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The palynological record from the Permian part of the Çakraz Formation from the Çamdağ area of NW Turkey has been investigated in order to obtain a more precise age assessment than achieved in previous studies. The ‘Late Permian’ age and a possible age range beginning in the Roadian (mid Permian) were discussed before for sections of palynomorph‐bearing strata occurring within the formation. These deposits are now assigned to the late Cisuralian/Guadalupian and considered to be not older than early Kungurian, and not younger than Capitanian. The new age assessment was conducted via a long‐distance, intercontinental palynostratigraphic correlation from NW Turkey to South America, where results of radiometric datings were linked to some siliciclastic sections by absolute ages to the chronostratigraphy. Common conspicuous taxa in pollen‐dominated assemblages from both regions are Lueckisporites and Vittatina such as Lueckisporites virkkiae, L. latisaccus, L. stenotaeniatus, Vittatina corrugata, V. subsaccata and V. wodehousei. These species co‐occur in strata of the northern as well as southern palaeohemisphere settings (NW Turkey and S America). Thus, Lueckisporites latisaccus, L. stenotaeniatus and Vittatina corrugata are, as well as L. virkkiae or V. subsaccata, considered as being cosmopolitan. Due to the more precise palynological dating of part of the Çakraz Formation and surrounding deposits they are here broadly correlated with Permian continental successions from the Southern Alps, Italy, including the Val Daone Conglomerate and the Verrucano Lombardo/Val Gardena Sandstone (Gröden) red beds, and the Rotliegend deposits of Germany. These results support some earlier views regarding the age and stratigraphic equivalences with European deposits. The new age for the Çakraz Formation also supports recent considerations as middle Permian (part Guadalupian), and as Cisuralian for the lower parts of the formation, such as the fossil‐bearing section with plants and tetrapod traces further east in NW Turkey, where the unit also crops out. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Vegetation changes are reconstructed based on more than 51,000 charcoal fragments of more than 380 samples from nine Bronze Age sites in northern Syria and southern Turkey. In addition to fragment proportions, special attention was paid to the frequency of Pistacia relative to Quercus and Populus/Salix relative to Tamarix, fruit-tree ubiquity, and riverine diversity in order to gain an improved understanding of the human versus climatic impact on the vegetation. The results indicate that human impacts first took place within the riverine forest. This phase was followed by land clearing within the woodland steppe, especially in the northern portion of the study area. In the south near Emar, the woodland steppe probably disappeared by the Late Bronze Age. It is uncertain whether this was caused by aridification and/or human clearing. The northward shift of the Pistacia-woodland steppe is very likely a result of climatic drying that occurred throughout the entire period under investigation. Although increased deforestation is evident through time, the small proportions of imported wood indicate that local resources were still available.  相似文献   
The northern part of the Dead Sea Fault Zone is one of the major active neotectonic structures of Turkey. The main trace of the fault zone (called Hacıpaşa fault) is mapped in detail in Turkey on the basis of morphological and geological evidence such as offset creeks, fault surfaces, shutter ridges and linear escarpments. Three trenches were opened on the investigated part of the fault zone. Trench studies provided evidence for 3 historical earthquakes and comparing trench data with historical earthquake records showed that these earthquakes occurred in 859 AD, 1408 and 1872. Field evidence, palaeoseismological studies and historical earthquake records indicate that the Hacıpaşa fault takes the significant amount of slip in the northern part of the Dead Sea Fault Zone in Turkey. On the basis of palaeoseismological evidence, it is suggested that the recurrence interval for surface faulting event is 506 ± 42 years on the Hacıpaşa fault.  相似文献   

This study aims to predict the daily precipitation from meteorological data from Turkey using the wavelet—neural network method, which combines two methods: discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and artificial neural networks (ANN). The wavelet—ANN model provides a good fit with the observed data, in particular for zero precipitation in the summer months, and for the peaks in the testing period. The results indicate that wavelet—ANN model estimations are significantly superior to those obtained by either a conventional ANN model or a multi linear regression model. In particular, the improvement provided by the new approach in estimating the peak values had a noticeably high positive effect on the performance evaluation criteria. Inclusion of the summed sub-series in the ANN input layer brings a new perspective to the discussions related to the physics involved in the ANN structure.  相似文献   
