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DEM Compression Based on Integer Wavelet Transform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DEM data is an important component of spatial database in GIS. The data volume is so huge that compression is necessary. Wavelet transform has many advantages and has become a trend in data compression. Considering the simplicity and high efficiency of the compression system, integer wavelet transform is applied to DEM and a simple coding algorithm with high efficiency is introduced. Experiments on a variety of DEM are carried out and some useful rules are presented at the end of this paper.  相似文献   
Fluvial styles recorded by the uppermost part of the Neoproterozoic ‘Rivieradal sandstones' succession of eastern North Greenland reflect variations in rate of generated accommodation space and possibly climatic changes. Three facies associations, arranged in two genetic sequences, are recognised within the succession. The lower sequence initially records little available accommodation space. A high degree of reworking results in sheet-like, high-energy, bed-load-dominated, braided river deposits lacking recurrent facies patterns. As accommodation space increases upwards through the sequence, reduction in reworking is recorded by the development of fining- and thickening-upward muddy fluvial cycles. Evidence of desiccation or prolonged periods of drought are absent within the deposits and climate was probably relatively humid. Channel deposits in the lower sequence reflect mixed-load, braided fluvial systems with stable channel banks and floodplains, and the gradient appears to have been low to moderate. These features are generally considered favourable for the establishment of meandering river systems, but channels, nevertheless, retained an overall braided character and their deposits show no evidence of meandering. Despite indications of a climatic setting without significant periods of drought sediments indicate that large fluctuations in discharge occurred within the mixed-load streams and this is suggested to be the main cause for the absence of meandering. The swift and rather dramatic response of the fluvial systems to changes in precipitation, probably resulted from rapid runoff rates caused by the absence of vegetation. The upper sequence shows an initial return to shallow, sandy braided river deposition recording little available accommodation space. A subsequent increase in the rate of generated accommodation space is indicated by the presence of alternating sheet sandstones and sand-streaked mudstones with abundant desiccation cracks. The sheet sandstones show evidence of high-energy, unconfined ephemeral fluvial flash-flood deposition, while the mudstones are interpreted to represent muddy floodplain deposits. The change in fluvial style, combined with the widespread evidence of desiccation, suggest an evolution towards a more semi-arid climate in the upper sequence. This climatic change could account for the reduced clastic input seen in the overlying marine succession which culminated in carbonate platform deposition. The present study suggests that even under conditions considered favourable for the formation of meandering streams, these will rarely occur in Proterozoic deposits due to the lacking influence of vegetation. Although meandering deposits cannot be ruled out as having formed in pre-vegetational times, the conditions for their formation appear to have been even more restricted than previously realised.  相似文献   
Inversely graded stratification, generated by the migration of wind ripples, and adhesion structures permit unequivocal identification of Precambrian eolianites. These criteria, in combination with scale of cross-beds, angle of inclination of foresets, geometry of depositional units, and associated non-eolian facies, are used to discriminate between Precambrian dune/draa, dune-plinth, sand-sheet, and interdune deposits that formed in inland and coastal settings. Based on an analysis of published literature, fundamental conclusions can be drawn on the spatial and temporal distribution of Precambrian eolianites. The oldest reported eolianites are from the ca. 2.1 Ga Deweras Group in Zimbabwe and Hurwitz Group in Canada and numerous examples of eolianites are reported from the 1.8 Ga and younger rock record. Lack of Archean and early Paleoproterozoic eolianites and their widespread development after 1.8 Ga are examined with respect to: absence of vegetation, crustal growth and tectonic setting, relative sea-level fluctuations, unfavorable atmospheric and/or climatic change, and non-recognition. The lack of pre-2.2 Ga eolianites may be related to reworking by braided rivers combing across non-vegetated floodplains, reworking of coastal eolianites during transgression or their non-recognition in the Early Precambrian record. The temporal concentration of eolianites at 1.8 Ga may best be related to the early stages of breakup and the assembly phases of supercontinents.  相似文献   
