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刘颖  李予国  韩波 《地球物理学报》2017,60(12):4874-4886


A new methodology for the solution of the 2D diffusive shallow water equations over Delaunay unstructured triangular meshes is presented. Before developing the new algorithm, the following question is addressed: it is worth developing and using a simplified shallow water model, when well established algorithms for the solution of the complete one do exist?The governing Partial Differential Equations are discretized using a procedure similar to the linear conforming Finite Element Galerkin scheme, with a different flux formulation and a special flux treatment that requires Delaunay triangulation but entire solution monotonicity. A simple mesh adjustment is suggested, that attains the Delaunay condition for all the triangle sides without changing the original nodes location and also maintains the internal boundaries. The original governing system is solved applying a fractional time step procedure, that solves consecutively a convective prediction system and a diffusive correction system. The non linear components of the problem are concentrated in the prediction step, while the correction step leads to the solution of a linear system of the order of the number of computational cells. A semi-analytical procedure is applied for the solution of the prediction step. The discretized formulation of the governing equations allows to handle also wetting and drying processes without any additional specific treatment. Local energy dissipations, mainly the effect of vertical walls and hydraulic jumps, can be easily included in the model.Several numerical experiments have been carried out in order to test (1) the stability of the proposed model with regard to the size of the Courant number and to the mesh irregularity, (2) its computational performance, (3) the convergence order by means of mesh refinement. The model results are also compared with the results obtained by a fully dynamic model. Finally, the application to a real field case with a Venturi channel is presented.  相似文献   
The solution to the 2-D time-dependent unsaturated flow equation is numerically approximated by a second-order accurate cell-centered finite-volume discretization on unstructured grids. The approximation method is based on a vertex-centered Least Squares linear reconstruction of the solution gradients at mesh edges.A Taylor series development in time of the water content dependent variable in a finite-difference framework guarantees that the proposed finite volume method is mass conservative. A Picard iterative scheme solves at each time step the resulting non-linear algebraic problem. The performance of the method is assessed on five different test cases and implementing four distinct soil constitutive relationships. The first test case deals with a column infiltration problem. It shows the capability of providing a mass-conservative behavior. The second test case verifies the numerical approximation by comparison with an analytical mixed saturated–unsaturated solution. In this case, the water drains from a fully saturated portion of a 1-D column. The third and fourth test cases illustrate the performance of the approximation scheme on sharp soil heterogeneities on 1-D and 2-D multi-layered infiltration problems. The 2-D case shows the passage of an abrupt infiltration front across a curved interface between two layers. Finally, the fifth test case compares the numerical results with an analytical solution that is developed for a 2-D heterogeneous soil with a source term representing plant roots. This last test case illustrates the formal second-order accuracy of the method in the numerical approximation of the pressure head.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional finite-element model is used to investigate the tidal flow around Rattray Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Field measurements and visual observations show both stable eddies developing at rising and falling tide in the wake of the island. The water turbidity suggests intense upwelling able to carry bed sediments upwards. Based on previous numerical studies, it remains unclear at this point whether the most intense upwelling occurs near the centre of the eddies or off the island's tips, closer to the island. All these studies resorted to a very simple turbulence closure, with a zero-equation model whereby the coefficient of vertical viscosity is computed via an algebraic expression. In this work, we aim at studying the influence of the turbulence closure on model results, with emphasis on the prediction of vertical motions. The Mellor and Yamada level 2.5 closure scheme is used and an increase in the intensity of vertical transport is observed. This increase is partly explained by the fact that the Mellor and Yamada model takes into account the hysteresis effect in the time variation of turbulence variables. The influence of the advection of turbulence variables is estimated to be negligible. By a better representation of transient coastal phenomena, the Mellor and Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure improves the model to a significant degree.  相似文献   
Fully nonlinear interactions between water waves and vertical cylinder arrays in a numerical tank are studied based on a finite element method (FEM). The three-dimensional (3D) mesh is constructed through an extension of a 2D Delaunay surface grid along the vertical line. The velocity potential is obtained by solving a linear matrix system of FEM, and a difference scheme is then used to calculate the velocity on the free surface to track its movement. Waves and hydrodynamic forces are obtained for both bottom mounted and truncated cylinders. The simulations have provided many results to show the nature of mutual interference between cylinders in arrays and its effects on waves and forces at the nearly trapped mode frequency. The effect of the tank wall on waves and forces has been investigated, and the nonlinear features of waves and forces have also been discussed.  相似文献   
