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The Lewis Ponds Zn–Pb–Cu–Ag–Au deposit, located in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt, central western New South Wales, exhibits the characteristics of both volcanic-hosted massive sulphide and carbonate-hosted replacement deposits. Two stratabound massive to disseminated sulphide zones, Main and Toms, occur in a tightly folded Upper Silurian sequence of marine felsic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. They have a combined indicated resource of 5.7 Mt grading 3.5% Zn, 2.0% Pb, 0.19% Cu, 97 g/t Ag and 1.9 g/t Au. Main Zone is hosted by a thick unit of poorly sorted mixed provenance breccia, limestone-clast breccia and quartz crystal-rich sandstone, whereas Toms Zone occurs in the overlying siltstone. Pretectonic carbonate–chalcopyrite–pyrite and quartz–pyrite stringer veins occur in the footwall porphyritic dacite, south of Toms Zone. Strongly sheared dolomite–chalcopyrite–pyrrhotite veins directly underlie the Toms massive sulphide lens. The mineralized zones consist predominantly of pyrite, sphalerite and galena. Paragenetically early framboidal, dendritic and botryoidal pyrite aggregates and tabular pyrrhotite pseudomorphs of sulphate occur throughout the breccia and sandstone beds that host Main Zone, but are rarely preserved in the annealed massive sulphide in Toms Zone. Main and Toms zones are associated with a semi-conformable hydrothermal alteration envelope, characterized by texturally destructive chlorite-, dolomite- and quartz-rich assemblages. Dolomite, chlorite, quartz, calcite and sulphides have selectively replaced breccia and sandstone beds in the Main Zone host sequence, whereas the underlying porphyritic dacite is weakly sericite altered. Vuggy and botryoidal textures resulted from partial dissolution of the dolomite-altered sedimentary rocks and unimpeded growth of base metal sulphides, carbonate and quartz into open cavities. The intense chlorite-rich alteration assemblage, underlying Toms Zone, grades outward into a weak pervasive sericite–quartz assemblage with distance from the massive sulphide lens. Limestone clasts and hydrothermal dolomite at Lewis Ponds are enriched in light carbon and oxygen isotopes. The dolomite yielded 13CVPDB values of –11 to +1 and 18OVSMOW values of 6 to 16. Liquid–vapour fluid inclusions in the dolomite have low salinities (1.4–7.7 equiv. wt% NaCl) and homogenization temperatures (166–232°C for 1,000 m water depth). Dolomitization probably involved fluid mixing or fluid–rock interactions between evolved heated seawater and the limestone-bearing facies, prior to and during mineralization. 34SVCDT values range from 2.0 to 5.0 in the massive sulphide and 3.9 to 7.4 in the footwall carbonate–chalcopyrite–pyrite stringer veins, indicating that the hydrothermal fluid may have contained mamgatic sulphur and a component of partially reduced seawater. The sulphide mineral assemblages at Lewis Ponds are consistent with moderate to strongly reduced conditions during diagenesis and mineralization. Low temperature dolomitization of limestone-bearing facies in the Main Zone host sequence created secondary porosity and provided a reactive host for fluid-rock interactions. Main Zone formed by lateral fluid flow and sub-seafloor replacement of the poorly sorted breccia and sandstone beds. Base metal sulphide deposition probably resulted from dissolution of dolomite, fluid mixing and increased fluid pH. Pyrite, sphalerite and galena precipitated from a relatively low temperature, 150–250°C hydrothermal fluid. In contrast, Toms Zone was emplaced into fine-grained sediment at or near the seafloor, above a zone of focused up-flowing hydrothermal fluids. Copper-rich assemblages were deposited in the Toms Zone footwall and massive sulphide lenses in Main and Toms zones as the hydrothermal system intensified. During the D1 deformation, fracture-controlled fluids within the Lewis Ponds fault zone and adjacent footwall volcanic succession remobilized sulphides into syntectonic quartz veins. Lewis Ponds is a rare example of a synvolcanic sub-seafloor hydrothermal system developed within fossiliferous limestone-bearing facies. The close spatial association between limestone, hydrothermal dolomite, massive sulphide and dacite provides a basis for new exploration targets elsewhere in New South Wales.Editorial handling: D. Lentz  相似文献   