In this study, a Markov Random Field (MRF) approach is used to locate source boundary positions which are difficult to identify from Bouguer gravity and magnetic maps. As a generalized form of Markov Chains, the MRF approach is an unsupervised statistical model based algorithm and is applied to the analysis of images, particularly in the detection of visual patterns or textures. Here, we present a dynamic programming based on the MRF approach for boundary detection of noisy and super-positioned potential anomalies, which are produced by various geological structures. In the MRF method, gravity and magnetic maps are considered as two-dimensional (2-D) images with a matrix composed of N1 × N2 pixels. Each pixel value of the matrix is optimized in real time with no a priori processing by using two parameter sets; average steering vector (θ) and quantization level (M). They carry information about the correlation of neighboring pixels and the locality of their connections. We have chosen MRF as a processing approach for geophysical data since it is an unsupervised, efficient model for image enhancement, border detection and separation of 2-D potential anomalies. The main benefit of MRF is that an average steering vector and a quantization level are enough in evaluation of the potential anomaly maps. We have compared the MRF method to noise implemented synthetic potential field anomalies. After satisfactory results were found, the method has been applied to gravity and magnetic anomaly maps of Gelibolu Peninsula in Western Turkey. Here, we have observed Anafartalar thrust fault and another parallel fault northwest of Anafartalar thrust fault. We have modeled a geological structure including a lateral fault, which results in a higher susceptibility and anomaly amplitude increment. We have shown that the MRF method is effective to detect the broad-scale geological structures in the Gelibolu Peninsula, and thus to delineate the complex tectonic structure of Gelibolu Peninsula.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to explain the formation mechanism of the floods which occurred in the Keçidere basin in 2009. In this study, discharge data in between 1981 and 2009, digital elevation model (DEM), satellite images and field works were used as a main data sources. LPT3 was applied to 29-year maximum flow data to produce different flood return periods such as 2, 5, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000-year flood. The DEM was created using 1:25,000 topographic contours with Topo to Raster interpolation techniques in geographical information systems (GIS). Land use and some geometric data were digitized using high resolution satellite images for hydraulic modelling purposes. Simulation of the 2009 flash flood event and different return periods flow data was done using one-dimensional hydraulic modelling with HEC-RAS. In the last phase, results obtained from the simulations and field works were compared based on fits statistics and mean absolute error in terms of extent and depth. An analysis of water extent and depth features observed during the highest flow ever measured in the basin revealed that the result overlapped with 500-year inundation extent. Overall, the results of the research indicate that GIS is an effective environment for floodplain mapping and analysis.  相似文献   
土耳其矿业投资环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土耳其领土横跨亚、欧两大洲,矿产资源比较丰富,其铬、锑、钍、硼、天然碱等矿产在世界上占有重要地位.特殊的地理位置加上较好的矿业投资环境,近年来受到我国矿山企业的较多关注.本文对该国的矿产资源、矿业经济、管理、税收、合作等矿业投资环境的主要方面进行了较系统介绍,以供投资者参考.  相似文献   
Homogeneity analysis of Turkish meteorological data set   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The missing value interpolation and homogeneity analysis were performed on the meteorological data of Turkey. The data set has the observations of six variables: the maximum air temperature, the minimum air temperature, the mean air temperature, the total precipitation, the relative humidity and the local pressure of 232 stations for the period 1974–2002. The missing values on the monthly data set were estimated using two methods: the linear regression (LR) and the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Because of higher correlations between test and reference series, EM algorithm results were preferred. The homogeneity analysis was performed on the annual data using a relative test and four absolute homogeneity tests were used for the stations where non‐testable series were found due to the low correlation coefficients between the test and the reference series. A comparison was accomplished by the graphics where relative and absolute tests provided different outcomes. Absolute tests failed to detect the inhomogeneities in the precipitation series at the significance level 1%. Interestingly, most of the inhomogeneities detected on the temperature variables existed in the Aegean region of Turkey. It is considered that theseinhomogeneities were mostly caused by non‐natural effects such as relocation. Because of changes at topography at short distance in this region intensify non‐random characteristics of the temperature series when relocation occurs even in small distances. The marine effect, which causes artifical cooling effect due to sea breezes has important impact on temperature series and the orograhpy allows this impact go through the inner parts in this region. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
土耳其火山沉积硼矿床成矿条件综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土耳其硼酸盐矿床,集中分布在该国西北的西安拉托尼亚地区。重要矿床有比加迪奇、凯斯特莱克、苏丹泽里、埃默特和基尔卡。这些矿床均发育于障壁山间盆地第三纪浅水湖相沉积中,是干旱、半干旱气候条件下非海洋环境的产物。除碳酸盐、硼酸盐等化学沉积之外,山间盆地还广泛接受碎屑沉积,如砾岩、砂岩、粘土、泥岩,以及大量火山碎屑岩、凝灰岩、层凝灰岩等。矿床不同,沉积学特征亦异,但第三纪沉积均具明显的旋回性或韵律性。所有矿床均与火山活动伴生,二者的密切程度超过世界任何硼酸盐矿床。中国辽吉硼矿带的火山沉积变质硼矿床,也许在变质前与前者在矿化上具有共性,只是后者强调了“变质”成矿。  相似文献   
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