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介绍了等性块段指数法定量划分井田构造类型的基本原理。利用该法对筠连矿区新场井田的构造类型进行定量评价,得出该井田构造指数为1.98,属中等构造,证明原勘探所定构造类型基本正确。  相似文献   
Shells of Arctica islandica collected between 1884 and 2004 from Öresund, Kattegat and Skagerrak (Swedish West Coast) were used to monitor local climate variations and the influence of human activities on the local environment. For this purpose, we analysed the growth, structure and chemical composition of these shells and compared them with shells collected from Kiel Bay, Norway and Iceland. The growth rate of the studied shells registers an NAO periodicity of ca 8 years. However, the observed signal is weak because of other environmental interferences that are either of natural or anthropogenic origin. For example, the oxygen isotope ratios show temperature fluctuation, but also the influx of low salinity water. Higher contents of S, N, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and P in shell portions formed during the last century are related to human activities such as mining and industrial development. Our study indicates that in order to use Arctica shells as archives of climate change it is necessary to study the full range of environmental data that is recorded in the shells by using a multi element and isotope approach in combination with different analytical techniques including investigation of growth rates and shell structure.  相似文献   
A new approach for simulating the excavation and construction of subsequent panels is proposed to investigate the effects from the installation of diaphragm walls on the surrounding and adjacent buildings. The method has been combined with a 3-D nonlinear analysis and a constitutive law providing bulk and shear modulus variation, depending on the stress path (loading, unloading, reloading). From the application of the method in a normally to slightly over-consolidated clayey soil it was found that the panel length is the most affecting factor of ground movements and lateral stress reduction during panel installation. Moreover, from the evaluation of horizontal stress reduction and the variation of horizontal displacements arises that the effects from the construction of a panel are mainly limited to a zone within a distance of the order of the panel length. The effects on an adjacent building have also been investigated by applying a full soil–structure interaction including the whole building. Settlement profiles and settlements are given at specific points as increasing with subsequent installation of panels, providing the ability of specific monitoring guidelines for the upcoming construction of the diaphragm wall in front of the building. Contrary to lateral movements, which mostly take place at the panel under construction, it was found that the effect of settlements covers a larger area leading to a progressive settlement increase. The effect highly depends on the distance from the panel under construction.  相似文献   
联合剖面法在地下热水勘探中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合剖面法是勘查地下热水中一种比较简便的方法,近年来得到了广泛应用。应用此法并结合区域地质和构造特征,了解地热田地质结构、热储、盖层、热储类型等。根据联合剖面装置获得的低阻正交点,推断出断裂构造的位置,为确定井位及温泉开发利用提供重要依据。  相似文献   
大陆层控构造论盆-山系与造山带成因及演化新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大陆构造以受中地壳塑性层控制的盆-山系和冲叠造山带厚皮构造为主要构造类型,而与中生代以来才出现的受软流层控制的大洋岩石圈板块构造截然不同。由上地壳正断层上盘断陷盆地和下盘断隆山所组成的盆-山系,与地球自转速度逐渐变慢派生不同性质水平力和重力的共同作用有关。当地球自转速度突然变化时,将派生强烈的侧压力,使升降幅度较大、具有侧向应变空间的断陷盆地与断隆山之间的上地壳发生冲叠运动,盆-山系由此演变成冲叠造山带。后者对前者存在着严格的继承关系,服从于“升降-冲叠律”。中生代以来的盆-山系和冲叠造山带有的是板块活动产物  相似文献   
热穹隆构造及其对金矿的控矿作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
李亚东 《甘肃地质》1999,8(1):28-32
