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《Geological Journal》2018,53(5):1698-1715
The Vlora Bay is a roughly north‐west–south‐east‐oriented tectonic depression located at the collision zone between the Apulian Foreland and the Albano‐Hellenic Chain in south‐western Albania. The bay exhibits a triangular‐shaped geometry, which is the result of different tectonic phases that occurred mostly between the end of the Neogene and the Quaternary. The bay consists of two distinct physiographic sections: a shallow water marine offshore area and a recently emerged onshore sector. Along the onshore sector, Pleistocene clastic sediments filling the Pleistocene Vlora Basin crop out due to the recent uplift phases. The sedimentological and stratigraphic organization of the Vlora Basin deposits and the role played by Quaternary tectonic structures in their deposition are the main topics of this paper. A detailed field survey, supported by a geoelectrical survey, reveals a series of unconformity‐bounded stratigraphic units deposited in two north‐west–south‐east‐oriented subbasins. The two subbasins are separated by an intrabasinal, fault‐bounded, pre‐Quaternary morpho‐structural high and are mainly filled by shallow marine to continental deposits. A detailed structural analysis shows different tectonic phases affecting the area during the Pleistocene. Additionally, the geophysical survey facilitates the reconstruction of the deep structure of the basin and provides a better definition of the basin margins. Based on both geological and geophysical data, a tectonostratigraphic evolutionary model is proposed for the Vlora Basin Pleistocene sedimentary infill. This model consists of three phases of sedimentation that were essentially controlled by fault activity and by the progressive uplift of the area.  相似文献   
The coastal site of Ostend‐Raversijde in Belgium is known for its archaeological artifacts, mainly from Roman and medieval times. In recent years, detailed geophysical and geotechnical investigations have been carried out here to test the efficiency of these techniques for geoarchaeological prospection of the subtidal and intertidal zone. Very high‐resolution 2D subbottom profiling using a parametric echosounder evidenced a highly complex system of paleogullies and tidal channels, some of which can be linked to the medieval peninsula Testerep and the drowned settlement of Walraversijde. For the first time marine seismic and terrestrial electromagnetic induction (EMI) data were fully integrated in the same intertidal area. The parametric echosounder proved a highly effective tool to map the (partly excavated) peat layers and submerged landscape in high detail, even in extremely shallow water. Using a novel multitransducer parametric echosounder (SES‐2000 Quattro), unique 3D imaging of the peat exploitation pattern was possible with unprecedented detail (submeter level). This sets a new standard for shallow water research and opens important new perspectives for geoarchaeological studies in nearshore areas.  相似文献   
The Zedong ophiolites in the eastern Yarlung–Zangbo suture zone of Tibet represent a mantle slice of more than 45 km~2. This massif consists mainly of mantle peridotites, with lesser gabbros, diabases and volcanic rocks. The mantle peridotites are mostly harzburgite, lherzolite; a few dike-like bodies of dunite are also present. Mineral structures show that the peridotites experienced plastic deformation and partial melting. Olivine(Fo89.7–91.2), orthopyroxene(En_(88–92)), clinopyroxene(En_(45–49) Wo_(47–51) Fs_(2–4)) and spinel [Mg~#=100×Mg/(Mg+Fe)]=49.1–70.7; Cr~#=(100×Cr/(Cr+Al)=18.8–76.5] are the major minerals. The degree of partial melting of mantle peridotites is 10%–40%, indicating that the Zedong mantle peridotites may experience a multi–stage process. The peridotites are characterized by depleted major element compositions and low REE content(0.08–0.62 ppm). Their \"spoon–shaped\" primitive–mantle normalized REE patterns with(La/Sm)_N being 0.50–6.00 indicate that the Zedong ultramafic rocks belong to depleted residual mantle rocks. The PGE content of Zedong peridotites(18.19–50.74 ppb) is similar with primary mantle with Pd/Ir being 0.54–0.60 and Pt/Pd being 1.09–1.66. The Zedong peridotites have variable, unradiogenic Os isotopic compositions with ~(187)Os/~(188)Os=0.1228 to 0.1282. A corollary to this interpretation is that the convecting upper mantle is heterogeneous in Os isotopes. All data of the Zedong peridotites suggest that they formed originally at a mid-ocean ridge(MOR) and were later modified in supra–subduction zone(SSZ) environment.  相似文献   
