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长白山火山机构信息系统是在系统设计与分析基础上建立的,共有5个模块组成:①长白山地区火山岩岩石化学数据库系统;②常量元素岩石化学分析系统;③微量元素岩石化学分析系统;④长白山火山构造信息系统;⑤长白山地区岩性岩相信息系统。数据库系统模块用VB语言开发完成;分析系统模块(2个)的建立是通过界面设计、结构分析、编程实现的;火山机构信息系统及岩性、岩相信息系统模块是在Mapinfo软件的支持下完成的。  相似文献   
The Central Pontides (northern Turkey) is one of the key localities to understand the geodynamic evolution of the Palaeo- and Neotethyan oceans. It consists of the pre-Jurassic basement units, the Early Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous accretionary complexes, the widespread Middle Jurassic continental arc magmatics and the Late Jurassic to Tertiary cover units. The Early Cretaceous accretionary complex is represented by the Central Pontide Structural Complex and includes the Middle Jurassic oceanic units, which were metamorphosed during the Early Cretaceous. Apart from these oceanic units, a few metaophiolite and serpentinite fragments have been recognized within the basement units, which may represent the remnants of an older ocean. The pre-Middle Jurassic Devrekani Metaophiolite is the largest oceanic fragment and tectonically intercalated within/between the Devrekani Metamorphics and the Çangaldağ Metamorphic Complex. It is mainly composed of harzburgites, dunites with chromite veins and metagabbros, and cut by metabasaltic andesites and metadacites. Petrographically, the gabbro consists mainly of plagioclase and clinopyroxene, and displays phaneritic/porphyritic texture. In contrast, the metabasaltic andesite includes plagioclase and mica phenocrysts within a fine-grained groundmass. Also, the metadacite is composed predominantly of quartz, plagioclase, and mica minerals. Two different magmatic groups belonging to completely different tectono-magmatic settings have been geochemically determined based on the immobile trace element systematics. The metadacites and metabasaltic andesites are akin to continental arc magmatics and characterized by negative Nb and Ta anomalies and depleted HFSE relative to Th and La contents. However, the metagabbro samples display the geochemical signatures of boninitic rocks and characterized by highly depletion in HFSEs and REEs relative to N-MORB. The Devrekani Metaophiolite in the Central Pontides may represent another remnant of pre-Middle Jurassic oceanic crust generation and can be north-eastward continuation of the Permian-aged Almacık complex and the Boğazköy Metaophiolite fragment in the western Sakarya Composite Terrane. It may have been cut by intrusions of the extensive Middle Jurassic continental arc magmatism after its imbrication within the basement unit. The presence of pre-Middle Jurassic oceanic units may indicate that the Paleozoic ocean may have survived as the Jurassic Intra-Pontide Ocean between the Scythian Platform and Sakarya Composite Terrane during the Mesozoic time. Thus, the Intra-Pontide Suture may normally include the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic remnants of the long-lived northward subducting Tethyan ocean.  相似文献   

Sediment yields from and sediment transfer within catchments of very low relief and gradient, which make up about 50% of Earth’s surface, are poorly documented and their internal sediment dynamics are poorly known. Sediment sources, their proportionate contributions to valley floors and sediment yield, and storage are estimated using fallout radionuclides 210Pb(ex) and 137Cs in the catchments that drain into Darwin Harbour, northern Australia, an example of this understudied catchment type that appears to be globally at the extreme end of this category of catchments. Unchannelled grassy valley floors (dambos, or seasonal wetlands) trap ~90% of the sediment delivered from hillslopes by sheet and rill erosion. Further down valley, small channels transport ~10% of the sediment that escapes from the dambos, and the remaining sediment comes from erosion of the channels. In this case, the fractional sediment storage is very high as a result of the existence of dambos, a landform that depends for its existence on low gradients.  相似文献   
