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This paper characterizes the ability of natural ground motions to induce rocking demands on rigid structures. In particular, focusing on rocking blocks of different size and slenderness subjected to a large number of historic earthquake records, the study unveils the predominant importance of the strong‐motion duration to rocking amplification (ie, peak rocking response without overturning). It proposes original dimensionless intensity measures (IMs), which capture the total duration (or total impulse accordingly) of the time intervals during which the ground motion is capable of triggering rocking motion. The results show that the proposed duration‐based IMs outperform all other examined (intensity, frequency, duration, and/or energy‐based) scalar IMs in terms of both “efficiency” and “sufficiency.” Further, the pertinent probabilistic seismic demand models offer a prediction of the peak rocking demand, which is adequately “universal” and of satisfactory accuracy. Lastly, the analysis shows that an IM that “efficiently” captures rocking amplification is not necessarily an “efficient” IM for predicting rocking overturning, which is dominated by the velocity characteristics (eg, peak velocity) of the ground motion.  相似文献   
以青海地区8个测点磁通门秒采样观测数据为研究对象,利用地磁垂直强度极化法结合该区域中强地震背景进行分析。基于极化背景场变化特征提取震磁异常在研究区实际应用中取得以下认识:多台站同步极化高值异常对于2个月以内青海地区5级左右及以上地震有一定映震能力,且异常具有一定信度;测点密度均匀分布情况下,震中位置基本位于极化高值区域。  相似文献   
珠穆朗玛峰绒布河谷近地层大气湍流及能量输送特征分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
利用中国科学院2005年珠穆朗玛峰地区科学考察期间 (4月2日至6月7日) 收集的大气观测资料,分析了珠峰绒布河谷近地层水平风速、温度、湍流强度、湍流通量日变化及地表能量平衡特征。通过分析得出近地层三维风速方差与稳定度的关系基本满足1/3次方规律;珠峰绒布河谷近地层大气水平风速、温度、动量通量、感热通量和潜热通量均存在明显的日变化;地表获得的能量很大一部分以感热形式散失掉了,潜热所占比重很小。另外,还发现绒布河谷地区地表能量通量各分量并不满足能量平衡方程Rn=Hs+Le+G。通过对地面加热场的分析发现珠峰地表白天是强热源,晚上转变为弱冷源。  相似文献   
阎友民  王存亮  黄晓  刘涛 《气象科技》2015,43(3):361-367
频率源稳定度是多普勒雷达的一项重要指标,如果雷达频率源本身存在频率起伏和相位起伏,就无法获得精确的强度和速度场信息。简要介绍了CINRAD/CC频率源的合成方式及主要信号流程,同时回顾频率源稳定度的表征方法及其联系。研究频率源短、长期稳定度的影响因素,利用雷达维修平台模拟再现故障,讨论了改进频率源稳定度的措施,从而实现现场快速判断、维修的目的。通过时域、频域并结合实际例证分析总结出在现代雷达中,频率源的相位噪声(稳定度)是影响雷达回波强度和速度测量的主要因素。这些技术和方法在CINRAD/CC频率源维修维护工作中具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
Forest canopies present irregular surfaces that alter both the quantity and spatiotemporal variability of precipitation inputs. The drop size distribution (DSD) of rainfall varies with rainfall event characteristics and is altered substantially by the forest stand properties. Yet, the influence of two major European tree species, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst), on throughfall DSD is largely unknown. In order to assess the impact of these two species with differing canopy structures on throughfall DSD, two optical disdrometers, one above and one below the canopy of each European beech and Norway spruce, measured DSD of both incident rainfall and throughfall over 2 months at a 10‐s resolution. Fractions of different throughfall categories were analysed for single‐precipitation events of different intensities. While penetrating the canopies, clear shifts in drop size and temporal distributions of incoming rainfall were observed. Beech and spruce, however, had different DSD, behaved differently in their effect on diameter volume percentiles as well as width of drop spectrum. The maximum drop sizes under beech were higher than under spruce. The mean ± standard deviation of the median volume drops size (D50) over all rain events was 2.7 ± 0.28 mm for beech and 0.80 ± 0.04 mm for spruce, respectively. In general, there was a high‐DSD variability within events indicating varying amounts of the different throughfall fractions. These findings help to better understand the effects of different tree species on rainfall partitioning processes and small‐scale variations in subcanopy rainfall inputs, thereby demonstrating the need for further research in high‐resolution spatial and temporal properties of rainfall and throughfall.  相似文献   