The Yagan area of the southernmost Sino–Mongolian border is characterized by an extensional structure where a large metamorphic core complex (Yagan–Onch Hayrhan) and voluminous granitoids are exposed. New isotopic age data indicate that the granitoids, which were previously regarded as Paleozoic in age, were emplaced in early and late Mesozoic times. The early Mesozoic granitoids have 228±7 Ma U–Pb zircon age, and consist of linear mylonitic quartz monzonites and biotite monzogranites. Their chemical compositions are similar to those of potassic granites and shoshonitic series, and show an intraplate and post-collisional environment in tectonic discrimination diagrams. Their fabrics reveal that they experienced syn-emplacement extensional deformation. All these characteristics suggest that the adjustment, thinning and extensional deformation at middle to lower crustal levels might have occurred in the early Mesozoic. The late Mesozoic granitoids have a U–Pb zircon age of 135±2 Ma, and are made up of large elliptical granitic plutons. They are high-K calc-alkaline, and were forcefully emplaced in the dome extensional setting. Both the early and late Mesozoic granitoids have Nd (t) values of −2.3 to +5, in strong contrast with the negative Nd (t) values (−11) of the Precambrian host rocks. This suggests that juvenile mantle-derived components were involved in the formation of the granitoids. The similar situation is omnipresent in Central Asia. This study demonstrates that tectonic extension, magmatism and crustal growth are closely related, and that post-collisional and intraplate magmatism was probably a significant process for continental growth in the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   
本文对秦岭群典型分布区西峡北部一个遭受高级变质作用的碎屑沉积岩样品(黑云斜长片麻岩)进行了锆石年代学研究。阴极发光图像显示锆石普遍具有核-边结构。在U-Pb年龄谐和图上数据点分散分布,年龄变化范围为>3.0Ga到~400Ma。结合以往研究,获得如下结论和认识:(1)秦岭群变质沉积岩的变质原岩形成于古元古代之后,其中一些可能形成于中元古代晚期甚至更晚,原秦岭群是由不同时代地质体组成,需进一步解体; (2)锆石特征表明,岩石遭受加里东期强烈变质,变质作用经历了高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相向角闪岩相的转变过程;(3)秦岭造山带及邻区存在长期复杂的早期演化历史。  相似文献   
基于改进的SFA模型对长江经济带108个城市2004—2016年的绿色创新效率与生态治理绩效值进行测度,借助耦合协调模型及探索性空间数据分析法对两系统的耦合协调度和时空分异特征进行分析,进而运用PVAR模型考察其响应关系。结果表明:①2004—2016年两系统整体处于初级协调阶段,未来仍有较大提升空间;空间上自东向西梯度递减,高协调区集中在东部城市;②两系统的耦合协调度具有空间正关联性,低-低集聚城市数多于高-高集聚,协调发展领先城市对周边城市的辐射带动作用较弱;③生态治理绩效对绿色创新效率响应较弱,而绿色创新效率对生态治理绩效响应则较强,且二者均对自身依赖较强,未来优化其互动机制应是长江经济带高质量发展的重点。  相似文献   


Several temperature–depth profiles recorded at Pipe Mine, 32 km southwest of Thompson, Manitoba, in central Canada, exhibit a marked departure from the equilibrium gradient. These profiles could be interpreted as indicating strong warming (up to 4.5 K) of the ground surface during the last 200 years. All the temperature profiles at Pipe Mine show perturbations stronger than at the others sites in the Thompson Nickel Belt. Temperature profiles recorded near the town of Thompson show a moderate warming (≈1–2 K) trend, while temperature profiles at Soab, 45 km southwest of Pipe Mine, indicate very moderate cooling (≈0.5 K). There was little human activity in this part of Manitoba before the development of the mining camp of Thompson in the late 1950s. Our study shows the variability of ground surface temperature histories at a very local scale (i.e. <1 km) with much stronger