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《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):247-255

Maps provide an effective means of distributing ideas simply, creating a format where spatial data can be easily understood. However, a lot of people are not aware where administrative boundaries lie, limiting their appeal for educating the public on important issues such as poverty and inequality. This paper seeks to utilize a well-known cartographic map design, the London Underground map, to aid data dissemination of the complex issues surrounding inequality and deprivation in London. A discussion of the relevance of this approach to researching inequality in London, as well as how this fits in with previous approaches to mapping poverty is provided. An example using the recent release of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010 shows the usefulness of this design.  相似文献   
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 43‐05 presents two performance objectives for the design of nuclear structures, systems and components in nuclear facilities: (1) 1% probability of unacceptable performance for 100% design basis earthquake (DBE) shaking and (2) 10% probability of unacceptable performance for 150% DBE shaking. To aid in the revision of the ASCE 4‐98 procedures for the analysis and design of base‐isolated nuclear power plants and meet the intent of ASCE 43‐05, a series of nonlinear response‐history analyses was performed to study the impact of the variability in both earthquake ground motion and mechanical properties of isolation systems on the seismic responses of base‐isolated nuclear power plants. Computations were performed for three representative sites (rock and soil sites in the Central and Eastern United States and a rock site in the Western United States) and three types of isolators (lead rubber, Friction Pendulum and low‐damping rubber bearings) using realistic mechanical properties for the isolators. Estimates were made of (1) the ratio of the 99th percentile (90th percentile) response of isolation systems computed using a distribution of spectral demands and distributions of isolator mechanical properties to the median response of isolation systems computed using best‐estimate properties and 100% (150%) spectrum‐compatible DBE ground motions; (2) the number of sets of three‐component ground motions to be used for response‐history analysis to develop a reliable estimate of the median response of isolation systems. The results of this study provide the technical basis for the revision of ASCE Standard 4‐98. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
简要介绍强震动观测和地震预警技术及其在核电站工程中的应用情况.基于有关导则相关要求的介绍,对核电站强震观测系统的一般要求进行说明,分别以Beznau核电站和我国某核电站为例,介绍了强震仪测点的布置情况.以立陶宛Ignalina核电站为例,对地震预警技术在核电站中的应用情况做了分析和探讨.最后,提出了今后核电站地震观测和地震预警中值得关注的有关问题.  相似文献   
黄河三角洲南部冲洪积扇区浅层地下水由于长期大量开发利用,早已形成了区域性漏斗群。通过对漏斗区地下水赋存条件和调蓄条件的分析,提出了由新建的引黄主干渠引黄河水,采用河渠、坑塘内施工回灌引渗,以及丰水期大气降水地表径流拦蓄引渗和引黄河水引渗回灌联合调度的方案,并从调蓄资源增量、调蓄可行性和调蓄效益等方面进行了论证。  相似文献   
烧结莫来石的某些结构矿物学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫来石因具耐火度高,抗腐蚀能力强、热震稳定性好、高温蠕变及热膨胀系数小等特性,被广泛用于化工、冶金、轻工和国防工业。本文对地球化学研究所莫来石课题组烧结的莫来石(自烧结莫来石)进行了红外光谱及固体高分辨核磁共振谱研究,依此阐明了所测莫来石结晶度、有序度及烧成温度的关系以及莫来石中Al的结构态等。本文尚讨论了随烧结温度升高α有增大趋势的微观结构机制。借鉴Sadanaga测定莫来石(2Al_2O_3·SiO_2)的平均结构参数,提出了自烧结莫来石(1.84Al_2O_3·SiO_2)的平均结构模型,并概略地论述了莫来石结构与性能的关系。  相似文献   