The Yangbishan iron–tungsten deposit in the Shuangyashan area of Heilongjiang Province is located in the center of the Jiamusi Massif in northeastern China. The rare earth element and trace element compositions of the scheelite show that it formed in a reducing environment and inherited the rare earth element features of the ore-forming fluid. The geochemical characteristics of the gneissic granite associated with the tungsten mineralization show that the magma formed in this reducing environment and originated from the partial melting of metamorphosed shale that contained organic carbon and was enriched with tungsten. In addition, in situ Hf isotopic analysis of zircons from the gneissic granite indicates that they probably originated from the partial melting of a predominantly Paleo–Mesoproterozoic crustal source. According to LA-ICP-MS zircon dating, the Yangbishan orerelated gneissic granite has an Early Paleozoic crystallization age of 520.6 ± 2.8 Ma. This study, together with previous data, indicates that the massifs of northeastern China, including Erguna, Xing'an, Songliao, Jiamusi, and Khanka massifs, belonged to an orogenic belt that existed along the southern margin of the Siberian Craton during the late Pan-African period. The significant continental movements of this orogeny resulted in widespread magmatic activity in northeastern China from 530 Ma to 470 Ma under a tectonic setting that transitioned from compressional syn-collision to extensional postcollision.  相似文献   
Anchiornis huxleyi, which is a member of the Middle–Late Jurassic Yanliao Biota, is the smallest feathered dinosaur ever known. It has been described as a critical link between feathered dinosaurs and birds. Recent studies, including those of Anchiornis, Xiaotingia, Eosinopteryx and Aurornis, challenged Archaeopteryx as the most basal bird. The new Anchiornis huxleyi specimens that are described in this paper show some minor different characters compared to previously reported Anchiornis specimens, which has revised the character list of Anchiornis and indicates a different phylogenetic point from former opinions.  相似文献   
The Bulqiza ultramafic massif, which is part of the eastern Mirdita ophiolite of northern Albania, is world renowned for its high-Cr chromitite deposits. High-Cr chromitites hosted in the mantle section are the crystallized products of boninitic melts in a supra-subduction zone (SSZ). However, economically important high-Al chromitites are also present in massive dunite of the mantle-crust transition zone (MTZ). Chromian-spinel in the high-Al chromitites and dunites of the MTZ have much lower Cr# values (100Cr/(Cr+Al)) (47.7–55.1 and 46.5–51.7, respectively) than those in the high-Cr chromitites (78.2–80.4), harzburgites (72.6–77.9) and mantle dunites (79.4–84.3). The chemical differences in these two types of chromitites are reflected in the behaviors of their platinum-group elements (PGE). The high-Cr chromitites are rich in IPGE relative to PPGE with 0.10–0.45 PPGE/IPGE ratios, whereas the high-Al chromitites have relatively higher PPGE/IPGE ratios between 1.20 and 7.80. The calculated melts in equilibrium with the high-Cr chromitites are boninitic-like, and those associated with the high-Al chromitites are MORB-like but with hydrous, oxidized and TiO2-poor features. We propose that the coexistence of both types of chromitites in the Bulqiza ultramafic massif may indicates a change in magma composition from MORB-like to boninitic-like in a proto-forearc setting during subduction initiation.  相似文献   
The uranium deposits in the Tuanyushan area of northern Qaidam Basin commonly occur in coal-bearing series. To decipher the U-enrichment mechanism and controlling factors in this area, a database of 72 drill cores, including 56 well-logs and 3 sampling wells, was examined for sedimentology and geochemistry in relation to uranium concentrations. The results show that coal-bearing series can influence uranium mineralization from two aspects, i.e., spatial distribution and dynamic control. Five types of uranium-bearing rocks are recognized, mainly occurring in the braided river and braided delta sedimentary facies, among which sandstones near the coals are the most important. The lithological associations of sandstone-type uranium deposits can be classified into three subtypes, termed as U-coal type, coal-U-coal type, and coal-U type, respectively. The coal and fine siliciclastic rocks in the coalbearing series confined the U-rich fluid flow and uranium accumulation in the sandstone near them. Thus, the coal-bearing series can provide good accommodations for uranium mineralization. Coals and organic matters in the coal-bearing series may have served as reducing agents and absorbing barriers. Methane is deemed to be the main acidolysis hydrocarbon in the U-bearing beds, which shows a positive correlation with U-content in the sandstones in the coal-bearing series. Additionally, the δ13 C in the carbonate cements of the U-bearing sandstones indicates that the organic matters, associated with the coal around the sandstones, were involved in the carbonation, one important component of alteration in the Tuanyushan area. Recognition of the dual control of coal-bearing series on the uranium mineralization is significant for the development of coal circular economy, environmental protection during coal utilization and the security of national rare metal resources.  相似文献   
