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The possible changes of tropical cyclone(TC) tracks and their influence on the future basin-wide intensity of TCs over the western North Pacific(WNP) are examined based on the projected large-scale environments derived from a selection of CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models. Specific attention is paid to the performance of the CMIP5 climate models in simulating the large-scale environment for TC development over the WNP. A downscaling system including individual models for simulating the TC track and intensity is used to select the CMIP5 models and to simulate the TC activity in the future.The assessment of the future track and intensity changes of TCs is based on the projected large-scale environment in the21 st century from a selection of nine CMIP5 climate models under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5(RCP4.5)scenario. Due to changes in mean steering flows, the influence of TCs over the South China Sea area is projected to decrease,with an increasing number of TCs taking a northwestward track. Changes in prevailing tracks and their contribution to basin-wide intensity change show considerable inter-model variability. The influences of changes in prevailing track make a marked contribution to TC intensity change in some models, tending to counteract the effect of SST warming. This study suggests that attention should be paid to the simulated large-scale environment when assessing the future changes in regional TC activity based on climate models. In addition, the change in prevailing tracks should be considered when assessing future TC intensity change.  相似文献   
利用2006-2017年黑龙江省闪电定位资料和日平均地面相对湿度资料,采用数理统计、Pearson相关分析、GIS空间分析技术,研究了闪电密度和强度对地面相对湿度(RH)的响应关系。结果表明:地面RH过小或过大都不利于闪电活动产生;当RH < 25%时,几乎无闪电发生,当RH < 77%时,RH增加有利于闪电活动发生,当RH>79%时,随着RH增加,闪电活动减少;当RH < 77%时,闪电密度与之呈正相关,闪电强度与之呈负相关;当RH>79%时,闪电密度与之呈负相关,闪电强度与之呈正相关;地面RH的临界值域约为77%-79%;70%≤ RH ≤ 90%区间为闪电易发湿度区间,在闪电密度与湿度相关度高的区域,闪电更趋于集中发生在闪电易发湿度区间。  相似文献   
1960—2009年中国冬季区域性极端低温事件的时空特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用区域性极端低温事件客观识别技术对1960—2009年的区域性极端低温事件进行检测,并分析其空间分布和时间演变特征。结果表明:区域性极端低温事件指标中最低温度和几何中心纬度的频次分布为双峰特征,发生频次较高的纬度主要位于30°N和42°N附近,且1980年代中期以前南北两个带并存,之后则以30°N附近为主;1960—2009年事件的发生频次、强度和最大覆盖面积等呈总体减弱趋势,在1980年代后期存在显著的转折,1990年代后期变化逐渐趋于平缓,并且这种变化主要是由占总数10%的持续时间长和空间范围广的事件作用的结果。此外,对体现事件多方面影响的综合指标进行等级划分并分析其变化特征。  相似文献   
利用CMORPH卫星降水资料和NCEP风场资料,综合分析了长江三角洲地区南京、杭州、上海、苏州等主要城市的降水分布特征,结果表明:长三角城市效应主要表现在对夏半年降水强度空间分布的影响,具体表现为在700 hPa平均引导气流控制下,城市中心和下风向地区的夏半年降水强度比上风向地区增加5%~15%,最大值通常位于城市中心下游20~70 km。冬半年主要城市周围的降水量、降水时间和降水强度的空间变化都比较小,城市效应对降水分布特征没有明显的影响。长三角城市因地理位置的差异,不同城市降水的下游效应存在差别。夏半年南京、杭州、无锡、苏州、常州等城市的下风向地区比上风向地区降水强度明显增加,城市效应显著。上海和宁波受到海洋影响明显,夏半年低层海风侵入范围较广,夏季降水强度的高值中心偏向海风的下游方位,可能是受到海风环流和城市热岛环流的共同影响。距离上风城市较近的镇江等城市,降水强度的分布受到上风城市降水强度下游效应的影响。  相似文献   
Large-eddy simulations of a clear convective boundary layer (CBL)and a stratocumulus-topped boundary layer are studied. Bottom-upand a top-down scalars were included in the simulations, and theprinciple of linear superposition of variables was applied toreconstruct the fields of any arbitrary conserved variable.This approach allows a systematic analysis of countergradient fluxesas a function of the flux ratio, which is defined as the ratio betweenthe entrainment flux and the surface flux of the conserved quantity.In general, the turbulent flux of an arbitrary conserved quantityis counter to the mean vertical gradient if the heights where thevertical flux and the mean vertical gradient change sign do notcoincide. The regime where the flux is countergradient is thereforebounded by the so-called zero-flux and zero-gradient heights. Becausethe vertical flux changes sign only if the entrainment flux has anopposite sign to the surface flux, countergradient fluxes arepredominantly found for negative flux ratios. In the CBL the fluxratio for the virtual potential temperature is, to a good approximation,constant, and equal to -0.2. Only if the moisture contribution to thevirtual potential temperature is negligibly small will the flux ratio forthe potential temperature be equal to this value. Otherwise, theflux ratio for the potential temperature can have any arbitrary(negative) value, and, as a consequence, the fluxes for thepotential temperature and the virtual potential temperature willbe countergradient at different heights. As a practical application ofthe results, vertical profiles of the countergradient correction termfor different entrainment-to-surface-flux ratios are discussed.  相似文献   
