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多变量分位数回归构建印度洋大眼金枪鱼栖息地指数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以0~300m水层加权平均水温、50~150m水层的温差和氧差及其交互变量为影响因子,运用分位数回归法,寻找出环境变量与大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)延绳钓钓获率的最佳上界分位数回归方程,计算出栖息地指数(HSI),并应用地理信息系统(GIS)软件绘制各月HSI空间分布图。研究表明:大眼金枪鱼延绳钓钓获率(HR)依加权平均水温(x)、温差(y)、氧差(z)与的最佳上界分位数回归方程为HR0.70=-15.596+2.124x-0.003x3+0.033xyz-0.036y2z+0.107yz2-0.337z3;HSI空间分布为:16°S—10°N印度洋海域HSI高于0.7,HSI>0.8的海域随季节发生显著变化,马达加斯加外海至100°E、16°S—26°S海域常年存在一片HSI<0.4的区域,26°S—40°S海域的HSI介于0.4~0.5,40°S以南海域HSI<0.4,东非外海季节性地出现一片HSI<0.6的海域。利用多个环境变量的栖息地指数模型来预测分析大洋金枪鱼资源分布效果较好。  相似文献   
西津水库网箱养殖区浮游植物特征及水质营养状态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2006年10月至2008年7月对西津水库米埠坑网箱养殖区浮游植物进行两个年度共8次调查。第1年发现浮游植物6门53属,冬季出现种属最多,达到43属,春、夏季最少,为35属,浮游植物年平均数量为35.18×104 L-1,平均生物量为1.07 mg·L-1。第2年度采集到浮游植物6门47属,以春季出现种属最多,达到40属,夏季最少,为29属,第2年浮游植物年平均数量低于第1年,为19.77×104 L-1,生物量高于第1年,达到1.22 mg·L-1。综合营养指数评价结果显示,米埠坑网箱养殖区处于中营养水平,有向富营养化过渡的趋势。  相似文献   
海洋资源承载力指标体系的设计与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在探讨海洋资源承载力指标体系设计原则的基础上,构建了科学、系统、可操作的海洋资源评价指标体系。运用专家咨询法筛选指标,对广东省的海洋资源承载力进行分析,指出广东省海洋资源的承载力在逐年下降,广东各地的海洋资源承载力各不相同,应依据海洋资源承载力对海洋经济政策进行选择。  相似文献   
The scale effect of form factor is investigated via a numerical approach in this paper, where the turbulent ship flow is computed by solving the steady and incompressible Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and continuity equations. A wall function approach is employed to bridge the near-wall and outer turbulent flow region. The numerical scheme based on a finite-volume formulation is applied to discretize the coupled governing equation. For the sake of numerical stability, accuracy and economy, an identical grid is employed to compute ship flow at different Reynolds number, where the grid is optimized for the medium Reynolds number of the investigated range. Four surface ships and two sub-bodies with notably different geometrical characteristics are chosen as the investigated cases, where double-model flow without appendages is computed. The calculated total resistance coefficient shows a decreasing tendency against Reynolds number among all studied hulls. Similar to the calculated total resistance coefficient, the calculated friction resistance coefficient decreases with the Reynolds number and varies relatively little for a given Reynolds number among different hulls. The viscous pressure resistance coefficient is less insensitive to the Reynolds number but apparently depends on hull form. Compared with the form factor calculation based on empirical friction lines, the flat-plate friction prediction based on CFD approach clearly gives smaller Re-dependent form factor, which should more realistically reflect the scale effect of form factor. The form factor exhibits a near linear and increasing dependence on Reynolds number. The numerical results show that the dependence of rP on Reynolds number mainly governs the scale effect of form factor.  相似文献   
基于SAR快速提取浒苔信息应用研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
2008年6月以来青岛近海出现的大面积浒苔对青岛奥帆赛场造成严重影响。如何快速、准确地发现浒苔,对治理浒苔具有显著的指导作用。采用卫星遥感数据,尤其是SAR数据对浒苔进行监测,运用一种基于区域增长面向对象的影像尺度分割方法,调整影像的分割尺度,快速提取浒苔信息,在浒苔遥感监测中效果显著。  相似文献   