热穹隆构造是在一个构造活动(逆冲)带中,由沿走向发生的地壳差异性升降运动(走向波浪机制)产生的构造穹隆中的热(液)活动事件,或是在这些部位由于中浅成岩浆岩的底辟式侵入而产生的热力性穹隆构造,它对金矿成矿的控制机理主要体现在适宜的浅层构造空间,贯深性构造通道及深源(下地壳)的岩浆源和矿质热液源的有机统一,主要的容矿空间为穹隆构造所产生的放射状(或束状)及环状构造裂隙系统。  相似文献   
青藏铁路块石气冷结构路堤下冻土温度场变化分析   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
马巍  吴青柏  程国栋 《冰川冻土》2006,28(4):586-595
基于青藏铁路沿线多年冻土区温度监测断面,选取了不同冻土分区中的8个块石路堤结构(块石路基、块石护坡、块石路基加块石护坡)断面,对其下温度场的变化分析研究.结果表明:经过2~3个冻融循环后,块石结构路堤下冻土上限已抬升了1.4~5.3 m,说明块石路堤结构已起到了积极调节下伏冻土温度的作用.结果也显示,在上限抬升的同时,其下部的冻土地温也在升高,但是这种过程已逐渐被块石路堤结构的降温所抑制,而这种抑制程度受控于不同的冻土区域.在不同的冻土分区中,无论是何种形式的块石路堤结构,其降温趋势是不同的.Ⅳ和Ⅲ冻土区块石路堤基底的负温积累比较明显,而I和Ⅱ区的较弱.  相似文献   
十八烷基三甲基铵改性蒙脱石的结构和凝胶性能关系研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
邱俊  吕宪俊 《矿物岩石》2007,27(4):17-21
利用小角X射线衍射技术研究在不同的十八烷基三甲基铵盐用量下制备的有机蒙脱石的结构特征,将具有不同晶体结构特征的有机蒙脱石分别分散在二甲苯、乙醇混合相和0#柴油中,测定在相应溶剂体系中的凝胶性能,研究发现当十八烷基三甲基铵盐的用量小于0.9 CEC时,十八烷基三甲基铵盐阳离子在蒙脱石层间呈单层平卧排列,由于在有机溶剂中蒙脱石得不到充分的剥离而导致有机蒙脱石的凝胶性能较差,表现为有机凝胶的粘度和胶体率都较低;当十八烷基三甲基铵盐的用量在0.9 CEC~1.8 CEC时,十八烷基铵阳离子在蒙脱石层间呈单层倾斜排列,在有机相中蒙脱石不仅能得到充分的剥离,而且能形成稳定的"卡房式结构",使有机凝胶的黏度和胶体率分别最高达到23 000mPa.s和100%;而当十八烷基铵盐的用量大于1.8 CEC时,十八烷基铵有机物在蒙脱石层间呈胶束排列,尽管在有机相中能得到充分的剥离,但由于过量的有机阳离子中和了蒙脱石层面的负电荷,在体系中不能形成稳定的"卡房式结构",使有机蒙脱石的凝胶粘度较低,而胶体率较高。  相似文献   
This paper presents results of observation and analysis of the response of one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world to the Hyogoken–Nanbu (Kobe) Earthquake of 17 January 1995. It is determined that interaction of the foundations of the bridge towers with the supporting soil plays a decisive role in the overall structural behaviour. The key factor governing the changes of the soil properties at this site is pore-water pressure buildup, which results in liquefaction of the saturated surface soil layers under large dynamic loads. Models of the soil and structure are created and initially validated by accurately simulating the system response to a small earthquake. Soil parameters reflecting the pore-water pressure buildup in the strong earthquake are determined by an advanced non-linear effective stress analysis, combining the Ramberg–Osgood model of stress–strain dependence with a pore pressure model based on shear work concept. They are utilized to investigate and simulate the interaction of the foundation and the supporting soil using the program SASSI with the flexible volume substructuring approach. The results show a good agreement with the observations and have useful implications to the scientific and engineering practice. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In order to develop capabilities for predicting earthquake processes on the basis of known fault zone structures and stress conditions, we need to find relations between seismogenic structures and processes. In the present paper we search for the scale dependence in various earthquake phenomena with the hope to find some structures in the earth that may control the earthquake processes. Among these phenomena, we shall focus on (1) geologic structures which play some role in nucleation and stopping of earthquake fault rupture, (2) depth ranges of the brittle seismogenic zone, (3) asperities and barriers distributed over a fault plane, (4) source-controlledf max effect, (5) nonfractal behavior of creep events, and (6) temporal correlation between codaQ –1 and seismicity of earthquakes with magnitude characteristic to a given area. Our review of various scale-dependent phenomena leads us to propose a working hypothesis that the temporal change in codaQ –1 may reflect the activity of creep fractures near the brittle-ductile transition zone.  相似文献   
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