吴彤  倪绍祥 《江苏地质》2006,30(3):204-207
城市地下空间是城市建设的新型资源,它的合理开发与利用对城市的建设与发展有着重要的意义。探讨了我国地下空间资源利用的现状、已具备的条件,并阐述了我国地下空间资源发展的战略对策。  相似文献   
Characterization of humic substances is challenging due to their structural complexity and heterogeneity. Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is regarded as one of the best tools for elucidating structures of humic substances. The primary solid state NMR technique that has been used so far is the routine 13C cross polarization-magic angle spinning (CP-MAS) technique. Although this technique has markedly advanced our understanding of humic substances, the full potential of NMR for characterizing humic substances has yet to be realized. Recent technical developments and applications of advanced solid state NMR have revealed the promise to provide deeper insights into structures of humic substances. In this paper, we summarized and demonstrated the systematic solid state NMR protocol for characterization of humic substances using a humic acid as an example. This protocol included (1) identification of specific functional groups using spectral editing techniques, occasionally assisted by 1H13C two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation (2D HETCOR) NMR, (2) quantification of specific functional groups based on direct polarization-magic angle spinning (DP-MAS) and DP-MAS with recoupled dipolar dephasing, combined with spectral editing techniques, (3) determination of connectivities and proximities of specific functional groups by 1H13C 2D HETCOR or 2D HETCOR combined with spectral editing techniques, and (4) examination of domains and heterogeneities by 1H13C 2D HETCOR with 1H spin diffusion. We used a soil humic acid as an example to demonstrate how this protocol was applied to the characterization of humic substances step by step. Afterwards, based on typical 13C NMR spectra of humic substances we described how we could combine different NMR techniques to identify specific functional groups band by band from downfield to upfield. Finally, we briefly mentioned the potential new NMR techniques that could be developed to enrich the current systematic protocol. This systematic protocol is not only applicable to humic substances but also to other natural organic matter samples.  相似文献   
李迎春  杨森 《地下水》2012,(2):25-27
马坑矿区水文地质条件复杂,一期生产与二期技改工程开拓中遇到断裂带或溶洞,常会发生突水、突泥等险情,事故频繁的发生,给矿山的安全和生产带来较大的隐患。本文针对马坑铁矿的二期疏干预测工程,在进行大量矿山水文地质基础工作和相关数据统计的基础上,对矿区目前地下水疏干工作进行了一些简要的探讨。  相似文献   
现今发现的石油以及天然气水合物储层大多是砂岩地层,而孔隙度作为地层岩石重要参数是非常值得研究的。目前研究岩石孔隙度的方法众多,但大多都有比较明显的缺陷。但是,核磁共振技术应用于岩石试样,在探究岩石孔隙结构过程中,其对试样本身没有任何损伤。岩石通过低场核磁共振测量能够得到相应的孔径分布和整个试样与分类孔的孔隙度。部分地区地层中的砂岩在长期温度变化情况下,孔隙度也会随之变化。因此,本实验模拟砂岩在地层中一次冻融情况下,探究岩石整体以及分类孔在不同温度情况下孔隙度的变化。实验发现,岩石整体孔隙度与岩石大孔和中孔的孔隙度密切相关;在一次冻融过程中,孔隙水的相变过程明显存在过冷现象,表明过冷现象对岩石孔隙度的变化具有很大的影响。  相似文献   
文章简要介绍了我们研究组近3年在129 I加速器质谱应用和分析方法方面的部分研究结果。测定了核前黄土样品中129 I水平,为地质定年的探索奠定了一定的基础; 通过抽样分析检测了我国某核电站核环境安全的状况,结果表明当前它与大气沉降的本底水平一致,环境是安全可靠的; 建立了水样、土壤、植物等不同类型样品中碘的分离、制备以及129 I加速器质谱测试方法,尤其对无载体微量碘分离、制备和其中129 I测量进行了探索,解决了超痕量碘样品的制备难题; 此外,对实验用的试剂以及食用碘盐等进行了检验,示踪了不同来源的碘,为数据的可靠和问题的分析提供了保障。结果显示,129 I既是一个地质、环境示踪的有效工具,又具有定年的潜力和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
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