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 Experiments were conducted on the fragmentation of analogue low-strength porous material (plastiprin) by rapid decompression in a shock-tube-type apparatus. The porous samples (length=365 mm, cross-section dimensions 40×40 mm) pressurized by air to pressures up to 0.9 MPa, were rapidly decompressed to 0.1 MPa. Rapid decompression of samples caused fragmentation and ejection of the fragmentation products into a large volume tank. The process of analogue material fragmentation was documented using high-speed cinematography and dynamic pressure measurements. The duration of the fragmentation event is significantly shorter than that of the ejection event. The fragmentation of material precedes the acceleration of fragments. As a result of fragmentation, sub-parallel fractures are generated. The characteristic fragment size decreases as the initial pressure differential increases. The ejected fragments obtain velocities of 60 m/s. The mechanisms of material fragmentation during unloading and fragmentation wave propagation are discussed. The experimental results provide insight into the fragmentation dynamics of highly viscous magmas in which brittle failure at high strain rate is possible. Received: 23 July 1997 / Accepted: 23 November 1997  相似文献   
王东星  肖杰  肖衡林  马强 《岩土力学》2019,40(5):1805-1812
引入活性MgO-粉煤灰固化材料,采用碳化-固化联合技术处理武汉东湖疏浚淤泥,通过无侧限抗压强度、扫描电镜和压汞试验,研究加压碳化模式、碳化时间、MgO-粉煤灰配比和固化剂掺量等因素下CO2碳化作用对固化淤泥力学性质和微观结构的影响。结果表明:活性MgO-粉煤灰固化淤泥碳化后抗压强度进一步增长,应力-应变关系曲线压密阶段应变缩小;不同固化剂配比的东湖淤泥试样具有不同的最佳加压模式,而加压模式决定了相同碳化时间下固化淤泥CO2吸入量,从而影响碳化-固化淤泥试样抗压强度;活性MgO掺量低时试样抗压强度整体较低,强度随碳化时间增加先增大后减小;MgO掺量较高时,碳化试样强度随碳化时间快速达到较高值,随后增长缓慢。微观分析表明:水碳镁石、球碳镁石和碳酸镁石等镁碳酸盐是碳化-固化联合技术增强淤泥强度的主要原因,其膨胀性和胶结作用促使土体中团粒内孔隙向颗粒间孔隙转化,土体更密实,抗压强度增加。  相似文献   
浙西北火山岩型铀矿床的成矿条件及成矿规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据广泛的野外调查研究和大量的分析统计数据,讨论了浙西北火山岩型铀矿床形成的地质条件和物理化学条件。重点探讨了劳村组、黄尖组和寿昌组的含铀性及岩性、岩相、构造和岩浆活动对成矿的控制作用。探讨了成矿溶液的成分、性质、温度和铀的迁移形式,以及成矿物质来源和成矿机理,并在此基础上总结出铀成矿的时空规律。  相似文献   
The Quaternary Acatlán Volcanic Field (AVF) is located at the western edge of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). This region is related to the subduction of the Pacific Cocos and Rivera plates beneath the North American plate since the late Miocene. AVF rocks are products of Pleistocene volcanic activity and include lava flows, domes, erupted basaltic andesite, trachyandesite, trachydacite, and rhyolite of calc–alkaline affinity. Most rocks show depletion in high field-strength elements and enrichment in large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements as is typical for magmas in subduction-related volcanic arcs. 87Sr/86Sr values range from 0.70361 to 0.70412, while Nd values vary from +2.3 to +5.2. Sr–Nd isotopic data plot along the mantle array. On the other hand, lead isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb=18.62–18.75, 207Pb/204Pb=15.57–15.64, and 208Pb/204Pb=38.37–38.67) give evidence for combined influences of the upper mantle, fluxes derived from subducted sediments, and the upper continental crust involved in magma genesis at AVF. Additionally δ18O whole rock analyses range from +6.35‰ in black pumice to +10.9‰ in white pumice of the Acatlán Ignimbrite. A fairly good correlation is displayed between Sr as well as O isotopes and SiO2 emphasizing the effects of crustal contamination. Compositional and isotopic data suggest that the different AVF series derived from distinct parental magmas, which were generated by partial melting of a heterogeneous mantle source.  相似文献   
Liujiaping VMS (volcanic massive sulfide) deposit contains mainly copper and zinc, which is located at the Longmenshan orogenic belt of the northwestern margin of Yangtze block. The deposit is hosted in Neoproterozoic Datan terrane (composed of Datan granitoids and Liujiaping group) and is a typical, and the biggest, VMS deposit in this area. The Datan granitoids and Liujiaping group are contemporary and both parental magmas have the same genesis. The tectonic evolution history of Northwestern Yangtze is complicated. Chronology, isotope and geochemistry of the Liujiaping VMS ores and wall rocks (especially the Datan granitoids) are analyzed to restrict the tectonic progress. High‐precision secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis of the Datan granitoids resulted in two concordant ages, 815.5 ± 3.2 Ma and 835.5 ± 2.6 Ma, which are contemporary with the Liujiaping Cu–Zn ore and volcanics. The wall rocks are characterized by enrichment in LREE and