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Ken–ichi  Kano 《Island Arc》1995,4(1):69-87
Abstract The Waipapa Terrane in northern North Island, New Zealand, is a Mesozoic accretion-ary complex formed along the Gondwana margin. It contains abundant melange rocks with distinctive characteristics. Precise analyses of their mesoscopic fabrics in Waiheke Island near Auckland have revealed the following sequence of deformation. The earliest phase of deformation of the sandstone/mudstone association, which is the main constituent of this terrane, originated by chaotic mixing of sand and mud due to liquidization of water-saturated, poorly consolidated sediments. The second phase was characterized by hydrofracturing and subsequent forceful injection of ductile mud into rather brittle sand. Local intrusions of sand forming dykes and sills followed these events, as well as intrusions of pelagic/hemipelagic green argillite originally underlying the sandstone/mudstone association. An abundant occurrence of these mixing and multi-stage injection/intrusion fabrics strongly suggest that the Waipapa Terrane around the study area was a site of high pore-fluid pressure. Scaly-foliated melange fabrics with monoclinic symmetry, originating from layer-parallel shearing, were then locally superimposed on the pre-existing melange fabrics. Similar scaly-foliated fabrics also developed in the chert beds originally intercalated between the green argillite and the uppermost part of the oceanic crust. These scaly fabrics might have been related to the regional stacking and juxtaposition of the accreted sediments. The sequence and variation in style of deformation forming the melange fabrics presumably reflected changes in porosity and state of compaction of accreted sediments in a shallow tectonic level.  相似文献   
The Linzizong Group (64–44 Ma) of the Lhasa Terrane in Tibet is critically positioned for establishing the paleoposition of the southern leading edge of the Asian continent during Paleogene times and constraining onset of the India–Asia collision. Here we report paleomagnetic results from a collection comprising 384 drill-core samples from 34 sites embracing all three formations of this group. Comprehensive demagnetization and field tests isolate characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRM) summarized by overall tilt-corrected formation-mean directions of D = 183.6°, I = −12.4° (α95 = 8.1°) for the Dianzhong (64–60 Ma), D = 1.0°, I = 18.1° (α95 = 8.1°) for the Nianbo (60–50 Ma), and D = 12.4°, I = 23.2° (α95 = 7.3°) for the Pana (50–44 Ma). Fold tests are positive in each formation suggesting a pre-folding origin and we interpret the magnetizations as quasi-primary and acquired at, or slightly later than, formation of the Linzizong Group. Revised Paleogene paleopoles with Ar–Ar age constraints for the Lhasa Terrane indicate that onset of the India–Asia collision occurred no later than ∼60.5 ± 1.5 Ma at a low paleolatitude of ∼10°N. Analysis of 60 site-mean observations from a range of studies of the Pana Formation in the higher part of the succession highlight a large dispersion of ChRM directions; a number of possible causes are suggested but further study of this formation over a wider area is required to resolve this issue.  相似文献   

In its type area around Narooma, the Narooma Terrane in the Lachlan Orogen comprises the Wagonga Group, which consists of the Narooma Chert overlain by the argillaceous Bogolo Formation. Conodonts indicate that the lower, largely massive (ribbon chert) part of the Narooma Chert ranges in age from mid-Late Cambrian to Darriwilian-Gisbornian (late Middle to early Late Ordovician). The upper Narooma Chert consists of shale, containing Eastonian (Late Ordovician) graptolites, interbedded with chert. Where not deformed by later faulting, the boundary between the Narooma Chert and Bogolo Formation is gradational. At map scale, the