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1. IntroductionMany projects and experiments of rain enhancement are carried out abroad. Most seeded cloud bodies are the convective or topographic clouds. The seeding agents are usually released near their bases and brought into the clouds by the updrafts. Whether the seeding material can reach the areas where cloud liquid water presents is emphasized. Tzivion et al.(1989) demonstrated that effective dispersal of seeding material strongly depends on the seeding altitude and the stage (time) …  相似文献   
水资源的优化配置是现代水资源规划和管理的重要内容,它主要解决水资源分布与生产力不相适应的问题。作者应用水资源优化配置模型,计算了在南水北调背景下,华北水资源的优化调配方案。在此方案实施的条件下,华北地区中长期的缺水问题将基本上得到解决,且经济仍能保证安全高速发展。  相似文献   
颜玲  周玉淑  刘宣飞 《大气科学》2017,41(2):289-301
利用NCEP/NCAR(美国国家环境预报中心/国家大气研究中心)的全球预报系统(GFS)再分析资料、欧洲气象中心(ERA-interim)资料以及中国气象局观测站点的实况降水观测结合CMORPH卫星反演降水资料,对2014年第10号台风Matmo生成后西北行并登陆台湾及福建过程中的特征进行了分析,揭示出Matmo移动路径主要受西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高)外围引导气流影响。动、热力物理量场分析表明,Matmo在登陆福建前后,福建上空一直维持深厚的涡旋结构,福建东南部上空的上升区与台湾海峡及福建西部附近的下沉运动区形成明显的垂直环流圈。同时,南海上空有明显的西南急流(风速大于16 m s-1),Matmo的水汽来源主要有两条,分别为孟加拉湾和南海以及西太副高南侧。充足的水汽输送及低层水汽辐合抬升有利于Matmo登陆后的强降水发生和维持。Matmo登陆福建后仍然保持低层辐合、高层辐散,有利于持续暴雨的发生。Matmo登陆福建期间始终处于风速垂直切变小值区(小于9 m s-1)中,环境风速的弱垂直切变有利于Matmo暖心结构及高空辐散形势的维持,是Matmo在登陆后依然能维持自身强度不衰减的原因之一。  相似文献   
The simultaneous measurements of NO, NO2 and HNOA mixing‐ratio profiles carried out on the Stratoprobe balloon flight of 22 July 1974 have been simulated with a time‐dependent model using the measured temperature and ozone profiles. The calculated ratios of NO/NO2, HNO3/NO2 using currently accepted photochemistry are consistent with the measured ratios within the experimental errors of the measurements. The measured NO2/NO ratio is almost a factor of two smaller than predicted, although the discrepancy is still within the experimental errors. A remarkable proportionality in the NO2 and O3 profiles has been noted and is unexplained. A time‐dependent simulation has been employed to convert the measurements into diurnally‐averaged profiles suitable for intercomparison with two‐dimensional stratospheric models and a comparison with constituent profiles from Prinn et al. (1975) is carried out as an example. The NOV mixing ratio, formed from the sum of the NO, NO2 and HNO2 measurements is similar to the NOV mixing ratio from several one‐ and two‐dimensional models used to predict the effects of SST's on the ozone layer. The odd nitrogen mixing ratio is roughly constant from 20 to 35 km at 11 ppbv.  相似文献   
2013年1月安徽持续性霾天气成因分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
2013年1月安徽霾天气具有范围广、持续时间长、能见度低等特点。利用合肥、安庆、阜阳2009~2013年1月地面常规资料、高分辨率探空资料,结合轨迹分析和聚类分析,讨论了2013年1月安徽霾天气频发的原因。结果表明:低风速、高湿度不能解释2013年1月霾天气增多、增强的现象。大气层结稳定、接地逆温偏多、偏厚,可部分解释这次霾天气增多现象。边界层中上部输送条件的变化也不能解释2013年1月霾天气增多现象,但近地层输送条件的变化能较好地解释2013年1月霾天气增多现象,如偏东北来向的轨迹组对应着最低的能见度,且2013年1月各地最低能见度对应的轨迹组所占比例(或与次低能见度的轨迹组所占比例之和)在历年中最高。因此,大气层结稳定、近地层偏东北来向气团较多是2013年1月安徽各地能见度偏低、霾天气偏多的主要原因。  相似文献   
Turbulent mixing induces variability in concentration that is important in many applications, such as reactive plumes, risk assessments or odour impact analyses (when the effects can have time scales on the order of a second). In urban canopies, the variability may be modified by the presence of buildings. Our purpose is to study concentration fluctuation variance in built-up areas using an Eulerian approach. We performed numerical simulations with the computational fluid dynamics model Mercure_Saturne, which is a three-dimensional model adapted to atmospheric flow and pollutant dispersion. We use a k − ϵ turbulence closure and predict the concentration variance with a transport equation model. The model performance is evaluated with the near-full scale experiment MUST (Mock Urban Setting Test), a field experiment conducted in Utah’s West Desert Test Center. The modelled root-mean-square of the concentration fluctuations is compared to measurements for 20 of the MUST trials. The model shows good agreement with the measurements, with the fraction of predictions within a factor of two of observations of 60.1%, with better results for horizontal lines of detectors than for the detectors on vertical masts (with fractions of predictions within a factor of two of observations of respectively 66.4% and 52.6%). The influence of different parameters on the fluctuation variance is also studied and we show the importance of taking into account the stability of the stratification when modelling the turbulent kinetic energy.  相似文献   