Shixi Bulge of the central Junggar Basin in western China is a unique region that provides insight into the geological and geochemical characteristics of large-scale petroleum reservoirs in volcanic rocks of the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Shixi Bulge mainly consist of striped lava and agglomerate, as well as breccia lava and tight tuff. Volcanic rocks differ in porosity and permeability. Striped lava exhibits the highest porosity (average: 14.2%) but the lowest permeability (average: 0.67 × 10−15 m) among the rock types. Primary gas pores are widely developed and mostly filled. Secondary dissolution pores and fractures are two major reservoir storage spaces. Capillary pressure curves suggest the existence of four pore structure types of reservoir rocks. Several factors, namely, lithology, pore structure, and various diagenesis, govern the physical properties of volcanic rocks. The oil is characterized by a high concentration of tricyclic terpane, a terpane distribution of C23 < C21 > C20, and sterane distributions of C27 < C28 < C29 and C27 > C28 < C29. Oil and gas geochemistry revealed that the oil is a mixture derived primarily from P2w source rock and secondarily from P1j source rock in the sag west of Pen-1 Well. The gases are likely gas mixtures of humic and sapropelic organic origins, with the sapropelic gas type dominant in the mixture. The gas mixture is most likely cracked from kerogen rather than oils. The Carboniferous volcanic reservoirs in Shixi Bulge share some unique characteristics that may provide useful insights into the various roles of different volcanic reservoir types in old volcanic provinces. The presence of these reservoirs will undoubtedly encourage future petroleum exploration in volcanic rocks up to the deep parts of sedimentary basins.  相似文献   
近50年火山喷发和太阳活动对我国气候影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
贾朋群  石广玉 《高原气象》2001,20(3):225-233
利用特征向量分析与时序叠加分析和谱分析相结合的方法,分析了近50a来我国地面气温和降水场中火山喷发和太阳活动的气候信号,强烈的火山喷发导致全国大部分地区降温,喷发1a多以后降温最明显,并能持续约半年。除这个主信号以外,青藏高原、东南沿海和东北地区都可能出现较为复杂的温度变化,温度变化与太阳活动之间的联系更多地反映在二者的振荡关系上。在降水场中的火山信号较弱,表现为火山喷发后的秋冬季节南方地区降水偏多。在青藏高原积雪和深层地温的变化中,没有发现火山和太阳活动信号。  相似文献   
能源的全球性短缺以及全球环境问题的日益加剧,使得绿色新能源的研究与开发成为当今世界许多国家的一项重要任务。地热资源作为其中一员其重要性日益凸显。在地热资源的勘查中,传统的地质和地球物理勘探投入高、难度大,而遥感技术具有经济、高效、覆盖范围广等优势,已逐渐成为地热资源探测与调查的一种新技术手段。地热能开发的首选地区往往是新生代火山活动区,因其在相对较小的深度内就能获得很高的温度。本文综述了国内外利用遥感技术探测火山地热的发展历史和研究现状,介绍了这项技术在美国黄石公园、日本阿苏火山以及我国长白山火山和腾冲火山的应用。同时选取内蒙古锡林郭勒盟新生代火山活动构造区作为实例,利用美国NASA陆地卫星Landsat-7 ETM+第6波段的红外遥感数据反演了研究区的地表温度,结合ETM+7-4-1波段组合影像的地质构造解译结果以及其它相关资料对研究区地表温度分布进行了分析。结果表明,区内红外遥感地表温度异常区多位于北东东与北西向构造的交汇处或与环形构造密切相关。本文圈定了7个地表温度异常区作为这一地区下一步地热资源勘查的远景区。  相似文献   
拉萨地块广泛分布着中生代的岩浆活动,研究它们对于认识特提斯洋的演化过程有着重要的启示。本文报道安多地区新识别出的早侏罗世岛弧型火山岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄、锆石原位Hf同位素、全岩主微量元素分析和Sr-Nd同位素结果。英安岩206Pb/238U年龄为180.7±4.7Ma(MSWD=0.22,n=10),指示其形成时代为早侏罗世。这些火山岩的SiO_2含量为62.50%~76.15%,MgO含量为0.33%~3.05%,Fe_2O_3T含量为2.35%~6.69%;所有样品都显示轻稀土元素相对富集,具有铕的弱负异常,具有富集大离子亲石元素、亏损高场强元素的地球化学特征;同时这些火山岩锆石原位εHf(t)值均为正值(+15.1~+17.1);全岩Sr-Nd同位素εNd(t)值也均为正值(+7.1~+13.2),指示这些火山岩很可能是特提斯洋俯冲消减过程中新生下地壳部分熔融的产物。结合区域地质资料,认为安多火山岩不可能是龙木错-双湖古特提斯洋或雅鲁藏布江新特提斯洋俯冲消减的产物,而是班公湖-怒江特提斯洋俯冲消减的产物,区域上很可能与改则北、日土地区的侏罗纪侵入岩一起构成了班公湖-怒江特提斯洋北侧的岩浆弧带。由此本文认为安多早侏罗世岛弧型火山岩是班公湖-怒江特提斯洋北向俯冲消减的产物,从而为班公湖-怒江特提斯洋的俯冲消减过程提供了直接的火山岩证据。  相似文献   
LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating, whole -rock geochemistry and Hf isotopic analyses for the Jianshanzi volcanic rocks in the Kaiyuan area are presented to explore the Late Paleozoic -Early Mesozoic tectonic evolution history of the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China block. The detailed research indicates that the protolith of Jianshanzi metamorphic volcanic rocks includes rhyolite, dacite and andesite, they are calc-alkaline series and metaluminous-weak peraluminous rocks. According to the zircon U-Pb dating, the metamorphic rhyolite and metamorphic andesite formed in the Late Permian (256. 1 +/- 1. 5Ma, 252.4 +/- 1. 7Ma) and the Late Triassic (222. 4 +/- 1. 8Ma, 227. 9 +/- 1. 2Ma), respectively. They are characteristized by enrichment in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, and depletion of heavy rare earth elements and high field strength elements. Metamorphic rhyolite has an obvious negative Eu anomaly with epsilon(Hf) ( t) values of 10. 83 + 8. 10 and the second -stage model are 698 similar to 1967Ma. They are mainly due to the partial melting of the juvenile basaltic lower crust and the contamination of a small amount of ancient crustal materials. Metamorphic andesite has no obvious Eu anomaly, and the epsilon(Hf)( t) value and the second -stage model are +4.54 similar to + 6. 79 and 825 similar to 968 Ma, which may be the product of partial melting of basic lower crust. There are two periods of magmatism in Jianshanzi volcanic rocks: Late Permian -Early Triassic (247 similar to 256Ma) and Late Triassic (similar to 225Ma). The material composition of the Jianshanzi volcanic rocks is characterized by different times and different tectonic backgrounds. It is comprehensively believed that the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China block was in an active continental margin tectonic environment during the Permian, and the Palaeo-Asian Ocean subducted in both directions; Mantle -derived magma ascends and emplaces, forming a nascent crust and causing crustal thickening. The Paleo-Asian Ocean finally closed in the early Middle Triassic, and the impact of collisional orogeny may have continued until the early Late Triassic.  相似文献   
1994年4-11月,国家海洋局组织和实施了DY85-4航次中国开辟区(太平洋CC区)多金属结核(下简称结核)勘探,海上勘查历时225d,勘查面积达65×103km2,其中,用重力、磁力和单道地震等方法对测区进行了地球物理调查。结果表明,火山和浅层侵入体是提供给核生成的重要物质来源。区域性的沉积间断是造成结核丰度偏高的重要因素。断块活动强烈的地区,断裂活动有利于金属元素在海底的富集。不同时代形成的海底,地幔原岩在成分上的差异或在洋壳形成过程中构造活动的差异,对结核的形成有着一定的控制因素。而上述地质构造活动,在地球物理特征上都有着明显的反映。由此可见,地球物理特征与结核的形成和富集规律有着明显的相关关系。  相似文献   
Analysis in both the x—t and —p domains of high-quality Expanded Spread Profiles across the Møre Margin show that many arrivals may be enhanced be selective ray tracing and velocity filtering combined with conventional data reduction techniques. In terms of crustal structure the margin can be divided into four main areas: 1) a thicker than normal oceanic crust in the eastern Norway Basin; 2) expanded crust with a Moho depth of 22 km beneath the huge extrusive complex constructed during early Tertiary breakup; 3) the Møre Basin where up to 13–14 km of sediments overlie a strongly extended outer part with a Moho depth at 20 km west of the Ona High; and 4) a region with a 25–27 km Moho depth between the high and the Norwegian coast. The velocity data restricts the continent-ocean boundary to a 15–30 km wide zone beneath the seaward dipping reflector wedges. The crust west of the landward edge of the inner flow is classified as transitional. This region as well as the adjacent oceanic crust is soled by a 7.2–7.4 km s–1 lower crustal body which may extend beneath the entire region that experienced early Tertiary crustal extension. At the landward end of the transect a 8.5 km s–1 layer near the base of the crust is recognized. A possible relationship with large positive gravity anomalies and early Tertiary alkaline intrusions is noted.  相似文献   
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