with a weak negative anomaly of Eu. The Pb isotope data of sulfide and volcanics from the Liujiaping deposit indicate that the material source is lower crust. Together with variable negative anomalies of high strength field elements HFSE (Th, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, P and Ti), positive εNd (825 Ma) values (+1.8 to +3.1) and the Nd model age T2DM = 1.2–1.3 Ga, it shows that the Liujiaping deposit and wall rocks were formed by partial melting of Mesoproterozoic lower crust. Geological and geochemical characteristics of Liujiaping deposit indicate that this deposit was formed during subduction of the oceanic crust. This study clarified that that the Liujiaping deposit and the northwestern margin of the Yangtze block were part of an arc setting at ~820 Ma rather than intra‐continental rift.  相似文献   
Gao2008、Crowley2013和Sigl2015火山强迫资料,均基于极地冰芯重建.由于每组重建使用的冰芯数据和分析方法等不同,因此结果存在差异,从而影响气候模式应用.文中详细梳理三组火山强迫资料在原始冰芯数据、信号识别提取和沉积通量计算等方面的差异;介绍重建中涉及的对未知火山事件发生季节、纬度及从极地硫酸盐沉积...  相似文献   
 Volcan Popocatépetl is a Quaternary stratovolcano located 60 km southeast of Mexico City. The summit crater is the site of recent ash eruptions, excess degassing, and dacite dome growth. The modern cone comprises mainly pyroclastic flow deposits, airfall tephras, debris flows, and reworked deposits of andesitic composition; it is flanked by more mafic monogenetic vents. In least-degassed fallout tuffs and mafic scoria, transition metals are concentrated in phases formed before eruption, during eruption, and after eruption. Preeruptive minerals occur in both lavas and tephra, and include oxides and sulfides in glass and phenocrysts. The magmatic oxides consist of magnetite, ilmenite, and chromite; the sulfides consist of both (Fe,Ni)1-xS (MSS) and Cu–Fe sulfide (ISS). Syn- and posteruptive phases occur in vesicles in both lavas and tephra, and on surfaces of ash and along fractures. The mineral assemblages in lavas include Cu–Fe sulfide and Fe–Ti oxide in vesicles, and Fe sulfide and Cu–Fe sulfide in segregation vesicles. Assemblages in vesicles in scoria include Fe–Ti oxide and rare Fe–Cu–Sn sulfide. Vesicle fillings of Fe–Ti oxide, Ni-rich chromite, Fe sulfide, Cu sulfide, and barite are common to two pumice samples. The most coarse-grained of the vesicle fillings are Cu–Fe sulfide and Cu sulfide, which are as large as 50 μ in diameter. The youngest Plinian pumice also contains Zn(Fe) sulfide, as well as rare Ag–Cu sulfide, Ag–Fe sulfide, Ag bromide, Ag chloride, and Au–Cu telluride. The assemblage is similar to those typically observed in high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization. The fine-grained nature and abundance of syn- and/or posteruptive phases in porous rocks makes metals susceptible to mobilization by percolating fluids. The abundance of metal compounds in vesicles indicates that volatile exsolution prior to and/or during eruption played an important role in releasing metals to the atmosphere. Received: March 1997 · Accepted: 27 May 1997  相似文献   
The X-drilling cores of the North Yellow Sea basin reveal two sets of Mesozoic clastic rocks, which are the dark rocks in lower part and the red rocks in upper part, respectively. There are two layers of volcanic rocks at the bottom and the upper part of the dark rock unit. The volcanic rocks at the bottom part are trachytic dacite while rocks at the upper part are clastic dacite. The zircon grains from the upper and lower units of volcanic rocks are euhedral-subhedral columnar crystals and show oscillatory zoning on cathodoluminescence images. 22 tests of zircons in the trachytic dacite from the bottom part yield an age of 141-151 Ma, with weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 145±2 Ma. Whereas 18 tests of zircons from the sample at the upper part give 206Pb/238U ages around 139-149 Ma with weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 141±2 Ma, which implies that the X well volcanic rocks belong to Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. Comparing with the age and geochemical characteristics of the Mesozoic igneous rocks in Shandong peninsula, we suggest that the igneous rocks from both the North Yellow Sea basin and Jiaolai basin were formed under same dynamic setting, i.e., the subduction related volcano arc and back-arc extension. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
董良 《云南地质》2010,29(4):431-433
石平川钼矿由燕山晚期第四次侵入碱性长石花岗岩体提供物源和热动力,火山机构、断裂和西山头组第二岩性段为成矿提供了导矿通道和容矿场所。  相似文献   
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