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文章通过对贵州省大方县以公鸡山地裂隙实地调查,认为地裂隙的形成主要与公鸡山一带地下采煤有关。即采煤虚脱,沿先存构造断裂拉张而成。同时叙述了地裂缝特征及危害,并提出防灾减灾措施。  相似文献   
朱艺峰  林霞  徐同成 《海洋学报》2006,28(5):101-106
实验设置了一直投喂、周期性饥饿1,2,3,4d和一直饥饿6个处理组,采用轮虫单个体培养,检验周期性饥饿对褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)实验种群特征参数的影响.结果表明:一直投喂组的生殖价最高,对轮虫种群的潜在增长最有利,随饥饿强度的增大,生殖价减小.不同处理下,轮虫个体寿命与其生殖期之间存在显著的正相关(r=0.747).轮虫在受到饥饿后,寿命略有增长,但不同处理对轮虫的平均寿命(10.8~13.1d)和生殖期(6.3~8.3d)均未达到显著差异(P>0.05).饥饿强度增大时,轮虫个体的总产幼数、总产卵量显著下降(P<0.05),产第1幼、最后1幼、第1卵、最后1卵时间显著延长(P<0.05);同时,种群参数的世代时间(T)随饥饿强度增加而增大,内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)和净生殖率(R0)却明显下降.  相似文献   
长江口外陆架区埋藏古河道研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大量高分辨率单道地震和浅地层剖面资料显示长江口外的广大海域分布着大量埋藏古河道,据区域浅层地质特征及地震相特征,可把研究区埋藏古河道断面划分为对称、不对称和复式三种类型;河道内充填的沉积物复杂多样;古河道主要存在于晚更新世晚期沉积层中。60个古河道断面串联成长180km的古长江河系以及长64km的古舟山河和长近100km的古钱塘江河两条支流河道系。长江古河道宽深比较大,盛冰期时深切81~109m,河底纵比降为0.82×10-4,平均古流量约为535.24m3/s,最大断面的古流量为20433.72m3/s。按比降-河宽法判别,当时古长江河道为辫状分汊河型。  相似文献   
Solute recycling from irrigation can be described as the process that occurs when the salt load that is extracted from irrigation wells and distributed on the fields is returned to the groundwater below irrigated surfaces by deep percolation. Unless the salt load leaves the system by means of drains or surface runoff, transfer to the groundwater will take place, sooner or later. This can lead to solute accumulation and thus to groundwater degradation, particularly in areas where extraction rates exceed infiltration rates (semi-arid and arid regions). Thus, considerable errors can occur in a predictive solute mass budget if the recycling process is not accounted for in the calculation. A method is proposed which allows direct simulation of solute recycling. The transient solute response at an extraction well is shown to be a superposition of solute mass flux contributions from n recycling cycles and is described as a function of the travel time distribution between a recycling point and a well. This leads to an expression for a transient ‘recycling source’ term in the advection–dispersion equation, which generates the effect of solute recycling. At long times, the ‘recycling source’ is a function of the local capture probability of the irrigation well and the solute mass flux captured by the well from the boundaries. The predicted concentration distribution at steady state reflects the maximum spatial concentration distribution in response to solute recycling and can thus be considered as the solute recycling potential or vulnerability of the entire domain for a given hydraulic setting and exploitation scheme. Simulation of the solute recycling potential is computationally undemanding and can therefore, for instance, be used for optimisation purposes. Also, the proposed method allows transient simulation of solute recycling with any standard flow and transport code.  相似文献   