Dispersion estimates with a Gaussian plume model are often incorrect because of particle settling (β), deposition (γ) or the vertical gradient in diffusivity (K v (z) = K 0μz). These “non-Gaussian” effects, and the interaction between them, can be evaluated with a new Hankel/Fourier method. Due to the deepening of the plume downwind and reduced vertical concentration gradients, these effects become more important at greater distance from the source. They dominate when distance from the source exceeds L β = K 0 U/β 2, L γ  = K 0 U/γ 2 and L μ = K 0 U/μ 2 respectively. In this case, the ratio β/μ plays a central role and when β/μ = 1/2 the effects of settling and K gradient exactly cancel. A general computational method and several specific closed form solutions are given, including a new dispersion relation for the case when all three non-Gaussian effects are strong. A more general result is that surface concentration scales as C(x) ~ γ −2 whenever deposition is strong. Categorization of dispersion problems using β/μ, L γ and L μ is proposed.  相似文献   
It has been argued that the decay rates of several radioactive nuclides are slightly lower at Earth’s aphelion than at perihelion, and that this effect might depend on heliocentric distance. It might then be expected that nuclear decay rates be considerably lower at larger distances from the sun, e.g., in the asteroid belt at 2–3 AU from where most meteorites originate. If so, ages of meteorites obtained by analyses of radioactive nuclides and their stable daughter isotopes might be in error, since these ages are based on decay rates determined on Earth. Here we evaluate whether the large data base on nuclear cosmochronology offers any hint for discrepancies which might be due to radially variable decay rates. Chlorine-36 (t1/2 = 301,000 a) is produced in meteorites by interactions with cosmic rays and is the nuclide for which a decay rate dependence from heliocentric distance has been proposed, which, in principle, can be tested with our approach and the current data base. We show that compilations of 36Cl concentrations measured in meteorites offer no support for a spatially variable 36Cl decay rate. For very short-lived cosmic-ray produced radionuclides (half-lives < 10–100 days), the concentration should be different for meteorites hitting the Earth on the incoming vs. outgoing part of their orbit. However, the current data base of very short-lived radionuclides in freshly fallen meteorites is far from sufficient to deduce solid constraints. Constraints on the age of the Earth and the oldest meteorite phases obtained by the U–Pb dating technique give no hints for radially variable decay rates of the α-decaying nuclides 235U or 238U. Similarly, some of the oldest phases in meteorites have U–Pb ages whose differences agree almost perfectly with respective age differences obtained with “short-lived” radionuclides present in the early solar system, again indicating no variability of uranium decay rates in different meteorite parent bodies in the asteroid belt. Moreover, the oldest U–Pb ages of meteorites agree with the main-sequence age of the sun derived from helioseismology within the formal ∼1% uncertainty of the latter. Meteorite ages also provide no evidence for a decrease of decay rates with heliocentric distance for nuclides such as 87Rb (decay mode β) 40K (β and electron capture), and 147Sm (α).  相似文献   
暴雨与非暴雨过程涡散场能量收支特征   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
段旭  孙绩华 《高原气象》1997,16(2):204-209
选取云南暴雨和非暴雨两类天气过程,分别应用人选上支方程计算了暴雨区面积-时间平均参量收以各项量值,给出了对流层整层和上(200-400hPa)中(400-600hPa)下(600-800hPa)各层涡散场动能源汇特征,同时还指出了两类天气在动能制造、能量转换等方面存在的较差异,尤其是两类天气的大多数能量收支磺符号相反  相似文献   
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