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The results of study on the hydrochemical and isotope characteristics of shallow and deep waters at Pamukkale hydrothermal field Turkey are described in order to obtain a better understanding of the hydrological circulation. The field can be grouped into two groundwater sub-systems; cold water springs of Ca–HCO3 type (10–12 °C), and CO2-rich thermal waters of Ca–HCO3–SO4 type (25–58 °C). The occurrence of these water types is closely related to the morphology of the region, where intense tectonism formed horst and graben structures. Hence, two hydrogeological systems were defined: a deep geothermal system which is related to extensive and deep circulation of meteoric water in the regional flow system, and a shallow system which is related to local groundwater flow through sedimentary strata. The meteoric water falling at higher elevations percolates to the local groundwater system at a shallow level and flows to the deep geothermal system. During a deep convection cycle from a recharge to discharge area, the cold water attains heat from the asthenospheric intrusions, causing it to ascend. Variations of chemical and isotopic composition of thermal waters result from their mixing with cool groundwater in a shallow aquifer during their ascent to the surface.
Résumé Les résultats d'une étude portant sur les caractéristiques hydrochimiques et isotopiques de puits phréatiques et profonds situés dans le champ hydrothermal de Pamukkale, sont décrits de telle manière à éclairer le fonctionnement des circulations hydrologiques. Le champ peut étre divisé en deux sous-systèmes d'eaux souterraines, l'un avec des eaux de sources froides (10–12 °C) de type Ca–HCO3, et les eaux thermales (25–58 °C) riches en CO2 et de type Ca–HCO3–SO4. L'occurrence de ces types d'eaux est fermement liée à la morphologie de la région, oùne tectonique intense a engendré des structures en horsts et en grabens. Dés lors deux systèmes hydrogéologiques ont été définis : un système profond, qui est lié à la circulation extensive et profonde des eaux météoritiques dans le système régional d'écoulement, et un système phréatique lié aux écoulements locaux des eaux souterraines à travers les strates sédimentaires. Les eaux météoritiques aux altitudes élevées, percolent jusqu'aux systèmes locaux phréatiques, puis coulent jusqu'aux systèmes géothermaux plus profonds. Durant le cycle de convection profond des zones de recharge jusqu'aux zones de décharge, l'eau froide atteint les zones chaudes liées aux intrusions athenosphériques, provoquant la remontée. Les variations de la composition chimique et isotopique des eaux thermales résultent dans leurs mélanges avec des eaux souterraines froides dans les aquifères phréatiques durant leur remontée jusqu'à la surface.

Resumen Se describen los resultados del estudio de las características isotópicas e hidroquímicas de las aguas someras y profundas para obtener un mejor entendimiento de la circulación hidrológica del campo hidrotermal Pamukkale. El campo puede agruparse en dos sub-sistemas de agua subterránea: manantiales de agua fría del tipo Ca–HCO3 (10–12°C) y aguas termales ricas en CO2 del tipo Ca–HCO3–SO4(25–58°C). El ambiente de estos tipos de aguas se relaciona estrechamente con la morfología de la región donde el tectonismo intenso ha formado estructuras extensionales tipo graben y horst. Se definieron dos sistemas hidrogeológicos: un sistema geotermal profundo que se relaciona con la circulación profunda y extensa de agua meteórica en el sistema regional de flujo y un sistema somero el cual se relaciona con flujo local de agua subterránea a través de estratos sedimentarios. El agua meteórica que cae en altas elevaciones percola al sistema local de agua subterránea en un nivel somero y fluye hacia el sistema geotermal profundo. Durante un ciclo de convección del área de recarga hacia la zona de descarga, el agua fría se calienta a partir de los intrusivos astenosféricos lo que ocasiona que asciendan. Como resultado de la mezcla de las aguas recalentadas, con agua subterránea fría en un acuífero somero durante el ascenso hacia la superficie, se derivan variaciones en la composición química e isotópica de las aguas termales.
