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本文采用二维fractional Brown motion(f Bm)随机分形界面模拟不规则起伏地表,基于Longmire-Scott提出的土壤电参数等效模型(L-S模型),分析研究不规则起伏地表的土壤湿度对地闪回击垂直电场传播的影响。结果表明:(1)地表的不规则起伏程度主要会引起垂直电场峰值的衰减和上升沿时间的滞后。随着地表不规则起伏程度的增大,垂直电场峰值衰减越明显,且波形上升沿时间增长。(2)无论地表不规则程度如何,随着土壤湿度的增大,垂直电场的衰减反而减小。(3)总的来说,地表的不规则程度越大,土壤湿度越小,垂直电场的峰值衰减越大,波头上升沿时间越长。  相似文献   
WRF模式中QNSE方案的湍流长度尺度系数的调整试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
边界层参数化方案中湍流混合对数值模拟起着重要的作用,湍流混合作用的恰当描述对于温度、湿度、风场以及降水的准确模拟至关重要。我国长江中下游流域人口密集,暴雨灾害频发,很有必要寻找一种适合该地区降水模拟的边界层参数化方案。本文运用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)中尺度数值模式,以QNSE(Quasi-Normal Scale Elimination)边界层参数化方案为基础,将其中湍流混合长度尺度系数调整为可变参数。本文将Noh et al.(2003)提出的Prandtl公式与Janji?提出的修正湍流长度尺度系数的方法相结合,通过考虑非局地项的强迫、地表稳定度与边界层高度对湍流长度尺度系数的影响,强调大气的动力结构特征与热力结构特征对湍流混合的共同影响,从而提高QNSE边界层参数化方案在不同地理环境下的模拟能力。文章通过进行长江中下游地区的典型暴雨试验,将调整参数后的QNSE方案与原方案进行比较,重点分析调整参数后的方案与原方案对关键基本气象要素场、边界层结构特征以及降水的模拟能力,并将模拟结果与观测结果进行对比,结果表明:调整参数后的方案一定程度上改进了地表温度、边界层结构以及降水的模拟效果。进一步研究表明,调整参数后的方案主要通过改变边界层混合缓解水汽混合比、位温模拟方面的误差。  相似文献   
For the measurement of atmospheric NO2 vertical column density (VCD), Kitt Peak Solar Flux Atlas can be substituted as an extraterrestrial solar radiation. Compared with differential analysis method, the Taylor expansion of integrated transfer equation underestimates the VCD. This underestimation is as large as 35% when the amount of NO2 is 1 × 1017 cm-2 and observation is conducted with an air mass factor of 10. Even when the VCD is 2 × 1016 cm-2 and the air mass factor is 4, the relative error of the retrieved VCD is still no less than 3%. If the observation is restricted under the small air mass factor condition (≤4), with Kitt Peak Solar spectrum as an extraterrestrial solar radiation, only an atmospheric layer of 2 km thick from ground can be studied, which will make the absorption too weak to be detected by normal instruments.The VCD in winter Tokyo area was observed and analyzed by differential method, which shows a good precision even when the absorption is as low as 3%. The largest average VCD was about 1.3 × 1017 cm-2, and the lowest was about 1.3 × 1016 cm-2. The trend of its variation was almost the same as the ground level observation by Saltzman reagent method.  相似文献   
l.Introducti0nTwoflightsoftheSAGEIIIinstrumentwereplanedbeinglaunchedinJune2O00byRussianMeteor-3Mandin2002byInternationalSpaceStation(ISS).Itisexpectedthattheywouldofferinformationofalmostglobalcoverage.Theseinstrumentswillutilizetheselfcal-ibratingsolaroccultationtechniquetomeasureprofilesofaerosoIextinctionfrom0to4Okm,ozonefrom6to85km,nitrogendioxidefroml0to5Okm,andwatervaporfrom0to5Okm,andutilizelunaroccultationobservati0nstomonitorthekeynighttimesPecies,nitrogentrioxidefrom22to55k…  相似文献   
纯积云降水与积层混合云降水加热剖面的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章对1991年7月吉林省连续出现的两次较大的、不同性质的降水过程进行了诊断分析与数值模拟。分析发现,7月20日的在暖区中发展起来的中尺度对流复合体纯积云暴雨过程,其视热源(Q1)的垂直剖面呈双峰状;7月21~22日,在稳定的气旋降水中嵌有中尺度积云对流降水,其视热源剖面峰值较低,位于550 hPa左右。模拟结果表明,在不同的天气系统中积云加热剖面的峰值高度是不同的,而这一差异对大尺度环境流场的反馈作用也是不同的。  相似文献   
副热带高压研究回顾及对几个基本问题的再认识   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:41  
刘屹岷  吴国雄 《气象学报》2000,58(4):500-512
文中在回顾有关副热带高压研究的基础上 ,指出传统的观念在东太平洋副热带高压和西太平洋副热带高压的关系、下沉运动和副热带高压的形成、热带加热异常与副热带高压异常的关系、副热带高压与其周边系统的关系等问题上存在一定的局限。并根据近期的研究成果对上述问题给出新的认识。最后文中展望了在副热带高压的研究中需进一步深入的几个方面 :不同纬度相互作用、青藏高原的作用、时间尺度 -内部动力过程和外界强迫的相对重要性、非线性过程和角动量平衡问题。  相似文献   
温度平流在沙尘暴和大风天气预报中的差异分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