Narooma Terrane consists of a stack of imbricate thrust slices caught between two thrust faults that juxtaposed the terrane against the coeval Adaminaby Superterrane in Early Silurian time. These slices are best defined where Narooma Chert is thrust over Bogolo Formation. The soles of such slices contain multiply foliated chert. Late extensional shear bands indicate a strike-slip component to the faulting. The Narooma Terrane, with chert overlain by muddy ooze, is interpreted to be an oceanic terrane that accumulated remote from land for ~50 million years. The upward increase in the terrigenous component at the top of the Wagonga Group (shale, argillite, siltstone and sandstone of the upper Narooma Chert and Bogolo Formation) records approach of the terrane to the Australian sector of the Gondwana margin. Blocks of chert, argillite and sandstone reflect extensional/strike-slip disruption of the terrane as it approached the transform trench along the Gondwana-proto-Pacific plate boundary. Blocks of basalt and basalt breccia represent detritus from a seamount that was also entering the trench. There is no evidence that the Narooma Terrane or the adjacent Adaminaby Group formed in an accretionary prism/ subduction complex.  相似文献   
Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is investigated in samples of Peralimala (PM) pluton (ca. 550 Ma) and adjacent gneiss, gabbro, mylonite and amphibolite from the Moyar Shear Zone (MSZ), Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) with an aim to decipher the time-relationship between fabric development in the pluton and regional tectonics. Magnetic foliation recorded in the PM pluton is sub-parallel to the WNW-ESE striking MSZ. Magnetic foliation and lineation trajectories are sigmoidal and curve into the shear zone. A dextral sense of shear is deciphered from the trajectories, which is similar to that reported within the MSZ in some earlier studies. It is inferred that the PM pluton has developed post-emplacement deformation-fabric related to reactivation of the MSZ during Pan-African age. Based on the data and existing information about regional tectonics of the area, the possibility of the (a) PM pluton being a Deformed Alkali Rock and Carbonatite (DARC) and (b) MSZ marking an ancient suture zone, is discussed.  相似文献   
青藏高原北缘前寒武纪地质演化:进展与讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原北缘前寒武纪块体主要出露于塔里木盆地南缘的铁克里克和阿尔金、祁连山及柴达木盆地周缘等地区。这些古老块体分布于相对年轻的古生代秦祁昆造山带之中,大多经历了古生代造山事件的改造叠加。近10年来,对该地区前寒武纪地层时代格架、物质组成和构造属性研究取得了许多进展:1)揭示铁克里克、北阿尔金、全吉和阿拉善地块具有相似的2.5~2.2 Ga、2.1~1.7 Ga的基底演化和1.7 Ga之后的盖层沉积记录,反映塔里木克拉通、全吉地块和华北克拉通在Columbia 超大陆中具有相关和相似性。2)一系列地层时代被重新厘定,为建立新的前寒武纪地层划分方案提供了依据;3)厘定出铁克里克新元古代裂谷火山—沉积盆地,其可以与华北克拉通南缘1 000~830 Ma的裂解事件对比,它们在新元古代早期可能构成同一个克拉通裂解边缘;4)在南阿尔金与祁连、柴达木等地块识别出性质相似的新元古代岩浆作用和变质作用,它们可能共同代表一个新元古代早期活动大陆边缘的构造杂岩,为古生代汇聚、增生于塔里木克拉通或华北克拉通南缘的外来地块,存在于秦祁昆造山带之中。目前关于青藏高原北缘前寒武纪块体的物质组成、时代格架、构造属性和古环境变化研究还存在许多问题,仍需要开展进一步的大量工作。  相似文献   
The Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt along the east coast of India shares a thrusted lower contact with the surrounding cratons. The thrust, known as the Terrane Boundary shear zone, is associated with two large lateral ramps resulting in a curved outline on the northwestern corner of the mobile belt. The Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt is divided into two lithotectonic units, the Lathore Group and the Turekela Group, based on their lithological assemblages and deformational history. On the basis of published data from a Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile of the Eastern Ghats crust, the Terrane Boundary Shear Zone is considered to be listric in nature and acts as the sole thrust between craton and mobile belt. The Lathore and Turekela Groups are nappes. With this structural configuration the NW part is described as a fold thrust belt. However, the thrusting postdates folding and granulite metamorphism that occurred in the Eastern Ghats, as in the Caledonide type of fold thrust belt of NW Scotland. The Terrane Boundary Shear Zone is interpreted to be contiguous with the Rayner-Napier boundary of the Enderby Land in a Gondwana assembly.  相似文献   