The effect of mesh type on the accuracy and computational demands of a two-dimensional Godunov-type flood inundation model is critically examined. Cartesian grids, constrained and unconstrained triangular grids, constrained quadrilateral grids, and mixed meshes are considered, with and without local time stepping (LTS), to determine the approach that maximizes computational efficiency defined as accuracy relative to computational effort. A mixed-mesh numerical scheme is introduced so all grids are processed by the same solver. Analysis focuses on a wide range of dam-break type test cases, where Godunov-type flood models have proven very successful. Results show that different mesh types excel under different circumstances. Cartesian grids are 2–3 times more efficient with relatively simple terrain features such as rectilinear channels that call for a uniform grid resolution, while unstructured grids are about twice as efficient in complex domains with irregular terrain features that call for localized refinements. The superior efficiency of locally refined, unstructured grids in complex terrain is attributable to LTS; the locally refined unstructured grid becomes less efficient using global time stepping. These results point to mesh-type tradeoffs that should be considered in flood modeling applications. A mixed mesh model formulation with LTS is recommended as a general purpose solver because the mesh type can be adapted to maximize computational efficiency.  相似文献   
The flow mechanism of contractive and dilative motion was numerically investigated to obtain a propulsive force in a highly viscous fluid. The computing program for the analysis of complicated motions was numerically developed with a cell-centered, unstructured grid scheme. The developed program was validated by the well-known equation of an oscillating plane below viscous fluid for an unsteady problem, which is known as Stokes’ second problem. Validation has continued through comparison with the experimental results.In this case, sinusoidal motion was applied to the validation, instead of trochoidal motion, because it was very difficult to actually simulate trochoidal motion in this experiment. Finally, the validation and comparison with the nodal-point scheme was accomplished by Stokes’ problem, which is the famous problem at a low Reynolds number. The validated code was applied to contractive and dilative motion in a narrow tube, whose motion was embodied by trochoidal movement. In a highly viscous fluid, such as a very sticky honey or a swamp, the computed results show that a viscous force can be used for propulsion instead of a dynamic force.From the present results, it was found that a propulsive force can be obtained by contractive and dilative motion at a low Reynolds number, which can be applied to the propulsion of micro-robots in a highly viscous fluid such as a blood vessel or a swamp. This research could also be considered fundamental research for the propulsion of micro-hydro robots, which are expected to be actively studied in the future in accord with further development of nanotechnology.  相似文献   
A novel methodology for the solution of the 2D shallow water equations is proposed. The algorithm is based on a fractional step decomposition of the original system in (1) a convective prediction, (2) a convective correction, and (3) a diffusive correction step. The convective components are solved using a Marching in Space and Time (MAST) procedure, that solves a sequence of small ODEs systems, one for each computational cell, ordered according to the cell value of a scalar approximated potential. The scalar potential is sought after computing first the minimum of a functional via the solution of a large linear system and then refining locally the optimum search. Model results are compared with the experimental data of two laboratory tests and with the results of other simulations carried out for the same tests by different authors. A comparison with the analytical solution of the oblique jump test has been also considered. Numerical results of the proposed scheme are in good agreement with measured data, as well as with analytical and higher order approximation methods results. The growth of the CPU time versus the cell number is investigated successively refining the elements of an initially coarse mesh. The CPU specific time, per element and per time step, is found out to be almost constant and no evidence of Courant–Friedrichs–Levi (CFL) number limitation has been detected in all the numerical experiments.  相似文献   


We developed a reverse‐time migration scheme that can image regions with rugged topography without requiring any approximations by adopting an irregular, unstructured‐grid modelling scheme. This grid, which can accurately describe surface topography and interfaces between high‐velocity‐contrast regions, is generated by Delaunay triangulation combined with the centroidal Voronoi tessellation method. The grid sizes vary according to the migration velocities, resulting in significant reduction of the number of discretized nodes compared with the number of nodes in the conventional regular‐grid scheme, particularly in the case wherein high near‐surface velocities exist. Moreover, the time sampling rate can be reduced substantially. The grid method, together with the irregular perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary condition, enables the proposed scheme to image regions of interest using curved artificial boundaries with fewer discretized nodes. We tested the proposed scheme using the 2D SEG Foothill synthetic dataset.  相似文献   
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