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提出了一种顾及各向异性的数字水深模型插值方法,通过局部水深信息解析海底地形的微地貌结构特征,构建了顾及距离和方向的水深插值模型。实验证明,所提方法较距离反比例平方加权法能更多地保留地形信息,同时具有更高的插值精度和插值稳定性。  相似文献   
Recent observations suggest that the annual mean southward transport of the East Sakhalin Current (ESC) is significantly larger than the annual mean Sverdrup transport. Motivated by this observational result, transport of a western boundary current has been investigated using a simple numerical model with a western slope. This transport is defined as the instantaneous barotropic transport integrated from the western boundary to the offshore point where the barotropic velocity vanishes. The model, forced by seasonally varying wind stress, exhibits an annual mean of the western boundary current transport that is larger than that of the Sverdrup transport, as observed. The southward transport from October to March in the model nearly equals the instantaneous Sverdrup transport, while the southward transport from April to September decreases slowly. Although the Sverdrup transport in July vanishes, the southward transport in summer nearly maintains the annual mean Sverdrup transport, because the barotropic Rossby wave cannot intrude on the western slope. This summer transport causes the larger annual mean. Although there are some uncertainties in the estimation of the Sverdrup transport in the Sea of Okhotsk, the seasonal variation of the southward transport in the model is qualitatively similar to the observations.  相似文献   
浅层地震反射法是一种常用的勘探方法.在浅层地震资料处理中,静校正的精度直接影响速度反演的结果和叠加剖面的质量,在地形平缓时,固定基准面静校正可以满足勘探精度的要求,但在复杂地形条件下,其存在较大误差,即使采用浮动基准面,仍会由于地表一致性假设而残余静校正量,不能消除地形起伏引起的影响,为了提高浅层地震反射静校正的精度必须在常规静校正后进行一次剩余静校正,本文给出起伏地形条件下,滑动基准面(过共中心点的水平面即为该共中心点的滑动基准面)的剩余静校正量,该校正量与炮检距、反射层埋深、地层波速以及炮点和接收点高程有关,适用于单一介质和层状介质情况,本文通过对典型地形起伏的3个水平均匀层状介质理论地质模型的速度谱计算和分析,阐明在复杂地形条件下,应用本文提出的剩余静校正方法可以消除地形起伏的影响,提高静校正精度,在此基础上做动校正可以得到高质量的水平叠加剖面.  相似文献   
利用卫星测高资料推求西北太平洋海域的海洋大地水准面   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李明  梁振英 《测绘学报》1997,26(4):344-351
本文根据卫星测高数据和海面动力地形资料,绘制了不相上下北太平洋海域局部大地水准面的精细结构图,对解决卫星测高技术中大地水准面积和海面地形的可分性问题作了初步尝试。  相似文献   
地形与热源强迫下的南方涛动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用El Nino和La Nina位相时的海温异常和地形作为大气下垫面的异常强迫,引入IAP的两层原始方程大气环流模式,模拟出了南方涛动的典型结构.当去掉地形后,仅仅由海温异常也能模拟出太平洋东西部的气压异常振荡,但太平洋东部振荡中心的位置并不与观测的一致.由此可见,观测到的南方涛动是在实际地形下对全球海温异常的响应.  相似文献   
不同尺度地形的SH波频率域响应特征研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
地形是影响实际地震记录的一个重要因素,理论计算已证明地形影响地震波的走时、能量、震相、波形等特征,同时地形也是产生尾波信号的重要原因.复杂且具有多尺度成分的地形对地震波传播的影响不仅与地震信号的频率有关,与其自身尺度成分也表现出强烈的依赖关系. 本文利用局域离散波数法模拟计算了不同尺度地形SH波的频率响应,得到地形尺度与频率之间似共振的响应关系. 这一关系可以更好地解释复杂地形对不同频率地震波传播的影响方式,同时可以指导数值模拟模型的构建,在关注的频率范围内合理取舍构造尺度成分,达到以最小的计算量得到最大的计算效益.  相似文献   
I~IOXThe image technology of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is one of most important advances in spaceberne microwave remote sensing (Larson et al., 1976). It has extensive application in the ocean remote sensing, such as inversion of the sea subdue winds and currentS, reconstruction of underwater hatom topography and so on. Owing tO the high conductivity of sea water, an electromagnetic wave actually cannot penetrate into the sea water, with extremely smallPenetration depth (abbot 1 c…  相似文献   
The response of an eddy-permitting ocean model to changes imposed by the use of different mean dynamic topographies (MDT) is analyzed in a multivariate assimilation context, allowing the evaluation of this impact, not only on the surface circulation, but also on the interior ocean representation. The assimilation scheme is a reduced-order sequential Kalman filter (SEEK). In a first set of experiments, high resolution sea surface temperature, along-track sea surface height and sea surface salinity from climatology are assimilated into a 1/3° resolution North and Tropical Atlantic version of the HYCOM model. In a second experiment, in situ profile data are assimilated in addition to the surface measurements.

The first set of experiments illustrates that important differences in the representation of the horizontal model circulation pattern are related to differences in the MDT used. The objective of assimilation is to improve the representation of the 3D ocean state. However, the imperfect representation of the mean dynamic topography appears to be an important limiting factor with regard to the degree of realism obtained in the simulated flow.

Vertical temperature and salinity profiles are key observations to drive a general circulation ocean model toward a more realistic state. The second set of experiments shows that assimilating them in addition to sea surface measurements is a far from trivial exercise. A specific difficulty is due to inconsistencies between the dynamic topography diagnosed from in situ observations and that diagnosed from sea surface height. These two fields obtained from different data sources do not contain exactly the same information. In order to overcome this difficulty, a strategy is proposed and validated.  相似文献   
太平洋海山地形与钴结壳资源分布的分形研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过海山地形与钴结壳资源量的分形研究表明,海山地形与钴结壳资源量间呈多重分形分布。海山坡度与资源量分形呈三段式,引起海山坡度与资源量分段分形的原因是不同类型结壳分布叠加的结果。水深—资源量分形呈三到四段式,引起水深—资源量复杂分形的原因可能与海山基底洋壳有关,海山基底洋壳年龄老于165 M a的海山呈四段式分布,而小于165 M a的海山呈三段式分布。同一区域或不同区域内海山地形与资源分布各不相同。   相似文献   
1976年黄河改道从水清沟入海后,黄河三角洲前沿桩106至黄河海港岸段的海底地形遭受强烈侵蚀,岸滩不断蚀退。黄河三角洲强侵蚀岸段岸线监测资料与历史资料分析研究结果表明,1985-2004年该区最大侵蚀深度达7.5 m,其强侵蚀区中心位置经历了由西北向东南移动的过程,范围不断缩小,目前局部地区已发生淤积现象。种种迹象表明,从冲淤并存和以侵蚀为主向冲淤平衡过渡的现象还将长期进行下去。  相似文献   
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