孙永刚  孟雪峰  荀学义  袁慧敏  仲夏 《气象》2014,40(11):1302-1307
针对内蒙古沙尘暴天气中大气层结稳定度问题,选取了内蒙古强沙尘暴、大风(以大风为主部分地区伴有扬沙天气)两种天气过程,对冷空气活动的温度平流空间分布特征进行对比分析。分析结果表明:沙尘暴、大风天气都有较强的冷平流活动,但强冷平流的垂直分布明显不同,其对大气层结稳定度、温度垂直廓线、垂直运动分布有明显影响。沙尘暴天气强冷平流中心位于较高的700~600 hPa层次,其与近地层弱冷平流叠加,形成高低层温度平流差异,使得垂直气温直减率加大并保持这一趋势,形成有利于沙尘暴发生的深厚不稳定层结条件,在低层扰动的触发下形成干对流风暴,能量交换不稳定能量释放,使该层大气趋于中性层结即混合层,混合层是能量交换的一个平衡态;大风天气强冷平流中心位于较低的850 hPa以下层次,不利于形成不稳定层结条件。沙尘暴扬起的高度就是混合层厚度,比强冷平流中心位置高出150 hPa左右,强度达到—45×10~(-3)℃·s~(-1)以上的强冷平流中心在700~600 hPa层次时,混合层厚度可达到500 hPa以上层次,这一强度的沙尘暴天气可以影响到我国江南沿海地区。  相似文献   
一次西南涡暴雨的等熵位涡特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用常规资料和0.5°×0.5°的GFS再分析资料,对2010年7月19日发生在河北山东的一次西南涡暴雨过程产生的条件及其等熵位涡演变特征进行了分析。结果表明:西南涡、高、低空急流、地面低压是这次暴雨过程的主要影响系统;等熵位涡的演变和形态对冷空气活动有很好的示踪作用;等熵位涡中心两侧气流辐合,利于地面低压发展;高位涡下传,导致了大暴雨产生;等熵位涡大值区及移动方向与降水落区有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   
正1 Introduction Rogoznica Lake is a typical example of euxinic saline lake,situated on the eastern Adriatic coast(43o32’N15o58’E).It is a karstic depression filled with seawater,  相似文献   
Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SaSZ) is one of the most dynamic structural zones of Iran, which is divided into three main parts: Northern, Central and Southern. The northern SaSZ has been affected by deformation due to fault activities near the Zagros suture zone, and mylonitic structures have overprinted these rocks and was affected by three episodes of magma injection during the Permian-Carboniferous, Early Cretaceous and Cenozoic. In this study, the rock units investigated that have been considered Precambrian-Paleozoic basement on geological maps. This paper considers zircon U-Pb dating, whole-rock chemistry and Sr-Nd isotope ratios of Cretaceous magmatic rocks in the N-SaSZ to develop a new geodynamic model for the evolution of these magmatic rocks. The new zircon U-Pb ages obtained in this study show that the magmatic rocks crystallized at 115–107 Ma in the Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) and are much younger than the supposed ages presented on geological maps. This complex classified into two main groups of basic-intermediate and acidic rocks based on SiO2 contents. The whole-rock chemistry of the basaltic and andesitic rocks, which are interbedded with marine shallow-water sedimentary deposits, shows their typical calc-alkaline affinity and subordinate tholeiitic series on an active margin. The positive εNd(t) of approximately +4 for some undifferentiated basalts with negative Ti and Nb anomalies shows the relation of these rocks to calc-alkaline magmatism and was generated by the partial melting of subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). Granitoid rocks with some affinity to the peraluminous group with a negative εNd(t) value (-3.2) mainly and negative Ti and Nb anomalies plot in an active margin tectonic setting. Simultaneous mafic calc-alkaline volcanism and the generation of granitic intrusions in the Early Cretaceous could have occurred on an active margin. Due to the absence of Jurassic arc related magmatic rocks in northern SaSZ and presence of Cretaceous calc alkaline magmatic activity, which are not observed in the central SaSZ, support the idea that the subduction of the Neotethys beneath the northern SaSZ started in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   
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