Coastal areas of the world are under treat due to the conflicting requirements of functions such as habitation and/or recreation, which affect the strategic asset of coastal scenery itself. Coastal managers, together with planners, need coastal landscape inventories, where the quality of coastal scenery is a part of the inventory. In order to provide an evidence-based approach for sound coastal management decisions, [Ergin et al., 2004] and [Ergin et al., 2006] developed a novel technique ‘coastal scenic evaluation’ (CSE), which addresses the evaluation of coastal scenery. The CSE technique utilizes fuzzy logic to derive values obtained from a checklist of 26 physical and human parameters. The methodology enables the calculation of an evaluation index (D), which categorizes the scenic values of coastal sites into five distinct classes. Using this technique, coastal scenic evaluations were carried out at 34 selected sites on the Western Black Sea coast of Turkey. Based on the calculated D values, a five-class differentiation was obtained for the selected sites, to provide baseline information for any envisaged subsequent management plans for these areas.  相似文献   
The Sakarya River is one of the largest rivers in Turkey and is fed mainly from Sakaryabaşı springs. The Sakaryabaşı springs are located in the Central Anatolia and issue from confined/semi-confined karst having a thermal component and therefore, having quite different hydrogeological characteristics as compared to the Taurus Karst region, a typical example of the Mediterranean type of karst. The karstic carbonate rocks that form the groundwater reservoir are overlain by a thick semi-pervious overburden of mainly clastics of Neogene age. Tectonics is the major factor controlling the occurrence of the karst springs in the area where topography is rather flat. This study aimed at explaining the occurrence and movement of the karst groundwater within the system by use of hydrogeological, chemical, and isotopic tools. Isotopic composition of the waters revealed that all waters in the region are of meteoric origin and the thermal component is due to deep circulation. The catchment area of the hydrogeological system extends to the south and groundwater movement is towards the outlets, which are in a depression along a major fault. The movement of the groundwater, based on analysis of remotely sensed images, is controlled mainly by structural elements.  相似文献   
It is known that the increasing use of coal as an energy source led to the growing environmental and health problems. But comprehensive knowledge of coal quality parameters may help to reduce some of these problems. The Canakkale-Can coalfield is located in the western part of Turkey, whose reserves are estimated at 69.3 billion tons, mainly used in the industry in the neighboring areas, specifically for the Can Thermal Power Plant. The aim of this study is to determine the coal quality parameters and examine the origin and distributions of potentially toxic trace elements in lignite which may produce environmental and health hazards in the area. The coal samples were collected from different parts of the coalfield in Can. Proximate and ultimate analyses, sulfur form analyses, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed on those samples to determine the geochemical profile of hazardous elements.  相似文献   
Bituminous rocks in the Ozankoey (Ankara) field are different from those of the Paleocene- Eocene Mengen and Giineytepe (Bolu) regions in metal enrichment levels. Organic carbon (Corg) content of organic material-rich rocks in the Ozankoey (Ankara) field is 3.66-40.72% wt averaging 14.34%. The dominant organic materials are algae/amorphous accompanied by minor amount of herbaceous material (The dominant kerogen type is Type-I with a limited amount of Type-Ⅱ kerogen.). The bituminous rocks in the Ozankoey field are enriched in heavy metals such as Ni, Mn, As and Cr. In comparison with the average enrichment values of dements, Ni, Mn, As and Cr in bituminous shales of the Ozankoey field are as about 4.38, 14.93, 10.90 and 5.58 times as average values. The average concentrations of these heavy metals are also as high as 215× 10^-6, 828 × 10^-6, 58.54 × 10^-6, and 148 × 10^-6 respectively. In addition, sorption properties of day and organic materials are also important for metal enrichments in the bituminous shales.  相似文献   
伊兹米特地震的几点启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
土耳其伊兹米特Ms7.4地震后,中国地震局于1999年8月25日派出了以张国民教授为团长的由7人组成的赴土耳其地震现场考察专家组。他们到地震现场进行了考察,从该震中得到了几点启示。  相似文献   
A conceptual model with water samples from ten geothermal fields (?smil, Ilg?n (Çavu?cugöl), Tuzlukçu-Ak?ehir, Seydi?ehir and Kavakköy, Hüyük, Ere?li-Akhüyük, Kad?nhan?, Cihanbeyli, Karap?nar and Bey?ehir) in the province of Konya defined the geothermal system. Carbonates, quartzite and marbles of Paleozoic metamorphics are the reservoir rocks and the heating sources are igneous rock intrusions and geothermal gradient. The variable thermal water (CaMgHCO3, CaSO4, NaSO4, CaHCO3, CaNaHCO3, NaCl and CaNaClHCO3) had EC and temperature between 177.8 and 56,100 μS/cm and between 18.3 and 44 °C, respectively. Ca2+ in geothermal fluids are associated with marble and carbonate rocks and the high chloride shows direct connection with deep geothermal system, and prolonged contact with evaporite rocks. Sulphate originates from dissolution of and oxidation of sulphate and sulphur-bearing minerals. The high As, B, F and Mn concentration in some thermal water samples were determined as 85 μg/l, 148.56 mg/l, 3.01 mg/l and 208.13 mg/l, respectively. Reservoir temperatures computed by Na/K geothermometers were between 85.37–158.89 °C for Ak?ehir thermal waters and 58.78–90.45 °C for Ere?li thermal waters. The maximum reservoir temperature of other geothermal waters was 75 °C by the silica geothermometers.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. For centuries, a network of market gardens throughout Istanbul provisioned the city with fresh vegetables. These bostans and their gardeners held a respected place in Istanbul life, contributing to the city's food and employment needs. Today, only fragments remain. Massive urban development, intense competition for metropolitan space, modernization, changing institutions and laws, and the global industrialization of food have threatened this tradition with extinction. But in spite of the overwhelming forces behind their demise, some of Istanbul's bostans persist. Efforts to support and promote the gardens, and to draw from the expertise and experience of their gardeners, are emerging. From a historical perspective, this article examines Istanbul's bostans to understand their meaning and contribution to the city's people and landscape.  相似文献   
Curie-point depth map of Turkey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article contributes to a small but growing body of multi-sited and multi-scalar research on the Belt and Road Initiative.We focus on relations at the national,regional and international scales,and present original research from China and Turkey,to show how the Istanbul-Ankara high-speed railway has served as a testing ground for China's Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).Its construction was initially funded by the European Investment Bank,but it is now part of the backbone of the Turkish Government's Middle Corridor plan which enhances west-east connectivity and integration with the Caucasus and Central Asia.We show that in contrast to multinational corporations from the OECD that seek to remain footloose,Chinese state-owned enterprises(SOEs)seek to adapt to,apprehend and ultimately shape local in-stitutions.In the case of Turkey this proved difficult given its institutional alignment with the European Union.Thus,while the railway project was completed successfully by a consortium led by a Chinese SOE,Turkey's dynamic and complex regulatory environment discourages Chinese SOEs in the infrastructure sector.We conclude that the Turkish and Chinese gov-ernments are currently pursuing complementary territorial visions yet their cooperation is project-based and pragmatic.  相似文献   
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