The Bikou volcanic terrane is predominated by subalkaline tholeiitic lavas. Rock samples display lower initial ratios of Sr and Nd, 0.701248-0.704413 and 0.511080-0.512341 respectively. 207Pb and 208Pb are significantly enriched in the lavas. Most samples have positive εNd, which indicates that the magma was derived from EM-type mantle source, while a few samples with negative εNd indicate that there was contamination in the magma evolution. Magma differentiation is demonstrated by variations of LREE and LILE from depletion to enrichment. Additionally, normalized REE patterns and trace elements showed that lavas from the Bikou volcanic terrane have similar characteristics to those of basalts in arc settings caused by subduction and collision. Analyses showed that the Bikou volcanic terrane is a volcanic arc. New evidence proved that the Hengdan Group, north of the Bikou arc, is a turbidite terrane filling a forearc basin. Consequently, the Bikou volcanic terrane and the Hengdan turbidite terrane const  相似文献   
滇西南南段组和拉巴群地质时代及构造背景   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
南段组和拉巴群出露于昌宁-孟连构造带内,是临沧地体的组成部分。通过南畔、阿里、南段、海邦和团结吊桥剖面研究,拉巴群可分为5个岩性段,归上石炭统至二叠系,南段组属下石炭统。临沧地体为一稳定的微陆块,二叠纪晚期增生到澜沧江岛弧的西缘。  相似文献   
Geological studies indicate that the southeastern Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, located in the southeastern Zagros Orogenic Belt, is subdivided transversally into the Esfahan–Sirjan Block with typical Central Iranian stratigraphic features and the Shahrekord–Dehsard Terrane consisting of Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic metamorphic rocks. The Main Deep Fault (Abadeh Fault) is a major lithospheric fault separating the two parts. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the role of the southeastern Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone in the tectonic evolution of the southeastern Zagros Orogenic Belt on the basis of geological evidence. The new model implies that Neo‐Tethys 1 came into being when the Central Iran Microcontinent split from the northeastern margin of Gondwana during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian. During the Late Triassic a new spreading ridge, Neo‐Tethys 2, was created to separate the Shahrekord–Dehsard Terrane from Afro–Arabian Plate. The Zagros sedimentary basin was formed on a continental passive margin, southwest of Neo‐Tethys 2. The two ophiolitic belts of Naien–Shahrebabak–Baft and Neyriz were developed to the northeast of Neo‐Tethys 1 and southwest of Neo‐Tethys 2 respectively, related to the sinking of the lithosphere of the Neo‐Tethys 1 in the Late Cretaceous. It can be concluded that deposition of the Paleocene conglomerate on the Central Iran Microcontinent and Pliocene conglomerate in the Zagros Sedimentary Basin is directly linked to the uplift generated by collision.  相似文献   
刘建辉  刘福来  丁正江  刘平华  王舫 《岩石学报》2015,31(10):2942-2958
早前寒武纪重大岩浆事件是早期陆壳增生及演化的主要地质作用。本文通过系统总结最近几年胶北地体早前寒武纪重大岩浆事件代表性岩石的岩相学、锆石U-Pb年代学、岩石地球化学及锆石Hf同位素研究的最新成果,厘定出太古宙~2.9Ga、2.7Ga及2.5Ga三期以TTGs岩浆事件为代表的陆壳增生事件。这些TTGs具有典型太古宙高铝TTGs的地球化学特征及正的εHf(t)值,锆石Hf模式年龄主要集中在ca.3.2~2.7Ga。两种不同的构造模式被用来理解胶北太古宙TTGs(陆壳)的成因:(1)加厚基性下地壳的部分熔融;(2)俯冲洋壳的部分熔融。根据胶北TTGs在时间上呈事件性侵位,空间上呈面状分布,以及相对较低的Mg#、Cr及Ni含量,前者可能更适合胶北TTGs的成因。确定了胶北古元古代2.2~2.0Ga黑云母/角闪石二长花岗片麻岩及~1.8Ga以二长(正长)花岗岩为代表的多期陆壳重熔事件。综合这些研究结果,初步总结出胶北早前寒武纪陆壳形成及演化历史:1)2.9Ga,主要为基性地壳(洋壳)的增生,并可能存在规模有限的、被剥蚀殆尽的太古宙早期陆壳;2)在~2.9Ga、~2.7Ga及~2.5Ga,由于地幔(热)柱上涌,ca.3.3~2.7Ga新生的加厚基性玄武质下地壳发生事件性部分熔融,并伴随有早期陆壳的重熔,形成主要由TTGs及少量陆壳重熔型(高钾)花岗岩组成的太古宙陆壳;3)ca.2.2~2.0Ga,可能由于地幔物质上涌,陆壳伸展,形成裂谷,陆壳物质重熔,形成ca.2.2~2.0Ga花岗质岩石;4)ca.1.95~1.85Ga,发生强烈的挤压碰撞构造作用,裂谷闭合,卷入挤压作用的物质发生高角闪岩相到高压麻粒岩相变质;5)~1.8Ga,地幔物质上涌,陆壳伸展减薄,陆壳物质重熔,形成~1.8Ga花岗岩。  相似文献   
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