中详细梳理三组火山强迫资料在原始冰芯数据、信号识别提取和沉积通量计算等方面的差异;介绍重建中涉及的对未知火山事件发生季节、纬度及从极地硫酸盐沉积...  相似文献   
 The rates of passive degassing from volcanoes are investigated by modelling the convective overturn of dense degassed and less dense gas-rich magmas in a vertical conduit linking a shallow degassing zone with a deep magma chamber. Laboratory experiments are used to constrain our theoretical model of the overturn rate and to elaborate on the model of this process presented by Kazahaya et al. (1994). We also introduce the effects of a CO2–saturated deep chamber and adiabatic cooling of ascending magma. We find that overturn occurs by concentric flow of the magmas along the conduit, although the details of the flow depend on the magmas' viscosity ratio. Where convective overturn limits the supply of gas-rich magma, then the gas emission rate is proportional to the flow rate of the overturning magmas (proportional to the density difference driving convection, the conduit radius to the fourth power, and inversely proportional to the degassed magma viscosity) and the mass fraction of water that is degassed. Efficient degassing enhances the density difference but increases the magma viscosity, and this dampens convection. Two degassing volcanoes were modelled. At Stromboli, assuming a 2 km deep, 30% crystalline basaltic chamber, containing 0.5 wt.% dissolved water, the ∼700 kg s–1 magmatic water flux can be modelled with a 4–10 m radius conduit, degassing 20–100% of the available water and all of the 1 to 4 vol.% CO2 chamber gas. At Mount St. Helens in June 1980, assuming a 7 km deep, 39% crystalline dacitic chamber, containing 4.6 wt.% dissolved water, the ∼500 kg s–1 magmatic water flux can be modelled with a 22–60 m radius conduit, degassing ∼2–90% of the available water and all of the 0.1 to 3 vol.% CO2 chamber gas. The range of these results is consistent with previous models and observations. Convection driven by degassing provides a plausible mechanism for transferring volatiles from deep magma chambers to the atmosphere, and it can explain the gas fluxes measured at many persistently active volcanoes. Received: 26 September 1997 / Accepted: 11 July 1998  相似文献   
Our understanding on how ash particles in volcanic plumes react with coexisting gases and aerosols is still rudimentary, despite the importance of these reactions in influencing the chemistry and dynamics of a plume. In this study, six samples of fine ash (<100 m) from different volcanoes were measured for their specific surface area, as, porosity and water adsorption properties with the aim to provide insights into the capacity of silicate ash particles to react with gases, including water vapour. To do so, we performed high-resolution nitrogen and water vapour adsorption/desorption experiments at 77 K and 303 K, respectively. The nitrogen data indicated as values in the range 1.1–2.1 m2/g, except in one case where a as of 10 m2/g was measured. This high value is attributed to incorporation of hydrothermal phases, such as clay minerals, in the ash surface composition. The data also revealed that the ash samples are essentially non-porous, or have a porosity dominated by macropores with widths >500 Å. All the specimens had similar pore size distributions, with a small peak centered around 50 Å. These findings suggest that fine ash particles have relatively undifferentiated surface textures, irrespective of the chemical composition and eruption type. Adsorption isotherms for water vapour revealed that the capacity of the ash samples for water adsorption is systematically larger than predicted from the nitrogen adsorption as values. Enhanced reactivity of the ash surface towards water may result from (i) hydration of bulk ash constituents; (ii) hydration of surface compounds; and/or (iii) hydroxylation of the surface of the ash. The later mechanism may lead to irreversible retention of water. Based on these experiments, we predict that volcanic ash is covered by a complete monolayer of water under ambient atmospheric conditions. In addition, capillary condensation within ash pores should allow for deposition of condensed water on to ash particles before water reaches saturation in the plume. The total mass of water vapour retained by 1 g of fine ash at 0.95 relative water vapour pressure is calculated to be ~10–2 g. Some volcanic implications of this study are discussed.Editorial responsibility: J. Gilbert  相似文献   
胜利油田火山岩单个包裹体碳同位素   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
赫英 《地质科学》1998,33(3):380-383
近年来,在我国东部陆续发现了一些二氧化碳气藏,对其成因,不少学者有过讨论, 得出许多重要认识。  相似文献   
刘伟  刘安英 《地质科学》2009,44(2):571-584
松辽盆地徐家围子断陷发育营城组火山岩气藏.钻井统计、地球化学特征及天然气组份分析和碳同位素研究表明徐中和徐东地区天然气源岩有机质偏腐泥型,生气潜力更大.对主力源岩层沙河子组和次要源岩层营城组源岩分布有了新的认识.对营城组天然气的烃类气体和CO2气的来源进行对比和探讨,认为烃类气受气源的控制,CO2气藏受深大断裂的控制,与火山岩分布关系不大.连通地幔的气藏中,也没有发现无机烃类气体聚集.徐家围子断陷营城组天然气以烃类气占绝对优势,而且主要为甲烷,二氧化碳成藏并不普遍.天然气甲烷成因类型以煤型气为主,甲烷碳同位素变化范围较小.乙烷、丙烷和丁烷碳同位素均有较大的变化范围,而且具有较好的相关性,说明母质类型多样,乙烷、丙烷和丁烷具有相同的来源.含量大于50%的二氧化碳来源于地幔,属无机成因.含量小于50%的二氧化碳既有无机成因,也有有机成因.  相似文献   
腾冲火山岩年龄问题评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腾冲火山及火山岩是国内新近纪火山及其喷发物九大分布区之一,研究程度较广较深,喷发序列岩石定岩及年龄值资料丰富,综合评述并指出今后研究方向。  相似文献   
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