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在进行天文观测时,天气因素的影响是很大的,为适应天文观测技术发展的要求,在2.4m镜附近需要建立一个网络气象站,一方面可以对天气状况实时监测,另一方面其他设备可以从网上查询并使用这些数据,以满足2.4m望远镜必须要有气象状况输入才能正常地在RoboticMode下工作的要求。文中介绍了1 wirenet气象站的原理以及软硬件设计。  相似文献   
“Water and related chemistry in the Solar System” is a Herschel Space Observatory Guaranteed-Time Key Programme. This project, approved by the European Space Agency, aims at determining the distribution, the evolution and the origin of water in Mars, the outer planets, Titan, Enceladus and the comets. It addresses the broad topic of water and its isotopologues in planetary and cometary atmospheres. The nature of cometary activity and the thermodynamics of cometary comae will be investigated by studying water excitation in a sample of comets. The D/H ratio, the key parameter for constraining the origin and evolution of Solar System species, will be measured for the first time in a Jupiter-family comet. A comparison with existing and new measurements of D/H in Oort-cloud comets will constrain the composition of pre-solar cometary grains and possibly the dynamics of the protosolar nebula. New measurements of D/H in giant planets, similarly constraining the composition of proto-planetary ices, will be obtained. The D/H and other isotopic ratios, diagnostic of Mars’ atmosphere evolution, will be accurately measured in H2O and CO. The role of water vapor in Mars’ atmospheric chemistry will be studied by monitoring vertical profiles of H2O and HDO and by searching for several other species (and CO and H2O isotopes). A detailed study of the source of water in the upper atmosphere of the Giant Planets and Titan will be performed. By monitoring the water abundance, vertical profile, and input fluxes in the various objects, and when possible with the help of mapping observations, we will discriminate between the possible sources of water in the outer planets (interplanetary dust particles, cometary impacts, and local sources). In addition to these inter-connected objectives, serendipitous searches will enhance our knowledge of the composition of planetary and cometary atmospheres.  相似文献   
林伟  陈杏  叶繁英 《华南地震》2003,23(1):74-81
展望了将高新技术用于地震观测的前景,利用高新技术改善地震监测预报条件,扩大观测范围和增强综合分析能力,建立新型的三维观测系统,开展“空中、地表、深部”的观测研究;建立动态的数字地球模型,开辟研究地震的新领域,将使准确预报地震成为可能。  相似文献   
美国MARS海底观测网络中国节点试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
MARS海底观测网络是国际深海海底观测网络组网设备的主要试验场所。2011年4月21日,由接驳盒子系统、海底化学环境监测子系统和海底动力环境监测子系统等海底观测网络组网设备组成的中国节点与美国MARS海底观测网络主节点成功接并,检测和考验了我国深海海底观测网络组网关键设备的主要性能,中国成为第三个在MARS网上进行大规...  相似文献   
Virtual observatories have been introduced by the astrophysics community as an environment connecting distributed data sources with a unified interface. The heliophysics community soon recognized that they faced a similar problem of many distributed data sets with varying amount of information about them and several discipline specific virtual observatories have been established. Two of them, the virtual heliospheric observatory (VHO) and the virtual magnetospheric observatory (VMO), share a common architecture design with development efforts oriented towards a structured data search. This paper describes the VHO/VMO middleware and its components from metadata preparation and processing to the user interface.  相似文献   
利用数据库等计算机技术,以南宁市12个自动站原始观测要素为数据来源,建立南宁市中尺度自动站网数据库,并为预报人员提供基于网页浏览和Micaps平台调用的客户端应用。  相似文献   
本文利用2003年-2015年观象台的酸雨观测资料,统计分析了北京市观象台酸雨分布特征及长期变化趋势。结论如下,北京市观象台降水年均pH值的变化范围为4.34~5.87,北京市观象台酸雨变化分为三个阶段:2003~2005年年均pH值较高,2006年是转折点,年均pH值比2005年下降0.42, 2007~2010年的年均pH值均低于4.5,在此期间北京地区已成为重酸雨污染区,2011~2015年pH值呈现较稳定的上升趋势。由于北京地区夏、秋季节温度及湿度均较高,加快了酸雨前体物的转换速率,而冬、春季节干旱少雨,大气中沙尘和颗粒较多,对酸性降水有缓冲作用,所以酸雨发生频率在夏季、秋季明显高于春季、冬季。降水的年均电导率的变化范围为48.8~99.5μs/cm,年际变化规律不明显,但电导率与降水量存在相关性,总降水量较小的年份,年均电导率偏高;总降水量较大的年份,年均电导率偏低。  相似文献   
1873年7月,法国传教士在上海徐家汇建成一座天文台。1904年1月22日,天文台开始地震观测,接着又陆续编辑出版地震观测报告、地震观测年报、地震记录等专集刊物。华人神父黄伯禄时任江南教区主教秘书,他应天文台测震主管之请,于1906—1909年间,编成中文《地震稿》8册;后又将其翻译成法文《中国重大地震目录》两卷,第1卷于1909年11月出版,第2卷于1913年10月出版,出版者同为徐家汇土山湾印书馆。这是中国学者编辑的第一部地理地震专著,第1卷列出了19个省所辖府、州、厅、县的地震年表;第2卷列出了按公历日期顺序编排的全国地震年表,并附有一幅全国地震城市分布图和139幅受震地点分布图以及一篇研究中国地震活动周期的学术论文。《中国重大地震目录》对翁文灏博士的地震研究多有启发,后来翁博士又选派李善邦到徐家汇天文台学习测震技术,李善邦学成归来,主持了北平鹫峰地震台。称上海徐家汇为中国近代地震科学的发源地,名正言顺,名副其实。  相似文献   
《Experimental Astronomy》2009,23(1):221-244
Millimetron is a Russian-led 12 m diameter submillimeter and far-infrared space observatory which is included in the Space Plan of the Russian Federation for launch around 2017. With its large collecting area and state-of-the-art receivers, it will enable unique science and allow at least one order of magnitude improvement with respect to the Herschel Space Observatory. Millimetron will be operated in two basic observing modes: as a single-dish observatory, and as an element of a ground-space very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) system. As single-dish, angular resolutions on the order of 3 to 12 arc sec will be achieved and spectral resolutions of up to a million employing heterodyne techniques. As VLBI antenna, the chosen elliptical orbit will provide extremely large VLBI baselines (beyond 300,000 km) resulting in micro-arc second angular resolution.  相似文献   
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