The Three Gorges are considered to be critical to understand the formation of Yangtze River. Recent research results suggest that the Yangtze Three Gorges was created during the Quaternary but the exact time is debatable. Fe–Ti oxide minerals are seldom used to study sediment provenance, expecially using scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS). In this study, the provenance of Quaternary sediments in Yichang area, which is located to the east of the Yangtze Three Gorges, was investigated by using SEM and EDS to research Fe–Ti oxides. The Panzhihua vanadium titanomagnetite and Emeishan basalt outcrop are located to the west of the Three Gorges. Further, the materials from them are observed in the Quaternary sediments of Yichang area. Fe–Ti oxide minerals from the Huangling granite are observed in the Yunchi and Shanxiyao Formations, which were formed before 0.75 Ma B.P., whereas Fe–Ti oxide minerals from the Huangling granite, Panzhihua vanadium titanomagnetite, and Emeishan basalt are observed in the riverbed and fifth-terrace sediments of the Yangtze River, which were formed after 0.73 Ma B.P.. Thus, we can infer that the Three Gorges formed after the deposition of the Shanxi Formation and before the fifth-terrace; i.e., 0.75–0.73 Ma B.P..  相似文献   
The Lanping Basin in the Nujiang‐Lancangjiang‐Jinshajiang (the Sanjiang) area of northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is an important part of eastern Tethyan metallogenic domain. This basin hosts a number of large unique sediment‐hosted Pb‐Zn polymetallic deposits or ore districts, such as the Baiyangping ore concentration area which is one of the representative ore district. The Baiyangping ore concentration area can be divided into the east and west ore belts, which were formed in a folded tectogene of the India‐Asia continental collisional setting and was controlled by a large reverse fault. Field observations reveal that the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary strata were outcropped in the mining area, and that the orebodies are obviously controlled by faults and hosted in sandstone and carbonate rocks. However, the ore‐forming elements in the east ore belt are mainly Pb‐Zn‐Sr‐Ag, while Pb‐Zn‐Ag‐Cu‐Co elements are dominant in the west ore belt. Comparative analysis of the C‐O‐Sr‐S‐Pb isotopic compositions suggest that both ore belts had a homogeneous carbon source, and the carbon in hydrothermal calcite is derived from the dissolution of carbonate rock strata; the ore‐forming fluids were originated from formation water and precipitate water, which belonged to basin brine fluid system; sulfur was from organic thermal chemical sulfate reduction and biological sulfate reduction; the metal mineralization material was from sedimentary strata and basement, but the difference of the material source of the basement and the strata and the superimposed mineralization of the west ore belt resulted in the difference of metallogenic elements between the eastern and western metallogenic belts. The Pb‐Zn mineralization age of both ore belts was contemporary and formed in the same metallogenetic event. Both thrust formed at the same time and occurred at the Early Oligocene, which is consistent with the age constrained by field geological relationship.  相似文献   
Recent XMM‐Newton observations of the B2 type star ρ Oph A indicated a periodicity of 1.205 day, which was ascribed to rotational modulation. Since variability of X‐ray emission in massive stars is frequently the signature of a magnetic field, we investigated whether the presence of a magnetic field can indeed be invoked to explain the observed X‐ray peculiarity. Two FORS 2 spectropolarimetric observations in different rotation phases revealed the presence of a negative (⟨Bzall = − 419 ± 101 G) and positive (⟨Bzall = 538 ± 69 G) longitudinal magnetic field, respectively. We estimate a lower limit for the dipole strength as Bd = 1.9 ± 0.2 kG. Our calculations of the Kepler and Alfvén radii imply the presence of a centrifugally supported, magnetically confined plasma around ρ Oph A. The study of the spectral variability indicates a behavior similar to that observed in typical magnetic early‐type Bp stars.  相似文献   
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