signals at some of the Pipe Mine drill holes than at others. These holes are located within 500 m of the highway and a power line built after 1955, at ≈3 km from the now abandoned open pit mine. The ground surface temperature history (GSTH) obtained by the inversion of Pipe Mine temperature profiles suggests that a recent (50 years) and strong (≈1–2 K) ground surface warming is superimposed on a 1–2 K warming trend that started 200 years ago, without any indication of a cold (little ice ages) episode before. The recent warming (40 years) at Pipe Mine is only a local effect and is likely to be related to the presence of the highway. Before 1960, the ground surface temperature history for Pipe is similar to other sites in the Thompson region. Ground surface temperature histories from other profiles within and near the city of Thompson seem less affected by environmental perturbations and their trends are parallel to that of the meteorological records in the Canadian Prairies.  相似文献   
山东临朐、昌乐地区晚第三纪火山地貌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东临朐、昌乐地区是渤海盆地南缘,郯庐断裂带中段西侧晚第三纪火山地貌集中分布的地区之一。本文对区内火山地貌类型和地貌发育过程作了重点探讨。  相似文献   
辽宁省地槽区的志留系—奥陶系分布于辽宁省北部,奥陶系称下二台群,由下向上分为盘岭组、黄顶子组、烧锅屯组;分布于辽宁省西部的奥陶系称明安山群。志留系下统为巴林桥组,中统为晒勿苏组。下二台群是一套变质的火山岩系夹正常海相沉积层,火山岩的岩石化学成分及岩石结构与甘肃白银厂早古生代火山岩相似。在火山岩系中已发现有多处铜、金矿点,显然辽宁省北部下二台群是寻找铜、金、银的理想地区。  相似文献   
Abstract Metre-scale amphibolite boudins in the Cheyenne Belt of south-eastern Wyoming are cut and deformed by shear zones which preserve a full strain transition across 7 cm, from relatively undeformed amphibolite with a relict igneous texture to mylonitic amphibolite with an L-S tectonic fabric. The strain transition is marked by the progressive rotation of amphibole + plagioclase aggregates into parallelism with the shear-zone boundary. An increase in strain magnitude is indicated by development of the tectonic fabric and progressive reduction of amphibole and plagioclase grain size as a result of cataclasis. Bulk chemistry of five samples across a single strain transition shows no significant or systematic variation in major element chemistry except for a minor loss of SiO2, which indicates that the shear zone was a system essentially closed to non-volatile components during metamorphism and deformation. Amphibolites throughout the shear zone consist of amphibole and plagioclase with only minor amounts of quartz, chlorite, epidote, titanite and ilmenite. Within the relatively undeformed amphibolite, amphibole and plagioclase have wide compositional ranges in single thin sections. Amphibole compositions vary from actinolitic hornblende to magnesio-hornblende with increases in Al, Fe, Na and K contents and decreases in Si and Mg that can be modelled as progress along tschermakite, edenite and FeMg-1 exchange vectors from tremolite. Plagioclase ranges from An60 in cores to An30 within grain-boundary domains. With increasing strain magnitude, local variation of amphibole composition decreases as amphibole becomes predominantly magnesio-hornblende. Plagioclase composition range also decreases, although grain-boundary domains still have higher albite content. These petrological data indicate that shear-zone metamorphism was controlled by the magnitude of strain during synmetamorphic deformation. SEM and microprobe imaging indicate that chemical reactions occurred by a dissolution and reprecipitation process during or after cataclastic deformation. This suggests that grain-boundary formation was an important process in the petrological evolution of the shear zone, possibly by providing zones for fluid ingress to facilitate metamorphic reactions. These results highlight the necessity for conducting detailed microstructural evaluation of rocks in order to interpret petrological, isotopic and geochronological data.  相似文献   
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