The modification of landscapes for agriculture, residential housing, and other human uses has the potential to alter ecosystem function, reduce native biodiversity, and to diminish the capacity of natural systems to provide essential goods and services. Resultantly, methods aimed at quantifying disturbance intensity at the intersection of anthropogenic and natural lands are important to applied aspects of landscape planning and natural resource management, as well as theoretical facets of spatial ecology. Tools to appraise human disturbance in wetlands and coastal waters are especially needed because the topographic settings of surface waters make them particularly susceptible to pollutant accumulation, hydrologic alteration, and other influences from the surrounding landscape. Assuming a water resources focus, we developed a novel geostatistical method to quantify and visualize edge effects and cumulative human disturbance for all wetlands and coastal waters in the State of Florida (USA). Model validation revealed that estimated disturbance intensity was strongly correlated to species richness, levels of heavy metal contamination, and persistent organic pollutant concentration. The presented modeling framework offers a flexible means to assess human disturbance across spatial scales and could be readily applied to prioritize conservation land acquisition and to anticipate future impacts from the proposed development.  相似文献   
王彦东  梁靖  裴向军 《岩土力学》2022,43(4):1048-1060
2017年九寨沟震后核心景区广泛发育崩滑堆积体,震后3年间受降雨影响下坡面泥石流频发,严重威胁景区恢复重建。为了研究坡面径流冲刷对崩滑堆积体启动的影响,基于2017-2020年的持续跟踪调查与高分辨率遥感影像解译,利用现场冲刷试验及原位监测,分析了径流冲刷条件下堆积体的渗流响应特征、侵蚀运移过程及冲刷启动机制。结果表明:(1)冲刷过程中坡面物质以下蚀、面蚀、溯源侵蚀及侧蚀为主,湿润锋下移致使坡体内体积含水率与孔隙水压力增大,达到峰值后处于动态稳定状态,而基质吸力则先小幅度波动后不断减小。(2)崩滑堆积体具有坡度陡、土体孔隙间细粒含量多、渗透性良好且抗冲刷能力弱等特征,在强烈的水动力条件下启动演化过程为先期渗透→铲刮滑流→快速堆积→局部饱和侵蚀?稳定。(3)不同饱和状态下堆积体启动的力学分析与现场试验监测结果较为一致,并结合冲刷试验成果认为,土体含水率升高、孔隙水压力急剧增大、基质吸力快速减小与高强度径流冲刷是堆积体启动之机制所在。该研究结果对于震后泥石流活动的长期效应预测与生态治理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
王迎法  曲亚明  牟儒  赵鑫  许汉华  吴中海 《地质论评》2023,69(4):2023040023-2023040023
小江断裂延伸长、次生断裂交错分布多,使得区域内重大工程难以避免活动断裂带的影响,因此活动断裂的活动强弱以及场地稳定性是区域重大工程建设面临的主要工程稳定性问题。为了查清活动断裂对公路工程场地的影响,笔者等基于小江断裂地质构造背景,充分利用既有研究成果资料,重点研究区域构造环境和断裂特征,通过地质调绘、物理探测、年代学测试,结合对前人资料的系统梳理,计算分析了小江断裂中段东支活动速率,初步判定断裂活动程度;并综合考虑断裂活动性、地震烈度、岩体特性等因素,对工程场地稳定性进行分级。结果表明,小江断裂东支平均水平位移速率为6.6 mm/a,判定为强活动断裂,区域工程场地稳定性划分为极不稳定区;认为强烈活动性断裂两侧各10 km区域内对工程的影响最为严重,为公路工程场地选址和抗震设计提供了理论和数据支持。  相似文献   
在整理湖南73处钨矿床资料的基础上,通过成矿区带划分、控矿因素归纳、重要钨矿成矿区带的成矿密度和成矿强度的定量分析,将湖南钨矿区带划分为5个Ⅲ级成矿区(带)、12个Ⅳ级成矿亚带(区)、20个矿集区。梳理Ⅳ级各成矿亚带(区)的矿床分布特征可知,万洋山—诸广山成矿区(Ⅲ-83-5)钨矿床数量最多,资兴—宜章成矿区(Ⅲ-83-4)的成矿强度最强,达212.74 t/km2。各矿集区矿床分布特征显示,千里山—骑田岭钨矿集区(Ⅲ-83-4-a)有9处钨矿床,矿床数量最多;瑶岗仙钨矿集区(Ⅲ-83-5-c)成矿密度、成矿强度均位居矿集区首位。燕山期为钨矿成矿的高峰期,该期形成的WO3累计查明资源量占全省累计查明资源量的78.78%。  相似文献   
乌兰花凹陷是近年来在二连盆地南部新发现的富油凹陷,但南北两个洼槽探明的油气资源差异明显。为了准确评价乌兰花凹陷的油气资源潜力,系统地分析了乌兰花凹陷烃源灶特征,讨论了烃源灶与油藏分布的关系。研究表明,乌兰花凹陷阿尔善组至腾一上段发育C、D/E和F相源岩,受构造-层序演化的影响,南北洼槽倾油型(C相)源岩发育层段存在明显差异,南洼槽C相源岩主要发育在阿尔善组,腾一上段和下段以D/E相源岩为主,而北洼槽阿尔善组至腾一上段均发育C相源岩。多口探井热史标定结果表明,乌兰花凹陷烃源岩成熟门限在2000 m左右,南洼槽仅阿尔善组烃源岩进入成熟阶段,阿尔善组C相源岩排油强度为0.5~7.9MMT/km2,为凹陷的主力烃源岩,而北洼槽阿尔善组C相烃源岩主要发育在阿尔善组上段,成熟度较低,最大值仅为0.78%Ro,烃源灶排烃强度小于0.2 MMT/km2,不能形成规模性的油藏。乌兰花凹陷探明的原油均在南洼槽,且集中在烃源灶周围,表现为近源聚集。  相似文献   
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