Landform classification is one of the most important procedures in recognizing and dividing earth surface landforms. However, topographical homogeneity and differences in regional-scale landforms are often ignored by traditional pixel- and object-based landform classification methods based on digital elevation models (DEMs). In this work, a drainage basin object-based method for classifying regional-scale landforms is proposed. Drainage basins with least critical areas are first delineated from DEMs. Then, terrain derivatives of mean elevation, mean slope, drainage density, drainage depth, and terrain texture are employed to characterize the morphology of the drainage basins. Finally, a decision tree based on the topographical characteristics of the drainage basins is constructed and employed to determine the landform classification law. The experiment is validated in the landform classification of regional-scale loess areas in China. Results show that clear boundaries exist in different landforms at the regional scale. Landform type in a specific region shows significant topographical homogeneity under its specific regional geomorphological process. Classification accuracies are 87.3 and 86.3% for the field investigation and model validation, respectively. Spatial patterns of classified landforms and their proximity to sediment sources and other factors can be regarded as indicators of the evolutionary process of loess landform formation.  相似文献   
陕西大理河流域土地利用/覆被变化的水文效应   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
近年来,土地利用/覆被变化的水文效应研究已成为国际的前沿和重点。在大理河流域,LUCC(包括水土保持措施)对水循环和水量平衡产生了深远影响,该流域LUCC水文效应的研究势在必行。根据研究区1990年代三期土地利用数据分析了LUCC的时空变化特征,采用特征变量时间序列法及降水-径流模型对LUCC水文效应进行了研究。结果表明:流域土地利用类型以耕地和草地为主,近10年来,耕地和草地面积有所减少,而林地和建设用地面积持续增加;流域年径流和月径流演化过程均表现出明显的下降趋势;LUCC及水土保持具有减少流域年径流、汛期流量以及增加枯季流量的作用,相对于降水因素,人类活动对流域水文的作用占主导地位;在1990~2000年期间,主要由LUCC引起的年均径流减少量达2616.6×104 m3,占该期间实测减水总量的62.19%。  相似文献   
高铁的发展与城市密切相关,为了解中国高铁城市的体系特征,以高铁班次为基础,利用热点分析、聚类分析、相关分析、空间统计等空间分析方法对中国高铁城市进行分析。研究表明,高铁城市空间分布不均衡,集中分布在经济较为发达、人口较为密集的城市群内,城市等级呈明显的金字塔特征。全国性高铁中心城市与其他城市之间的联系具有一定的方向性,联系密度和联系强度差异较大,集聚特征较为明显。  相似文献   
非饱和含黏砂土的广义土-水特征曲线试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用非饱和土4联固结仪和非饱和三轴仪,解决了用压力板仪测试土-水特征曲线无法考虑体变、净竖向压力和净平均应力影响的问题,进行了考虑净竖向压力和净平均应力影响的土-水特征曲线研究,对未考虑净竖向压力或净平均应力的土-水特征曲线同考虑净竖向压力或净平均应力的广义土-水特征曲线的试验结果得出,净竖向压力或净平均应力是影响非饱和土土-水特征曲线的重要因素,试验结果与理论公式稳合较好,并结合非饱和理论和试验结果,拟合了可以反映净竖向压力或净平均应力影响的广义土-水特征曲线公式,与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   
室内WiFi指纹定位一般取接收信号强度定位技术RSSI信号特征的平均值作为其定位特征值,但由于室内环境的复杂性,平均值并不总能准确地反映RSSI信号特征。选取不同的RSSI信号特征值,即平均值、众数、中位数和最大值,通过实验数据比较分析不同RSSI信号特征值对WiFi室内定位精度的影响。结果表明,平均值作为RSSI信号的特征值用于指纹定位,相对于中位数、众数和最大值等特征值,其定位精度并没有改善,而且稳态环境下其定位结果不如最大值理想,为后续的研究提出一种基于RSSI不同信号特征值的融合算法奠定了基础。  相似文献   
品牌化是推进农业现代化的必由之路。兴城多宝鱼是辽宁省葫芦岛市区域特色农产品打造的一个品牌案例,其成功经验对葫芦岛区域特色农产品品牌发展具有重要借鉴意义。文章通过实地走访调查和文献查阅研究的方法,从自然条件、品牌定位、经营模式、发展战略等方面出发,对兴城多宝鱼品牌打造的成功因素进行深度把握,并为辽宁省区域特色农产品品牌发展提出建议,以期对渔业资源进行深度开发,实现特色渔业带动区域发展的目标,助力辽宁省葫芦岛港高质量发展。  相似文献   
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