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This paper describes delta development processes with particular reference to Cimanuk Delta in Indonesia. Cimanuk river delta, the most rapidly growing river delta in Indonesia, is located on the northern coast of Java Island. The delta is subject to ocean waves of less than 1 m height due to its position in the semi‐enclosed Java Sea in the Indonesian archipelago. The study has been carried out using a hydrodynamic model that accounts for sediment movement through the rivers and estuaries. As an advanced approach to management of river deltas, a numerical model, namely MIKE‐21, is used as a tool in the management of Cimanuk river delta. From calibration and verification of hydrodynamic model, it was found that the best value of bed roughness was 0·1 m. For the sediment‐transport model, the calibration parameters were adjusted to obtain the most satisfactory results of suspended sediment concentration and volume of deposition. By comparing the computed and observed data in the calibration, the best values of critical bed shear stress for deposition, critical bed shear stress for erosion and erosion coefficient were 0·05 N m?2, 0·15 N m?2, and 0·00001 kg m?2 s?1, respectively. The calibrated model was then used to analyse sensitivity of model parameters and to simulate delta development during the periods 1945–1963 and 1981–1997. It was found that the sensitive model parameters were bed shear stresses for deposition and erosion, while the important model inputs were river suspended sediment concentration, sediment characteristics and hydrodynamic. The model result showed reasonable agreement with the observed data. As evidenced by field data, the mathematical model proves that the Cimanuk river delta is a river‐dominated delta because of its protrusion pattern and very high sediment loads from the Cimanuk river. It was concluded that 86% of sediment load from the Cimanuk river was deposited in the Cimanuk delta. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Large floods are often attributed to the melting of snow during a rain event. This study tested how climate variability, snowpack presence, and basin physiography were related to storm hydrograph shape in three small (<1 km2) basins with old‐growth forest in western Oregon. Relationships between hydrograph characteristics and precipitation were tested for approximately 800 storms over a nearly 30‐year period. Analyses controlled for (1) snowpack presence/absence, (2) antecedent soil moisture, and (3) hillslope length and gradient. For small storms (<150 mm precipitation), controlling for precipitation, the presence of a snowpack on near‐saturated soil increased the threshold of precipitation before hydrograph rise, extended the start lag, centroid lag, and duration of storm hydrographs, and increased the peak discharge. The presence of a snowpack on near‐saturated soil sped up and steepened storm hydrographs in a basin with short steep slopes, but delayed storm hydrographs in basins with longer or more gentle slopes. Hydrographs of the largest events, which were extreme regional rain and rain‐on‐snow floods, were not sensitive to landform characteristics or snowpack presence/absence. Although the presence of a snowpack did not increase peak discharge in small, forested basins during large storms, it had contrasting effects on storm timing in small basins, potentially synchronizing small basin contributions to the larger basin hydrograph during large rain‐on‐snow events. By altering the relative timing of hydrographs, snowpack melting could produce extreme floods from precipitation events whose size is not extreme. Further work is needed to examine effects of canopy openings, snowpack, and climate warming on extreme rain‐on‐snow floods at the large basin scale. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
长江口外陆架区埋藏古河道研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
大量高分辨率单道地震和浅地层剖面资料显示长江口外的广大海域分布着大量埋藏古河道,据区域浅层地质特征及地震相特征,可把研究区埋藏古河道断面划分为对称、不对称和复式三种类型;河道内充填的沉积物复杂多样;古河道主要存在于晚更新世晚期沉积层中。60个古河道断面串联成长180km的古长江河系以及长64km的古舟山河和长近100km的古钱塘江河两条支流河道系。长江古河道宽深比较大,盛冰期时深切81~109m,河底纵比降为0.82×10-4,平均古流量约为535.24m3/s,最大断面的古流量为20433.72m3/s。按比降-河宽法判别,当时古长江河道为辫状分汊河型。 相似文献
矢量河网数据渐进式传输是制图综合的逆过程,从几何特征出发化简曲线的方法忽略了曲线的形态特征。鉴于此,以曲线轴线为基准,基于曲线弯曲层次化提取河流曲线数据,并将提取的曲线数据分层组织,构建结合目标层和几何细节层的河网多尺度表达模型。基于该模型开发了矢量河网数据的渐进式传输系统,验证了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
描述河流横断面的窄深程度,无非是用来衡量它对过流能力和输沙能力的影响大小,及其在河流地貌方面的时空上的调整变化。回顾总结了以往描述横断面形态的常用指标,包括河相系数、宽深比,或湿周与平均水深的比值,指出这几种指标在描述黄河中下游河道时所存在的共同缺点:(1)缺乏物理意义;(2)不能真正代表断面的窄深程度;(3)明显的夸大了宽浅和窄深断面的差别。从表称流量的概念出发,作者认为,应该使用具有明确物理意义的等面积的表称流速来描述断面形态。如果用表称流速来衡量黄河下游河南和山东河道的断面形态的差别,就会发现,断面形态的不同,其对过流能力的影响不过1:2,远不象河相系数和宽深比所描述的达到1:6甚至1:11那样的悬殊程度;黄河下游河道主槽“多来多排”的主要影响因素是表称流速。 相似文献
吕学都 《气候变化研究进展》2015,11(2):138-143
利马气候大会达成的《利马气候行动号令》明确了《联合国气候变化框架公约》所有原则,尤其是共同但有区别的责任原则适用于拟于2015年巴黎会议达成的新协议。会议还就“国家自主决定的贡献”等做出了决定。利马大会成果对2015年巴黎气候大会达成气候变化新协议具有重要推动作用。面对2020年后的新挑战,中国需尽快制定应对气候变化法,建立碳排放交易机制,促进对应对气候变化先进技术投资,以及加大参与治理国际气候变化事务力度。 相似文献
灼烧法中有机质与总有机碳换算关系的重建及其在页岩分析中的应用 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
有机质与总有机碳(TOC)的换算关系为wo=1.724×wTOC,难以满足当前页岩气开发的现场测定要求,需要作出修正。本文以鄂尔多斯盆地南部页岩样品为研究对象,在传统灼烧法基础上,采用X射线荧光光谱仪测定页岩组成,得出影响烧失量的因素;用热重-差热仪研究页岩灼烧情况,确定了无机盐不分解而有机质分解的最佳灼烧温度和时间。通过线性拟合灼烧法测得的有机质含量与仪器法测得的有机碳含量间的换算关系,建立了一种通过测定烧失量来换算总有机碳含量的新方法。在页岩最佳灼烧温度480℃,灼烧时间1.5 h条件下线性拟合建立了两种新的换算关系,获得TOC测定值与仪器法的标准值相对误差分别为1.691%、0.486%,检出限分别为0.41%、1.60%。综合它们的优缺点,可将测定页岩类样品的换算关系重建为wo=2.125×wTOC。重建的方法通过严格控制灼烧温度,解决了传统灼烧法中烧失量因无机盐高温分解造成有机质代表性不足的问题,可用于精确测定页岩中的有机质或有机碳含量。 相似文献