太原城市下垫面扩张对边界层特征影响的个例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过高分辨率卫星夜间灯光数据获取最新的城市地表分布,并利用高分辨率数值模式对2013年8月14~16日太原区域的一次高温过程进行研究,探讨城市下垫面扩张对大气边界层的影响。结果表明:基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据对模式中地表参数修正后,能够更准确地反映太原主城区和高速公路沿线小规模建筑群的扩张,有效改善了模式的预报性能,显著提高对近地面气温、地表温度的预报能力。城市下垫面的扩张,使城区夜间升温明显,热岛强度增强。与1992年的城市化状况相比,晴空天气条件下,2012年太原城区夜间气温上升5℃,热岛强度升高2~3℃。城市下垫面扩张,改变了地表能量分配关系,使得地表感热传输明显加强,潜热通量明显减弱,城市冠层作用下的储热能力增强。边界层内部湍流交换、水汽输送等的进一步研究表明:城市地表水汽输送减弱,边界层水汽含量减少,2~4 km高度的水汽含量增加,湍流动能的影响高度增高,湍流混合加剧;14:00,城区边界层高度抬高了800 m,城市上空混合层加深,持续时间更长。  相似文献   
黄土高原半干旱区异常能量闭合率特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(简称SACOL站)4 a的陆面通量数据为基础,利用普通最小二乘法(OLS)和能量平衡比率(EBR)方法,对能量平衡的异常闭合特征及其与相对垂直湍强(RIw)的关系进行了研究,并进行了能量滞后分析。结果表明,能量过闭合和负闭合现象分别主要发生在白天和夜间,大小遵从正态分布;较大异常闭合产生的原因主要是日出日落时净辐射与地表热通量接近以及降水影响造成湍流通量出现异常大值。一般来说,垂直湍流运动越强,异常闭合越少,闭合度越向1收敛,反之亦然。强湍流或极弱湍流都不利于产生异常闭合,过闭合、负闭合的最适相对垂直湍强RIw约为0.11、0.14。另外,能量支出项的相对滞后也是造成包括负闭合在内的异常闭合的原因之一。剔除湍强较弱的点或将地表热通量G0、感热H、潜热LE相位相对净辐射Rn提前30 min后,异常闭合所占比重减少;月平均EBR法过闭合度降低,OLS法闭合度提高。  相似文献   
A new scientific payload is introduced for fine-scale measurements of meteorological (wind vector, static air temperature, humidity, and air pressure) and microphysical (aerosol particles and cloud droplets) properties, suspended below a tethered balloon. The high resolution sensors and the tethered balloon are described. Measurements in a lifted fog layer from a first field campaign are presented.The detailed investigation of the fog/haze and the temperature inversion layer demonstrates the damping influence of the fog on temperature fluctuations, while thewind fluctuations are significantly decreased by theevolving temperature inversion, whichwas about 30 m above the fog layer.From spectral analysis the noise floors of the high-resolution sensors are determined to10-6 kg m-3 for the LWC (liquid water content) and 4 mK for the fast temperature sensor (UFT-B). The correlation betweentemperature and LWC structures in shallow haze layers is investigated. The release of latent heat and the corresponding warming in the haze of about 0.1 K could be quantified.  相似文献   
An analogy has been established between a plane mixing layer and the atmospheric flow near the top of a vegetation canopy. It is based on a common feature, a strong inflection in the mean velocity profile, responsible for hydrodynamical instabilities that set the pattern for the coherent eddies and determine the turbulence length scales. In an earlier study, this analogy was tested using a small data set from thirteen experiments, all in near-neutral conditions. It provided a good prediction of the streamwise spacing w of the dominant canopy eddies (evaluated from time series of vertical velocity) that appears to depend on a shear length scale Ls = U(h)/U'(h), where h is canopy height, U is mean velocity and U' the vertical gradient dU/dz. The present analysis utilizes an extensive data set of approximately 700 thirty-minute runs, from six experiments on two forest sites and a maize crop, with a large range of stability conditions. w was estimated for each run using the wavelet transform as an objective, automated detection method. First, the variations of w and Ls with atmospheric stability are discussed. Neutral and unstable values exhibit a large scatter whereas in stable conditions both variables decrease with increasing stability. It is subsequently found that w is directly related to Ls, in a way close to the neutral prediction w /h = 8.1Ls/h.The Strouhal number Str = Ls /w is then shown to vary with atmospheric stability, weakly in unstable conditions, more significantly in stable conditions. Altogether these results suggest that, to some extent, the plane mixing-layer analogy can be extended to non-neutral conditions. It is argued that the primary effect of atmospheric stability, at least in stable conditions, is to modify the shear length scale Ls through changes in U(h) and U'(h), which in turn determines the streamwise spacing of the active, coherent motions.  相似文献   
冬、夏季青藏高原地面加热场激发的500hPa遥相关型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李超 《高原气象》1994,13(2):122-127
本文用青藏高原地面加热场强度来表征高原的加热状况,并用统计的方法,分析了冬季(2月)和夏季(7月)青藏高原地面加热场强度与同期500hPa位势高度的遥相关关系,得到如下结论:冬季高原地面加热场可激发北半球500hPa产生遥相关型,这种遥相关型可看成是二维Rossby波列由低纬向东北方向传播;夏季高原地面加热场可激发北半球500hPa产生类似于EU型的遥相关,这种遥相关型可看成二维Rossby波列由  相似文献   
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