研究β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan及不同投喂方式对中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)幼体的存活、生长、发育、非特异性免疫及抗副溶血弧菌能力的影响.将β-glucan以0.25%的剂量添加到微黏合饲料中,以不同的投喂方式投喂对虾幼体,即D0(一直投喂基础饲料);D1(一直投喂含0.25%β-葡聚糖饲料);3D1-3D0(3 d投喂含0.25%β-葡聚糖的饲料-3 d投喂基础饲料);1D1-3D0(1 d投喂含0.25%β-葡聚糖的饲料-3 d投喂基础饲料),共4个处理,每个处理随机设置3个重复,对虾幼体养殖于可控温的半开放系统中,每个养殖桶中盛有50 L盐度为30~32消毒海水,养殖密度为100尾/L.实验结果表明,在孵化后14 d,投喂D1饲料组在总存活率,变态指数,体长,特定生长率方面均高于其它各组,虽然有时差异不显著.在免疫指标方面,在9和14 dph分别进行了酚氧化酶(PO)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活力的测定,结果表明,投喂D1饲料组的4个免疫指标均高于其它3组,虽然有时差异不显著.在14 dph的攻毒实验结果表明,对照组的累积死亡率显著高于D1组(P<0.05),而1D1-3D0和3D1-3D0的累积死亡率则与其它各组均不显著.实验结果表明,间隔投喂方式并不适合于对虾幼体,在中国明对虾幼体饲料中使用β-葡聚糖时,建议添加量为0.25%,并采用一直投喂的方式.  相似文献   
传统零售商业网点选址模型主要是基于统计的静态模型。分析了影响零售商业网点选址的人口、经济、市场竞争三个关键要素,结合GIS,提出了一种基于权重设置的零售商业网点选址评价模型,并阐述了模型的应用流程。该模型在深圳市罗湖区公共信息服务平台中进行了典型应用实现,并检验了模型的应用可行性。  相似文献   
基于边缘分析的海面溢油检测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
马腾波  王思远 《遥感学报》2009,13(6):1087-1098
提出一种基于边缘检测的快速溢油信息提取方法, 首先对溢油图像进行ROA(radio of average)边缘检测, 根据检测结果进行AOI(area of interest)提取, 然后使用改进的Weibull-CFAR检测算法对AOI进行溢油检测, 并与全局CFAR检测结果进行对比。实验结果证明, 所提出的方法对于非均匀灰度SAR图像溢油检测准确性较好、效率较高, 特别适用于大图像的快速溢油检测。  相似文献   
Classifier ensembles for land cover mapping using multitemporal SAR imagery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SAR data are almost independent from weather conditions, and thus are well suited for mapping of seasonally changing variables such as land cover. In regard to recent and upcoming missions, multitemporal and multi-frequency approaches become even more attractive. In the present study, classifier ensembles (i.e., boosted decision tree and random forests) are applied to multi-temporal C-band SAR data, from different study sites and years. A detailed accuracy assessment shows that classifier ensembles, in particularly random forests, outperform standard approaches like a single decision tree and a conventional maximum likelihood classifier by more than 10% independently from the site and year. They reach up to almost 84% of overall accuracy in rural areas with large plots. Visual interpretation confirms the statistical accuracy assessment and reveals that also typical random noise is considerably reduced. In addition the results demonstrate that random forests are less sensitive to the number of training samples and perform well even with only a small number. Random forests are computationally highly efficient and are hence considered very well suited for land cover classifications of future multifrequency and multitemporal stacks of SAR imagery.  相似文献   
首先采用一层非球形粒子植被模型,计算各波段矢量辐射传输方程Mueller矩阵一阶散射解,对比微扰法所得各波段地表粗糙面直接后向散射解,结果证明L波段植被层的散射对观测结果仍有影响,与下垫土壤粗糙表面的散射不易分离.因此,宜采用更低频率的UHF和VHF波段,对地表和次地表层能有较大的渗透深度,并可忽略植被层影响.接着,运用矢量辐射传输的3层土壤全极化Mueller矩阵解,计算UHF/VHF波段分层土壤的散射与传输,分析该两波段探测深度的差异,证实UHF波段可探测大致10-60cm深处的土壤湿度,而VHF波段探测深度能更大一些.根据第3层中土壤体湿度变化0.1时能否引起土壤表面观测的后向散射系数变化0.1dB这一判据,分析VHF波段反演第3层土壤体湿度的必要条件,证实当第2层的体湿度较小时(<0.25)才能反演层3的体温度.基于UHF/VHF两波段探测深度的差异,耗散土壤层的贡献有不同的权重,先后采用UHF和VHF,迭代法实现3层土壤湿度廓线反演.误差分析表明,该方法是有意义的.  相似文献   
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