This paper presents a three‐dimensional elastoplastic constitutive model for predicting the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils. It is based on experimental results obtained from a series of controlled‐suction triaxial tests on unsaturated compacted clay with different initial densities. Hydraulic hysteresis in the water‐retention behaviour is modelled as an elastoplastic process, with the elastic part modelled by a series of scanning curves and the elastoplastic part modelled by the main drying and wetting curves. The effect of void ratio on the water‐retention behaviour is studied using data obtained from controlled‐suction wetting–drying cyclic tests on unsaturated compacted clay with different initial densities. The effect of the degree of saturation on the stress–strain‐strength behaviour and the effect of void ratio on the water‐retention behaviour are considered in the model, as is the effect of suction on the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour. The initial density dependency of the compacted soil behaviour is modelled by experimental relationships between the initial density and the corresponding yield stress and, thereby, between the initial density and the normal compression line. The model is generalized to three‐dimensional stress states by assuming that the shapes of the failure and yield surfaces in the deviatoric stress plane are given by the Matsuoka–Nakai criterion. Model predictions of the stress–strain and water‐retention behaviour are compared with those obtained from triaxial tests with different initial densities under isotropic compression, triaxial compression and triaxial extension, with or without variation in suction. The comparisons indicate that the model accurately predicts the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated compacted soils with different initial densities using the same material constant. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
By carrying out triaxial unloading test under different stress paths on rock, the complete stress-strain curves, deformation characteristics and its strength criterion are studied. The test results show that the relation between lateral strain and confining pressure firstly is linear, and then is nonlinear in the total stage of unloading confining pressure. And its growth rate is about 3 to 5 times the growth rate of the axial strain. It shows obvious lateral dilatancy, and the degree of dilatancy is related to the unloading path. According to the area that is enclosed by confining pressure and volumetric strain curve, it can be seen that the greater the confining pressure is before unloading, the more the energy releases. Deformation modulus decreases gradually with the unloading confining pressure, and increases with the initial confining pressure; the relation between deformation modulus and confining pressure shows negative exponential distribution overall. At the same unloading paths, the reduction of the deformation modulus increases with the increase of initial confining pressure. The Poisson's ratio rises up continually, and the variation law with the confining pressure can be well described by nonlinear. Failure characteristics of rock are mainly shear failure. The strength characteristics of rock can be well characterized by using the Mohr strength criterion of power function. These conclusions provide reliable theoretical reference and guiding significance for the deep mining of the underground metal mine.  相似文献   
动三轴采集的试验数据点(剪应变与动剪模量和阻尼比之间)具有离散性和有限性,为方便应用需要对数据点进行拟合,但现有经验公式不一定很好吻合试验数据。为得到不同剪应变与对应的动剪模量和阻尼比之间的关系,本文利用最小二乘原理,对渤海某海洋平台地基土进行动三轴试验获得的动剪模量、阻尼比与剪切应变的数据进行了分段多项式的拟合。数据处理过程是先对剪应变值进行了压缩处理,然后再分段低次多项式拟合,得到多项式拟合参数。通过此项改进解决了正规方程解中的病态问题,且拟合效果良好。  相似文献   
The local pore spaces in granular materials tend to be aligned parallel to the major principal stress direction upon particle mobilization. Manifestation of this response has been numerically validated in our previous studies with the aid of discrete element method modeling and image processing techniques during creep and shearing. We now extend the modeling of pore geometry, constructed with spherical particles, to assemblies of particle clumps. Two-dimensional simulations are performed for both loose and dense assemblies of spherical particles and particle clumps. Each particle packing is bound by rigid or flexible walls and subjected to biaxial compression and the particle mobilization effect on the evolution of pore orientation is explored. Randomly shaped pores surrounded by adjacent particles are geometrically quantified by Delaunay tessellation and fitted with ellipses. Results show that localization is apparent in dense assemblies, in particular for clumped particle packing, while loose assemblies exhibit diffusive failure. Small pores within well-defined shear bands tend to align either parallel to the direction of the shear band or perpendicular to the major principal stress. On the other hand, small pores within the blocks and large pores have a tendency to become elongate towards the major principal stress direction. This study reveals for the first time that pore orientation is dependent upon particle shape, pore size, and assembly conditions on the pore and global scales.  相似文献   
在分析卫星海洋遥感单轨三级数据产品特征的基础上,针对游程编码无损压缩算法特征,提出了优化游程编码压缩算法,运用该算法实现了海洋遥感三级数据产品的无损压缩,并与流行的WinRAR压缩软件进行了比较测试,结果表明上述算法对海洋遥感数据均有较高的压缩率,优化游程编码压缩算法在空间复杂度及时间复杂度上均有明显的比较优势,可极大节约海洋遥感数据的存储与共享发布空间。  相似文献   
基于朗格缪尔模型、菲克第二扩散定律和达西定律,综合考虑重力和气体压缩效应的影响,推导出描述煤层气和水渗流规律的基本偏微分方程组(并给出定解条件),且利用有限差分法对该数学模型进行了数值求解。计算结果表明,该模型能够有效模拟煤层气水平井的生产动态。通过对比是否考虑非稳态扩散和气体压缩效应时不同裂隙渗透率下的产气动态可知,忽略非稳态扩散和压缩效应,将人为缩短达到气体峰值产量的时间,增大产气峰值;将降低气体膨胀能,低估气井后期产能。煤岩裂隙渗透率越高,气井产能受渗透率回归效应影响越大,峰值产量的持续时间越短且产量下降速度快。因此在煤层气藏开采过程中,应根据气井的产气动态调整井底流压,建立合理的储层压力系统,以降低渗透率回归效应带来的不利影响。  相似文献   
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